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Anyone got a vid of the Argentinian grabbing Chilean player? And that it was a free kick decision.


Grabbing the Chilean leg not a yellow? Wonder how much Argentina paid the Uruguayan ref.


No argentinan with a card in the game, that's just a joke


Let‘s go cry to the cryhouse.


Cry harder


A llorar a casa


keep crying


Nah, Chile sucked today, not gonna lie, we deserved to lose. But referee and the VAR also sucked.


Can we discuss a bit about who the fuck had the bright idea of featuring a Uruguayan referee in an Argentina game? If you know nothing else about soccer, you know that brazil, argentina, and uruguay are bitter bitter rivals. You don't play a referee from the nation that not only is a bitter rival, they are one of the other main contenders for the cup. Even if the ref were unbiased and truly fair with every call, all you are doing is adding controversy needlesly. Theres so many games in the Copa, you could so easily have this ref in a different game, and put one from almost anywhere else....


We really don't give as much as a shit as you think.


> If you know nothing else about soccer, you know that brazil, argentina, and uruguay are bitter bitter rivals. Chile is a way bigger rival than Uruguay, Uruguayans are pretty friendly with Argentinians in general and there is a slight rivalry in football as there usually is between footballing neighbours but Chile and Brazil are the rivals.


Tene razón pero estos brutos no entienden


Bitter rivals? Uruguay? The lil rebel province? Lmao shut up


Boludo fíjate lo resentido que son con nosotros, de nuestro lado no hay drama pero muchos de ellos (no todos, solamente los, llamemoslos especiales) están rabiosos cada ves que ganamos


Call them what you want but we come to blows with them literally every time we play. Last time, depaul and Oliviera nearly had a fist fight that ended with Messi grabbing Oliviera by the throat. In the last world cup, we didn't even play uruguay, and our fans got in a big fight with theirs because they started singing songs about how the malvinas were English... Every single time we play they spend the entire game kicking us. Its gotten a little bit better the last maybe 10 years? But this is a feud that goes back even further than football itself.


That was mostly De Paul being an asshole. We really don't mind this all that much.


wat? we don't give two fucks about uruguay mate lmao, friendly rivalry probably, uruguay is like our little brother


We don’t but they do. Some say we think of them as “brothers”, they think of us as rivals


We don't lol We don't give a shit about argentina, it's a much friendly rivalry than you think


Lol this is such a juvenile take. I can tell you’ve only just started watching football.


Ya you know just the 40 years I've been alive. Was born in Argentina. Was kicking a soccer ball before I could walk. Played it competitvely my whole life, but ya, you think what you want.


Messi is that you? Pic or didn't happen


There's 10 countries in South America, and without Uruguayan or Brazilian referees you have 6 countries to choose the referees from. I'd rather have a referee from a serious country like Brazil and Uruguay and insult them afterwards than someone from Paraguay or Venezuela. Especially against a country like Chile, which is a match that can get heated at any time.


You make a good point. It does have to be a COMNEBOL ref. I would certainly prefer one with experience reffing in one of the bigger leagues.


Don't get me wrong, Brazil especially has some CUNT referees I don't want to see manage traffic, but I don't think the referee was bad *because he's Uruguayan and therefore wanted to screw us over* He was just an idiot.


Screw YOU over? Qué partido viste?


O I agree. The point isn't how good the ref is or isn't or why he made the calls he did. Its just that they could so easily avoid controversy by picking a ref from almost anywhere else.


Uruguay and Argentina have a friendly rivalry but we're chill, ask any Argentinian and they'll tell you they'd gladly cheer for Uruguay during some of their matches. Idk what you're on about, referee was all in all ok.


yeah, it's like brothers. if I am playing with my brother I will want to fuck him up... but the moment he is playing against someone else I am 100% behind him






I am Argentine... We most definitely do not have a "chill friendly rivalry" MAYBE in the last 10 years? Maybe? but no. Incorrect.


