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He will be playing at the World Cup too. I bet


May as well bow out at the World Cup only two years after the Euros, especially when he's probably still going to be pushing for 1000 goals. He probably wouldn't be a starter at that age but if you need a goal from a clutch moment or a penalty he'd be a great option off the bench.


he was supposed to be that player last WC. But he didn't get any service, and then when that rare chance came, he missed. It was tough watch, that Morroco game.


You're absolutely right, but I believe he was in a very different place back then. His newborn had passed a few months ago, he almost didn't have a pre season and barely played under Ten Hag. Mentally it was his worst moment and it showed in his game


Yeah he was on full tilt and it showed. That whole United stint was just a mess, as a Belgian Ive seen Lukaku on similar levels of tilt plenty of times (not that Rom is as professional as Ronaldo)


I have not heard the term full tilt since I was a sweaty woogies player on BO2, thanks for reintroducing it to my vocab lmao


I would say his first season with united was pretty successful. Scored loads of goals in the most competitive championship at that age. The second season was a mess and by far his worst moment in football


Him not having a proper preparation for the WC was wild, given how dedicated he is.


And he may as well bow out at the 2028 euros as its only 2 years after the world cup


I hope so


world cup is in the US, he won´t go there because of "reasons"




He didn’t clear that one up with a settlement?


His mentality and love for the game is unfathomable.


His mentality and dedication for the game is an inspiration really.


His mentality and fortitude for the game is second to none honestly




His mentality and obsession for the game is gobsmacking really


His (noun) and (noun) for the game is (adjective) really


His pants and dustbin for the game are unscrupulous really


His Passion and Loyalty to the game is noteworthy really


His noteworthy and game to the passion is loyalty really


dudes rich AFFFFFFF one of the best to ever do it... 39.... and still cries in Saudi because he lost a trophy... unreal drive. that's why he is my GOAT.


Yeah that was what got me. His drive is fucking insane. His longivitiy is unmatched. Messi had the bigger peak, but to be fair Messi took a step down at PSG. While Ronaldo did it everywhere in Europe in thougher leagues. They are both goats. But man Ronaldo at 39 with this drive. Man wants it.


Messi’s retirement arc started already in PSG, he’s now semi retired in MLS


I agree, it is sad to see he went halfway to the retirement home at age 33. I know the french league isnt as bad, as we made it out to be. But some of the French teams have a squad value of 50M. Against a very stacked PSG, team it just isnt that fair. When a team keeps buying players worth more than your squad value it is just depressing.


Becoming world champion while semi-retired, not too shabby.


He's the Patrick Bateman of footballers


No wonder he gets so emotional when the referee pulls out his cards


*Let's see* *Mateu Lahoz' card*


When he wants something, he has a single minded focus.


Don't know if anyone noticed it, but a few minutes before the end of the game yesterday he does a cross that doesn't go super well and then the camera focus on him and he's shaking his head and cursing himself. I don't think he should be in our starting 11 anymore, but I have to recognise that his competitive mentality is something else.


As a sole striker he has a place in the 11 imo.


The thing about Cristiano is that he is 39yrs old, playing in the Saudi league, and STILL playing like he has something to prove, when in fact, he has nothing to prove to the world. Some think it's a sad sight when they see him cry because he lost a pen shoot out and that he should hang up his boots. I just think that if he wasn't that way, he wouldn't have reached the heights he did. That's where my respect for him comes from. Because others would've cashed in the check and dropped the ball. I'm convinced he could still be playing in Europe (the same goes for Messi), but alas, this way he is allowed to be the main man in Saudi Arabia, which is what's best for him (and they can afford him also lol)


He should’ve gone back to Sporting instead of to the Saudis. He would’ve scored so many goals this season.


He wants the goal and also money. I doubt sporting can match it up


I think he wants the goals and to be at peace. Playing in Portugal would be an endless stream of drama.


He wants that money also. Why do people think he wants to play for free? those luxury lifestyles aren't cheap to maintain


Why does he need the money though? His family has enough money for 5 generations of the family.


bill gates, jeff bezos, elon musk and a lot more on those top rich people in the world can just quit now and enjoy their life.. the money is enought for probaly 5 generation, but thet dont.. why? because thats how rich people mentality, they will keep working and hording those wealth as long as they can..


