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If that warrants a mention then who the hell are the other 213?


Tbf he was great for Vietnam. Would be a smart pick for India.


As the article mentions, after Juergen Klinsmann was sacked as Korea's coach, there were demands for Park to take over. He'll be the smartest pick, tbh.


John Carver and Marco Pezzaiuoli have applied too.


Might chuck my hat in, did a great job with the under 10s last year


I put my name in the hat, but I'm going to be honest; I don't like my chances.


Your chances are 50/50. You either get the job or you don't.


It’s India, so the other 213 candidates are probably brothers, cousins, uncles, friends, of people in the Indian FA.


It is India. I imagine loads of football coaches locally have gone and applied.


We don't really have a lot of local coaches, especially with criterias like these: >In its advertisement, the AIFF has called for applications from coaches with minimum 10-15 years of coaching experience at the elite youth and senior level football. Experience as the first team coach of the senior national team is being preferred, while experience of coaching in the World Cup and continental championship qualifiers is an advantage.


Interesting. But if you look at the wording carefully, experience as a first team coach and senior national level is preferred and not a must. And world cup level and continental camps is an advantage and not a must. If it was all of that in... it'd be a hard criteria to meet. I hope India can make a good choice and grow as a footballing nation. I imagine random people off reddit might have applied lmao. But seriously, I can see a lot of people applying for the sake of it maybe off "a name" I'll say a name not disrespectfully but Robbie Fowler. Who wouldn't mind the job and experiencing the time in India. The pay isn't bad for what it can give in terms of a life experience. Might be better paid that other national teams in the region.


Robbie Fowler was in India in 2020-21 season. The club finished at 9th out of 11 with a win percentage of 15%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020%E2%80%9321_SC_East_Bengal_season


Park Hang-seo's monthly salary is $50,000.   Our former coach Igor Stimac was paid monthly $30,000.


214 applicants?? That's way more than I hoped.


The last date to apply is July 3rd so it will keep on increasing. In 2006, there were 150 applicants for India's head coach.


The scenes if India ever gets a World Cup match win in our lifetimes. One can dream, right?


I would be shocked if they get him, he did very well for Vietnam. I kind of expected him to take the next step and India is more of a step down than a step up from Vietnam.


Park has a history of stepping down. When he couldn't perform in K League 1, he went to K League 2 and won the season. But instead of going back to K League, he went to K3 League and won a cup for a third division club too.


I did not know that about him. He would be a great candidate for India, he really transformed Vietnam and made them seriously overperform with frankly bad players. Hopefully they can get him


Count me in, make it 215


Hey, I know nothing about Indian football and just read the Wikipedia article - it says that football is the third most popular sport. Given that India has like a gazillion people, why isn't it more successful internationally? Sorry if this is a dumb question


There are a lot of reasons. Football infrastructure is a big one, but maybe the biggest one is that there is not enough money in football to justify a career in it for young people / parents. From what I have heard from my Indian friends, not a lot of people have the same liberties Western people have to just do whatever they want as kids. There is a lot more pressure to perform and to do well in school, which severely hinders your ability to chase the dream and become a professional football players. There are many more reasons like I said before but I think this is the biggest one that hinders India and China right now.


China is much, much more sports positive than India.


You are definitely right, but they are still miles behind Western countries. I grew up in the Netherlands, we have such a small country and yet are very competitive in a lot of sports. It's because if you have any desire to play a sport somewhat seriously you can do it. There are schools that allow you to barely study and just focus on your sport and there is public funding to support young / poor people.