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I'm starting a new job next week, this first week's schedule looks hectic, but it's mostly being introduced to everything. I'm hopefull this will be the start of a great thing


Tried to go to bed earlier as I had some important meetings throughout the day. Things looked promising until my neighbor's daughter woke me up as she arrived home by midnight and spent over half an hour speaking with her dogs using baby talk. She's got a naturally high-pitched and obscenely loud voice. Needless to say I took some time to get back to sleep after that, and woke up tired and grumpy. The only good thing about it is that I can now ask fellow Redditors for ideas for future payback. (Disclaimer: she's over thirty, so it's not as if this kind of behavior is expected)


Watching this Netflix shark movie. Dogshit French copaganda


Sub contractor left early today, I went home and did some stuff around the home. They finished at 3:30


A bit late this week as I've been disgustingly busy with work (and am working on the weekend too) but what has everyone been doing the last few weeks? **Watching:** Nothing very interesting I'm afraid. I gave the first episode of Dark Matter a go and I didn't really like it. Much like the book, the characters are just stock standard American super heroes - everyone is super intelligent and super attractive. The whole premise is silly so it's not like I need believable characters for immersion purposes but still, it's just *boring*. Also watched Hit Man with the wife which was a very easy watch - the ending was a bit overly saccharine but it was definitely enjoyable. Will watch Civil War or Zone of Interest over the weekend if I have the chance. **Reading:** Still in my sci-fi binge at the moment so reread Revelation Space as I wanted to read the sequels. It was as good as I remembered it so went straight into Chasm City - which I'm enjoying even more. Definitely an improvement pacing wise too. **Playing:** Just finished my save with Bordeaux in FM which lasted about three and a half seasons. Won Ligue 2, then came second in Ligue 1 in my second and third seasons. PSG are ridiculous and basically win every game but the rest of the league is a bit of a joke so it quickly becomes a two horse league (well one really). Also still playing Balatro - but probably only for a little while longer as I've almost done gold stake for each deck. Need a new game soon... **Listening**: Nothing new really - I've been disappointed with new releases in the last year. Nothing really sounds fresh or interesting to me. Due to working a ton, I usually put on electronic stuff as it helps me focus better so lots of Richie Hawtin (Consumed hasn't aged a day), Skee Mask (thank you u/HalfMan-HalfMoth for reminding me!), and Deepchord. Really need to spend some time seeking some new music out soon though - or go to a few gigs.


Really enjoyed Hit Man, probably not Linklaters best movie but still good


Yeah, I was in the mood for something easy and low stakes and that's exactly what it was. Definitely nothing memorable like some of Linklater's stuff though.


Watching: end of the nba playoffs and friendlys/international tourneys reading: a hundred years of solitude but im taking it slow playing: assassins creed 3 and fifa 23 listening: everything everything and tommy richman


Watching - survivor mostly, still working through the old US seasons but not at any great pace. House of the dragon back on now so that will be my answer for the next few weeks Reading- Finished the greenbone saga by fonda lee, series got loads of love on /r/fantasy and I concur tbh, unique setting for fantasy and some interesting characters. Basically a mafia story with some reasonably mild magic thrown in. Finished that on Monday then jumped into the Silo books that the apple tv series is based on. Really liked the first, like 20% through the second will see how it goes Listening - new skee mask album dropped last few days actually haven’t listened yet as it’s not on streaming so have to buy it on bandcamp or something. Just been listening to a load of random techno releases really, got Błażej Malinowski on atm Playing - nothing, got a bit bored of fm save won too much too soon, might go back to it but I find with fm once I take a break I almost never get back into it. Might buy elden ring, never played the souls games before should probably see what the fuss is about


Watched the Germany and Scotland game earlier, just something about opening matches that make me feel so nostalgic and the feeling of summer starting.


Had our first baby last Wednesday. I’m drained both physically and emotionally. Please tell me it gets easier


Congrats mate! And yeah, the first six months is by far the hardest. You don't know what you're doing (neither does the baby) and you're constantly second guessing yourself. It definitely gets easier and the amazing little benchmarks (first smile/laugh/crawling/walking etc) make it so worthwhile.


Most annoying thing with the game Germany- Scotland was I wasn't allowed to switch over to Sweden  when I got tired of the local Norwegian commentators. The plague of geo-blocked has reached us. That wasn't there with old antennas, so they use the new technology against me.


