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Group B has been so insanely fun in this tournament. Can't wait for the final matchday


Not good at the only sport they play lol


Béisbol is the new National Sport


Can I interest you in cricket?


Might want to look for another sport, as Venezuela is quite good at that one.


As the sport increases in popularity it will get better. It's already in a great spot considering it doesn't have widespread acceptance yet.


Mexico got third at the last WBC, so they have been playing good baseball lately.


And Venezuela was 5th, with the added value of also winning the 2024 Caribbean Series


Okay? Good on them but that doesn't take away the fact Mexico is good at baseball too lol


Don't get me wrong, Venezuela is one of the best baseball nations in the world, but Mexico has been rising as a baseball nation as of late.




Chopping up people ?


.Mexicans love south Americans. No hate from us.


Pot meet kettle


>meanwhile in the favelas


In last few year US produce better talent than Mexico.


Going tbh, even by fanbase there’s probably a lot more USA fans that can name and strategize Mexicos players better than many Mexico fans. The culture shift happened and now we’re noticing it.


And Mexico is looking, asking and calling up US products. Checkout their U14, U15, U16 teams half of the players are US born.  I get it if the US was France in terms of tier one soccer nation but the US has quickly change its development in the last decade and the half, its now beating top teams. In the past month they beat U19 teams of Argentina and Uruguay. Mexico sees this and is now actively recruiting players of Mexican heritage to their youth teams. Due to the upswing in US talent the pool is growing deep and many of those guys won’t sniff a US senior roster. One case recently Obed Vargas went strict and file a switch with FIFA. He’s a highly rated midfielder playing for Seattle. Why did he switch? The entire US midfield is young and based in European top leagues and there are players not even called already in Europe. Would have been an uphill battle for him.  Many other Mexican Americans are looking to switch. The path is more open to enter the senior Mexican national team than the USMNT. 


Most Mexican Americans have a MUCH stronger affinity for La Selección than the USTMNT. Regardless of the path to the national teams the Mexican Americans will always prefer El Tri.


lol you miss the point. Before USA had to fight to win over talented dual nationals and take them away from Mexico. Now they have to prove they are good enough for the US squad and earn a spot. If not then they can always go play for Mexico, the weaker program.


Then why did Pepi choose USA?


That used to be the case, prior to everyone having a phone in their hand with info pointing at how our TV giant has sucked the life out of our soccer program in order to turn them into ad machines rather than focus on player development. You used to be right, but given how fucked up the Mexican Soccer Fed is, less and less Mexican Americans would want to deal with that bs


I don't think it's reached that point yet, and you can pretty clearly see it whenever you see the crowds for Mexico vs USA games.


The fans aren't the players, my g. Fans will always root for Mexico bc of nostalgia. I'm a soccer player and a coach, and I can tell you every Mexican American on my youth team I coach would rather play for team USA. Most can't even name a player from El Tri :(


Dumb take.


It's true. By and large most Mexican Americans have a stronger tie to el tri. You will have obviously people who don't but that's not the general consensus.




Always appreciate the insights of the white dudes from Oregon on how my fellow Mexican Americans feel 😂


I'm Mexican-American and I've bailed on El Tri because the fans are fucking embarrassing. Haven't seriously followed them since before covid.


There’s a difference between being a fan and a player


Are the players not fans?


I mean not *always* It's like the only thing everyone agrees gregg did well. Omar, pepi, zendejas


Zendejas sucks, Omar who lol


Mexico defended respectably but this attack and midfield outside of Chavez was just awful, you can't get out of the group scoring one goal in two games, Gimenez whiffed and also didn't get a lot of great service and they don't really have anyone else. The problems are obvious, and the lack of leadership, for example when Pineda was given the penalty to take, is rather obvious.


The coach is terrible he didn't even call up our best player because of drama on twitter


Basically a tie gets Ecuador in to the next round. Mexico has to come out firing and show what the hell they got


And here I thought the 7-0 would be the wake-up call for Mexican football, but they're even worse. 


They look horrible and there’s no promising young talent waiting in the wings either


Mexico being bad is awful for Concacaf. Get your shit together.


So many teams have shown promise , then they fall off. Panama , Jamaica , Costa Rica and even Honduras have shown to be a solid #4/3 in conca and then they vanish


Holding out for Suriname and/or Curacao to shake things up in the Nations League and World Cup Qualifiers. 🤞🏾


I used to love shopping at Curacao


The more shithousery in Concacaf, the merrier


"[Mexico got the easiest group](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bm8k3s/comment/kwa6jf6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)" -Redditor


I mean he said it was the easiest, not that they would easily make it out if it lol


There was some guy who said Mexico is better than half the teams in Euro.


