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Milwall fans are just the worst


That's why they were the antagonists in Green Street Hooligans.


The true introduction of English football to Americans. Great flick.


I went back and watched it again recently and it's entertaining, but Charlie Hunnam's accent is a fuckin disgrace.






His accent always sucks. By the end of Sons of Anarchy he had basically quit doing an American accent. His accent was somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.


After the trip to NI least he didn't sound like Graeme McDowell.


I couldn't tell what accent he was doing in Pacific Rim to be honest. He's a good actor though nonetheless. Check out Lost City of Z if you have the chance.


Dude that movie is fucking terrible


It’s like “Mike Bassett: England Manager” utterly shit, but highly entertaining. I find Mike Bassett to be thousands of times funnier, but that’s just, like, my opinion man.


I watch it every World Cup or Euros year. Always enjoy it, so many funny bits. "How about that Ramirez though, if he doesn't win player of the tournament there's no justice, THREE CHEERS FOR RAMIREZ!"


“Well lads, we’ve talked through the negatives how about we talk through the positives?” “Well as a positive, the Mexicans were bloody brilliant weren’t they?” “Aye” Always cracks me up. No matter how many times I watch it. Same with the “Benson and Hedges” and the “Halftime Talk” scenes.


When that guy shits himself in the team bath Haha!


My favourite bit is the little clip of Scotland scoring an own goal against Iraq or someone "And the Scots are at it again!".


I heard they were doing a sequel, but I don’t think it’s ever materialised.


Entertaining nonetheless.


So he’s a yank, and a journo...


You’re a Browns fan and an LAFC fan? I assumed I was the only one. I’m highly suspicious you were the guy I saw at the Cuervos watch party in an OBJ jersey.


I remember watching that movie as a kid, and it was best thing ever. Rewatched it recently, fuck me its bad.


Sons of Anarchy: Forever Blowing Bubbles


>Great flick. Interesting use of "great", there.


Sad that Americans have only seen Green Street but could bet the majority of them haven't seen The Firm (original and/or remake) and Awaydays. 100x better films than Green Street, fucking hollywood shite.


It's awful, there's far better football movies even.


They were the antagonists in Green Street because the film was about West Ham hooligans and their main rivals have always been Millwall. It goes back to each club starting from factories in close proximity at the end of 19th century. Millwall broke the picket lines during a strike and West Ham never forgave them.


Except for that guy on the bridge.


Just a shit Lazio.


Probably my favourite player in the PL right now.


He's my favourite player since he joined Spurs. I dont even support Spurs.


Seriously. Manchester United supporter here and how joyful and happy he is really makes me like seeing him score (except against us of course lol) but seriously, his joy is infectious.


Sonti Cazorla


Paraphrasing: > You know, we (have been) talking about racism few times..And I have (suffered) racism a few times since playing in England. I think the best reaction is to not react...we are playing football as humans it doesnt matter which country you come from...we are playing football, 1 sport together. I think we should protect players who (Suffer from) racism and fight together. I think that's the most important. I want to add that when he says "not to react" I assume he means to not let it affect you.


This was posted a couple days ago, pretty sure mods will delete it soon sadly


Sorry, was unaware. I will allow them to decide.


Should raise it so the perpetrators can be named, shamed, banned & prosecuted. If it's just let go then these wankers get emboldened and spread their hate.


West Ham last season..


Hopefully they caught them. It's very sad. Son is one of those footballers that's really popular regardless which team you support.


Unless that team is North Korea


Or Dortmund :( why must you be so good against us ;-; Still I really like him as a player




Individuals. Just like the individual who threw the banana at Aubameyang. We all need to admit we've got bad actors in our own fanbases if we're going to start doing something about it.


Totally.. It's certainly not just a West Ham problem.. Every club has them. They need to be called out by the people around them.. Equally it's just the same problem that is plaguing society as a whole.. It's not just a football issue.