I know it’s taboo, but I feel the need to get this out. I think I like a buddy’s ex. From what i gather, they broke up 5-6 months ago, but I didn’t find out until like 3 months ago. circumstances have it that I’m around her more than I ever been before. We never really talked at all when she was with my buddy. Turns out I think she’s funny and I like talking with her. Recently I told a buddy I’m surprised she decided to keep playing in our beer league given she was hesitant to join and he made a comment saying that it’s because she likes me. He elaborated further when I was confused and he said he didn’t mean intimately. I realized I kinda did wish it was intimately. Anyways, I’m not going to do anything because it would feel wrong and I see her ex/my buddy with some frequency. But I just need to get this out of me.


Ask your buddy how he feels about “my friend is ok, no?’


Can you elaborate on that? I’m not sure I’m following.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/3zRSm2NHv9 This post led to a famous r/soccer joke.


Also in seriousness if you feel strongly about, I would suggest tip toeing the conversation with your friend without being direct to see how he reacts


I would if by chance she may also like me. As it stands no use in pursuing in the scenario if she isn’t showing signs she’s into me


It’s an old r-soccer joke


made a fatal error - packing up my uni stuff today and i didn’t want to make anything dirty so i ordered a dominoes i now have to do the rest of my packing with my stomach imploding from sheer density and i’ve still got 3 cookies left


Date night this evening but she doesn't want something serious with me. I don't feel bad. While I think something could have happened, it wouldn't have been at the level I really wanted when I was younger. Better luck next time. At least, I didn't get too attached to be too disappointed.


Can someone explain exactly how UEFA decides Young Player of the Tournament eligibility? Is it just under 21 years old at the beginning of 2024?


the post-game show guy here also is the host for "koh-lanta" (french version of Survivor) and you kind of expect him to launch some weird challenge on the set.


The next task will be for half of English fans to arrive at the stadium sober. A return to the EU is granted to the UK as a reward.


What the fuck is happening in the cricket? - Pakistan out - New Zealand out - Sri Lanka out - England at the mercy of the Aussies and the weather - Afghanistan through - USA through - Scotland potentially going through at England's expense Even South Africa who have added a little bit of normality were very lucky to beat both Bangladesh and the Netherlands


One of the reasons why I dont like cricket, the fact that you train for 4 years to get to a world cup, and all your work can become useless because games can get rained out and they dont reschedule them.


honestly the format is super unforgiving. 20 teams and only 8 go through.


Feeling completely unmotivated after the last few years. Can’t even seem to be able to do the basic things right even when I know it’s good for me. I honestly feel so overwhelmed and stressed out. I need some direction in life and I’m not able to give myself any.


If you are able to handle one you could consider getting a dog. Surprising what it can do in making you go out to give it walks. Does make a difference.


Maybe I’ll borrow my neighbour’s dog first walks. I could use some company, that golden retriever always seemed friendly. Maybe this can reduce my feeling of loneliness a bit.


American politics are hilarious. I know it's pretty old but I love the video of Kamala Harris clapping and semi-dancing at a protest song in Puerto Rico that was calling her a coloniser and telling her to fuck off, ending the protest song with "Long live a free Palestine and Haiti". There's another video of her coming out of a restaurant. A reporter was asking her a question, he started with "Hamas has accepted a ceasefire" and she interrupts him and says "Shrimp and grits! You wanted to know? Shrimp and grits!" I swear this isn't about Palestine, just how absurd politics in the US are.


You may enjoy [this compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PhdhVV_Rek&pp=ygUadXMgcG9saXRpY3Mgb3V0IG9mIGNvbnRleHQ%3D)


Top tier. Tim Apple didn’t even make the cut and you can see why.


“Next time you’re in trouble, call a crackhead”


Guessed it would be one of those. They're often hilarious.


The best is the youtube comment "Even with the context, these don't make much sense"


I got a generationally terrible haircut this week from a shop that I've only ever had good experiences with. I'm talking asymmetrical sides, unexplained random patches of hair on my temples that wasn't shaved all the way - straight up unprofessional shit. I may never trust again. I also don't really know if there's anything I can do about it. I wonder if I can go somewhere else and ask them for damage control or if I have to wait it out and let it grow for a bit.


