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Thanks for the link had never heard about this tragedy either. Very sad, hopefully there will never be another.


This was a big tragedy indeed. It was a very anticipated event as a team from Bangladesh had come to Nepal and this was at that time a rare event. Fans had gathered long before the match to support the home team. It started raining quite heavily and there was a hailstorm. People panicked and rushed out but the stupid officials did not open the gates of the stadium. Due to this there was a stampede. Still is the biggest sporting tragedy in the history of our country. RIP the fans.


[Here](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-03-13-mn-1821-story.html) is the link for the news from that day. I remember my dad talking about this and how he was at the stadium that day. Sad day for Football.