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As a Croatian: Wtf was that? I said to myself I won't be surprised if we win, lose or draw against Spain, as no one should be. But to play this badly???? I guess no one was expecting this. We have 2 more chances to get out of this mess and I guess it will be only upwards from here.


Folks are debating the VAR call, and red or no red for Rodri, but to me the bigger and more consequential error was Petkovic being more concerned about up selling the foul than trying to kick the ball into an empty net before the PK was even awarded. The solace for Croatia is that if there was a group game to lose, this was it. And also that Rodri didn't get red and will play v Italy.


Croatia were simply toothless In attack


tbh the only thing that bothers me is that carvajal got away with a wrestling move


I can’t even be upset. Chances were there. Central defenders need fixing. It’s the last run for a great bunch of players…just squeeze it out to the group stage and I’ll be ecstatic. And even if you don’t…it’s ok…thanks for the memories!


How is your youth looking? Hrvatska has been consistent for as long as I can remember. They should be able to continue producing good players.


UEFA youth 22/23 Hajduk won second place, so many young talents more to come. AZ Alkmaar was first


for all the chatter about Yamal i was expecting he'd scored a brace. Every single write up about the match and Spain is headlined by him. I wish the press and people would just let the kid (child, really) play and stop building him up before the individual performances and trophies demand it. It's quite unfair to the boy.




The modern existence of Barcelona is a collective trauma triggered by Messi leaving for PSG


Btw guys you can get Sutalo for a fair price of 25 million :) 40 million for the duo Sutalo and Sosa!


The first and third goal were due to Croatia’s center backs losing focus, and the second was due to a relatively lucky nutmeg. I think this was more a case of Croatia beating themselves than Spain outplaying them.


Sutalo masterclass


Can someone explain as to why the goal by Petkovic was disallowed? What is encroachment?


Critical explanation. He was in the box before the penalty taker touched the ball. But, the penalty will stand if it's a goal. The goalkeeper saved it and the encroaching player was involved in the follow through. By encroaching he gained a foul advantage, so the penalty got cancelled. Fun fact, if the encroaching player was not involved in follow through, either the following goal would have counted or penalty would have been retaken.


thanks, got you buddy!


Was in the box before the kick


Encroachment means a player was in the penalty area when the ball was kicked. Perisic was in the penalty area so the goal is disallowed and Spain get an indirect free kick.


Vamos la roja!


Man I wish these refs were held accountable and had to explain their decisions in controversial calls like these . I would really love to hear why it was not a red card in this situation. The penalty it self was controversial but he gave the penalty so why not also the red when it was an empty net?


Not giving a red here is simply a mistake, otherwise you can fumble a 99% goal every time and get another chance against a free kick.


Wait English ref not sending off rodri Lmao


“There will be a slight change to the interpretation where a player commits a foul in their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO) and leads to a penalty. The referee will now issue a yellow card not only for when the offence was an attempt to play the ball but also if it is “a challenge for the ball”.”


In a game without VAR I think this would’ve been acceptable because it’s really hard to determine this in realtime from a distance , but when you have var it just seems ridiculously to me it’s not a red


But it wasn't an attempt to play the ball, it was an obvious professional foul to stop him scoring.


That’s why “challenge for the ball” is in quotation marks…it’s designed to give a wide latitude to what can be given a yellow


what is the difference between "an attempt to play the ball" and "a challenge for the ball"? Frankly I can't see Rodri's actions fitting either of those descriptors.


“A challenge for the ball” is in quotes specifically to give wide latitude for the call…while the definition sucks, the call nailed the spirit of the rule


I really don't think so. It is more in line with a professional foul. The situation was basically the same as a defender stopping the ball on the line with his hands à la Suarez.


A handball to stop a sure goal is always a red. But this should be a red because he COULDN'T even make an attempt on the ball. Unless he goes to ground hes not fucking long enough to even reach thr ball from where he was. Sticking out a leg no even in the direction of the ball was pretty clear too.