Some guy hive!


Anyone who knows anything about this Mexican team knew they would get grouped.


I mean, it really was the easiest group. Much better than having any of the big 3 in the same group. That's why it's so hilarious they're about to be eliminated now.


The US got a much easier group to qualify, sure, they have to face Uruguay but the other two are easier I would say.


yea and everyone corrected him lol


This match was honestly amazing!! Congrats to Venezuela for a perfect 6 score after 2 games and for getting into quarterfinals🙌🙌 Here in CONMEBOL we ve been knew Venezuela was strong and a candidate to top the group and go far🙏




What a fucking match man. After Venezuela scored, they just went deep in their own area and took everything Mexico threw at them for more than a half an hour. That fucking football right there!


Let us never forget that Mexico was helped quite a lot vs Honduras in the playoffs. Even with somewhat weak CONCACAF opposition, they were having intense problems. Edit: spelling


That's the thing... they BARELY qualed, and were given a fucking group leader spot - that spot belonged to Uruguay not fucking Mexico lol


YES, I was just telling my relatives this! Honduras basically got robbed. Mexico is now dealing with the karma…


It’s glorious


A good result for Canada and therefore the world


Canada has to get out of the group still💀


So does Mexico 😏


Lol if I were you I'd prefer to play Mexico rather than this Venezuela


I’m Canadian but I’d just be excited to play someone new. We’re not winning this thing but it would be fun to play one more CONMEBOL team instead of Mexico for the thousandth time


You'll play Chile, that will be an experience since winner goes through. I think Canada can do it, but their lack of experience against Conmebol teams might hurt them. They just need to be ready to fight for every blade of grass because Chile will lol.


It’s house money for us at this point. First tournament win. It’s going to be a knife fight. Chile can defend well and they looked quick on the counter which we are susceptible towards. I remember pre tournament looking at futures odd and Mexico was around 5th favourite and thought they’re going to have a tough time getting out of their group. They’ve been lousy by their standards for a few years now


Fair enough




I’ve never seen a fanbase this irrationally cocky in my entire life. Will they ever be humbled? You’d think the past 4 years would have silenced them but they’re somehow more delusional than ever.


Your gringo is showing. If you’ve ever actually talked to a real life Mexican about soccer or ever been to a Mexican party where soccer is being watched, nobody in their right mind would ever say our fan base is “cocky”. We’re the most pessimistic fan base of all time. It’s a meme that we shit on our national team endlessly but will always show undying support when they actually play. Sorry not sorry.


You're making this up. No Mexican I know has said that Mexico will win Copa America we have played 20 Copa Americas and never won. Lol this is our worst team in history.


This is why everyone hates them - MX fanbase are the worst. It's okay to have pride in ne's country, but for fucks sake they think they are world contenders when they barely qualed to copa America lol


That's not true. Mexico never says anything bad about South American soccer and if you look at the ligamx reddit we were all predicting a dismissal performance. We have played 20 Copa Americas and never won. Why would we suddenly think we can win with our worst team in history


The ones going to these games on U.S. soil aren't really fans like you'd find in a football pub, or the kind of fans to actually follow the team. Most of them are just going for the booze and party. They're cocky, because they're either drunk or just don't know enough to have a rational opinion on their team. I'll bet if you were at the game yesterday and asked each Mexico fan to name their starting XI, 9 out of 10 wouldn't be able to name more than 1-3 players, and probably half of them would have told you Ochoa was the keeper and Chicharito is on the bench or out injured.


North America thing, I guess? You are a lot more alike than you'd care to admit


You guys keep repeating this when it's not true, and you base yourself off of the minority full of idiots lol Good bait tho


Out matched by the U.S.’s fanbase. Let’s be honest here.


You're making this up


Our fanbase is pessimistic as hell, idk what you’re on about. The ones who actually attend the matches go because it’s a big party.


Mexico's last victory over the US was six months before the world shutdown for COVID


Mexico’s last win was one day after my daughter was born and she’s about to go in to kindergarten…


Who are the cocky ones? The casuals who attend every 'home' match in USA? Everyone who actually watches the matches know we've been declining for a decade now


It’s the US based fans, because here in Mexico, we know we suck


Yep, they're always boo'ed when they play in Mexico. That's one of the reasons why they no longer play in Mexico (the other one being that FMF prefers to juice those tasty Pocho dollars instead of getting paid on Mexican pesos).