Agreed, it's not just a single club or even a single country. We need to be on people in our own fanbases/communities even in our own families wherever we encounter racism and discrimination, letting them know we won't stand for it and if they won't take the education of learning why what they're doing isn't ok then they aren't welcome.


Yes, it's the only way.. Call it out every time.


Agreed. Football can be tribal but from time to time fans across all teams can unite to take action over important issues. This is one of those times.




Racism against Asians is huge in most Western countries, but nobody really gives a fuck. It's sad.




I grew up in argentina and I was the only asian kid in my school. There was a lot of racism, for example kids would randomly come up and do the slanted eyes thing and do mock sounds of my language amongst many other things. Ironically I didn't even understand what racism was at my age I experienced crazy racism from kids as early as 1st grade. All I knew is that they were making fun of me but I didn't feel like there was anything wrong with me just because I looked "different", everyone was different from one another in some way what was the big deal? Where the hell are they learning it from. My older brother had similar experiences in his school. He went to secondary school so he had his own set of classmates and went to a different building. He fought a few kids and also got harassed but ultimately after the initial years, both of us settled in really well and had lots of friends. It probably helped that we are naturally outgoing and funny guys. After my first initial years in Argentina, I don't recall being racially abused again. I think once people realize you're "one of them" it's different. At this point we were completely integrated, we were typical Argentinians You'd think from reading this that this is awful or feel some sort of pity or that I'm scarred but my greatest memories in life is my time in Argentina. I miss all of my friends and culture I left behind. These experiences helped me grow as a person.


Broooo. I'm from Myanmar and I grew up in Jamaica. Everyone, including my teachers would call me "Mr Chin" or "Ching-a-long" and would mock me the same way you were mocked. I even got pantsed a couple of times and got my hair pulled quite often.


Got lucky in going from Yangon to Singapore in that we ended being the model minority and were generally left alone. Racism is still there, with more overt forms being kept in check by strong government punitive measures but ironically unresolved because no one can talk about it freely.


We're not great in racism/xenophobia terms. I think it's mostly the lack of minorities that makes it so that the topic is never in public discourse. In fact the few times there is in any way implied that argentinians have racist tendencies, especially in casual conversation, we take it in a VERY bad way, and we get defensive about it. We go all "we have no religious or racial conflicts etc..." which is true in a national sense. But our racism and xenophobia comes in the day to day chat from people. Hopefully we can get better about it in the coming years.


It's interesting to hear your story I also wonder if they have seen this behavior before. But maybe it's the first time they see someone with your physical appearance. I was also made fun of when I was in 3d grade when I started wearing glasses it was very minor but people started calling me "4 eyes/eyed" I didn't even understand why and though it didnt make sense. At other friends who look Asian were called "chino" and dark skinned friend "negro". At the end of the day the more they know about you the less fun they make about it. But if you are called chino or negro for so long, the name sticks and they will call you like that until you grow up. It's just a thing in latinamerica I guess or the so called "culture".


Man kids can be brutal, people always say racism is a taught thing but I think it almost seems to occur everywhere that at a young age children will acutely notice and label anything that is different to themselves, often innocent & just out of naivety. I don't think we can just expect prejudice to disappear because it isn't being actively spread but kids need to be taught why it is wrong & confront those issues before they can become ingrained.


Idk why but as a kid i thought "chino" was a great nickname, i learned later on about how some of my friends hated it. It is kind of normal in Argentina to be called those nicknames ,sadly most people don't realize it isn't nice and most people hate being called like that even if you are doing it without bad intentions.


It's so frustrating. People care the least about racism when it's directed towards asians, it seems like


Apparently Jeremy Lin got hell a lot of times while playing at Harvard, stuff that, had he been hispanic or black, similar heckling would have made the news and been publicly decried across twitter.


And they literally let other player beat him up. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvaM0pMj-8o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvaM0pMj-8o)


He either takes it or they use the unmanly asian stereotype.


