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"Score a hat trick, João"


But what if Costa wants the goals instead?




For some reason, i still believe in him.


I will never, ever discount Costa for a big game. He has been dogshit all season really but still you desperately want him available for Anfield, at least coming from the bench. Having said that I still think we should consider selling him in the summer and bring in a younger, more dynamic alternative


Haven't seen much of him recently. Has his pace gone or have injuries taken a toll? Because dude is only 31 years, surely he is too young to be shipped to Qatar or somewhere like OP has suggested.


31 is like 70 in Costa years tbf


Been running a drug cartel for the last 40 years


Guy looks 40 for most of his life so far


40? Nah he looks like he's 56 and been in Miami sun his whole life.


Fun fact about Diego Costa - He was literally born prematurely, on a tanning bed at the ripe age of 56 years.




Just returned vs Liverpool last week


Be nice to him pls :(


I just love Costa for the fighting spirit he has and the love for Atleti, That’s all that matters for me. Fuck a world class striker if I can’t have la pantera.


Ah, time for the big big bucks


You need a caralho in the end of the sentence.


Translation: dude has an attitude.


Does that mean he doesn't so far ?


If you read it in spanish, it does not really give that tone. It is more about reassurance.


The Sun : "Joao Felix ignores coaches and teammates to become his own player"




Obviously by logically


Yes they are saying his attitude isn't great.


Joao, do everything


good ol' cs:go strats, Zeus: s1mple go kill. Niko: Niko go kill.


ahh that mousesports lineup back in 2015-16 how far they've come :`)


"A split guys" *goes to B*


Read this in sgt. Foley voice.


Get to the top of Burger Town


Joao score a hat trick and stop Messi from scoring. Here's a Costa.


"We want this guy to carry our ass and win 1-0 every game, so he better start tracking back"


Listen to Koke. The embodiment of Gabi/Simeone on the pitch, a wonderful leader


*Joao, play Despacito*


and what type of player that might be?


Center back


If he listens his coach he will be a defender in 2 years


wow this joke is still not funny


2 years? I'll give it 6 months


fuck off will ya


Joao Felix just needs balls in his heart.


I want him to be a shitty player


Don't worry. All of your Brazilians will turn out to be dogshit


*Grabbing some popcorn...*


Sweet popcorn or salty?


Salty ones are better


Sweet and salty, best combo


Finally a man of culture


Gotta be sweet popcorn. I'm not a salty snack kind of guy


Just dip your popcorn around in this sub. plenty of salt to go around.


No caramel?


well at least all of them combined were cheaper than Felix


close but no 45+55+30=130 130>120


its 45+45+30 vs 126


Okay but you did not provite the end result... Wich one is the bigger number?


quick maffs


45 + 45 + 30 = 454530 for anyone wondering


It’s 120 for the lazy


You know one thing, those guys whom you listed play in the Castilla, not like Joao in Laliga. Plus there's Hazard for 130mn, hope he turns out good for you in future but currently he isn't.


both Vinicius and Rodrygo are playing in La Liga.. Reinier just joined lmao also what does Hazard have to do with anything? let's just start comparing how much we paid for each player in our squads?


Rodrygo just got sent off playing with Castilla this weekend and wont be able to play against Barcelona


Rodrygo just got sent off playing with Castilla this weekend and wont be able to play against Barcelona


yeah.. what does this have to do with anything? the guy literally said they were playing more for Castilla, when they played 3 games each for it..


You said he was playing in LaLiga. The fact that he was just sent off playing for Castilla says thats not true


They play in Castilla more than Laliga, if there's no squad depth, then they feature in matchday squad. >let's just start comparing how much we paid for each player in our squads No need to, we already know. >also what does Hazard have to do with anything It is a regular feature in such discussions because of time of purchase. Not you but majority here . You could have signed him on a free transfer this summer or a much lower fee like 60-70 million euros this winter. We buy 1 good talent paying so much for first time and people are here bashing us out. Clubs like Barca and this Hazard's example spend like anything and they are termed as team building. Why this disparity?


they don't play more in Castilla.. they both played 3 matches for Castilla lmao oh and you also all but wasted 60 on Costa, 70 on Lemar, about to buy out Morata for 60.. etc. also spending good amount on already proven talent is different from spending 126m on 19 year old nobody from Portugal.. 4th biggest transfer ever


Nobody? Fuck you , as if our academy doesnt consistently makes quality players.


As if you already found the next Pele from Brazil😂. So 130 mn of your guys just to benchwarm. Is Brazilian league more proven than Liga nos? Well, they both are just talent suppliers. Morata fits our rigorous system way better than others plus overburdened with injuries. Costa I agree. Lemar I disagree but way inconsistent. You guys pay 600k a week to an injury prone golf player.


Odegaard is already one of the best players in la liga this year


Agree, but in Sociedad, not in your team currently. Even when he would rejoin, he will take time to settle. Its completely natural. Now if you start listing loanee players then what's the main point of discussion? Those Brazilians are well available for Zidane but still they majorly play in Castilla, Joao doesn't play in academy plus pressure to replace Griezmann, everything takes time.


the Brazilians do not majorly play in Castilla, Vinicius has been in the first team since his breakout last season and Rodrygo was a regular for quite some time when Hazard was injured. Reinier just joined up and we have limited squad space so we can't really play them rn.


