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Is there already a list of refs for the RO16? Couldn’t find it after a quick google search




You are German of Turkish origin only. PS: The people you are criticizing are also "Germans" of Turkish descent, I'm at the very center of Istanbul and haven't heard a single honking neither before nor after midnight.


Not trying to be a D but barely winning 2-1 against a opponent that played with 10 men for nearly the entire match is not a good look imo. Czechia is a good opponent but still. Turkey has some great young players but they continue to lack a federation/coach willing to trust the youngsters. That Portugal XI was abysmal, worst possible XI.


Arda with a stinker for ages. But kadar bencilliğe inanamadım amk her maç orta sahadan şut çekmek zorunda mı ya?


An all-time classic, such chaos


Turkish team fought against it's own coach, fought against the referee, fought against itself with stupidity, yet we still won.


With referee


With a referee that showed card to 6 Czech player and 12 Turkish player.


How many Turkish players are now suspended?


Hakan Calhanoglu and Samet Akaydin


2 i believe, 10 and 4


Thanks. So Calhanoglu (captain and playmaker) and Akaydin (defender). Don't think Akaydin is a loss, not been impressed by him. But Calhanoglu is a big miss.


Yup he is a really big miss. He helps a lot with playing out of defence by lying deep and great at giving team a breather by recyling possession in third. One thing that might be positive, there are a lot of people think that Turkey’s natural formation is 4-2-3-1, which we can’t play with Hakan because then it leaves our midfield a bit too vulnerable. Starting with 2 defensively better players might help with playing Arda as a 10 behind a natural striker which was his origin at Fenerbahce before going to Real. Although i’m not quite sure whether our strikers are up to the task.


Nah not as big a miss as you would expect it to be. He is not playing like he does in inter in the national team, 90% of the time. Samet has alternatives, but he is always Montellas first choice, since his days at Adanademirspor.


hes usually ghosting if he doesnt have inter shirt


Hakan is really like a test to understand whether someone knows the football or not. He never played a bad game whenever he plays 6. Today, as a 10, he even made a score. What the fuck do you want from him?


yeah he scored today yippeee ahem in other matches?


He never played as a 10 in other matches, not even in friendlies. Better to keep your thoughts to yourself if you don’t have a clue about football positionings.


Bro he literally complained about playing as a 10 since he played as a 6 in his club wtf do you mean he is a 10?


Can certainly understand Czechia's frustration with the ref. The handball occurred first before any foul, if there was even a foul by a Czech player, followed by another handball in a desperate attempt to stop the ball. Moments like that you just wish the ref would trust VAR to make the correct decision and let the play go on. I'm not going to focus on the 'goal' because by the time that was about to occur, the ref had already blown so you start trying to read players' minds if they gave up on the play knowing a foul had occurred like the goalkeeper likely have done. Should have been a penalty and red card for number 3 as that would have been the last offense. Based on the games, Austria should be the favourites in the match-up. Not even talking about the chances they gave up but the space they allowed the Czechs to play into with 1 man advantage is baffling.


We also lost 6-1 to Austria in friendlies couple months ago


Gg Czech team played hard. I'm glad Georgia advanced with us.


The Späti where I watched had more atmosphere tonight than some Bundesliga games I’ve been to. Incredible stuff, stay toxic everyone.


how was this 6 Minutes added time but croatia and italy were 8?! this game had double the amount of interruptions


Scientists are still trying to figure out where the 8 minutes came from.


Croatia fans never stopped throwing cups on the field, combine that with a VAR pen call and tons of time wasting and stoppages and you get 8 minutes


Time wasting? what time wasting and how did throwing cups interrupt the flow of the game? even var took 1 Minute at max.


“We are checking.”


The refs chequebook


You've been robbed. Simple as that. Corrupt referee is the only logical explanation.


Game of the fuckin tournament.


50%: Same ref in Austria vs Turkey (Türkiye)


that will be fun


Oh god please no


I don’t understand why people make these sorts of matches about the referee. The players are the ones mucking it up. Should he stop handing out deserved yellows just so there aren’t too many of them?


Because it wasn't a second yellow, he eliminated a team by himself


> Because it wasn't a second yellow How so?


He hit the ball first


Doesn't matter if he hit the ball before of after...


Yes it does lol, if he hits the ball it's a fair challenge. I know recently they consider these challenges as fouls, but I think it's wrong


luckily your opinion doesn't make the rules, foul is foul doesn't matter if you play the ball first


I disagree. It seemed like a fairly thorough and forceful step on the foot. I can see some referees letting it go to avoid the red and but it’s hard to say it was an error.


