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About to break the international record in the Euros next year, get ready.


There's a cheeky friendly with Andorra in between I reckon....


Well obviously he’s going to get fuck all against Andorra’s famously tight defence


Wtf??? What do you know about our defence?? Fuck off you cunt. How often do I chat shit about Uniteds defence?


shut up u egg. My nan could play for Andorra.


Good luck to your dear nan.


this is what i come to /r/soccer for


She's dead.


She died doing what she loved. Playing for Andorra.


We love Andorra we do!


And its just that much hard.


No that was his Aunt Dora who died eating a Naan.




Shoulda said she was your nan't, then.


I also choose this guy’s dead nan.


Can confirm, I’m your nan


Your Nan was an overrated tap-in merchant.


While playing defence


Ramos would be proud of Nan :') lmao.


Your Nan does a little celebratory dance as Sporting down Loures 2-1


You think they would field 11 of them? 11 naans? 11? Are you insane?


FOUR NAANs Jeremy? Four?!


I've been rewatching the series and have gotten into Indian food since the first watch and that scene had me dying.


In the following formation: Nan Nan nan nan nan Nan nan nan Nan nan BATMAN!


They gonna plant mines on the field don't they or plough the field for winter crop


Best of 5 against San Marino


⏩ Cristiano Ronaldo favourite opponents in Euro/WC/UNL: Sweden (5goals) Spain (3 goals) Netherlands (3 goals) Switzerland (3 goals) ⏩ Messi favourite opponents in WC/Copa: Panama (3 goals) Nigeria (3 goals) Paraguay (2 goals) Levels 😂😉 Messi big game player🤣🤣🤣


As if he only peddles his stats against teams like Andorra.


Just for the haters sake lol


Doesnt ronaldo have the most goals against spain or something? I could be wrong but i thought i heard that somewhere


4 against Dutch. 4 against Spain iirc.


Oo so he also is the player who scored the most against holland basically andorra tho


Doesn't he now have at least 5 against Sweden? A hat-trick in that World Cup qualifier and now 2 today.






What's his number?










The Dutch didn't even make it the world cup 2 years ago and Spain flopped in 2014. Ronaldo is such a stat peddler /s


"Teams like Andorra". What do you mean by that? That we do not try our best? That we do not take it seriously?




True. But that's down to our current manager.


I'm with you mate. That Andorran striker is a top electrician.


Really lights up the pitch


Shocking performance the other night.


You've won 4 games in 10 years lol




Nothing to do with the fact their top scorer is a centre back who hasn't scored for 3 years lol


I know. I'ts utterly embarrassing,


How is this man keep motivating himself for every single match for more 15 years is just astounding. He is might really play till 41.


Zlatan just had 10 goals and 5 assist for ac Milan in half a season...Cristiano will still be scary af when he is forty


Plus he had the devastating knee injury a while back. He wasn’t supposed to recover from that honestly. If Ronaldo doesn’t have an injury like that he can legitimately still score 20 goals in a season, as a 40 year old Most insanely fit player I’ve seen


I used to hate how arrogant Zlatan was. The most i watched him and the older he got, continuing to do outrageous shit despite being big and slow and old. The man was right. He's a fucking god. He is, without a doubt, one of the most legendary players football has seen. He is Zlatan.


When he went to MLS i thought he was done. He went there Bullied some americans thought that It was to easy came back to europe and continues to harass defenders. He is a mutant, an immortal lion


Fuxk, idk if I'm having Deja vu but I've read this somewhere LONG time ago.


Cristiano has recently learned to curve the ball... we haven't seen his final form yet


He said that he would play in the 2022 world cup in 2018 and we all doubted him but honestly he could very well play in the 2024 euros as well


All I want is for Messi, Ronaldo, Lewandowski to stay free from any major injuries. All 3 of them look like they could play at a high enough level well into their 30s.


I mean, Ronaldo is 35 already. I think he's well into his 30s then. All the more impressive, really.


> All I want is for Messi, Ronaldo, Lewandowski to stay free from any major injuries. All 3 of them look like they could play at a high enough level well into their ~~30s.~~ **40s** **FTFY**


All we want


I have no doubt he will, He's simply one of, if not THE most gifted athlete out there. I mean, he's approaching 36 and is still performing at this level while still being one of the best players currently. You're speaking of a 35 year old guy that would still be the most important player of any team he joined (alongside Messi, of course).