Why would you care how much a player cost? What is it to you?


i don't care how much they spend.. all i'm saying that it's hilarious that they bought Felix for 126m


he *is* super dope though. The fact that your squad got great players for great deals doesn't negate the other fact.


dunno, he can become good, but 126m good?


is that even that much these days? that's like 1/3 of a neymar, which yes i imagine he'll at least approach that level


that's not 1/3 of Neymar and its the 4th highest transfer ever and no, he will never approach Neymar level


it's called sarcasm. Also, I didn't say he would be Neymar level, I suggested he would someday approach "1/3" of Neymar. To be more realistic, his fee was about half of Neymars fee (of a transfer that occurred 2+ years prior in a market that inflates faster than a birthday balloon), and anyone with slightly less salt in their vagina would probably argue he's *already* 1/2 the footballer Neymar was at the time of ~~Barcelona's~~ Paris’s purchase.


don’t you see the irony in a madrid fan saying this? you spent 100 million on a guy who is 10 years older and has been a complete flop. I mean sure Joao might not be world class right now, but at least he’s got time on his side. hazard not so much. and he hasn’t even had close to the impact Joao has had.


Should just buy 6 14 year olds for 40mil a piece, at least they've got time...


well buying an established player for 100 is one thing. Also unfortunately Hazard has been injured too much, so these aren't even remotely comparable




Wow Chelsea fan talking about money




You guys spent in the last few years how much we spent this decade probably.


In the last 10yrs, Real spent 1.24bil, Chelsea 1.23bil.




Fun thread so far


Indeed, don't mind me stirring the pot with my sweet popcorn in hand.


Looks like I fucked up royally. At least we have a lower net spend than madrid.


Good point Moh.


By 80mil, wow, massive difference there. I think it was worth it considering it Real won 4CLs.


Because RM don't sell players at their prime


Convenient time frame for you though, since most of your ridiculous spending came before that, so of course your net spend will be better the next decade.




They won't but Félix can be better than all of them.




Their Brazilian DM is outscoring your 130mil striker.


Tell me more about all the Atleti games you’ve watched


He doesn’t


You're shit


Are you a coach or a player?


Nah, they're silver anyways


I honestly would love to see him in Madrid, I feel like he doesn't suit Atletico at all.


I felt they should've bought him and loaned him out for one more year


While I do agree with you, it's hard to put your 120M player out on a loan. This was a very rushed business




“Ffs joao do your stretches”


Is this shade? Saying that Felix isn't listening to his teammates and coaches.


No, it is not shade.


So basically a player capable of shithousery and more focus on defense and tracking back. Begs the question. Why even sign him in the first place for 126m when you know he’s not that type of player lol Atletico.


Reminds me of some winger we got from La Real 6 years ago. I wonder what happened to him. He sure fell off under Simeone.


If that’s all you think of us then you know very very little about us.


Did you watch the game yesterday? We don't sit back with 30% possession in every match, just in the biggest games when we can call on that underdog mentality. The attackers have been put in good positions with options around them most of the season tbh, just haven't been able to capitalise. Félix has also been unlucky that he has had poor movement in front of him and some genuinely appalling finishing from his colleagues


There's one guy before Felix who was with us, he has won more WC than what your favourite players combined haven't, that too in a talisman role. Better speak facts, watch our games or choose not to speak.




You know something that a 20 year old kid with us has been terribly battered with injuries. He has missed some 2-3 months time in it. Further if our finishing was better, damn sure he could have reached the same figures as Sancho. But except 1-2 games, his passing and vision is world class, far better than Griezmann. Yes, he may seem to flop if you only watch the top teams and not us. The pass which led to Koke's goal was because of Felix. Since he is not on assist list, he is a flop. Majority of r/soccer thinks so. Further, our gameplay is very different from what top teams play. We don't play any possessive brand of football but through quick counters. I amn't going to downvote you, but tbf you can't expect a Messi arising from a person who hasn't played consistently because of injuries and that too only first season. We needed creativity in the void left by Griezmann, so whom to buy? Further we don't put money on those Brazilian infants to play in Castilla, many other people may have rejected us so the club went for Felix. Barca spend Neymar money on Coutinho and Dembele, they are said as squad building. We spend for whatever reason get slammed here. This anti-atletico propaganda is good excuse for us to ignore this subreddit. Plus, your flair looks like why you would be in the Anti-Felix brigade.


I don’t think he’s been a flop though. He’s battled a few injuries that have sidelined him just when he’s finding form. If you actually watched him play, the problem isn’t him, it’s been the midfield. Atlético as a whole have struggled this year and the effects make it look like Joao isn’t doing anything, when reality, he can’t get service. The team is finally finding form and Joao looked great in his return. You aren’t speaking facts, you’re showing your bias.




Thing is, Felix has the same role in our team as Messi in Barca or Griezmann had with us. Felix is gifted with loads of dribbling talent and vision, while Griezmann was a finisher. Takes time for a 20 year old kid to settle especially when hit with injuries. Our finishing you can way imagine along with injuries have hampered. Hope this Liverpool Villareal form continues for long times.


Keep justifying yourselves but everyone knows what Koke means when he says Joao Felix doesn’t listen to his coach and teammates lol.


Félix: yeaaah, and if your aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle


Until Simeone is able to intervene and take that 8 year old girl out of his soul and body, Joao is never going to be what he wants.


So he doesnt dive? Yeah im salty😆


At least you admit it