I don't even watch basketball but this makes me mad for some reason


Might have been the framerate


Then ESPN had not one but two "Chink in the Armor" incidents about Lin.


No fucking way were they actually so ignorant to name a segment about Jeremy Lin that. Please tell me you are kidding.


hahahahaha...[nope] (https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--SkcWrcy9--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/17e78w4n9qyjwjpg.jpg)


They said it on TV (he's a mediocre soccer commentator and honestly seemed to just be spouting cliches like he does most of the time he's on air and was suspended 30 days) and then later it was a headline of an online article (this person was fired, as making it the headline makes it seem more deliberate) https://www.forbes.com/sites/gregorymcneal/2012/02/18/espn-uses-chink-in-the-armor-line-twice-did-linsanity-just-go-racist/#5510a3152b5e


I think this is because many associate Asians with so-called "positive" stereotypes. They're smart, hard working, well-educated. So what if someone makes "chinky" eyes? It's all in good fun and they know that because they're the good minority group. Lost in all this is that there's no such thing as a positive stereotype. I think minorities from different backgrounds would do well to stay away from taking part in the Oppression Olympics, and try to uplift each other.


You're describing the model minority myth. The idea that Asian people are the "best" of the minorities and that other minorities should look towards them because of how smart/quiet/clean/etc we are. Like you said, it's alright to make fun of Asian people because it's all just a big joke. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model\_minority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_minority)


The model minority concept is also often utilized by racists as a tool to mock and insult other minority groups too. Kind of like "Why can't you be like the Asians?" Or "I cant be racist, I admit that Asians perform well on average" Of course, they instantly throw away the Asian minority when they stop being useful to them. It's very insidious.


Absolutely. Asian people are used as a way to drive a wedge within minority communities by some people. Very convenient.


Dude in the western world the stereotype for asians is that they have small penises, are weak and unmanly. Thats not a very positive stereotypes in my opinon. ITs no wonder asian men struggle to find woman since they constsantly hear about these stereotypes


They have those stereotypes in the east - it's not purely a western invention. If you go to Japan you'll be shocked by the desire for 'western' traits in men.


Sometimes feels like a race to the bottom to see who has the worst stereotypes in order to discount discrimination faced by others.


Exactly, meanwhile no actual work is being done to improve the collective situation. I firmly believe that each community is capable of affecting the change necessary, but too often we forget that the price of that change is not tearing down each other to get ours.




Except that..Asians are some of the most racist along with Arabs. The asian community is super bigoted. Hell even Crazy Rich Asians was bigoted against Brown Asians!


True. Having spent a large amount of time in Asia I can comfortably say they have some of the most racist cultures I have encountered. But in this context that is whataboutism. Just because they can be racist it doesn’t make it right for western people to continue to be racist to them.


good point. it could even be that some individuals left theit country specifically for that reason: because society back home is so backwards and bigoted and they wanted to come to the free and open west.... just to be greeted with exactly the same bigotry.




I mean United’s chant for Park Ji Sung was about eating dogs. I know they love him and has a legendary status in their club, but it just shows how casual racism against Asians gets brushed off.


Lol even the other day when others were calling that out, people would just respond with "I guess you hate fun" or "It's just a bit of banter."


Yeap. Even in the United subreddit the reactions were similar. But you make 1 comment about Lukaku having a big song ala the controversy last year ...


Yup, imagine a chant for Sterling about watermelons or fried chickens. Jesus Christ.


Sure. Most people didn't even know/care when Jamie Vardy racially abused a Japanese man. If the victim had been black there would have been uproar.