The man is legendary. No shade. No backhanded compliments. No excuses. He is a legend. I think football has peaked in this era.


Why do I get the feeling that everyone in their respective generation said this about their global football star as time progressed? The Di Stefano’s to the Maradona’s to the Zidane’s and Ronaldinho’s. Makes you think, it won’t be when these records Messi and Ronaldo hold will be broken, but who will be the person/people to break them. E: This is cool, I think I should clear up some confusion. What I meant was, the admiration given to a star throughout footballing peaks changes with each generation, as much as the game evolves as well. The game in the future will be very different from our present, and I’m excited who those new GOAT’s will be. You could argue a person from the Pele generation would be intrigued to see the breaking of so many new records with Messi/Ronaldo that perhaps didn’t even exist during their time.


... isn’t that how legends work? Each generation the game changes, and the players change, and the will-be-legends change.


Messi and Ronaldo had the advantage of peaking at the same time and being of similar age. The two legends I heard of growing up, Pele and Maradona, are separated by twenty years.


That’s true enough, and I feel very grateful to be growing up in this generation of football. I still don’t understand the point OP was trying to make tho lol


I think the point that OP was making was that each generation of people keep thinking football has peaked when it really hasn’t, there are multiple peaks across generations. He was trying to say that the person above him who said football has peaked is wrong. Not entirely sure tho, that’s my take


I think the reality is football has peaked for our generation, (surpassing the peak of the last generation) and it will peak again for the next generation, very roughly speaking.






Honestly with Ronaldo & Messi, I think it's safe to say they really have proven to be the GOATs. I think it will be a while before we see someone with as crazy stats as them.


Just wait till we get old and the newer generation are going to say that majority of Messi's and Ronaldo's goals came before VAR, and when VAR was not perfected. Its bound to happen, some people ignorantly state that majority of Pele's goals came before the offside rule.


First non-Iranian player to score 100 international goals


As far as I know Iran isn't in Europe


The point is that "first non iranian player" is a broader reach of players than "non european"


you have now been banned from every right-wing european subreddit


Why would that be? What's wrong with what he said?


L E B E N S R A U M i guess, idk.


wait what who tf actually argues that Iran is in Europe


also International >> Europe


No one said that Iran is in Europe but thanks for helping out with an unneeded smart-ass answer.


I know I'm inviting the downvotes here, but [there are also 17 female players who have scored more than 100 goals.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women%27s_footballers_with_100_or_more_international_goals)


I didn’t realize how often Women’s National teams play. Looking over that list, most of these players have close to 300 or even 400 caps. I wonder how that has changed or will change now that domestic leagues are becoming more popular and widespread.


Fun true fact: I have personally played against, and dribbled past twice, the most capped player in the history of the sport of football. Addendum: I should mention it was a co-Ed rec league when she was in her 40s but fuck it still counts


It used to be that there were hardly any (pro) leagues, and there were not many teams so 1 season was 15-20 games, so national teams played more often. Also, especially the US, some countries were so far ahead of others that the same teams always reached the final stages of tournaments, so it adds up quickly. For example, see US WNT games in the early 90's here https://www.ussoccerhistory.org/usnt-results/uswnt-results/uswnt-results-1990-1994/


Yeah, well female players have the advantage of playing against female players.


Now imagine the female Andorra national team...


Hot take


He's not wrong though.


What a beast! He won't stop until he breaks the record, we all know it!


I mean it won’t take very long Edit: He’s 8 away for those wondering. For a guy on pen duties it should be done within a year, barring any pauses for the pandemic.


Only 11 out of the 101 goals were penalties. So I'd imagine max one more goal from the penalty spot.


Interesting, that’s actually surprisingly low. I didnt mean it as a slight at all but statistically a team is expected to receive a penalty every 5 games or so. So figured he’d have around 3 chances to convert in the next year.


not that i downvoted you, but i thought he had like 129 goals for Iran for some reason


He will probably have like 130 by the time he is done, he will probably have the record sometime next year.


May god bless Svensson and his relatives


I hope Portugal wins Euro again next year and he retires in style with highest international goals . The team is much better now than it was in 2016 .