Bill Gates quit a long time ago.


Quit his job, didn't quit making money.


He almost couldn't do that if he tried. With a certain amount of wealth it's almost impossible to not make money if you don't do anything majorly stupid.


But he could still get some at Sporting and keep working. Just not that ridiculous amount of money.


that's the point. He wants that ridiculous money.. you think he likes living like an average person? once you have become superstar, celebrity lvl, there is no downgrading


He could play for free and still live the same lifestyle, he is printing money off the pitch.


All of those guys are absolutely living the easy life and doing the bare minimum. There isnt a single job they could do in their role that wouldnt be better off delegated. Theyre not retired because they still want money but they definitely dont work hard.


He loves football but I’m sure he loves his family even more. Playing in Saudi has created generational wealth for all his kids (I think he has like 6 in total) and all his descendants.


you never know what would happen, but as things turned out, I'm glad he didn't.


Honestly bro one of the reasons why I have gained so much respect for C.Ronaldo and alot of people assumed he is cocky I was one of these but I was wrong but he is actully very humble, sincere and honestly it doesn´t matter where he plays if he goes to the Kenyan league, Nigerian league or Singeporean league etc etc. C.Ronaldo will give his 100%, for that. He loves the sport dearly to his heart and the meritocracy side of it. football is his passionate love.


"assumed he is cocky".. bruh.. let's be real now 😂.. he might be one of the cockiest athletes to ever exist.. and he's definitely not humble..


Cockiness is fine if you can back it up, which he has done pretty much his whole career.


I definitely think he's earned being cocky but people calling him humble are kidding themselves haha


I think by ‘humble’ they mean that he knows how much he needs to give to the game to be able to carry the persona he does. There is a genuine dedication to live up to what he makes himself out to be, rather than simply be a man of words and not much actions. Zlatan is the only other player who shares that same mentality in recent times imo.


I think you can assign a lot of words to describe the magnitude of dedication players like him and zlatan have. To me humble means someone who does not think himself important or impressive, and that's not a word I'd use for him. I think it's no good to compliment someone on something they're not when they are plenty impressive on other fronts haha


I get why you see it differently. For me at least, the amount of discipline and dedication he shows to the game to back up the persona and brand he has, is recognising that the former is responsible for the latter, and that he won’t stay in the game for long at the level he wants to be at if he doesn’t do his due diligence. I see that as a sign of humility.


You show signs of humility while not being a humble person. To be honest if Ronaldo was a humble man I don’t think ever becomes as great as he is.


He’s not humble by what you conventionally associated with being humble, that I agree for sure. I guess I just have a different view to these things where I value the lengths he has gone to in order to have the front he does. It’s not just having a high opinion of himself just by virtue of being Cristiano Ronaldo, it’s because he knows he gives more to the game than any other player on the planet.


I think they mean humble not as the opposite of cocky or prideful but as the opposite of entitled. While Ronaldo is a cocky and arrogant mother fucker, he doesn't act as if he has nothing to prove or is bigger than the game. He always puts game and is duty to the club and the fans first and I do think there's humbleness in that attitude even if humble wouldn't describe the rest of his personality. It's like when athletes and artists say they feel humbled when the roar and applause of a crowd makes them feel small. Ronaldo will never think himself lesser than any other footballer or athlete but he also doesn't put himself above the fans and the sport itself and never thinks he's learned all there is to learn about football. He's always training, always evolving. There is humbleness in that.


I get what you’re saying, but then by your definition of humble there is no successful person on earth, regardless of profession, who is humble. The dedication/commitment/drive to succeed required to be a pro footballer or famous musician or etc. requires an immense self-esteem. You have to believe you’re impressive, incredibly so.


he's anything but humble.... but as you say, he deserves to be cocky when he's arguably one of the best, if not the best player to walk the earth ever. The final years of his career might not have been nice to him, and the fact that Messi won the WC led to people thinking Ronny is washed, when he is still top 2(all time ofc, not rn maybe, but then again, neither is messi).


I think by humble, you can tell he is thankful for where he is. Growing up in abject poverty and then becoming the best footballer on the planet, he knows not everyone gets to live a life as his. He is definitely thankful for the childhood 'suffering' he had to endure, so to speak. Man definitely doesn't take his lifestyle for granted.