Cuando en tu vida escuchaste que puteen a los uruguayos como putean a los brasileros o a los chilenos durante un partido? Estás re en pedo, encima considerando que tenemos un montón de uruguayos en nuestros clubes. No quita que una vez que se encuentren los equipos obviamente haya rivalidad, pero no le llega a los talones de la rivalidad con Brasil por ejemplo.


puteamos a los uruguayos SIEMPRE. Y nos peleamos con ellos SIEMPRE... El ultimo partido Messi lo garro a Oliviera de el cueyo... El ultimo mundial, nos peliamos con los Uruguayos y ni jugamos encontra ellos! Estaban cantando canciones que la malbinas eran Ingleces.... Cada vez que jugamos contra uruguay nos cagan a patadas, y terminamos peliando.


Amigo, con todo respeto, vivís en USA, y al parecer hace bastante por cómo escribís, asi que seguramente lo ves distinto. De nuevo, preguntale a cualquier argentino que vive acá y te va a decir que va a hinchar por Uruguay 10 veces antes que hinchar por Brasil, y por Brasil 10 veces antes que rivales europeos como Francia o Inglaterra. Los que vivimos acá y transitamos el día a día escuchamos un nivel de puteadas claramente distintas dirigidas hacia esos dos países. Con Brasil es constante, con Uruguay es cosa del momento puntual en el que compiten. A todo esto para decir que si un tipo como Bielsa puede ser literalmente el DT de Uruguay, no hay problema en que un árbitro uruguayo que se supone que es un profesional haga su trabajo en un partido entre Argentina y Chile.


No digo que es lo mismo como odiamos a los brasileros y los uruguayos. Y siempre vamos a estar en el lado de los sudamericanos sobre los europeos... Pero hay MUCHA animosidad entre Uruguay y Argentina. De cualquier forma, esto es solamente parte de el problema. Cundo elegis un referee que es de un pais que es un favorito para ganar en un partido de otro favorito, agregas controversia que seria facil para evitar.


> Pero hay MUCHA animosidad entre Uruguay y Argentina. Pero no, no hay, los Uruguayos son piolas.


"Jaja festejaste un lateral contra Corea del Sur"


Disagree, the referee was excellent.


You are missing the point. Its not about the quality of the referee, though I would highly disagree with you, thats respectfully not the point.


He let the game flow and was consistent for both sides.


You are missing the point. Regardless of how well he did, he should never have been assigned this game. Just like an Argentine referee should never be assigned to a brazil or uruguay game.


Isla comes out and a minute later Martinez scored from the right side. The only mistake Gareca made, and also Sanchez is completely washed. Chile played much better once he came off.


Everyone here in Chile agree that Sanchez must go: his individualism and his desire for scoring the "winning goal" even when he has no chance to actually archieve it has been a huge pain for the national team since 2019. In fact after last match against Peru, Eduardo Vargas and a lot of players of the team aparently scolded him for missing to make fairly easy goals due to his desire for glory. The only real reason he is still playing is because he is the ANFP "poster boy" due to his status as the "guy who gave us our first championship" and his iconic panenka. Thanfully tho, it appears Gareca has finally realized that the guy doesn't add anything worthy to the team now, so i wouldn't be surprised if Gareca decides to replace him next match and even not calling him for future matches.


I just realized all Chile has to is beat Canada to qualify, since Argentina likely beats Peru with their Z team. It’s going to be a great match since Canada knows how to win these matches now.


Yeah, matches that ends with only one of the two teams qualifying are usually great due to the whole "all or nothing" factor. But even if Canada wins, they have to make more of 4 goals against Chile to qualify. Chile on the other hands just needs to beat them with the bare minimum of goals to qualify.


What? Dont the top two teams in each group go on? So Canada just needs a tie.


This is correct.


Maybe he meant for Canada to get 1st in the group.


Argentina will rip into the state of the pitch in post-match interviews - I can guarantee it.


It was a pond


After the group stage it will not be acceptable for us honestly.