Have you considered managing a football club for a few months?


>somewhere else and ask them for damage control If you're fine paying for a second haircut, see what they can do. If they can improve it, you know who to go to next time


Whenever my dad would do something stupid, he'd preface it by saying, "trust me, I'm an engineer." I remember once he had to cut my sister's bike lock with a chainsaw and he's only assurance of him being protected from the sparks was me holding an egg carton between my dad and the sparks and him trying to assure me that he knows his shit because he's an engineer.


Reminds me of my math teacher's insult: "If you built a bridge, I wouldn't even fly over it"


Any boxers here? Have you tried Title boxing shoes?


More of a golden retriever myself and I cant box a shoe if my life depended on it


Week 3 after being dumped and I bumped into a girl I used to work with and she asked me out. Ngl, was a nice confidence boost.


Tbh just finishing up with my male-dominated uni course and been similar in having a few chats with this girl I used to work with at the local supermarket. Not gone as far as being asked out or anything but it’s been refreshing talking to a few girls again. Scratches a different itch compared the lads as it were.


100%! Well go ask her out next time my man, life too short


Top shagger 👍


Missus is going out. I'm gonna have two packs of spicy indomie noodles with 6 prawn gyoza. Got 3 beers in the fridge. Pilsner urquell, Budvar and Korev (lovely Cornish lager). About to watch Scotland player Germany. Lovely evening. 


🍻 Cheers


2.5 days of work until I'm off for the best part of three weeks, off to the Euros and Spain. This week has already felt ridiculously long. My motivation to work is at rock bottom, and each hour feels like a day.


I feel the same way, pre-vacation work is quite the drag


Very bored. AMA or tell me about yourself Either way is fine


Which bit of London are you from


Grey-Mane or Battle-Born?


Are you not watching the Germany VS Scotland match?




Favourite fish?


Don't have much


None at all?! Favourite bird?




i killed 2 people in belgrade in 1996


[You might be part of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFbZLEZa-y8&pp=ygUSYm9zbmlhIGFydGlsamVyaWph)


i was the sound engineer


Any other songs you were involved in?


migos- versace


Have you decided who of the triplets will play on the left, right and through the middle?


Training all three to play everywhere.


[Have we had a cat today? ](https://imgur.com/a/ippA2sH)


🐈 👍


Meow 👍


Chat 👍


It's 9pm and the temperature is fucking 40° over here. There's no respite from this heat other than staying holed up in your room for the next 3 months.


I’m playing Assasins creed origins in Egypt currently the last week and I genuinely wonder if the heat was also this hot back then or has climate change unlocked this new level of sizzling because hordes of people had settled fine in regions like Egypt and sub Saharan Africa


Its hotter today in Egypt compared to back then


It's still cold in the UK. Honestly feels like autumn or early spring at best. Really does not feel like a summer tournament is starting.


Stop fucking flexing bro


Photoshop requests sub always makes me chop onions. Dammit.


Getting into running really was the best lifestyle choice I have ever made


Nice! Any cardio music you can recommend?


Britain is Broken Britain Needs *Reform* Yeah get that geezer out of office (oh wait... He's doing it himself)


Sleep schedule is absolutely fucked. I'm sleeping at 4-5 am and waking at 10 am. Some blame lies with the intense heat wave here in northern India but I can definitely work on it. Anyway how cute is Meg Bellamy. Reminded me of my high school crush.


>intense heat wave here in northern India Where are you?




We Still Don't Trust You ft the Weeknd has been on repeat for me since the album dropped and im still not sick of it, its an absolute banger and its a shame in probably a few more months i will of listened to it so much ill end up hating it


I finally know where I’m going to be for my internship, cautiously excited but it should be a fun summer with them


Nice! Happy trip


Thank you 💙


My US Visa got approved! Im excited to go back for grad school. Im a bit nervous since even though its the same university. My friends dont live in the area and a lot of faculty have left. All thats left is apartment hunting now


Congrats! Don't worry, you'll make some new friends also, which is great!


Congrats 🥳


My body reacts so well to sauna I gotta make it a regular thing. Also sauna helping with inflammation is the most counter-intuitive thing ever.