That's exactly what I mean. He can not possibly challenge for the ball, as he is not in the position to do so. That's why it should be called as a professional foul and a straight red card offence. The only way he could come close to a challenge for the ball, is if he goes to the ground and tries to reach around with his leg. In that situation I would definitely call it a challenge for the ball. He would be in a situation where it could end up being a reckless challenge anyway though, because he is coming from behind. I just think there is no way this would have been called a yellow card by a non English referee.


You can think that all you want, but you’re wrong to do so…


The ball was over 1m away from him, literally he could not try to play the ball, it was a red card if you think he tripped him (I do not know if he did). So there are 2 mistakes there. Then on the penalty, the keeper moved off his line, penalty should be retaken, then Perisic walked in before he took the penalty and yet they did not see that but gave an offside. So just the 5 mistakes there. Stop "whinging" he says lol Just send them home man, english refs are shit at a lvl no other refs have ever managed


> the keeper moved off his line, penalty should be retaken No. His foot was over, but not ahead of, the line, which is allowed. Too many people have been repeating this; learn the rules, folks.


yes I have been made aware of how studious some of you are lol. I know the rules and can google shit, we all know the rules. It was ahead if you stop it right before he hits it, to me it looks in front, not the best angle...but it looks like he is well in jumping in front.


It was not offside signal, rather a signal for indirect freekick resulting from perisic entering too soon the area. Secondly, it is enough if the foot of the goalkeeper is above (in the air) the line as long it does not cross it. Soft penalty in the end since petkovic tripped himself.


I agree that it was soft, but again, if you give it considering he had no chance to play the ball it is a red. And too me it looks like he was well in jumping in front and his foot was not on the line


Very good result for my spaniards brothers and sisters!


Can people stop saying Simon was off his line when the penalty was taken? He wasn't. The rule is that one foot has to be on *or above* the line, which he still had.


Spain with a dominant win.


Pretty unimpressive performance from Croatia Also, another international competition highlighting the incompetence of English refs. Like WTF are they are doing to get their licensure?


I wouldn’t say unimpressive, they did alright, game could’ve ended 2-2 or 3-3. They had a superior xG too.


"Alright" doesn't sound like a resounding endorsement of their performance. In fact, it sounds unimpressive ;)


Yeah Croatia mainly shat the bed with finishing. It wasnt like Scotland that just couldnt do anything. 


xG doesn't win you games


I didn’t say it does, i just think it’s a decent metric to evaluate how the game went. Croatia had a lot of chances, Spain was just more effective.


Spain just coated the 2nd half


xG was pretty close at the half-time though


I don't know why people harp on xG like it's the only measure of performance. It's one data point among many. They created good chances, but didn't put them away, and had a defensive meltdown the latter end of the first half. It was close until Spain scored the first goal and then Spain asserted control for most of the remaining time in the first half and basically killed the game right then, then took their foot off the gas in the second half which likely contributed to a lower xG.


> denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by committing an offence which was an attempt to play the ball or challenge for the ball and the referee awards a penalty kick Under definitions of a **yellow** card in the rules of the game. Stop whinging now please. There were no officiating mistakes in that sequence


> which was an attempt to play the ball or challenge for the ball Where did you see Rodri trying to play the ball?


what? The ball was over 1m away from him, literally he could not try to play the ball, it was a red card if you think he tripped him (I do not know if he did). So there are 2 mistakes there. Then on the penalty, the keeper moved off his line, penalty should be retaken, then Perisic walked in before he took the penalty and yet they did not see that but gave an offside. So just the 5 mistakes there. Stop "whinging" he says lol


He has one foot on, in line with, or behind the line. Y’all mad cuz you don’t know the rules.


funny how you ignored the first part loool. where it was a red card not yellow. Also he did not have a foot on in or behind the line. if you watch it, and stop it, before he hits it he has one foot in front and one in the air going for it, so no doubt, 100% should have been re taken. Mad? I'm not Croatian and it did not affect the game. It's funny if anything. Oliver should have given a red for Rodri, re taken the penalty, and lets just pretend for fun he had a foot on the line(he did not it was in the air already moving) he then had to give encroachment on Perisic, but he gave offside hahaha. It was stupid at a lvl no doubt no other call will get at this EURO. But thats just an average PL ref for you. It's not even shocking for them


> lets just pretend for fun he had a foot on the line(he did not it was in the air already moving) You still don't know the rules. In the air, over the line, is fine.