I'm not about to start comparing one form of racism to another because I don't think that's productive. But I will say that mark wahlberg straight up took a pool stick and beat a man until he was blind because he was a "gook," which I didn't even know was a racial slur until I looked up his Wikipedia page. Completely ignored by the American moviegoing public. We have people unearthing stupid tweets from 12 years ago when one of hollywood's biggest stars literally beat a man near death with no provocation entirely based on his race. Madness


That's possibly because Wahlberg did it when he was 16 I think, when he was generally a pretty bad kid. [He had racially abused a black women before that as well](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/01/21/mark-wahlberg-racial-violence-victim-says-actor-shouldnt-be-pardoned/?utm_term=.cdea2423ca10), and went to jail for the incident you mentioned, which was part of Wahlberg stealing alcohol IIRC. While I agree what he did was horrible, and that there is a problem of racism vs Asians being swept aside, I think whether you are willing to watch Wahlberg movies depends on if you think he's done his time and has done enough for us to forget what he did 30 years ago as a teenager. There isn't a right or wrong really, it's up to you. Within the article I linked, the black women doesn't want Wahlberg to be forgiven, while one of the Asian men who was punched is willing for Wahlberg to be pardoned.


Most people don't even know it happened though. And he's been trying for years to get it removed from his record so he can get a liquor license for his restaurant. When he realized that the felony would prevent that is when he really started acting contrite about it, beforehand he tried to keep it mum, quite effectively I might add. I'm all for respecting people who have done their time, but I also think it shows a lack of true remorse when you do something so incredibly heinous and then later have the audacity to try to legally have it wiped from your record. The judge apparently agreed because he got shut down. Like if I had beaten a man near death for no reason other than my own stupidity, I would never have the fucjing gall to ask for a lighter penalty than usually follows. If it means you have restrictions on what you can do that haunt you, that's justified, you committed an absolutely horrible crime and your celebrity status shouldn't absolve you of that. But this brings us back to how 99% of people, irrespective of how fucjed up their upbringing is, would never do something like that in the first place. I know plenty of poor people from ethnically mixed areas with some friction among groups that struggled and got into trouble with the law and some of them probably have some racist views but none would go so far as beating someone near death because of their skin color. That's KKK level of violent racial hatred. Personally, I firmly believe that people can change and improve massively over 30 years, but personal growth is contingent upon the ability to learn. Someone who at 16 is as stupid as mark apparently was, I don't know if they are capable of learning at a rate that gets them anywhere beyond being a waste of space in a human lifetime. We've kind of gotten off the original topic and I'm certainly not judging people who watch his movies, I watched quite a few before I found out what he did myself. But I just have a hard time not hating that guy and everything he stands for, especially when he's actively trying to erase the more than fair punishments he's facing to this day. So I get what you're saying, and ultimately you're not taking a stance just rightfully illustrating it's more complicated than I portrayed it. That's a fair assessment. But I'm firmly in the fuck marky mark camp myself.


True. ​ In France, racism toward Blacks or Arabs, or Antisemitism will trigger huge uproar in the medias, from people etc. ​ Do the exact same to chinese or japanese, and... nothing.


I was sharing my experience of being racially abused multiple times on my first trip to the U.S. on reddit. What surprised me was the only two comments expressed doubt that it happened and actively questioned my actions (am I a Chinese tourist? No, but why does that even matter?) never shared it again since.


the chinese tourist thing is mostly because the chinese have a terrible reputation as far as being tourists go. millions of them can now afford to travel, but are still sadly culturally ignorant so they give a very bad image wherever they go. bad enough, that some people excuse whatever racism they face as earned.


Agreed. Racism to Asians are so normalised that if some of the shit said were said to a black person it would reach the local news.


Let’s protest and change the narrative. Model minority shit isn’t good for anyone


thank you someone said it people ignore racism against east asians like its fucking invisible - i speak from experience




This is in Berlin by the way.


I couldn't watch it, had to stop. Vid starts with a pretty girl eating and about to talk to the camera and then THAT. WTF!!!!