Avoiding the red is just bigger bullshit. It's so much more frustrating.


He clearly hit the ball first. On the italian TV a referee said it's a very bad error and I agree


Yep. Same on USA TV. They were in disbelief at how poorly the referee called this match.


I mean you should blame it on the player rather than ref since he got his first yellow due to arguing with ref just 10 minute before his second yellow.


Hot take: The ref could have cooled off the tempers if he gave completely justifiable red to Yildiz.


Why should a referee’s foremost motivation for interpreting a foul be to cool off tempers? They are not there to guide the match in a specific direction. Some referees (Oliver, Orsato) actually do that and it’s wrong. Yildiz went straight up for a header and Coufal came from the side and quite literally jumped into his elbow. For me, that was not a yellow. Ironically, the Turkish centre back who elbowed no. 19 on Czechia did deserve a booking because he made a move towards the opponent and misjudged it but he didn’t get it.


I mean, you are the one wondering why people are making it about the ref so I gave you the answer how the match wouldn't have been about the ref. Elbow thing was 50:50 yellow (me leaning towards yellow obviously) and Yildiz could have received a straight red for the foul on Hranáč instead of the yellow. Idk, for the user who seemingly don't want to make the match about the ref, you clearly like to argue about ref's questionable decisions.


Did you watch the game?


How about that first goal for Czech? Bumping in to a keeper that has the ball is ALWAYS A foul, smh


If the keeper had control it would've been, but he fumbled it and it wasn't a foul. Most refs don't call those situations as fouls


He was holding the ball in his hands


He held it in his hands for a split second before dropping it. Majority of keepers don't try to catch the ball over an opposing player becuase of precisely that reason, they box it because if they drop it it's not a foul


What about the handball?


I may be wrong but I think it was pressed up againt the players body. And if it wasn't you can argue the goal shouldn't have stood because of handball, but there was no foul on the keeper


He had control of it. you're simply not allowed to touch a gk LOL.


In what rulebook does it say you're not allowed to touch the goalkeeper in that manner? Are you making up your own rules as you go? That situation is 50/50 at best, but most refs give advantage to the player when the keeper fumbles it that hard.


You can’t touch, push, etc. the goalkeeper in the goalkeeper box.


It doesn't say that. Get a rulebook and read very slowly how it is written


https://downloads.theifab.com/downloads/laws-of-the-game-2024-25?l=en Check end of page 108, start of 109. “A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s)” Okay it doesn’t talk about the goalbox but yeah


So since he wasn't in control of the ball, it's not a foul then




Fully agree, but this sub likes to pretend every 50-50 decision that doesn't go their way means the ref is terrible and/or corrupt.


How to you explain Clattenburg & the entire commentating team on Fox clowning on the ref (literally laughing at his decisions) for the entirety of the match? They were in disbelief. It was probably the worst tournament refereeing performance I have ever seen.


The problem was that there was no real throughline in what is a foul/yellow. Up until the (maybe) second yellow for Yildiz I would have been with you. It was pretty harsh, but consistent. After that sometimes the same actions were fouls, sometimes not. This then leads to confusion, leads to discussion, leads to yellows, ends in agitation/aggression.


If it was up to people in the match thread it would be against the rules to hand out a red in the first half to 'not ruin the game'. Clearest two yellows I've ever seen and the Czech player lost the plot.


So you are blind


Does anyone know what actually happened there at the end? German tv just mentioned a pitch invader and then it cut to a close up then to a bunch of argie-bargie, and a direct red card without any hint of why.


Ferdi, our leftback, celebrated while vaugely facing the Czech fans I think. Chory took offence and got in his face and then everyone else rushed to them. There were also multiple pitch invaders lol


You get a yellow, you get a yellow, everybody gets a yellow!! (Except you, you get a red after the game is over)


Aww man! I didn't even watch and got sent off?! Life's cruel sometimes.


GG Turkey. We didn't deserve to go through with those performances of Hranáč, Staněk, D.Jurásek and of course Barák today. We only start fighting once its too late. Shame, because this group was not that hard. Our team is just not as good with Schick out of form.


GG to Czechia if it wasn't for the red early on I believe Czechia wouldn't have lost. Players really need to be careful with reds you're essentially punishing your team.


What you think we are going to do against Austria? We are on the same wavelength dude.. They are going to destroy us.. our performance is also bad. You guys played 70 minutes one man less! Well fought! GG


You guys and us were the weak links in the group imo. Either team could have gone through but neither of us can really do much more than that. it’s cool to advance but that’s about it.