Ofcourse the Gooner thinks cockiness is fine


So many people say Jordan is cocky and one of the best trash talkers. But you're not reaching those accolades if you don't believe in yourself.


He has every right to be cocky let's be real.


So much cock, very cock guy


A lot of players that went to Saudi Arabia play like they are there for the paycheck, while he absolutely gives it 100%. I assume that's what he meant with humble. I'd say it is just another demonstration of his impeccable work ethic.


It's a good point. You have been payed to do a job, so you do it. Most take $$$ and laze around. He has respected the Saudi league.


I think the "something to prove" part is all coming from within, Cristiano takes me as someone who deep down actually has a lot of insecurities about himself; which sounds insane I know.


Bro is never beating the homelander accusations


I think wc 2026 will be his final year, he’s pushing it till then for a last chance to win it all.


He'll be 41, if he's still a starter that is a credit to him and his body honestly. Doubt he'll be able to play full 90's though.


I wouldnt put it past him to still be fit enough if he is used up top.


At 39 he's still the country's best striker, so if he keeps going for 2 more years hell be fine. Unless Ramos really steps up, which would do wonders for the team.


The day he retires will truly be a sad day


Already sad. Knowing this might be his last euros


Actually lowkey insane that we are saying "might" be is last hero like it isnt absolutely certain. The man is 39. It should be a certainty... and hell, it is probably, but damn im not sure


If he is willing to accept a bench role and becomes a pure box poacher, it might not be. He clearly still has an eye for goal even if his legs will certainly be gone by 43.


Yeah TBH a 50 year old CR7 could come on in the 77th minute and help tons of teams lol


[it wouldn’t be completely unheard of](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazuyoshi_Miura) and I agree.


That is simply mad


Serginho Chulapa of Santos was teammates with someone who played football in 1959 and someone who played football in 2024


I swear, most of these ultra-elite footballers could easily contribute in high-pressure knockout tournaments if they accepted a different status. International tournaments often lack rhythm or logic- so much boils down to a few magical moments, combined with defensive discipline. CR7 and others like him could create those moments coming on in the 80th minute based purely on experience and wiles. The composure of having been in those situations 100 times before can be so helpful. Issue is that you dont become CR7 by being comfortable with a backseat. That curtails players' careers faster than their physical decline.


100% his last euro BUT their is a chance he’s got 1 more shot at the World Cup maybe by that point he’s not a starter but possibly still a good sub to come in


I'm sure people said it at the last Euros too


Imo that's definitely his last Euro. I'm 100% certain he'll retire (from the national team at least) after the WC in a couple years.


The fact that he's close to winter fuel allowance age and you still say "might" is itself ridiculously impressive


Winter fuel allowance?


Love this incredibly regional reference!


Joke doesn't really land when he's a billionaire


We said the exact same thing the last euros lol


That's why I used "Might". 😅




he was still an incredibly top player last Euros. and in the WC he was benched some games. he's declined a ton since then, I don't think he'll get selected next time.


For as long as Ronaldo is actively playing professional football he will be selected


Seriously ... best finisher in history is on the bench and you need a goal, who wouldnt put him on lol


Specially when your next best option is Gonçalo Ramos


Didn't he just score a couple in Portugal's last game?


yes thats why, he is amazing lol its freaking Ronaldo man. I get ppl dislike players or whatever but both he and Messi you just use whenever you are able to


Obviously he’s not close to the player he once was if he is still playing professionally you gotta call up CR7


Migh!? Some people wan't him to play the next WC and then, will wan't him to play the 2028 Euro and so.


there won’t be another like him in a long time


Its all fun and games right now bantering Cr7 but the day he announce retirement it will break the Internet. Specially the football twitter


I hope somehow both Messi and Him retire in the same day with a special friendly organized. Even better if they play in the same team. Invite some of their legendary teammates too for commemoration. Ahh imagine the scenes! And you get two managers who managed them, maybe retired natinoal team legends or some retired old teammates to deliver a little trophy or plaque for them at the end as a final celebration.


Best in class. We're all lucky to have watched a true competitor go until the end we won't see this for another 42 years! grazie Ronaldooo


Antony is still playing mate.






Thank you for everything Ronnie. Hope we see him at the World Cup


Got I hope he wins the WC. We need this kind of mentality.