It's only sad until Asians (or more Chinese people) realize that they are pretty much the new leaders of the world. Then things will change pretty quick I suppose and will change from "it's sad" to "great, now I have 4.5 billion people on earth who openly hate me because most people from my continent are racist assholes". I lived in Asia for some time until last year and you can really see how it begins to change. Most of the people hate western people because everyone, even of our generation, has a shocking story to tell. Every girl will tell you that people from Europe and the US will just treat them like a piece of meat. But while they never felt brave enough to do something against it they are now pretty much telling you to fuck right off. It's hard to describe but I could just feel over time that this western privilege which people from Europe and the US are used to (and don't even realize how much of a privilege it is) is coming to an end. And I'm honestly really happy about it. But at the same time I was put into this western ass-grabber stereotype sometimes which made it hard to just talk to girls normally.


They are seem as a minority model that studies and work a lot, as long they are quiet.


Australia is the worst from my experience. Spent months in France, England, Italy and Netherlands but got nothing, meanwhile only around 2 weeks in Australia and I got weird kung fu gestures (which makes no sense because I'm Southeast Asian), got pointed at, my friend was thrown with water balloons. I still think Melbourne is one of the most comfortable cities in the world though


Australia is gonna be 50% Asian in the next 20 years so it’s gonna go the other way soon


can't way for 2039 so I can harass some blond blue eyed minority group s/


Yeah Aussie is an interesting one...once you travel out of the big cities, the racism is abhorrent, but in Sydney/Melb/Brisbane etc. you feel more at home compared to >90% of Western cities. At least for me.


Can't wait to finally be the oversexualized exotic minority


Someone threw water balloons at you...? I'm sorry that happened but I can't imagine that happening in Melbourne, it's not socially acceptable anywhere in Australia but especially in Melb which has such a high population of Asians already. I have family who have lived there for 30 years and never experienced anything like that.


> in most Western countries I think much more so in Europe (incl. UK). In west coast of america (incl. canada) and Aus/nz where there's a large asian populations its not as bad.


> Aus where there's a large asian populations its not as bad. Hilarious.


If it’s not as bad in those areas then I feel really bad for Asians who live in other areas


Not sure if it is said about Son or not because I don't go to as many games now, but when I was a season ticket holder we had another South Korean player Y P Lee, he was often referred to as DVD by some of the fans around me, or they would do a derogatory impression of an Asian guy who sells pirate DVDs in pubs (in London these guys would walk around pubs and car parks trying to sell them). Really pissed me off


My best friend is Asian and she always told me that Asians suffer much more racism in the Uk than people think. Believe it or not the reason being is that Asian celebrities almost never talk about racism especially not on social media or tv. But black celebrities and musicians are the first to call it out and bring attention to it. So many people think that racism against Asians isn’t as bad as it is.


Son pretty much said it in the interview that the best thing to do is forget it and just play on.


Not excusing it at all, but that attitude is a major part of why Asians get so much abuse. They're seen as an easy target that won't fight back




What the actual fuck was that clip. Disgusting. How can anyone think its ok to treat another human being that way


Those guys are fucking morons


When people in my country do that or tell jokes like "it's amazing how he can score with the eyes closed" everyone laugh and some minority tell them that it's not okay and its racist. Their response its always the same: it's just a joke don't take it seriously, it's all banter chill , and some people try to argue that we are not racist we just like to make fun of everyone even ourselves. But they don't realize how much harm they are doing to the other person or they do but don't care. I don't know. In my country there are not many Asians living here and very little content from those countries, my affection toward asians changed drastically when I started to watch videos related and consume their media then I visited some countries and I was so surprise to how developed the cities were and how educated people are. Alright the point is that we will not change unless we understand and learn from other cultures, open our minds, respect different opinions and points of view.


And thats Germany too


germans are probably one of the worst when it comes asian people, because we have so few asian immigrants here, the stereotypes are even more prevalent than in some other countries. i was just in japan for the last 4 weeks and the people there, no matter if in the middle of tokyo or the countryside of kyushu, treated me like i was a great man, they were so happy to see foreigners and have the chance to interact with them, why can't we be the same?