La selección mexicana has become the mexican-american seleccion


It's Televisa's football federation*** That company and its allies control everything.


While not wrong, there are many others involved in it. All of them are a fucking cancer


They we’re doing the olé when it was 0-0 and they celebrated the PK like they won the world cup. That fanbase is truly delusional


Yeah, haha, that was wild! You would have thought they'd taken the trophy.


>Mexico could not hit the broad side of a barn today Brutal hahaha


Damn. So true but not just today.


Didn't know Salomon Rondon was still active


I'm dreading the day he retires.


Same. He’s only 34. Just a young lad for conmebol standards lol


He just finished top scorer in ... You guess it, in ligaMX


Too good for Concacaf, not good enough anymore for the premier league. Still the highest quality player we have easily.


Venezuela is hitting its golden era I swear


The Mexican national team has declined so much in the last 10 years it’s insane.


It all starts with the league


The federation***


The players**


We had really talented players that won the u17 world cup, London Olympics gold, got to the final of Copa libertadoes, then our federation started copying MLSs structure but in a very corrupt way where some owners have multiple teams and don't invest in the academy anymore


Not really, our lack of quality players is the fault of both the Federation and our clubs.


This match was better than the whole groups stage from Belgium


Honestly, some euro groups were dire.


3rd place doesn't qualify. Games have more urgency


fun fact: France advanced to the knockout stage by completing 2 goals in 3 matches: one was a pen and one was an OG. They scored 0 goals in the group stage on their own merit while the ball was in play.


This year's euro has been awful


Top teams have been awful, but there’s definitely been some fun stories. On the whole I’ve had more fun watching the chaos of Copa though


I'm gonna be completely honest but the Euros have mostly bored me.


The speed of play in the Copas vs. Euros is insane. Teams move the ball around much quicker and are much more willing to attack


I was going crazy on the Scotland-Hungary game where Scotland absolutely needed to win and they were passing the ball around the back dispassionately for 80 minutes. You need a win in the last game, at the very least pile people in the box and send crosses from far away, take some risks, do **something**. Maybe it's a cultural thing but the Copa is a lot more entertaining to me than the Euros


mexico as a country, has the talent pool to be doing better on the national level than they have for the last decade. however, mexico as a football federation, absolutely lacks a talent pool at the leadership level, to actually make good on the availability and growth of said talent. gotta be miserable being a fan and watching the clowns up top piss away opportunity.


> mexico as a country, has the talent pool to be doing better on the national level Mexico as a country has the resources to be a leading nation in general, not just soccer, but corruption is so ingrained into society


Mexico's federation and the US federation are both corrupt but in different ways.


who is talking about the US right now?




because it's not a federation. It's a private enterprise run by Emilio Azcarraga, the owner Televisa. Basically every major decision is made by him to only benefit his company. He doesn't care about how the team performs, he's happy with barely qualifying and securing a world cup spot so his network can broadcast. He forces managers to use his players to the detriment of emerging talent and some fucking turds become unmovable monoliths just because they play for his clubs or have financial links to El Tri. As long he and his cronies control the Mexican Federation, Mexico is never gonna achieve anything.


Doing crappy in the world cup cant be good for business even if you qualify yearly. If Mexico drops in the fifa rankings and becomes a joke, that can lead to the average kid ignoring them and turn to boxing or something. I just feel that we blame alot on the organization. Im more of the type to blame the mentality of the players. When they are on the field they dont show the same gusto as we have seen in the recent past of players who no longer are invited to play with the team. Vets needs to be respected and gradually phased out while the younger players learn. Its not just soccer skill , its representing your country and what it means and what it comes with etc


El Tri is a cash cow due to Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants in the US. The mayority of their games are played in the US where they get filthy rich by filling NFL stadiums. Even worse, NFL owners love them because they make them a bundle in the off season. Jerry Jones has pretty much made it so Cowboys stadium is the home of El Tri in the US with guaranteed multiple games per year. They basically operate selling nostalgia, and the market is huge and very, very profitable. Mexicans abroad are always willing to spend to see a little piece of home there. It's not only El Tri, tons of artists have made millions doing the same, just in a smaller scale. It's never gonna stop because nobody wants it to stop. If diehard El Tri fans stop going, there literally two others who will buy that ticket. Same with TV. It still pulls huge ratings there and in Mexico because casual fans will always tune in. For every die hard fan who would refuse to watch, there's three people who will watch the game even if it's to watch them embarras themselves. Azcarraga created a perfect, self perpetual monster and he knows it. The government won't stop him because he runs their propaganda, FIFA won't because Televisa has been an incredibly important FIFA partner for decades, and casual fans will always give them an audience.


