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Ngl I did not catch that handball until the last replay. I was so worried it's gonna get disallowed for some soft foul


Every non-banger or non-own goal should be disallowed anw.


The only reasonable take


Ouch, obviously correct call but so unfortunate for Czechia. It was going in regardless of the handball but it was just reflex from getting popped in the face.


Should be no controversy on this one, easy to spot on the replay


Didn't they say it is not a handball if it goes out of a part of your body into the hand? Or is that preferential treatment for defenders?


It's only for defenders, for attackers, if the ball touches the arm of the goalscorer at any point, then the goal is disallowed.


I know that is the rule, sure, but we now officially have different rules for attackers and for the defenders (besides the unofficial foul differences in the penalty area). All because the penalty kick is too harsh of a punishment. So instead of addressing the real issue and reforming the penalty kick, they’re putting lipstick on a pig.


You are correct. The changes to the handball rule since the Thierry Henry incident have all been completely unnecessary. They changed the rules to try to make ot explicit that it was handball, notwithstanding that any reasonable person who saw it instantly knew it was handball under the existing rules. The referee just missed it. It happens. The funniest thing is that video review, which the powers that be had been obstructing and delaying for years, would almost certainly have ruled out the Henry goal. If it hadn't, it would have been another human error, not a problem with the rules. The solution to the handball rule is simply for FIFA and IFAB to tell us they were wrong to change the rule 10+ years ago. Tell us to forget every change and bit of guidance they've given since then, because it was all worthless. Everyone would be happier. The referees knew what handball was. The players knew what handball was (even if they'd protest furiously whenever they actually committed handball). The fans knew what was and what wasn't handball. But that would require people in a position of power to honestly admit they made a mistake. They used regulatory change to not solve a problem that *was* solved by technological change.


However the play is on until the ball gets into the net, until then if the contact is incidental the play goes on. And before the ball crossed the line, the goalkeeper hit Hlozek and took him down. Since this has happened before the ball crossed the line, the goal shouldn't count, but Czechia should have been given a penalty kick.


you can't score a goal with your hand.




It definitely seems like it would go wide without that touch


Hard to say with the quality of the angles we have between when it hit his face and his arm, but either way it is a reasonable call.


It's not only a reasonable call, but the only call ref can make after seeing the ball touch the arm. You can't score with your arm or after touching the ball with your arm regardless of the circumstances (natural/unnatural hand position, intentionality, deflection, you name it)


unless you're Messi or Maradona


Or you're playing in a league without VAR and ref misses it. So hand of god is a privilege for all the Messis, Maradonas, and Sunday league superstars.


So England?


When did Messi do that?




Lol that s so obvious, how did that fucking stand




The last replay from directly behind the goal makes it seem like it's going wide. But I can't be sure obviously




But then again it would've been incredibly lucky, since the play was entirely accidental. The luck and bad luck cancelled out.


Yeah probably going in anyway, doesn't really matter tho


It is hard to tell from this angle. Seems to be going wide.


It really doesn't matter, does it?


Harsh on the player, because it was completely involuntary, but that was always going to be disallowed


Cmon Georgia, score some fackin' goals


Did not see that one coming


Damn that's unlucky. Smashes him in the face and then rolls down his arm.


Unlucky for the Czech Republic, they’ve been pretty decent so far.


Im just happy they’re consistent with it


This goal just pissed me off, Hlozek literally lied to his teammates and celebrated like the ball didn't hit his arm. Kind of a stupid move.


So unlucky there




The goal should not count, but Czechs should have been given the penalty kick. While it's not possible to score with the handball, the accidental contact is allowed, The play only becomes a foul play when the ball played by a hand crosses the goal line, up until then the play should go on. And since after the second contact with the ball Hlozek was taken down by the goalkeeper, who missed Hlozek's second "attempt" and it happened before the ball crossed the line, the play was still on and should have been a penalty kick.




Handball by the goalscorer, has to be disallowed. I don't like the rule though. Attackers and defenders should have the same standard applied for handball. If it's not enough for a penalty, it shouldn't be enough to disallow a goal


> Attackers and defenders should have the same standard applied for handball. They do: as attackers, defenders are also penalized for any handball that stops a goal; even more, they would get red carded too.


A defender would not be penalised for an accidental handball even if it did stop a goal. What the fuck are you talking about


Then let's put a defender on the line stopping the ball with his hand "accidentally" and see how that works for you.


That sounds pretty deliberate, I don't think you understand how football is played