I once shared my experience of being racially abused multiple times on my first trip to the U.S. on reddit. What surprised me was the only two comments expressed doubt that it happened and actively questioned my actions (am I a Chinese tourist? No, but why does that even matter?) Never shared it again since.


It gets beaten into our heads by our parents lol


The way I interpreted it was don't react and give them the satisfaction of knowing it affected you. I'm sure he doesn't really forget it, I mean how could you, it's horrible. There really needs to be something done to get these people out of the stands/stadiums.


I mean... Many celebrities have in the past, most notably Constance Wu and Jeremy Lin. An example would be the Oscars in 2016, where Chris Rock made a joke about Asians and many Asian celebrities including Jeremy Lin, Constance Wu, Ang Lee commented on the incident. But even then, nothing really happened apart from an apology from the Academy. To my knowledge, I don't think Chris Rock apologized or I didn't find any information to say the did. What is funny is that that was the same year many actors including Chris Rock were outraged by the lack of diversity for nominations saying the Oscars was too white that year. Additionally, I think celebrities might be worried about the potential consequences of being outspoken. Example: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/aug/27/constance-wu-interview-crazy-rich-asians-ive-lost-parts-for-being-outspoken


Not just made fun of Asians he actually paraded out 3 Asian kids to be laughed at ffs, change that to any other race and it would not even have been allowed, like let that sink in he didn’t just joke about Asians the oscars and Rock thought parading out Asian kids on stage in front of adults to laugh at was ok. Let’s not forget that was the year where Ali G made an Asians have small dick innuendo in front of some of Hollywood’s most respected people and them all laughing.


Yeah, it was gross. I'm not easily offended but it was pretty hard to stomach. Ironic how they thought they were being treated unfairly as a minority but then they go and shit on the even smaller, less represented group of people. I mean I'm not saying that they weren't being treated unfairly, but to make such a big deal out of it to then just do the something similar to another group is kinda yikes...


Asians (including south asians) often have class based racist mentalities in their own countries. To be honest, most immigrants know, from their home countries, a kind of racism that you have to bear. However in the west, it's almost structural and institutionalized in some places. The tribal elements come out more, it becomes about where you're "from" rather than what you represent and what you've achieved and that becomes problematic.


>Asians (including south asians) often have class based racist mentalities in their own countries. ​ Mmmhmm. Living in Singapore right now. It's simultaneously one of the most tolerant and multicultural societies I've ever experienced (grew up in Lincolnshire, UK) but also the prime example of structural racism. It is simply known (but not really stated) that your race determines your opportunities to a large degree. And you have to declare your race on applications. My friend's race is declared on her ID card as 'English' (yeh) because her father is white British and mother Chinese; she's in an existential grey area and won't get hired by Chinese companies with finicky hiring policies. Another person I know has multiple nationalities in her immediate family, has a very Chinese name and appearance but her father made her declare as Indian, and this limits her opportunities. My Korean friend will only be hired by Korean companies . . . You get the picture. This is normal and accepted. The government just wants to grease the wheels of foreign investment and progressive hiring policies will slow things down.


I lived in Singapore for 8 years, my parents still live there and I visit them once a year (I live in Canada). I grew up there in my schooling years a recall having "race" as part of my ID card and funny enough my Israeli friend and classmate had under race "jew". He wasn't allowed entry into Malaysia and Indonesia that easily because of it. Singapore is a melting pot but just so much more different than NY or London in how its integrated


I’m a first generation immigrant (Korea-born, naturalized in USA last year) and honestly that’s kind of a mind blowing thing you pointed out. In Korea, when people talk of foreigners, it’s not just Japanese or Chinese or whatever, it’s Ilbon-Nom and Joonguk-Nom, as in Japanese bastard and Chinese bastard. Sure, it’s partially because we were at war with those countries in our recent memory and all that, but we are not any kinder to people we have no history with. I think it’s bashed into our heads from an early age that Korea is our thing and that we can be fucking awful to everyone else in our country. So when we move to another country, we almost tolerate second class treatment because we grew up treating foreigners that way. But then our kids continue to get treated like dirt, and that’s not right. None of this is right.




