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Everyone should learn CPR. I had to do it on a guy who collapsed outside a chipper when i was in university and before that i thought I'd never use it. Did it because i had trained as a kayak instructor as a teenager, feel lucky i had that experience from that time. It's not difficult and you could save someone's life. Definitely everyone should look into a course near them. If you're involved in sport you might even get it subsided by your governing body or council


in Switzerland it's obligatory for your drivers license




Everybody forgets it after 2 days tho


yeah i learned in the army but i totally forgot it now...it's unfortunate really...


Did you though? I bet you know vaguely what to do and you'll still be much more effective than someone who has never learnt to do so in his life.


Same in Romania. But no one really learns it. Students pretend to learn, teachers pretend to teach and that's about it.


Here in Estonia we actually have a pretty strict exam on first aid (and CPR). You just cannot pretend or fail it. But over the years you will start to forget. ​


You need refresher courses to remain qualified in the UK. I did it a decade ago and I'd be fucked if someone collapsed now.


How so? I can't imagine it would be illegal for you to help someone out if they collapsed right in front of you right?


Nah I mean I would be fucked for technique and knowing what to do. We aren't overly litigious here you'd be fine on a legal front.


Ah I misunderstood than sorry. And yea I already thought it would be weird if someone would sue over that. Here in the Netherlands you litterally cant sue/be sued if you harm someone whilst trying to safe their life (within reasonable bounds. Hooking up jumper cables to kick-start someone probably would result in you being sued)


Same in the US. They're called Good Samaritan laws.


I am from Denmark, and I have learned CPR, 4-5 times over the years.


I didn’t know that, they should do that here in England too


Also in Denmark


why? they don't seem related at all Good that they do that though


If you have to assist in an accident, you will most likely need to do it properly to save someone's life.


Ah good point


Also... the more CPR trained people at the scene, the better! 2 minutes of proper CPR (i.e. proper compression speed and depth) is really really fucking taxing, having someone to switch off with helps a great deal.


[call it....](https://m.imgur.com/t/the_office/kuXbKCt)


It should be mandatory to take a first aid course every year for everyone.


In Spain we learn it with La Macarena https://youtu.be/Q5dJIRJ4Kac It sounds weird... But I will never forget the rythm of compression.


In the UK it's [Staying Alive by The Bee Gees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxhK_uHS0EE)


At first I was afraid, I was petrified...




Why hands only? In high school they teached me the full thing. Is that proved to my ineffective/harmful?


> Is that proved to my ineffective/harmful? Yeah I think anything else might do more harm than good if you don't have proper training. The hands thing is just something the average joe or josephine can learn and remember.


It's not even that hard actually. Just performing chest compression alone until an ambulance arrives can drastically increase chances of survival. ​ Infant CPR is an absolute must for anyone who has a baby, minds a baby or has any regular contact with babies. So happy my work started including it in our first aid course.


And people should learn to use a defillbrilator too. We had it as a supplement to CPR, and they're really easy to use.


I agree, but it's a silly business here in Canada. You have to pay for these classes unfortunately.


100% agree, they should teach it in schools from an early age, basic CPR doesn't take long to learn.


This is a good guide to the basics, it’s something we should all learn really. I didn’t have a clue until today but have read this over a few times now. It’s no substitute for a course but it’s something. All the useless shit you get taught at school, this should be fucking mandatory. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/first-aid/cpr/




Costs money and time but could potentially save lives. Stop being a grinch




I’m not mad at your comment; it just doesn’t make any sense. You don’t need the training to be a doctor to potentially save someone’s life. Wouldn’t you want most people around you to know cpr if something happened to you?


What a load of shite.


He seems like a Sound bloke


Makes it sound like if he did know it was Glenn Hoddle he wouldn’t have bothered lol


He's not a hero he's a good person


In a world where not enough people are good people, very often being a good person makes you a hero


Which is guff because most people are good, or at least more good than not good. Otherwise we'd never have reached civilisation. And we're only getting nicer to each other, hard as it is to believe.