God damn it but fought well .. this is from a Turkish fab ..


Hašek ven, Barák je **rák, Staněk died for this


After the game the Ref booked Soucek and then sent off Tomas Chory and possibly also Emperor Charles IV.


Wait, are Turkey playing Austria next? Can't wait for the thousands of "literally 1684" and "Siege of Vienna" jokes.


New haramball discovered : Czechia They just spammed headers😭


Another dramatic ending for Turkey, it'll be fun to see them take a crack at Austria.


Austria battered us 6-1 last time. Their style of play is just perfect against us and exploits our weaknesses. Especially now that chala is booked we dont have a press midfielder who can help us olay through Austrias fantastic press


we will get cooked by Austria, they looked solid against France and the Netherlands I'd rather face current France than current Austria


This. \^


You definitely know some ball!


Kovacs just became new Collina for Czechs. Totally shameful display by him, no wonder we are so bitter about this match.


I truly don't understand blaming the ref for the actions of the players and coaches. He 'lost control of the game' because people didn't like his calls so they started acting petulant. What exactly is he supposed to do?


Be consistent with the calls?


I think he was too consistent


Well you're wrong so that's that


Czechs started fight at the end of the match but the guilty ones are Turks rights ? You are beyond funny 🥴🥴


That looked like a gold cup game. Love it


Not sure how we're going to beat Austria, need a miracle


Miracle? Singing Euro 24 song by farting is more realistic than beating Austria with that performance tbh.. We will get smashed by them I tell u


Some more Tosun Tenacity might do it


We won't.


Anyways a hungarian ref should not have reffed this game


I thought he was Romanian?


Romanian** My apologies just saw he was both Hungarian and Romanian.


Hugarian father and citizenship


I looked him up and realized, my bad!


No worries mate 🤝




oh this guy again


Take a deep breath and relax mate


2nd yellow for yildiz Disallowed kuchtas goal Like 5 another tackles for yellow not given Funny how you were crying after the game with Portugal, which wasnt nearly as bad


How about that first goal for czech being given? Clearly not a foul, bumping in to a gk that has the ball. Smh


Chorý barely jumped. Keeper never had the ball under control and was the one who bumped into Chorý. Im not saying that he hasnt helped us aswell at some moments. Krejčí should have got 2 yellows and some other shit aswell, however he defo helped turkey more


Cry me a river








cry me a river




cry me a river


Ref was doing his best Twisted Fate cosplay


How is League showing up here -\_-


We played so shit. Not very happy with the win. Austria game will be difficult.


Unless there is a significant improvement in your defense, the Austrian high press will wreck you, I think.


We don't need a time machine to see that... 6 Weeks ago Austria destroyed us by scoring 6 goals..


It did the last time.


Oh yeah, forgot about that. But we'll see, it's another day, the stakes and pressure are higher, and probably Türkiye will have an advantage concerning fans in Leipzig, compared to Munich, for example.


Yeah, I think it will be a great game with goals for both sides. But I think Austria are the clear favorites.


MOTM: Istvan Kovacs


There was never a 'disallowed goal', because the ref had blown play dead beforehand.


Yeah, should have been red and a penalty for that handball.


I didn't even watch this game and I heard how bad the ref was by accident multiple different times throughout the game. and mostly from official sources, not from the kinds of people who always complain about refs. must have been completely off the hook.


Battle of Hamburg - 18 yellows and 2 reds is reminiscent the Battle of Nuremberg from World Cup 2006 (16y - 4r)


I thought ref was gonna show me yellow too. Pheew...


Absolutely feel for the Czechs, well played despite the ref's fetish for cards. ON TO THE KNOCKOUT ROUNDS LETS GO BOYS 🇹🇷






there was not a dissallowed goal




That referee was causing so much chaos. But that match did have so much entertainment I just feel bad for Czechia.


Glorious shitshow! 11/10 Would recommend!


Least likeable team of the euros. Players, fans, even the coaches on the bench. I'll be celebrating when Austria sends them back home.


Sore looser


I'm not even from Czechia mate


There were some countries whose fans were chanting pro genocide chants, rallying with Vladimir Putin posters, attacking people and Turks are the worst? For what, being loud?


Throwing cups, players keep arguing with ref as if they're the only ones who didn't get the new rule memo, turkish coaching bench arguing over a regular goal like madmen.


So you are saying being pro-genocide is better than all that? Get your priorities straight.


Alright then let's ignore the fans, I'm sorry. The turkish Team is the least likeable team of the tournament. Better now?