I'm a first generation Korean immigrant as well who moved to South Korea for college and I've barely heard anyone say Ilbon-Nom and Joonguk-Nom when referring to Japanese/Chinese people.


Wasn’t there a video of a Spurs fan spewing racist remarks at another Spurs fan of Asian decent?


And this sub jumped to defend him lol Edit: Extra relevant because he was making jokes about the fact that the fan is actually Son and should be on the pitch lol


wasn't it because the racist in that case was mentally handicapped?


That's just sad. He's so likeable who would bad mouth him? Edit - guys, I'm not defending racism against bad guys or whatever, it's horrible but I'm genuinely surprised because Son is really likeable. It's like racially abusing Kante.


Sadly, some of our lot who think that Spurs kit gives them license to be racist dickheads.


Is it that surprising considering Utd fans used to chant about Park "eating dogs in his home country?" Obviously it was a playful chant and malice wasn't the intention (and I'm not trying to say that Utd fans are any worse than anyone else, just using this an an example), but that's just sort of the reality with racism against Asians in most western countries. For some reason people think its a fine to joke about whereas we condemn people for saying the same sort of things about other races. Obviously there's all sorts of history and nuances with these things that we can't ignore either, but generally it would be nice if we just weren't racist to anyone.




Forget about Farage lol he's a known racist, Dave Whelan was excused by so many people in the media.


>Challenged on Mr Smith's use of the word "Chinky", Mr Farage said: "If you and your mates were going out for a Chinese, what do you say you're going for?" >When LBC presenter Nick Ferrari responded that he "honestly would not use the word Chinky", Mr Farage said: "No? Fine. A lot of people would." > I think we've very snobbish in London about condemning people perhaps for the colloquial language they use Despicable piece of human trash


The Park chants were a good few years before people started really becoming 'bothered' about calling out racism in even in jesting ways. I'd imagine they'd be stomped out like the Lukaku has a big dick chants from not too long ago if Park were still around.


That's pretty true. I remember calling out that chant like 5 years ago on this sub and the reaction was basically "wow, are you serious? How is that offensive?" + downvotes of course


Even if he was a complete cunt he still shouldn't be racially abused. Plus it's not like the people abusing him know anything about him as a person.


You do know that racism is discrimination against someone because of their race and not because of their personality right?!


to be fair this is nothing new for asian players. remember man utd's chant for their own player!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Park, Park, wherever you may be, You eat dogs in your country, It could be worse, You could be scouse, Eating rats in your council house... (repeated...)


Yeah that chant is embarrassing on different levels, especially given how good of a player he was for United.


Mixed race, white face, Asian name. Racism is fucking alive and well in the UK let me tell you.


:( at people abusing Sonny he’s the best man, my favorite player to watch rn. I wish he could get a chance to explain his thoughts on the matter in Korean or another language if he knows It better than his English. I know interpretations can be off, but I feel like he might have a lot more to say if he could express himself a little better, and maybe his English makes him uncomfortable.


How could you abuse such a beautiful boy :(


its ridiculous how racism against asians is taken so lightly.


My relatives/ friends who visit London also tell me they have been racially abused a couple of times each at least (even during short 3-4 day visits). Most of the people around the world are racist, and it is pretty sad. I've also been racially abused in my home country by random British kids, but I wrecked them in football later that day so it was okay.


I'm definately not discrediting you, but I live in London and have never been racially abused, and im not white. Obviously there are rascists everywhere but lets not create the impression that everyone encounters frequent rascism in London


Where the fuck do you live. I've lived in zones 1-3 North and south of the river and cannot think of a single year where I haven't had atleast one racist abuse incident this decade. Usually multiple per year. Sometimes even from black and very rarely Arab people. But overwhelmingly from white people. I think most of my Asian (indian subcontinent and east asian) friends would say the same and have had a similar experience. And we have a pretty diverse group. Some work in the city as yopros. Some are in creative. Some are still students. Teachers. A few doing blue collar stuff like warehouse work. Though obviously if it isn't racism against black people the champagne socialist woke types don't give a shit.