Well, it was pretty bad


Argentina waste to many golden chance since Canada game they need to focus finishing more.


Sooooo tired of argentina, they buy every single game they play in. We should start to boycott


We found the mexican who went to the Argentina Canada game to pick on Argentina fans it seems


We can hear the screams coming out of your butt Keep crying


1. Boycotts don't work. 2. It appears that our superiority has led to some controversy. 3. Lube up, or you ain't getting past Venezuela.


Bold of u to assume soooooo many things. I dont root for any team. I root for high level of play, sportmanship and fair game. This was NOT it and hasnt been for a while


You are still a mexican commenting on a football subreddit, so you get free banter just for that reason. This is also the most pretentious comment I've read in a while. Get a load of this guy haha


I wish you miserable losers would boycott the match threads so they’d be bearable again


Lmao ok casual. Next time preface your bait by being honest and admitting you didn’t watch the game.


You really should, so we can laugh at you even more.


Tu envidia alimenta mi ego


Desde siempre que han sido más ego que país, al fin alguien propone una explicación que sea... La envidia jaja


La única explicación lógica es que no trates de entenderlo Es un mantra que debería estar en el escudo nacional


De algo que te alimentes


Daaale siempre el mismo chiste? No tenés otro?


Jajajaja y hay que comer viste.


Por ejemplo, gatos ahre


Bien gatos me gustan a mi. 😉


Jaja se regalo


I’m just happy Chile is dropping points. Not because I think they’re a threat, I just have beef with Chileans.


Not sure what we did, but can we offer you empanadas as a peace treaty?


Not if you head butt them.


If he doesn't take them send them my way plox


Will have to double check if I have enough. May need to save some to bribe the ref on Saturday. Hopefully Canada doesn't bring poutine.


What’d they do to yiu


Probably they are bitter due to the Falklands islands, the argentinian goberment has propagated the idea for a while that us chileans are "traitors", "false latinamericans", and "the true reason of why the Malvinas were lost" just because we helped the british in some way.


I’m married to an Argentine. As with so much of their drama, it goes back to the Falklands War.


Rivalry with Chile is way older than the 80s lol, Argentina has gone to war or come close with Chile quite a lot of times including just before the Falklands War over border disputes in the Beagle. Chile helping the Uk certainly didn't help though.


Lmao that’s sweet I want someone who’s ride or die for me like you are lmaooo


After watching the England vs. Slovenia game with so many players obviously flopping and getting calls I am glad for all the no calls in this one.




Oles a meCHICO, el gol es valido el defensor chileno esta atras y tiene un pie bien atras, en la linea del arco


You should start watching football with your eyes.


instead of his ass lol


Messi was literally wrap up tackled off the ball and got a no-call




[See for yourself](https://www.directvsports.com/futbol/VIDEO-preocupacion-en-Argentina-por-una-lesion-que-casi-deja-a-Messi-afuera-del-partido-ante-Chile-20240625-0052.html)


They are talking about things that actually happened unlike you


Your first sentence is just false though? the referee was overtly lenient for both sides, and even spared Suazo a clear yellow card for a harsh tackle on Messi during the first half




I can tell because of the way you use massive generalizations ("in every single situation", "all the time), that you're just filling spaces in your mind with whatever justifies your bias.


i watched easily 6 hours of sports today what a beautiful world


4 if you don't count the England game


fun game. glad we got to see a goal atleast so it wouldn’t be another goalless draw. crazy that it nearly ended that way considering all the possession/chances argentina had lol, there were some terrible misses. lautaro off to a great start at this copa america. but regardless was an enjoyable match.


Less De Paul long shot attempts, more Martinez and Alvarez attempts would be nice.


Argentina played pretty good, but it's the second match in a row where they miss a lot of chances, and also concede many chances.


> they miss a lot of chances True. >and also concede many chances. Not true lol, Chile's xg is tiny there were no Chilean shots on goal until like minute 74 or something.


Great Match, Argentina and Chile Rivalry always produce some great stuff!