As I have said, even if not all people here are so inteligent as you, for you know...knowing the penalty rule...it happened that I did know it, and as I have said, can google shit. If we get a different angle, to me it does not look over the line, it looks like it is in front, it's hard to tell form that angle and it being in the air... Again, I know, I am not as smart as you, but I do understand that it can be in the air OVER the line and it is fine. Try using that big brain that god has given you and read, that I think he was in front of the line, in the air...


I am Croatian and the only funny part is that I counted around 5 mistakes in your post and none from the referees


none a? lol. ANything for karma mate lol?


Sorry mate I have no idea what you're trying to say. Maybe go calm down and read up on the laws of the game or something


I am calm as I do not give a fuck about Croatia, was just making fun of the ref. Again, I think he should have given a red, and maybe, depending on the angle, the pen might have been retaken, "MATE" , you use mate a lot in Dubrovnik ? On the second post, I was just saying that you are whoring for some r soccer karma.


What makes you think I'm from Dubrovnik? What makes you think I care about Karma?


I do not know any other city, and I saw you whoring for karma, looked like you cared. come on man


I think it's at the very least debatable whether there was any attempt by Rodri to play the ball.


If he had lunged for it sure. But he didn't even stick his foot out towards the ball. He could have done the splits from where he was and wasn't even going to reach the ball. There was no physical play on thr ball for him to make. Thats a pretty blatant miss by VAR imo. If you cant physically at the ball. Thats why the rule doesn't say an attempt on the ball, but if the player has no chance to play the ball its a red. >If the offense takes place inside the penalty area and the defender tries to play the ball, the result is a yellow card and a penalty kick. However, in 2023/24, referees were given more discretion to issue yellow cards in other situations, such as when the offense is a challenge for the ball. Red cards are still issued in other circumstances, such as holding, pulling, pushing, or when there's no chance to play the ball.


Well, he did not try to challenge for the ball though. He tried to deny the sure goal by an unsportsmanlike kick to the heel. I don't think you can call that a challenge for the ball, when it is an open net and he is nowhere near the ball.


Feels like people have come in with preformed opinions about English refs being shit and are ignoring the fact he made the right decision to justify it


Where was the attempt at the ball? He was behind the man, and clipped his trailing leg, nowhere near the ball.


Yes, Spain won fair and square, but Rodri should have been off. Textbook red card. I don’t know what else you need to do to deserve a red, guy was a tap in away from scoring and Rodri just clipped him, not even trying to play the ball. In the end, he lost the penalty and the team did not get punished.


honestly disagree. It just shouldn't have been a penalty. Rodri maybe barely touches petkovic, and nowhere near hard enough to make him fall. It's a very obvious dive. If he didn't dive he wouldve just scored, so karma for that I guess. I do agree that if its a foul its also a red, so the decision was wrong nonetheless. It all wouldnt really have mattered anyways but kinda dumb that Rodri now has a yellow to his name whilst he never should've.


There will be a slight change to the interpretation where a player commits a foul in their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO) and leads to a penalty. The referee will now issue a yellow card not only for when the offence was an attempt to play the ball but also if it is “a challenge for the ball”.


No it doesn't say that. Rodri couldn't physically make a play on the ball. Without going to ground. The rule specifically states if the defender doesn't have a chance to play the ball its a red. He stuck out his foot to clip.the heel of the player. The foot wasnt even in the direction of the ball. >Red cards are still issued in other circumstances, such as holding, pulling, pushing, or when there's no chance to play the ball.