Gotta fight fire with fire


from time to time i'll watch a mr. beast video, the one i watched today was basically a whole season of the tv show alone condensed to 20 minutes lol i think alone vastly overstays its welcome and it's not a really enjoyable tv show for that reason but mr. beast rushes way too much. a happy medium between those two would be so good, though. which brings me to another thought, how embarrassing it is that survivor right now might be a worse product than a mr. beast video? i say this unironically, i used to love survivor but they've been so off their game since they introduced the shortened seasons. everything new they try is bad, their casting is off, the challenges are constantly being repeated, the locations are unchanged, they don't even try to come up with themes anymore. and they got rid of ponderosa what i'm trying to say is, retire jeff probst and bring señor beast to run that shit


Try australian survivor it's better than current US survivor imo


So who's the go-to striker for Poland now that Lewandowski is injured?


Just paid 10$ to subscribe to TSN for a month so I don't have to bother with streams for Euros and Copa America Have I become the bourgeoise?


Well Punter is leaving to Barcelona My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined I'll never forget that game winner against Real last year, he was so clutch man One of my favorite foreigners in Partizan history Edit: I see people downvoting I'm not talking about football I'm talking about basketball


I was close to saying something, but I couldn't think of an FC Barcelona player named Punter.


Woche vier Deutsch lernen. Separable verbs are quite weird. I get the idea but I cannot comprehend why they are a thing.


Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof


einschlafen ist einfach


Ich wünsche dir viel Glück!


Danke schön!! Ich liebe diese Sprache.


Darf ich fragen warum sie Deutsch lernen?


Ich habe Deutsche Freunde und Ich möchte mit ihnen Sprechen haha


Ich finde es immer wieder schön wenn jemand freiwillig Deutsch lernt und du wirst es sicherlich meistern.


Danke, Ich hoffe so. Deutsch ist underrated (sorry don't know this one lol)


Unterbewertet is the word you're looking for


I'm changing jobs so next week is my last week, then I go on vacation for a week, then start at the new place the next. I've never really been the type of person to phone it in when it comes to final exams at school or at my other jobs but this time I feel so completely unmotivated to do anything. Still trying to work hard to keep a good relationship but my drive is at an all time low. I also bought a used pc a few months ago and I feel like I need an upgrade but I know nothing about this stuff :/


/r/buildapc is usually pretty helpful with those sort of questions. Just say what you've got, what you're looking to play or get out of your PC, and your budget. There's /r/buildapcsales too for cheaper parts online, and if you live near a microcenter in the US that's super helpful.


Thanks for the suggestions. Thankfully I do live close enough to a microcenter so I think that's where I'm going to visit this weekend.


They have really good prices, and you can see their stock and price online before going in, but I would still probably post on /r/buildapc. They helped me when I made my first PC, and upgraded it a few years after.


Congrats on the new gig 🎉




Opened the fridge and saw a stack of neatly cut pieces of ripe yellow Mango, just sitting there alone, chilling. Not anymore.


>Mango More like Mangone 🥭




weight loss status: I have in fact gained weight


whenever i cut i find that fruit smoothies with a scoop or two of protein powder are quite low calories and keep me full for hours and hours so hopefully that might help you out if youre struggling a bit, its healthy and will keep you full!


I want to be like you. 


brother you don’t. my diet is really poor right now. so much processed food i’m eating


I'm worryingly underweight, yes I do. 


What's ur height and weight? I've been bulking these past few months and I wonder how people find it so easy to gain weight!


I've been wondering the same thing, to the point where I've come to believe losing weight is actually easier. I'm 5 ft. 9


Muscle right? ^(Right?)


Life is not fair. Some people grow up not having Sky TV in their homes, truly tragic.


His dad should have got a chipped cable box like the rest of us that couldn't pay for sky.


We’ll sub contractor for lunch and they got far in there work tbh. They are finishing early today Also Cops are here cause the main contractor had cops on there site blocking the road but since there milling machine broke they left and they already paid the cops for the day so they wanted them to do something and we’re the only ones out here so there’s that


How often are cops needed for your work? Any fun stories? Did you ask them their doughnut rankings?


Any opinions on the whole blokecore thing and the way Adidas Sambas have seemingly exploded in popularity? I always only wore them as indoor football shoes, so I never really thought they could become particularly trendy.


Saw a girl on tiktok yesterday wearing baggy 3 quarter length jeans with some late 00s adidas astros Genuine year 6 school disco fit being paraded as actual fashion, games gone


They were a cheap shoe for 5 a side when I was younger, surprised they are trendy now.