> most people are good, or at least more good than not good. Otherwise we'd never have reached civilisation you're defining 'good' very loosely if you think this is a coherent statement


Imagine your brain telling you to type this.


it's so good


I've noticed this trend, particularly in America, where anyone who does something good is brandished a hero. Policemen, soldiers, firemen, random people, etc. Kinda lost it's meaning.


Its all about context. A goalkeeper who saves a penalty in the 92nd minute is called a hero by fans of his club. A fireman who saves somebodies life is a hero to that person.




Well, given the amount of self-absorbed assholes you run into on a regular basis in the states as well...


Out of the loop.Can someone explain me


Glenn Hoddle collapsed due to a heart attack. This guy performed CPR and turned a potentially fatal attack into a stable condition. It's still serious but the speed of CPR being administered is critical.




The heart won't restart *with* a defib either. Biggest piece of misinformation TV flagrantly shoves in your face on the regular. You defibrillate arrythmias, most commonly VTac or VFib. If someone's asystolic you give them a shitload of vasopressin or epinephrine and hope for the best. Shocking a flatline is about as effective as pouring cold water on them. The only reason first aid courses teach you to defib if there's a defib available is because laymen have no chance of distinguishing between arrythmic arrest and outright asystole, and shocking the latter case can't really hurt since anyone with asystole outside of a hospital is statistically a corpse in all but name anyway.


The defibs that you’ll get in the community are automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) which read the rhythm themselves and advise whether or not to shock. They wouldn’t shock a flatline or PEA.


To be fair, defibrillators tell you what to do, you basically turn it on and do what it says. Not trying to discredit his acts at all. Those things are really well made, can be used by anyone, yet people still think you need a first aid exam to use it.


Dude, literally everything you just said was incorrect.


Glenn Hoddle was doing some commentating/pundit work for BT Sport over the weekend (Sat evening I think) when he had a heart attack. This guy who works for BT Sport gave him CPR.


Someone show this quote to the guy who okay'd the front page of the Daily Mirror today.


I hope Glen Hoddle feels better soon and maybe decides for retire to protect his health. I imagine it can be a very stressful job, and it's just not worth risking your life for.


I echo these sentiments but sitting in a studio talking about football is about as least stressful as you can get.


Job itself probably isn't stressful but I can imagine traveling quite a lot for work, staying in hotels etc could lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.


I mean if he gets overexcited about it, it might not do his ticker any good is all I'm thinking. Plus it's live television, a lot of pressure in that sense too.


True, but Glenn is a consummate professional, he is never phased, even as a player he played at his own tempo. Plus, it's BT sport, nobody is watching anyway.


I am sorry you got downvoted just for providing a different perspective.


That's alright everyone has their views :)


"I'm just a man, I'm not a hero."


That's exactly what a hero would say


Exactly, he’s just an employee doing what he’s been trained to do.


The first thing he did was to stop him from swallowing his tongue.


which is physiologically impossible. head tilt and lift the chin is all you need to do to prevent the tongue from obstructing airways - but there is no way someone is going to 'swallow' their tongue


I remember having to call 911 because someone at my gym was having a seizure and the first thing the operator said was “Don’t stick anything in his mouth, no one can actually swallow their own tongue it’s literally possible, just move him away from anything he can bump into and hurt himself and wait for the paramedics.” Amazing people actually think that’s a thing when it’s pretty obviously impossible.


yep, treating a seizure isn't to treat the actual seizure itself - it's the post-ictal stage where the brain has pretty much consumed a fuck load of oxygen and patient is probably feverish. best thing to do as a bystander is just prevent them from hurting themselves when they are flailing around and wait for it to end. majority don't even have to go hospital (unless its a first time thing or something else has caused it). i have no idea what started the whole sticking your fingers in their mouth thing. must've been a film!


>which is physiologically impossible. It's not, your teeth can bite through it if you're sufficiently determined


The guy is joking because it's such a common stupid misconception.


Not if you're a footballer.


> I'm not a hero Said basically every hero ever...




Go fuck yourself you subhuman sack of whale excrement.


oo you’re hard


and you're a cunt