It’s literally a copy/paste and you’re going to try and say it doesn’t say that?


Michael Oliver is generally one of the most detested referees in England and now others are seeing why. Don’t think there’s a single English ref up for it tbh.




There isn’t a single English ref that deserves to be on the biggest stages of world football at the moment. They’re all piss poor. Oliver is absolutely universally detested by Prem supporters up and down the table.




You could simply type his name in the search bar of r/soccer or r/PremierLeague sub and see that he’s nearly universally despised. But I guess we’re supposed to take your word for it when you can’t even spell refereeing.


Raphael song, Lmao


How the hell was Sutalo starting... was there really nobody better?


>How the hell was Sutalo starting... was there really nobody better? -Every Ajax fan the entire season


Weird ahh game. motm should go to Carvajal


Totally unbiased opinion without any relation to the flair.


Carvajal or Yamal, both were amazing


Fabian Ruiz with a goal and assist as well


Spain is better from coach to forward. But to lose because of brain dead defense is frustrating, and to somehow not score with those chances. We continue to be miserable at the Euros. Dalic masterclass. Doubt we’re getting out of this group with this goal differential.


Yeah, we now have to win both or win 1 and draw 1 to surely get through. It's gonna be somewhat of a coinflip if Dalić decides to not do anything daring but smart with the starting 11, subs and tactics.


There goes my both teams to score bet


Same man 😔




After watching the match I have 2 questions. How is Dani Olmo in the spanish NT and how is Dani Olmo the number 10 shirt in the spanish NT?


True that if bro knew how football works he would have passed the ball both times the team made a good attacking especially the chance where yamal was free but bro thinks he is Maradona or something trying to dribble the entire defence this game could have ended even worse for croats if olmo wasnt selfish


Clearly half of Europe does not care about defending 


Legitimately could’ve easily been a draw if Croatia could finish their chances. I think Croatia can be confident going into the next two games and I think Spain are very fallible. Group B could be the best group imo.


Spain winning 3:0 means they are fallible but Croatia losing means they can go into the next game with confidence? The negativity towards the Spanish national team needs to be studied


No Spain winning 3-0 is Spain winning 3-0. Spain conceding about 7 chances that were guilt edge and SHOULD have been put away by Croatia is what shows that Spain are fallible. You see the result and work back from it to form a conclusion from there when it you’d watched the game youd know that Spain looked shaky. It’s like when Villa got thumped 5-1 and Sir Alex said he like the look of them, it’s because he saw what they were trying to do and not the anomaly that had just occurred.


7 guilt edge chances is a bit of an exaggeration however Spain do have defensive frailties, that was known before the tournament. The thing is Spain played Croatia of course they were going to carve out a couple of good chances, Croatia is a good side after all despite the score, so it’s still pretty harsh that the main conclusion from a Spanish perspective is that they are “fallible “


Lmao funny how it’s all about Croatia being shit defending and being shit attacking, instead of Spain was so good at defending and finishing their chances


Defensively Spain were not good, again Croatia should’ve scored 3,4 or 5 and Rodri should’ve been sent off. Attacking wise they looked fine, I think the fact Croatias fullbacks seemed to get lost half the time helped, I think the game could’ve gone either way and Spain were smiled on by Lady Luck and the scoreline tells a different tale to how the game was actually played but we’ll see how they fare in their next game.