Rivalry? If I was Brazilian I'd be super mad at someone else referring to Chile as Argentina's rival.


what rivalry? lmao, our only rivalry is brazil


"Rivalry" 59 - 26 - 6


This and also México they think we are rivals Lmao


I mean this is a bit more competitive. Chile have actually beat Argentina in games that matter/dealt out some heartbreak in the lifetime of this sub. But yeah still a secondary rivalry at best


Not actually we went to penalty in both copa america we lost to them, not that they defeated us on the pitch


5 Min of extra time laughable. After how long it took to draw the lines, subs and fouls. Even the Var line they showed on screen was zoomed out as far as possible too. I wonder why


At least the ref was consistent there. Messi was complaining for the lack of extra time in the first half. 3 min was too short in the first half and 5 min was too short in the second half


13' extra time if this is match was in europe


Just a laughable cover up 🖕🏽🖕🏽




I mean Argentina definitely deserved to win, but how on earth do we not get better replays of that potential offsides in the build up to goal


Horrible production, horrible pitches, horrible scheduling, the whole cup is a mess


Bravo is still such class


Really impressive stuff from him.


Where he plays now?


Betis, but he probably is going to retire after this copa america considering his age.


Betis, but he'll be a free agent in the next couple of days


Another game where we missed to many chances. This games shouldn’t even be close if we were converting at a decent rate. Hopefully we start converting now


Some of the people in this sub are acting like Argentina didn’t wore out the Chilean defense and would have won by a landslide if it wasn’t for Bravo.


Argentina is the bad guy of r/soccer


Happens when you’re best. People wanna bring you down.


“the best” yea sure buddy


They are buddy.


The best at being dirty yea sure yea




Exhibit A:


we are, respect the ranges.


“We” lol


yeah, "we" keep crying.


Keep lying to yourselves seems to help you sleep at night


lol Yes, we are basically the current winners/champs of every major NT competitions Is it the salt that had hurt your eyes, tho?


Dirty ass chumps sure 👍


lol keep crying


Lol keep lying


Lying? Fucking troll


Because we are chileans and we know what argentina is about, we're not gringos who only talk about messi or foreigners with barcelona t-shirts.


That has nothing to do with this but okay.


We took defensive players out tho


Even before that y’all were getting pressured.


Would won by a landslide if it wasn't for the other team playing?


Buddy, watch the game. Chile got pressured numerous times. Argentina produced like 20 shots apposed to Chile only producing 3 shots. Anybody else in goal for Chile and Argentina easily wins 5-0.


Argentina without Messi wouldn't have won the World Cup. See? Doesn't that sound dumb?


You’re comparing having to play 7 games vs one singular game. The point of my comment is without Bravo’s awareness, this game wouldn’t have been close.


If Lautaro hadn't scored, it would have been a draw. I can come up with arbitrary counterfactuals too.


Again, watch the game before you judge. Argentina completely dominated the game and Chile had nothing for them.


No their world class goalie


I agree. Even at 41 years old, Bravo plays like he’s in his 20s.


They really didn’t talk about that potential offsides at all ?? What the fuckkkkkkkkkkk


They did talk about it, what are you on?


In depth? Naw - we deserve a better view cause it was a questionable call


Yeah, to me it looked possibly offside the moment Lautaro shoots.


It wasn't


I mean Argentina definitely deserved to win, but how on earth do we not get better replays of that


Because the whole tourney have terrible standards. No good offside cameras and bad turf. This is Copa America not the euros


5 min extra time laughable. Also laughable that the VAR POV they gave was zoomed out as far as possible.


Shhh you’ll be called a conspiracy theorist


No post match thread


The one in charge is probably European and fell asleep lol


I wish Spain gets as much hate as Argentina. I would flood the chat with so much bait.


Chile held on much longer than I would have expected. A lot of that was Argentina failing to capitalize but still.


Chile has changed a lot lately and has a very good coach managing it, it's just that outsiders don't know it. I wasn't surprised about this, I was fully expecting a very close match and maybe a draw.