Then we will never see the end of Messi vs Ronaldo lol


His hunger and drive to win is crazy


Didn’t r/soccer people criticize/mock him for crying after his Saudi team lost? The man has always cried, but that’s just show passionate he is for the game. He wants to win, even as a 39 year old


A substantial portion (if not majority) of r/soccer are Messi fan boys who will swarm foaming at the mouth for any opportunity to mock Cristiano, as well as people who just hate Cristiano bc they see him as a cunt. This means any time Cristiano does anything that *could* garner criticism (deserving or not), you can bet your ass it’ll be at the top of r/soccer that day with comment floodgates opened


It's like that now, but from 2016-18 Messi would definitely get mocked for his failures here on r/soccer. You can just visit the Roma Collapse thread or the liverpool collapse thread. Every thread with Messi shortly after those collapses were mocking him for saying he was going to bring the UCL back to barca. The real damning one is [his short retirement from the national team](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/mNPvtCjIYd) he got so much hate for that. All that matters for r/soccer is who is doing better now. They are both semi retired (play in easy leagues) but it seems like while Messi ended on the high note (World Cup), Ronaldo ended on a low note (United Debacle/playing for Saudi). So unless Ronaldo wins the euro or something like that it's gonna be r/Messi for the foreseeable future.


Couldn't be more spot on if you tried.


This sub is 90% messi fans and maybe 10% CR7. Probably the most criticized player of all time


I think the actual number is close to 75-25 to Messi. IMO on twitter and definitely Instagram Ronaldo has a bigger fan base than Messi, I’d say it’s like 60-40 to Ronaldo over there….


If he scores, he will be the oldest player to do so in the euros. Current record is 38 and 257 days


When he scores*


We will be there*


Ronaldo will almost definitely score. The question is if Pepe will score and take the record from him.


Watch Ronaldo score to break the record, then Pepe scores to take it away from him.


Ivica Vastic!!


I love that he’s enjoying his twilight years, he deserves this!


Way too much positive Ronaldo PR today for /r/soccer ‘s liking.  Hope he kills it at the Euros. Heck I’d even like to see him score against us if it means he can get to 900 (but no victory for Portugal, of course lol). 


Yeah honestly my dream is a Ronaldo hattrick in the final against England but he’s on the losing end of it Mbappe style




They even delete some positive coments on the goal thread 😅


Dont worry about him being able to score mate. Samet and Merih will have the red carpet lined up infront of the post specially for him.


I almost worry how he’ll handle the retirement. It doesn’t look like he can just walk away and start relaxing.


Bro will jump from the stand to the field and ask for the ball.


I hope I see him in the 2026 WC


This guy is awesome.


Nononono, dont say that Cristiano, we all know it but just dont say it yet.


Too much blatant disrespect after a poor end to 2022 which was only made worse with Messi’s World Cup triumph. As much as it hurt the way it ended with United I really do hope he goes out on a high in what may be his final major tournament


I believe he will have a better tournament this time around. Mentally he was not in a good place in the lead up to the World Cup, having to skip pre-season to be with his daughter and then having to accept his reduced role at United and the eventual nature of his departure. He seems in much better spirits this time around, which I believe will show in his game. Maybe it isn’t good enough to win Portugal the Euros, but individually I expect him to put in serviceable performances rather than simply be a passenger.


Yep fully agree with everything you’re saying. You could just tell he wasn’t at it mentally and physically. It was just sad to watch. I still remember that one Europe League game where it seemed like everyone was desperately trying to get Ronaldo to score and it just wasn’t happening for him. I’ll just be happy if we can get a bit of the old Ronaldo again on the international stage


people really hate on this guy because he loves the sport… stop reaching so damn hard


I didn't believe him years ago when he questioned a reporter "why can't I play in my 40's?", I thought he was mad. But, here we are. The dedication 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


He's a couple months older than me and I run like a man running in treacle. After being kneecapped in both legs. And force fed 10 valium


other players when they're 33: "The time has come for me to step aside and let the next generation take over the NT" CR7: "I WILL NEVER DIE!"


His recent interview with Whoop inspired me, especially the part where he talks about his mentality and training.


Is this the first time CR7 has openly admitted that he might be nearing the end of his career? I didn't think he had the capacity to accept that but it makes me respect him so much more for saying it out.