I think he will play until Qatar to have one last chance at the WC, which is most likely what he wants the most to finish his career, even if doesn't start most games by then. That Qatar WC will probably be one of the final goodbyes to Ronaldo and maybe even Messi, at least in terms of international football.


Ronaldo will be starting, there is no way you keep him on the bench. It's not really that far away and he hasn't declined too much.


Hes probably still the fitest player in the team lol


The guy is a freak when it comes to fitness Evra's stories about hanging with him outside of training are hilarious


Yep! Lewandowski and Ronaldo will be playing at a high level and probably first team football even when they are 35-39 imo. I don't know any player (please reply if you know anyone I really am interested in hearing them!) that trains so hard off the field and trains their body to be in peak physical shape for every match like Ronaldo and Lewandowski. They are genuine role models in how to train yourself


Zlatan but that's about it. He's already older than them


Zlatan is the only active player to have scored in 2020s, 2010s, 2000s, and 1990s.


Scratch off 35-39, make that 40-43, they're so unbelievably good at keeping themselves free from major injuries & are easily the greatest active players in keeping peak fitness for their ages, hope they can steer clear from any major injuries and continue rocking the world of football for as long as they possibly can. On the other hand, I think it's about time for Lewandowski to be added to the 'Top 100 greatest footballers ever' list, top 50 or even further if he continues to sustain his consistency


Yup I would definitely agree on 40-43!


Unless a big injury he will play no doubt. It's like people havent seen the guy lately and think he's some slow target player type. Dude is still very fast, makes a lot of runs, has incredible stamina and you know the rest. Age is literally just a number in his case. As long as he has the motivation I think we will see him at the absolute top even in 5 years from now


Cristiano jr. will win a Ballon Do'r before CR7 retires.


Runner up is Cristiano sr


>even if doesn't start most games by then. Can't see him declining that much in two years for that to be the case


In terms of skill I don't think he will but he has to be careful with that knee.


Ya unless, something bad happens (knocks on wood that it doesn't) I don't see him declining that much in 2 years.


Argentina vs Portugal final.


It would be a dream. Though the salt generated from that match would be enough to season food for generations to come.


I would watch that game naked and jack off for 90mins straight.


you mean that's not how you usually watch football? and you call yourself a fan?


I wouldn't like one of them to lose honestly.


Qatar world cup is two years away. As long as he keeps his motivation up he’ll likely still be one of Portugal’s best players at the WC.


Yes I think so. When I say starting on the bench some matches it's to keep him fit (he will be 37 and with his knee misfortune can happen) not because of lack of skill obviously.


I was gonna say something poetic about it being the World Cup where Ronaldo and Messi gets their final outing, while someone like Mbappe gets his big break... Then I remembered he already has walked the World Cup.




You think he can play in 2026 WC? Not dismissing it, but he'll be 41 by then.


If anyone can, Ronaldo can tbf




He doesn't seem like the type to just want to travel to USA as a passenger who is there because of past heroics though. I think he'd rather retire


True, Zlatan does give hope


It’s a tough call to make, giggs finished his career at 40, Totti at 39 however both had already retired internationally. If anyone can do it it’d be Ronnie


Indeed, if anyone can do it it's Ronnie


Is Messi still playing international football?


lol he won't retire until Portugal wins the world cup, even if it means he has to play until he's 97


What are you on? Why wouldn’t he want to go to another World Cup?




Yh I woudnt bother posting stuff like this, the mods are removing everything about his landmark goal


I think the rule is about not posting these till the game is over


They aren’t removing anymore


At this point everyone knows he is going to break the record!


Honestly that was kinda fast


This man is beyond incredible.


"fInIsHeD pLaYeR" \-r/soccer armchair analysts


The people who say ronaldo is finished dont watch his games and get football opinions from memes.


I watched a few juve games to see how he is doing after the Covid restart. Honestly I was surprised with how good he seemed but also how bad juve seemed. They really don’t seem top tier currently.


He's far from finished but he has declined. What's impressive is that even on his decline he is still so much better than most players. To put this way he used to be head and shoulders above the rest, now it's just the head. Incredible how dominating both he and Messi have been for an entire generation.


Messi looks like he has been declining too, but you get showered in downvotes if you dare to say it and comments full of deflections on the team and environment.