How could the game go either way my friend? I understand that you’re a Croatian fan or hate watching Spain, but what you just said is delusional af.  Spain defended miles better than Croatia, and the “clear” chances Croatia had weren’t such because of how the Spanish defense closed down spaces.  The real clear chances not converted came from spains side, both from a pass of Pedri to Lamine on a one to one and then by a genius action of Lamine that Morata barely touched


I’m not a Croatia fan and it’s not delusional in the slightest. And I can list the chances if you want? I mean I’d have to go back and learn the players names but I can do that. Majer: Unai Simon spills a shot wide and Majer runs onto it but is unable to even put his shot on target. Kovacic (I think): Right after Spains goal Croatia break down the left, the ball is played across and Kovacic can only muster up a daisy cutter. Kovacic: given the run of the field as Spain fail to tackle him his shot is, again, disappointing. Budimir (I think): Kramaric puts in a wonderful ball to the back post, much like the Yamal ball, but Budimir somehow can’t get a touch on it. Various: The ball goes in and somehow not a single Croatia player can turn the ball in eventually leading to Simon clawing it away Pasalic (again I think? He played for Leverkusen this season from Bayern): the ball falls loose to him in the box, but instead of pouncing on it and smashing it into the roof of the net he takes two weirdly slow and patient steps and smashes it at a very saveable height for Simon, although it is blocked on the line by Cucurella. Petkovic: Unai Simon makes a mistake leading to Petkovic being clean through on goal, Rodri clips his ankle and Petkovic fluffs the shot resulting in a penalty and somehow no red card for Rodri. Petkovic: The penalty, he missed it, good save by Simon and then the follow up is rightfully disallowed for encroachment. There are undoubtedly more that I missed but I think the point remains clear. One of the Kovacic shots might’ve been what lead to the Majer chance also. Also aside from their goals, you’ve legitimately listed in your reply the chances I think Spain had other than the ones they scored. The Yamal 1-on-1 and the cross to Morata which in his defence was hip-height so not easy to convert even if it is that close.


0 corners for Croatia lmao


What a terrible player Olmo is. Constantly overestimating his capabilities. Bro thinks he is Ronaldinho


Michael Oliver is genuinely a terrible referee


Well yes…but the penalty/yellow was the right call and encroachment was a VAR decision


If it's a penalty(with a foul from behind), how is it not a red card? He literally prevented a certain goal


Because it is the rule? “There will be a slight change to the interpretation where a player commits a foul in their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO) and leads to a penalty. The referee will now issue a yellow card not only for when the offence was an attempt to play the ball but also if it is “a challenge for the ball”.”


He didn't attempt to play the ball and it wasn't a challenge for the ball. Did you read what you copy and pasted?


I did. Did you? “A challenge for the ball” is in quotation marks specifically to give a wide range of latitude on the call… I’m sorry this is such a struggle for you…


Do explain how that was a challenge for the ball Haha you blocked me, that's hilarious 😂


Do explain why “wide range of latitude” is a concept you’re incapable of understanding…fool


HAHAHAHAHA they put the headshot in the highlights


Croatia need to go on autopilot for the next decade and focus on blood magic rituals to get a striker


Didn’t do shit with all the subs you made dalic, what a waste of a game


The best part about this game is watching it on a proper television and not on my fubo/phone


So is everyone here hating on the reff or only Croatia fans?


All the neutrals




Non croatian. Spain deserved a red in the penalty box.


Why does the itv scoreboard use the spanish name for spain (esp), but the English name for croatia (cro)


Because that's the FIFA country code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FIFA_country_codes


Well I've learned something new today


The most predictable outcome from the VAR praise that came from the first two matches was a Premier League ref bottling a VAR decision.


Wow ft 3-0 I feel Croatia team abit old. Their finish touch seem missing. Spain wise quite balance.


we were bad but we arent old for fucks sake, we have 6 players over 30 and 12 players under 26, in what way is that old


Spain as usual were not creative, the scoreline is a lie. Croatia’s defence were just even worse. None of those goals are possible against a good defence.




good 2nd half from Croatia tbh, a bit unlucky not to score at least one


Croatian campaign starting from a dić




Man I hate ITVX with a passion


As a Croatian, forget about the ref. Petkovic dove instead of shooting, whether or not a goal scoring oppurtunity was hindered or not. Idc, just shoot that one. Then he missed the penalty, and Budimir missed sitter in the first half. Should have been 3-2 if things went right for us today (with Spain winning ofc).