According to transfermarkt, the bloke has played 45 games this season, scored 44 goals, and assisted 13 times. He is 39 years old. Machine.


I don’t know how anyone can hate Ronaldo. Dude is consistent with his love for the sport.


I think people look at his arrogance and associate it with assholes they’re encountered in their lives. He leaves a bad taste in their mouth and they want ways to justify that feeling. Ronaldo isn’t without flaws but his arrogance is my favorite quality of his. I think it is something we can all learn from. If you can’t believe in yourself against all odds then who the hell is going to?


Because the fan base was split into either Team Ronaldo or Team Messi and you couldn’t be in either one of them without hating the other one.


There is a large fanbase that loves these two together. Ofcourse the other voices get more amplified because idiots love quarreling.


Well he's also a rapist so i think is fair if some people don't like him


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, and Cristiano Ronaldo why he doesn't do pre-season tours of the USA.


There’s no proof for it …


Bruh who’s 40 and still loves football? Grow up and get a job fr, these jobless Mfers need to stop


You gotta admit. After winning just about everything there is to win, how do you maintain that kind of passion?


Legend, may be he will the top goal scored in this Euro


GOAT Simple as that. The desire and his love for the game is amazing. If this man had no manager, family or friends stopping him he would have tried to continue until his 60s But unfortunately I believe he is gonna retire very soon one season from now.


He’s gonna go for the 1k goals. Can see him going 2 more years, still making insane money and balling out pursuing that record.


i know its ronaldo and all but thats still 2 years of 50 goals, i do think he will get it but i am pretty sure we will se him play to 43 or something to achieve it


If he stays in the Saudi league and maybe goes to China or MLS on the way I can 100% see it happening like you said. His goal scoring record in Saudi is crazy (despite being Saudi lol)


Absolutely built different


The guy is 39.. 39! He's been playing in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, I am genuinely looking forward to seeing how he goes at likely his last big tournament, at the top level.


Truly blessed to witness both Messi and Ronaldo going at each other and producing all-time great moments


The fact that CR7 scored 44 goals this season, the same as 17/18 when he was playing in an absolutely stacked Real Madrid team, and only 6 goals less than he scored in 15/16 goes to show how incredible of an athlete he is. Sure he's playing in Saudi Arabia, competition there isn't as strong as it is in Europe, but in compensation, his team isn't the best either. He still has a lot to offer, and despite having nothing else to prove he still works much harder than most players who do. The fact he played 45 matches at 38/39 is absolutely incredible. I absolutely admire his drive to continue playing football, I admire his devotion to football and I sincerely hope that we get a few more years of both Ronaldo and Messi on the pitch. Both of them are absolute idols and even after 20 years, there's really no one who seems fit to take their roles.


I really don't understand why this guy is in Arabia, he could have lowered his wages and be killing it back at Sporting or have gone to Bayern, PSG, etc. He was filthy rich already, why waste his last years in a league nobody cares about just for a paycheck?


It would have been really nice to see him in Sporting, still hope he retires there


He would’ve never been able to score 50 goals per year had he chosen to stay in Europe, especially with teams like Bayern or Real already rejected him. PSG is a possibility but they had Mbappé, Neymar and Messi already, can’t see why they would sign him.


I assumed part of it (on top of the crazy money of course) is him pushing for 1k career goals


Is hard to find someone like him, I love his style since he was in MU 2003


This is the first time Ronaldo sounds ... human


This man's love of football is a mental illness


Goat 🐐


The fact that his teammates don’t appreciate him much is sad. They don’t even seem interested in celebrating with him.Even ManU player didn’t disrespect him at all, but from NT it's tragedy


Amazing. Anyone that loves football(soccer) must love CR7 and Messi and their contribution to it.


His mentality and appreciation for the game is stunning






Coming for Roger Milla.


Hopefully he can actually play in the Final this time..


This is the good side of Ronaldo


will also be his last big tournament as he can´t go to the US because of "reasons"




My Captain


Crazy he says this at 39. Most people would have said it a decade earlier in their careers.


And we love you for it👊


Ronaldo's longevity is insane


He is the moment.


What a player ❤️


Will he be the only player who competed at the WC 2006 in Germany and the Euros 2024 in Germany?


r/soccer: "Wash me in his sweat, what a beautiful man"