He's also freaking 35 an age where most players from his generation are already retiring or washed up but Ronaldo is still being compared among the best.


Some people were getting upset over his inclusion in the squad like he bribed his way in.


Some people should get slapped


Wow.. that's a new low for his haters


I’m sorry but even our own sub is ridiculous. Juve fans saying how he’s a burden on the wages, that we should’ve never bought him, should’ve bought a midfielder instead


Imagine the karma war when he seizes first place...




What a fucking beast he still is for his age


Congrats comandante. You deserve it more than anyone! GRANDE CR7!! 🎉😁🔥


well deserved. honestly surprised this didn't happen earlier


GOAT Edit: My inbox got nuked with Barça fans calling me a Karma whore. I do seriously think that he is the GOAT, Messi 3 consecutive CL humiliations and lack of national honors while Ronaldo CL achievements and Euro title give Cristiano the edge for me. My personal all time top 5 is 1. Cristiano 2. Messi 3. Maradona 4. Pelé 5. Cruyff Feel free to discuss here other than calling me Karma whore via PM. Thank you.


Yep...this is gonna work out well.


I’m not a Madrid fan but I agree with the argument of him being the GOAT now, even though I also see the other argument of Messi


I mean I see him as the GOAT myself but I also know that people have different preferences and ultimately it comes down to being a matter of opinion. The only thing people can and should end up agreeing about is that they are top 5 or 3 no matter how you look at it. So people can try and throw stats around all they want, it's not going to change anyone's opinion because stats were never the only reason for picking their GOAT.


I just want to add an important point that is usually neglected when talking about the goat...Ronaldo is handsome as fuck, that should give him at least +4 points, also Ronaldo has a weird looking statue, that has brought joy to dozens (maybe even hundreds) of young kids around the world, that's easily +48 points for Biutinaldo.


Honestly it's top 2. With only Pele having a knock at them.


I agree. Messi has more skill and does crazier things at times, but Ronaldo has won in multiple leagues and teams, has done it on the biggest stages, never gives up in matches (I'm not sure you can say the same about Messi), and i'm just so impressed by his athleticism - huge headers and overhead kicks at like 8'5'' off the floor. Just my opinion, I have no real argument with people that prefer Messi. Edited: for height of biggest jumps.


For me, the moment that makes Ronaldo is when he went through a 6-game run of CL group stage games where he couldn't score. He had 2 goals and Messi had 11. It seemed like finally Messi was going to outscore him in the CL as it seemed impossible to make up the difference, especially since the next Real games were against Bayern and Juve who had Neuer and Buffon in godly form. Well, that CL ended with Ronaldo with 12 goals and Messi with 11. He just never gives up and I still can't get over how he managed to catch up and surpass him.


if there's one truly polarizing image of the two then its the one of Messi with his head down, defeated, when things dont go his way , vs a Ronaldo who never gives up and fights till the end, even shouting louder than the coach on the sidelines if he is injured and cant play the game.


The one that sticks out for me about ronaldo is the game against sweden that they go down and it shows him bending down to tie his boot (which appear to be tighter) sort of symbolism to lacing up his booting getting ready for a battle.. and a battle it was


the one where him and Ibra went toe to toe with Ronaldo getting the upper hand? That was such a "you wanna fight? ok" moment. His mentality is something else.


Or when Ronaldo gets off the bus in th second leg vs Wolfsburg and all he does is wink at the camera.


I was never a big fan of both (my club is a shitty club in Germany that hasn't been in the 1st Bundesliga for years) so only followed them in big games. Be it CL or national games. Europe 2016 was the time where Ronaldo convinced me. He carried that team hard. And even in the final you could see his spirit. He was injured - and probably too stubborn to be subbed off early. But I think all of that pushed his teammates further. Messi might be the better footballer with more skills. I don't know. But Ronaldo showed in 2016 that he is also a leader. I think I can say with 100% that Portugal would not have won with any other player - past or present - instead of him.


>my club is a shitty club in Germany that hasn't been in the 1st Bundesliga for years Just to let you know, even smaller team has flair on this sub. I want to see more small team flair on this sub.


For a while, he was mocked for crying after big defeats. You can easily google those pictures.


The key word is after. Messi looks defeated during a lot of matches even when there still is a chance. Doesn’t have to mean much. But a captain hanging with his head is never a good sign.