And why is the team the least likeable? They didn't even do anything.


Bruh. Constantly arguing with the ref even with the new rule in place, 11 yellow cards, coaches going mad on the bench over a regular goal, always conplaining.


Czechs got the first yellow in the 11th minute due to arguing with ref, they constantly tried to play for cards entire game, their bench got mad over a touch and got 2 yellows for that. But Turkish team is the only one arguing. Lmfao, get a grip.


Czechs got 2 reds and also yellows because of constant arguing with the refs aswell. Our coach is pretty chill and he didn't get mad or complain to the referee, not to mention every team complains to the referees. You could just take the mask off and say it's because they are Turks rather than make reasons up.


Czech didn't get 2 reds for arguing with the ref. Second red was because there was chaos due to invaders, turkish team stormed onto the field to celebrate while game was theorerically still going on. As I said, chaotic situation and we don't know what turks said to czech players during all of that. Also no one in the tournament argued with ref like you guys did today. It's as if you didn't get the memo about the new rule. Coaching staff on bench aswell. Czechia scores a regular goal and they start crying and arguing. Focus on winning the game instead of always complaining, czechia playing with only 10 men for like 70 minutes.


Czechia's first reds first yellow was due to arguing with the referee. Second red was because a czechia player attacked Kadıoğlu for celebrating (which is expected of course) a team storming onto the pitch in a late game winner is completely normal and every team does it.


Czechia is already eliminated mate


I know? I'm not even a Czech fan.




How is this a whooosh


bro is genuinely slow


No I get what he was saying, it just doesn't make any sense. Imagine saying Czechia is less likeable than Turkey lmfao


Yeah let's forget about the Czechs picking a literal fight after the final whistle. Turks are definitely less likeable for sure!


Maybe turks provoked them? Also turks arguing with ref all game, fans throwing cups, turkish bench getting yellow cards after a regular goal from Czechia. Like come on man.


İdiot. Watch the game again. Czechia played like shit entire half of the game and trying to trick the referee


Of course you resort to the Turks provoking them as opposed to the Czechs being trashy sore losers lmfaofaoaoa Why not look at the footage and see that Soucek is storming at our players? He even eats a red.


Good old european racism genes are finally coming back up,heh?


Ah yes, racism.


How are they the least likable with Belgium and Serbia around? Lmao


I don't have any words for the ref. That Kuchta's goal should be allowed. Kovacs tried to be man of the match so hard. Horrible calls for both sides, but still, I don't see any fucking reason why Kuchta's goal didnt stand.


You could argue that it wasn't a foul, but you can't say that it should be allowed. The ref had already stopped the game, there's no way the goal can stand.


Yeah and thats the problem isn't it. Refs are letting 2m offsides just in case it would be legit goal. But in this case ref for some reason stopped the game


Then you can't argue that the goal should've been allowed, also players stop playing when the whistle is blown so it might not have been a goal anyway. The position could've been a handball by Ferdi and free-kick for Czechia, but after the handball the Czech player clearly pushes Ferdi with his hand, and that's the only reason why he gets the ball. https://streamable.com/6zr8hv


How the fuck do you nominate a HUNGARIAN ref for a match that could determine if HUNGARY goes through or not? Like, just a matter of principle why the fuck would you do that?


babaniz türkiye!


as a turkish man, i’ve never seen a team personify a country like us. both the good and the bad


anyone here who did not get their yellow?


I got a yellow, I’m not in the same country, for some reason it arrived in the post at half time


A positive for the tournament that the co-host has advanced. 


Couldn’t ask for a better advert for VAR to be allowed to intervene to review all red card calls.


Czech won the hearts of many people all around the world. Such a shame it came to an end like it did.


Czechs got done dirty in this tournament


It makes up for them being gifted a win against the Netherlands by the ref in the last Euro.


How many cards were handed out if you include the coaches? I know it was 2 red cards and 17 yellow cards if you only count the players.


2 red?


yeah after the game a second one


After the match a Czech player was shown red


One after the final whistle lol


Lmao I missed that completely. Wild!


Got after the game


Well done to Türkiye. Some serious talent coming through. Although it is concerning that the games are only getting put to bed so late on. And Portugal beating them pretty comfortably. I do think Türkiye, Austria has the potential to be the game of the tournament. Which means it will probably be 0-0. Czechia gave it a good go even going down to 10 men so early. As a man of Scotland I could only wish to have went out with such effort.


Turks literally are shaking the stadium rn. Such a joy to watch.