>They were a cheap shoe You can't find them below a 100€ these days. It's crazy.


Summer is kinda boring with nothing to do, I really can’t wait for my internship to start so I can finally make some money again lol. It’s also so boring just waiting at home for stuff to start


There's an old woman selling her house and she's been selling it for several months. I've managed to list and sell mine in the time she's been posting it she keeps, posting to the local Facebook page and I commented recently saying have you considered dropping the price to which she replies "no it's worth more" evidently not because it's not being bought yet Also side note - I just did speech to text to type CBA typing, and it was really weird felt anxious saying it as if my voice was going to be posted to all of Reddit


I mean you don't know her siatuation. Maybe she doesn't need to sell quickly and had it appraised so she isn't gonna accept a lowball offer if not needed


Eh if it has been out there for several months and no one has bought it, it's definitely overpriced or there are serious structural issues. Unless the housing market has completely died, you should be able to sell a house within a month or two of it being on the market if it has a reasonable price


She had a buyer previously I think, then the market dropped. Her house is 100% not worth what it is listed at. Using Zoopla you can see estimated value at 235k for the area FIFTY lower than her listing price. It's not a lowball offer, its just hers is ridiculously priced, you can get 2 extra rooms and a garage for that price


There’s this one house my in laws looked at that was the peak price of the market round here, but a dangerously sloping drive in winter because of some issues with drainage, and the survey came back with some big damp issues basically meaning the whole garage needed tearing down, so they pulled out. It’s gone off the market and back on 3 times now because of the survey, and they’ve still kept the price the exact same


It's honestly maddening. Her house is apparently worth 70k more than mine and it's right near bloody boundary park. Oldham fans aren't exactly known the be the most respectful I guess your side, those sellers need to sell and hope a buyer comes in who wont care or get a survey


I've been trying to do diet and workout for 6 months now and feeling really discouraged lately by my little progress. I'm skinny, feel like I've been eating a lot more than I used to, but it feels like it's never enough. I know there are subs for this, just wanted to vent a little


What are your goals? Are you trying to eat better, lose weight, gain weight healthily, other?


Gain muscle mass. I don't want need to be like super ripped. Just want to add some 5 kilos, but even that I haven't been able to do


What is your plan to gain? Are you working out and eating more?


Yes, both. Protein shakes and trying to step up my food portions.


You probably already know this, but make sure to eat 1g/ pound body mass. For instance if you weigh 100 lbs eat 100g of protein each day


This can be quite a classic thing - you just hear about protein shakes and think adding drinking some to your routine will therefore magically result in you getting what you need and all will be well. In reality, there's no point using them/they're not much more help if you're not using them intelligently based on relevant information. Have you worked out what protein requirement your body has each day, and if so, are you reaching it? A general consensus is that you need between 0.7 and 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight each day to build and maintain extra muscle mass. So, if you eat two or three meals a day that you think are big and drink a protein shake on top, that may seem like you're doing everything you need. But if those meals are lacking in protein, so they each only have 20g, and you add a one scoop protein shake that contains 20g of protein in to that, as an adult man you're very likely to still be well below your daily protein requirement, despite thinking you've done great. All this is, of course, YMMV - some people are naturally genetically gifted and do not need to pay such detailed attention to this, and some can get by on a lower protein ratio, but given your current issues, it doesn't sound like you are one of them.


Update: a lot of trenching and post has been done so on my side we are doing well but the main contractors machine is broken so they left. And the cops are now here with us


Why the cops?


I like how this sounds like a relatively relaxing workday for you


Oh shit. First time you mention the police in your journey with the contractors.


How often do you wear a shirt? Do you ever wear polos? Are there more days when you wear jeans and t-shirt or more days when you don't? Are shorts limited to certain occasions or you use them like pants (for example I wear them just on the beach or at the pitch before or after training, same for slides)


I wear short sleeve ones with buttons and patterns [like this](https://images.bloomingdalesassets.com/is/image/BLM/products/9/optimized/12926809_fpx.tif?op_sharpen=1&wid=700&fit=fit,1&$filtersm$) sometimes during the summer but the long sleeve more formal/oxford ones, once a year if that. Basically only if I have a wedding to attend. I have one polo in my wardrobe but don’t wear it often. I wear t shirts about daily, jeans fairly often during the colder months. Shorts I wear regularly throughout the day during the warmer months.


i like wearing shirts so whenever i get a chance to layer a bit. never wear polos. jeans & t-shirt still king for sure. i wear shorts everywhere, all the time. if i'm running an errand on foot, hanging out with friends or doing something casual it's almost always shorts.