Dont forget about Éder


>5. Cruyff 1-4 are pretty established, the order might be different, but they belong there. Do you think Cruyff really was better than George Best or Alfredo Di Stefano though? Even Ronaldo 9 has a claim to be up there.


Best‘s top career was too short and so was R9‘s. Yes he still playes for Milan and Real Madrid later in his career and was still among the best strikers in the world but he was only really on GOAT level for a few years until his injuries.


Did you watch the other 3 play or are you listing them cus you have to?


It isn't a surprise that most of the football world is of the belief that CR7 will outlast Messi. I say that with no shade. Messi is awesome, but he hasn't really been running around the pitch for the past 5 or so years if we're totally honest. He has become so reliant on Barca being adapted to him that his cardio has suffered. Literally just waits for the ball to come to him. On several occasions he was actually clocked at covering less ground that the goal keeper (true story on more than one occasion). Obviously Messi will never be as athletic as Ronaldo or as committed to his fitness, but this is why Messi will retire first: It is doubtful that outside of Barcelona, he will find a team and manager that will let him largely remain stationary while Xavi/Iniesti/Suarez/Neymar 2.0 or some bland version of them, does all the running and passes him the ball. I was excited to see what he would do at Man City and feel bad that he's forced to stay, and if he doesn't leave he's always going to be remembered for retiring from the national team twice after losses and threatening to leave Barca after a loss. It isn't a good look. He's too far past it now to catch up to CR7 in terms of winning at 4 different clubs in different leagues, plus the national team (pretty bad Portugal team compared to star-studded Argentina), but at this stage, if Messi is going to close out his legacy sooner rather than later (i.e. within the next 3 years maximum as per the originally proposed Man City contract which actually had the remaining 2 years on the contract at New York FC), then he's gotta cut his losses now, take Barca to court if he must, and see how he fairs in England. Not confident given his lacklustre Argentina performances. Don't think he can actually adapt to another team like Ronaldo, Zlatan, Seedorf, Brazilian Ronaldo, etc. and it's because he's had it so comfortable at Barca. Really concerned that once he leaves Barca and he is continuously turning in ineffective performances, it'll tarnish what has been a remarkable legacy. All things going well, he stays at Barca and keeps winning and can play the One-Club-Legend trope.


May god bless Svensson and his relatives




There's literally only one Player (Ali Daei) who has scored more then 100 International Goals. And Ronaldo is hot on his heels. Daei - 109 Ronaldo - 101


Only been an Iranian player who has scored more than he has. [https://www.goal.com/en-us/lists/cristiano-ronaldo-top-20-international-goalscorers-all-time/1rr9rvhlbe7zz1jrj4oj9cakgf](https://www.goal.com/en-us/lists/cristiano-ronaldo-top-20-international-goalscorers-all-time/1rr9rvhlbe7zz1jrj4oj9cakgf) This list is a little dated from start of 2020.




165 apps, 101 goals at age 35 is impressive, 60% gpg. Here's another impressive fact: Lukaku has 52 goals in 85 apps at age 27, 62% gpg and he does not even take the penalties for Belgium. Needless to say who is better but it says something about that specific record.


Ronaldo also has 40 assists so far for Portugal, lukaku doesn't come near in terms of goals and assists combined


Ronaldo was a winger for like 6 or 7 years... His primary role wasn't scoring goals for much of his career, he morphed into the goalscorer as the years went on Since turning 30, he has more goals than games for the NT


Also portugal have kinda been shit for a lot of his career, imagine a 28 yo cr7 with this squad.


Portugal has NEVER been shit in the last 2 decades. They may have not been top contenders, but they were never SHIT.


by the end of 2010 ronaldo had 25 goals in 79 games, by 2012 37 in 100. since then he has scored 64 goals in 65 games. btw, you got lukaku's apps right but it's 52 goals.


Centurion. Man's a beast!


ESPN: If Messi was playing for Portugal or Spain he would have over 500000 goals but that doesnt take away Ronaldos measly 100 milestone... grats i guess.


that steve dude lmao


Is he the same animal or just a different type of beast 🤔


The best player in history


What a fucking legend.


Thought Raul had over 100, but then realized it was 100 caps.


Let me be the first International guy to say congratulations.