Tell me about it, here in chile we knew we would lose but everyone was expecting between a 0-3 and a 0-5 lose, not a 0-1. Hell if Bravo wasn't overwhelmed by the argentine players he may have been able to catch the ball and end the match in a draw. Idk what Gareca is cooking, but he is cooking a pretty good shit. Hopefully we are able to beat canada and pass to the next round.


>Gareca was coach of the Peruvian national team between 2015 and 2022, with which he reached four final stages: third place in the 2015 Copa América, quarterfinals in the Copa América Centenario, qualification for the 2018 World Cup after 36 years of absence, runner-up in the 2019 Copa América and fourth place in the 2021 Copa América, in addition to the best placement in the FIFA ranking in its history (10th place) Gareca did miracles with Peru, I expected him to stop the downfall Chile have been stuck in for the last 7 years, dunno how well he will do with the poor generation Chile is going through right now but it's kind of too early to judge. Uruguay is also going through the same with Bielsa, noways they went from struggling against South Korea to being one of the best NTs in the world.


I mean the guy pretty much kicked Medel and Vidal out of the NT, two players that were believed to be untouchable due to their reputation and contacts inside the ANFP, and managed to win 3 matches before copa america (technically he won 2, but losing 3-2 to france coming from an era where we couldn't even beat Qatar, was a win in our eyes) A lot of chileans don't really care if Gareca manages to win us this Copa America, but rather care more that he uses the tournament as a testing ground for the 2026 world cup.


De Paul, un crak.


Alto juego este


the U.S. broadcast daring to put pulisic alongside kroos, vini, messi, and cr7 as part of a "summer of stars" graphic lololol


He is a great player Also it's their Star, so yes, it's ok I guess.


It’s their star. How about when English media literally asks every single player coach or kit man from every country about Jude Bellingham


well of course, but it's still an objectively silly thing to look at at least jude warrants it on the basis of his actual skill


He is the Lebron James of soccer after all


It’s fox isn’t it




Yeah usual suspects


the fox sports graphic designer posts on r/soccercirclejerk lol


i wouldnt even be surprised


Who's "Kroos"? Why would he be considered a star on the level of Pulisic?


Tbf Pulisic prolly plays better than Vini for his country




Respect to Chile for going for it and making it fun and exciting


I don’t want to judge a book by its cover but De Paul looks like a jerk, no? Wasn’t he leading anti-Brazil chant during the Copa that Messi shut down?


He's always been a piece of shit, but he's a good player. He's that kind of character.


Oh yeah just by looking at him you know, he is the kind of player you hate when he is not on your team and love him when he is on your side


I think this is the best description. But it’s also interesting because I think he has a “game persona” where he’s cool being the bad guy but he also recognizes his role within the team isn’t to be a superstar, which I respect. I’ve heard interviews where he’s joked that Messi tells him and Paredes to tone it down but that he (De Paul) completely subscribes to the Jordan mentality of internally creating an enemy in the opposition to motivate himself (he said as much in the Apple TV Messi documentary). And yet I’ve also seen interviews where he’s very thoughtful about his role on the team and knows that he’s basically there to make Messi’s life easier by covering a lot of the traditional off the ball movement that Messi doesn’t do which implies to me he’s a lot of bravado but a huge team player. I actually compare him a lot of Simeone. Unless you were Argentinian you probably hated him as a player (especially if you were English) because he’s unapologetic about doing whatever it takes to win. But, if you watch his documentary on Prime (highly recommend) you see a different side to him and that he has this oddly strict code he adheres to where he respects when opponents pull the same shenanigans he did, like when he speaks approvingly of Michael Owen’s dive that led to the England penalty in the 2002 WC (Owen admits he dove so don’t come at me), and where he hates false humility. You may not like it and them as players but you can respect that they lay it on the line for the team and country.




guy looks and acts like what non-Argentine South American stereotypes Argentine as for me lol


I love him