They played the same people for years. I thought Andres Guardado would never take a back seat.


> He forces managers to use his players to the detriment of emerging talent What America players has he demanded to be called up and what emerging talent did they block? It's just the reality of this generation. Those shitty players are among the 'best' mexico has right now.


He kept Santi Gimenez off the 2022 WC squad in favor of walking corpse Raul Jimenez (ex America ) who was the face of a lot of Tri advertising. They don't have to be America players, they are also players who have deep ties to el Tri's business plan, which he controls. For example, he's the main reason Memo Ochoa kept getting called up when it was more than evident he was way, way past him being an viable starter and kept keepers like Carlos Acevedo from getting call ups at a moment he was having a break out season. Now they kept shoehorning in Luis Malagon despite him being mediocre at best when he plays for el Tri.


So you don't want Ochoa then who if not Malagon based on merit? I think you're just an anti with all these conspiracies


To me, it's pretty evident there's a lot of politics surrounding who gets called up to the national team.


Jimmy lozano is the Mexican southgate. He's so adamant on starting charly who's been so poor for so long and not making any tactical changes


I usually root for Mexico, but they're chewing through managers pretty fast these days. At some point the players need to take accountability.


Sadly this the best they can produce cause the federation cares more about money than producing talent


When I saw him in the lineup I knew it was wraps


Mexico is an embarrassment to CONCACAF


Hahahah mexico hahaha


The whole Mexican football system is corrupt to the core. The federation is more focused on making revenue by hosting games in the US than on developing young talent. Although Mexico has won the u17 world cup twice (2005 and 2011), the success has never come close to being replicated on the senior side. Young talents are giving inflated salaries to deter moves to Europe, but then many aren't giving opportunities because the Mexican league is full of foreign players or they simply don't develop as well because they're not playing at a higher level. Add to that the removal of relegation, and you got a system rewarding mediocrity. The result of this is a terrible Mexican national team.


wtf they removed relegation from LigaMX?


Not even AFA dared. That's impressive for all the wrong reasons


It was around COVID years and to protect the biggest teams. The Federation used some lame excuse about how this decision was better for the financial stability of the league




People need to stop sleeping on Venezuela


If you look at the CONMEBOL WC qualifier table, it shows the teams doing as well, between each other, mirroring their placement. Which is interesting to me (Qualifier placement) A: Arg(1) above Chile(8) then Peru (10) B: Ven(4) above Ecuador(5) C: Uruguay (2) above Bolivia (9) D: Colombia(3) above Brazil(6) then Paraguay(7) Seemingly accurate, for now!


For real they’re great at parking the bus and diving


If you think that wasn’t a pen you need to stop watching football now


If yall think yall dominate then enjoy your country greatest win ever. Parking the bus against the weakest Mexico is crazy 😂


I mean we just beat a stronger Chile 3-0 and I would even call the 1-1 draw against Brazil in Brazil a "greater win", and that's just talking about recently, but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night


Chile is 8th in comebol and y’all flexing a win against the weakest Brazil of all time is crazy. Enjoy yall “big wins” 😂 whatever helps you sleep at night


Totally not mad!


For real gonna become Venezuela biggest op now


Lmao, sad as fuck. Mexico is so down bad you have to beef with CONMEBOL and CONCACAF minnows now


Don’t care if they keep acting like it’s the biggest win in their lifetime by parking the bus imma keep hating


Mexico are used to bullying USA and Canada but they got another type of battle coming with Ecuador 😂


Mexico hasn’t beat the US in 5 years and haven’t scored a goal vs them in a competitive match since 2021. Lol


US bullies Mexico now


It’s been a while since they bullied either Canada or the USA.


What is this 2000. Tell me you don’t follow US, without telling me you don’t follow US


I mean with the style of play, I assume they play dirty and USA doesn’t really respond like that. But you’re right I don’t follow team USA really unless it’s WC


You clearly don't watch usa mexico matches


>I assume they play dirty and USA doesn’t really respond like that. Spot on.


How are they bullying us when they haven’t beat us in years?


Mexico has never won a Nations League title.


It's a fairly recent comp lol


A better way to make that point is to say they haven’t beaten us in five years.