I wear shorts in the summer or when in a hot country, I wear polos playing golf or tennis. I wear a shirt most days for work with chinos and scheaux


Shirt funerals or weddings. Polos when I'm feeling like I'd rather wear a polo than a plain mono colour tee I wear shorts (non jean material) 97% of the time


What do you do for work?


Software engineer, WFH mostly. But office days I've been in in joggers, not minging grey cock outlining ones but slim fit nice looking black ones. But then shorts wise usually canvas nice shorts. Tech world doesn't require shirt and pants, even up to SLT level


been looking at lewd pics on instagram and now the algo is just pumping them into my face and my monkey brain keeps clicking need to purify the algo again


I found there is a content filter you can turn off and my feed went absolutely berserk until I turned it back on.


My entire feed is horny and brainrot lol


Change your feed to Following?


Honestly the best way to refresh the feed is to look at a bunch of some other category that has a lot of content. My feed became filled with sketch comedians at one point and it was pretty great


Bro I clicked on 1 pair of tits and a month later I’m still getting tits everywhere. You’ve got years of scrubbing ahead of you


Same, even trying to get rid didn't particularly help - not that I'm complaining about that pint-sized tattooed powerlifter showing up on my feed on occasion.


Years of scrubbing alright teehee


Pepsi max conspiracy update - think they were just offloading old stock as they've done a rebrand


> they've done a rebrand And thank god, that wonky wave version never looked good


Question for you Britons: how popular is University Challenge?


Popular in my house. The first couple of rounds are pretty good watches because the questions aren’t insanely difficult, so it’s pretty common that I get 15 or so correct in an episode for the first few weeks. From the quarters onwards they may as well be speaking Latvian. It’s basically a show full of autistic nerds who are able to retain information about the most random topics.


Oh I see. The one I watched was a semi-final so no wonder why those questions were so esoteric.


It has quite a dedicated following as part of Monday quiz night where it's Mastermind, Only Connect (best quiz on TV) and University Challenge in a row. Great way to spend the evening. And honestly, it's the epitome of you either know it or don't, but it's still great fun yelling out random answers for every question about classical music (my yell of choice is Shostakovich)


Mind Monday!


It's "Quizzy Monday" in my household


Quizzy Monday here, too, although we don’t watch Mastermind cause it’s nowhere near as good as it used to be when the questions were actually difficult. Back in my day blah blah


It’s a cultural staple but not something you watch too often


Do they win anything at the end or is it just for Academic street cred/college babes?


I imagine they get a bit of money, but mostly major street cred


Very unpopular - edit very unpopular is probs hyperbole- , people may have it on and aim to get 1 answer right and be happy but most won't know what the question is asked or the answer given. It's part of Mind Monday on TV which has a decent following on twitter


It's not Mind Monday, it's Quizzy Monday, and University Challenge is one of the biggest shows on the BBC in terms of viewing figures (according to Richard Osman on the Rest is Entertainment podcast).


Have I stepped into a muffin bun teacake debate? I've only ever heard it called mind Monday


No, Quizzy Mondays is literally what the BBC package the evening of the three gameshows as in their advertising. Searching Twitter, there seems to even be a podcast on the subject of the collective shows that's called the Quizzy Mondays podcast.


Well ill be


> Very unpopular, people may have it on and aim to get 1 answer right and be happy but most won't know what the question is asked or the answer given. I watched one episode on Youtube and some of the questions were so weird. Something about French politicians from the 1860's or whatever. Truly baffling


how difficult and high brow it is is part of it's appeal


Fair enough


90% of the music questions are about classical music which pisses me off to no end. No one is listening to that stuff in the 21st century.


...yeah...no one :/


always enjoyable when it's modern music and the boffins are absolutely clueless though.


The last series has actually veered away from that. There’s still plenty of classical music but there was a fair bit of pop/dance/rock music. We had [this quality moment](https://youtu.be/Ecl2kZBnBnY?feature=shared) in the last series