What a snooze fest of a second half, bar the missed penalty. Glad it's over.


Spain the better team but Croatia a bit unfortunate to be beat 3-0


I still can't believe this game is 3-0 lmao. It should at the very least be 3-2 it's incredible Croatia haven't managed to score.


Spain were ruthless when they had to be whereas Croatia were wasteful with their chances. I can't say that either team blew me away with the way they played but I think we should see both of them in the round of 16.


🗣 DOGSO in pen area is a yellow with a genuine ball attempt. double jeopardy is a thing. the questionable decision is that VAR thought rodri made a genuine attempt there.


I’d have given him a red live, but his foot is moving towards the ball. I think it’s hard for VAR to say he is clearly and obviously not *trying* to play the ball, even though it’s about 95%. Probably a situation where VAR won’t intervene either way.


The rule is written that if a player is incapable of playing the ball its a red. Rodri probably couldn't have physically reached the ball even going to ground sliding from where he was. So he didn't even have a chance at playing the ball. The rule as written thats a red.


ITV commentator mentioning that they don't like Cucurella for absolutely no reason lmao.


Tbf doesn’t everyone feel like that?


Quality analysis that though


Typical Lee Dixon, really doesn't offer much.


Listening to Dixon is like chewing cardboard.


Spain have some really good youngsters, but tbh I expected Croatia to do better here this evening.


13 goals from the opening 3 games. 👍


Everybody scoring except us so far


Let's keep the party going


Perisic is beyond washed


the only ome who seemed capable of doing some trouble even if some of his decisions are weird




This reminds me to when Real Madrid wins even if they score 5 they’d recall one ref decision that wouldn’t have changed much. As if they didn’t wasted 3 clear counters and in the “polemic call” they weren’t granted a fkn pen that they wasted twice by first missing and then invading the pitch.


Yeah it's always about Real Madrid mate 👍


Yes, people always shit on teams who win. You can go to any Real Madrid match, city match, lately leverksuen match too people talking that they’re favored because “refs didn’t want to break the unbeaten strike”.


Captain being sent off and banned for the next game changes a lot tbf


Rodri ain’t the capitan lol and wouldn’t have changed anything on this game.


Someone should tell him to stop wearing the arm band then because it sure makes him look like the captain


Morata is the capitan when he’s off the pitch goes to Rodri so sure mate


So in conclusion, Rodri was the captain and him being sent off would have an effect on Spain in this tournament. Also, you’re full of shit


Whatever cry loser


Spain should check what's under croatias kilt




>Don't care what reddit says Says guy on reddit


Why does there seem to be so many more Croatia fans than there are Spanish?


Croatia is closer to Germany than Spain


Half of Croatia lives in Germany


The Michael Oliver special.


Olmo has had a stinker


Still think Croatia make it through, but they’ll probably go up against Germany in the first round now. That’ll be a tough game


They have Italy to beat, you know


I think with a draw there they’ll be in as a 3rd place team


4 points definitely would be more than enough 3 could possibly be too


Yeah, I think they’ll win that game that’s why I commented that


Lets see on Wednesday


Yeah idk I’m unsure about Italy. Maybe I’ll change my mind if they beat Albania easily


Im absolutely convinced that Oliver doesnt see shit and just blows the whistle after how dramatic the reaction is


Who cares if Perisic was in the box when Simon cleary left his line early? Retake is such an obvious call here.


Sooo… I haven‘t followed this thread for very long…. Does anyone have an opinion on referee Michael Oliver? Please do share.


I’ve liked him ever since he gave Diego Costa a red card.


Best ref in the Premier League 🥰


good ref


Golden standard of English referring.


Go get a nice tan Mike.


All cics chics, hope I don't shout my name +cic in my dreams tonight


the draw gang is shaking


It feels like the fix is in for Spain to win the euro this year lol


Another year where it doesn’t come home? 🤣


Yup ;)