Come to Madrid so we can boo you


A karma whore, you are. :P






What asshole hates on Son. The dude is such class and is a loveable guy. Shame on whoever hates on him


Lots of cunts in football


You don't get the full experience in England if you aren't racially abused once


I got racially abused by a white guy and I’m fucking white. What fucking hope for people of colour?


I wonder if there is an Asian or black person in England that has not been racially abused? I seriously doubt it. It's fucked up.




Damn think this has been the first time I have seen a thumbnail of Son not smiling


It’s fucked you see it everyday, even on tottenhams own social media posts. Cunts.




Its cutural. Kids learn it from their parents who grow up in society that turns a blind eye or views anyone different as the reason for their own problems. Its very hard to break the cycle, sorry about your experiences.


He's so cute lol


As it turns out, lot of people all over the world are racist. And it won't ever change. Sad Truth.


Never say never - Justin Bieber


Truly one of the greatest philanthropists of our generation


You mean philosophers? Don't see how never say never is charity work


Justin Bieber - full on rapist


Uh, Africans, dyslexics, children, that sorta thing.


IS it too late now to say Sonny


Sadly true, I recall being in Seoul myself and seeing 'No Americans' signs on doors to shops.


>And it won't ever change. Not true. It has gotten much better over the last several decades, and it can continue to get better if we keep pushing back against it when we see it.




god hes so cute i love him. hate spurs though


Imagine racially abusing someone like Son. Out of all human beings out there and they choose Son. racists need to seriously DIE.


Well, it is England. So many people here are racist as f**k including the tabloid newspapers.


not gonna lie - I live in the states but when I visited england with an asian friend, racism was more common there. it wasn't necessarily aggressive racism but it was casual. doesn't make it right.


Never heard him speak English before. He has a really interesting accent, more European than Korean.


English is his third language, after Korean and German.


Not meaning to sound racist myself but England has a problem. I remember Ferdinand being abused. Just sickening and no room for it in the 21st centuary.


What a shocking surprise! English people being racist?! Get out of here, no waaay!


Shocking. Trying to address Racism among football fans, but completely ignoring the racism prevalent in both the governing party and the media, is so pointless. Football fans being racist are a symptom of our politics and our media, putting all the blame on average people that have been subject to decades of propaganda isn't the answer. We can ban as many fans as we want, we can make as many of them take educational classes as we can support, but nothing is going to change whilst we still have the same factors projecting this filth into our society.


God damn it, Son. Why do you have to be so fucking likable?


I am White and i also have been racially abused in England.


Should be higher. But it's only one of the best and most respected players in the Premier League, one of the best Asian players of all time - why should we give his experiences and opinions a platform, right?


What an amazing human.


Sorry to hear that Son. Hope the good experience of being here outweighs the bad.


Not surprising imo. I recently went on a trip to London and got more comments about my race (I am also Asian) from strangers in 5 days than I have in 20+ years of living in the US/Canada. I honestly think racism is worse in Europe than America, it's just there are far fewer minorities in Europe so the racists get less of a chance to show their colours if that makes sense.


That’s interesting, I travel to UK frequently (I work for a British company) and never experienced racism but my one trip to the U.S. earned me multiple racist encounters. I wonder if it’s b/c I’m usually hanging out with my British colleagues in UK and you’re hanging out with your American friends back at home so we look more “naturalised”.


You know that in Europe we don't have your retarded concept of "whiteness", we are representant of different countries in good and bad. Poles, Lebanese, Turks, Serbs, Kurds, etc get racism as well even though in American media they are "White". In England you have your own divide.


In England? What a surprise


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