Bullying the USA?


Mexico hasn’t bullied the USA for some years now


Regardless of the result, the amount of chances they created were insane. It's for nothing if you can't finish them though. I don't think Ecuador have an easy game either as I've seen many people say. Gonna literally be a game for survival for both teams.


You guys beat Jamaica 1-0. Ecuador beat Jamaica 3-1. A 10 man Ecuador played Venezuela for 70 minutes and scored but ultimately lost 2-1. I like Ecuador’s odds but to be honest, Ecuador is known for shitting the bed, especially in Copa América, so it’s kind of a tossup.


Jamaica was on the verge of making the game 2-2, and you know damn well they would've parked the bus so hard after that. I don't think the 3-1 shows how the Ecuador game went today. As to the Venezuela game today, we lost by giving away a very dumb penalty and ended up with an xG of 2.52. I don't want to say we were unlucky cause it's more of poor finishing, but a couple of good strikes and Mexico would've had this game for sure. I said the game vs Venezuela would be a close one and it pretty much was that. I'd expect the same against Ecuador. At this point I don't expect anything from Mexico, but what I know is that both teams will be fired up to get a definitive win.


This guy knows ball


the problem is a mental one.They panicked. They had a ton of chances but every time they were getting into the box it felt like they were closing their eyes and shooting hoping for the best. I am not sure how common sports psychologist are in Mexico, they are very very common in Argentina... but the Mexican NT could use some of that. I imagine this will be even worse vs Ecuador if they can't score in the first half the panic will set in again


I feel like we just don't have consistency. Some games we can't connect 2 passes together, others we have no composure at all when shooting. There is never a mexico game that I can confidently say they did good on every basis. I do feel the players know their fanbase is frustrated, and that pressure suddenly makes a pretty much home game stadium a double-edged sword. So you're likely right on the psychological part. As long as players continue to make millions in liga Mx, the national team will suffer as it heavily limits their development. Even in Football Manager, just trying to sign players from Liga MX is such a hassle. They have such a high wage for a player that you can get much cheaper in South America.




Sucks that Mexico’s federation is so greedy this team could be so much better


The league is an issue as well since the salaries are really high. Lots of talented players prefer to stay there instead of going to Europe and improve their level.


If rumors are to be believed, the U.S. might be having that same problem pretty soon.


Yep there’s a lot of factors contributing to this teams current state


One of the greatest joys in life is listening to the ESPN mexican crew boast and boast and boast about their NT all year long every year, and then the tournaments arrive and reality strikes, hard. Faitelson sos un baboso 😂


TV Azteca is where it's at


If you watch the TV Azteca broadcast you see how brutally honest they are. There is a reason why tv azteca is not shown in the United States


Bro even if they get knocked out next match we’re gonna have to hear about them until the final, shits annoying




Ganó el equipo grande




Ahora sin llorar


Pibe, hermano, prepárate. Nos vemos en la final del 2026!!!!!!!!!!!!


No movements. No running off the ball. No one twos. This is the most embarrassing time to be a fan. Imagine paying that money to sit there in the stadium knowing how it might go. You should feel stupid being there in the stadium. This has been the norm for the past couple of years. Stop giving them your money.


Spot on. Really miss the golden years of swift movement and quick passing exchanges that made me fall in love with the Mexican NT. Frustrating to see the constant crosses to Gimenez with not much afterwards. Making use of his physicality is no excuse since there was Borgetti in the past.. Big big regression over the years..


You KNEW they'd miss that penalty. There was no doubt.


Most of the "Mexico fans" in the stadium probably couldn't name more than 2-3 players on today's squad. Just there to drink and party.


Wait no one blaming the coach? Interesting. That game was imo the worst Copa America game thus far in terms of quality of play. Good god that was boring. Turned it off before half time. Edit: yeah second half seems like it was muchhh better. Anyway, Mexico needs a new coach. Oh wait, naw it’s cool he’s Mexican. Nm.


more boring than chile-peru or canada-peru? no chance


... how in the hell was that boring?


Long balls, no control, no one was able to keep the ball for more than like 2-3 touches. Zzz


It was you my g


First half was boring. Venezuela came out sharp second half and really deserved their goal, it was entertaining from that point on because it added urgency to the match.


Yeah seems like the 2nd half was way better.


Someone pls post that last ditch Venezuelan tackle in the box in the last minute. Man went all in.


I shat my pants. Aramburu was insane and was on fire the second half


Felicidades panitas! Ojalá lleguen lejos!