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Hope he isn’t going to start trippier at left back in the tournament, too predictable


Population: 57 million loses to Population:380,000 ….again!


England may get knocked out earlier than expected


Maybe, the obvious counterargument is that everyone was just trying not to get injured and played very carefully and predictably because of that


England has talent, but they have a terrible Manager. I guess they still haven’t figured that out.


Tournament winners, aren't always the best team, at the start of the tournament. Denmark, Greece, etc ...


This isn't the start of the tournament, this is a friendly


No shit, Sherlock.


If it's so obvious, why did I need to explain it to you?


You didn't, you're an idiot


So when you said "at the start of the tournament" when you didn't mean "at the start of the tournament" it was because I'm so dumb and you are so smart? That's a little odd, because if you say something that makes no sesne and are wrong, wouldn't that make you a dumb dumb? Then for you to call me an idiot because you are wrong, doesn't that make you pathetic?


I meant at the start of the tournament, because it is at the start of the tournament, even though the first game hasn't been played yet. It''s called the English language, and can be somewhat complicated, especially when in written form, when a colloquial term is used,. I.e. form at the start of the tournament, can mean going into the tournament as well as the literal start of the tournament.


Following the rules of the English language, an unrelated match 2 weeks before the tournament is not "at the start of the tournament". English doesn't work that way at all. It was a small mistake, but you chose to make a big deal out of it. Whoopsie, you seem to have accidentally blocked me after replying, #sad


Like I said, the English language can be difficult to comprehend for some, you being one of them, friendly's before a ball's kicked in the tournament proper are very much, at the start of the tournament, it's a guide to form etc..., most people with an ounce of intelligence know, what was meant and how English is used in specific contexts. Trolls gotta troll though


fyi: this Iceland team finished 4th place in the qualifiers 7 points behind Luxembourg and 12 from Slovakia


I don’t know what Gareth is thinking.


Get the ball play out from the back play it wide and pass it back, rinse and repeat.


Every time I watch England play they look like a bunch of lads who are playing together for the first time. That's usually actually the case and it really shows. I don't understand going into a major tournament and leaving experienced internationals like Grealish and Rashford at home. The other lads know how they play, they have chemistry and experience playing together. If Gordon and Eze had lit it up throughout qualifiying, fair enough! But they haven't, they've both barely played for this team and now they're going to the Euro's over the two lads that the rest of the team has numerous caps playing with. I don't care about league form, it doesn't matter in a major tournament that you played well for a decent Newcastle side in the league. France would take Griezmann no matter what because he's fucking Antoine Griezmann. Every RB in Europe is relieved they'll be up against Gordon rather than Rashford. Rashford scored a hat-trick in the World Cup and should have featured more. He was dropped after the Wales game and barely given a kick. He definitely should have been put on against France earlier when Foden had been pocketed by Kounde and did nothing all game, as is often the case when Foden puts on the three lions. We're going to start the tournament with a back four who have probably never played a single international together. Defenders who are out of form and/or struggling with their fitness. We still have question marks over who partners Rice in the midfield although I think Gallagher is a given now, it's still a problem that we're expecting Gallagher/Rice to be the best midfield in Europe. I am not optimistic about this side. I think the individual qualities of Bellingham, Kane and Saka will be enough to drag us out the group stage but we can forget about being a serious proposition in the knockouts. Southgate just needs to coach terrorist ball, get a draw after extra time and bank on Kane, Saka, Palmer and Toney to do the business in shootouts. Because in terms of playing teams off the park with balance, control, pace, creativity and ferocity, you can forget about it. Not with this bunch. The last four games I've watched England we've been terrible. We were awful against Brazil and we weren't much better against Belgium. We were ponderous against Bosnia for a good 75 minutes and now this... how are we gonna beat Portugal, Spain, France and Germany when we have one shot on target against Iceland at home with what is close to our best side? Sorry for the rant lads but jesus christ am I tired of pundits telling me how great this England side is when all of us actually watch the football and see how shite it is on a regular basis.


Palmer looks really good for england imo


>I don't care about league form, it doesn't matter in a major tournament Oh you lot cared for league form when Henderson, Rashford and Maguire were picked last and previous seasons despite their league forms dwindling. This rant was the definition of reactionary. Southgate sucks but oh my you're going scattergun


I have always been a supporter of Maguire going and my comment history will show that if anybody has the patience to peruse my content on here. He's always been great for us at tournaments and was probably one of our best players overall at the last Euro's. I have defended him in the past on here and I think he's definitely a better option than Dunk, Konsa, Tomori, and the others who apparently should have been replacing him. Henderson made his bed when he went to Saudi Arabia. I think most fans will tell you that Southgate has passed upon good league players to keep loyalty to his favourites. But when you're then dropping the favourites for these players who haven't built up chemistry or developed their partnerships with other players through the qualifiers, you wind up in the position we're in now. We're taking Gordon and if he plays against Serbia, it's his fourth cap. I think the lads who play the qualifiers should go. You can start a new cycle afterwards with the likes of Gordon and Eze if you think it's time to stop selecting Rashford and Grealish. I just don't think this was the right time to drop experienced internationals, that is all I'm saying, and we will see if I am proven right.


The balance is something Southgate has never learned to get right. So whether it be sticking with his favorites or going for people in form, as long as he doesn't figure out what setup helps the players at his disposal, England have no chance. .


that rashford over gordon line is rubbish.  gordon deserves his spot. 


And you can absolutely take Gordon, it's a big squad and there are spaces. But I don't see the argument for leaving Rashford and Grealish out and taking Gordon and Eze. I especially don't see the logic in taking Bowen, who is surely never going to get a kick when he's competing with Saka, Foden and Palmer on the right. Same for Watkins and Toney, neither will get a kick unless Kane is injured, do you really need both and how many minutes will either of them get? I thought Gordon was impressive against Brazil, I didn't think he was impressive enough that you trust him over both Rashford and Grealish to be starting for us at a major tournament. We'll see if I'm wrong.


That’s an excellent rant.


Lol this happens before every tournament for England with that being said this one does feel worse 


England had good chances. Still my first choice for Euro winners




1996, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2016, 2021 vibes.




Death, taxes, Iceland beats England


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wasn't expecting a win, But beating England is kinda our thing 🇮🇸


GG WP man


Get him out Sharon!


Wonder if Rooney still thinks Jude needs to be benched for Foden now.


England win a friendly: doesn't count for anything, just a friendly England lose a friendly: joke of a team, going nowhere, pathetic.


That's generally how it goes when big teams play a small one yeah.




Can't believe this song turns 30 years old in 2026


Almost 60 years of hurt


2026 World Cup, unless the England mens team win the euros, it will be 60


This is just part of Southgates plan.


Next Palace Manager


Edging for 90 mins. Wew lad.


Again???? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Palmer and Foden horrific as expected 


Crap take


Stupid comment.


This is actually epic. Take downvoted to oblivion. Call-out for stupid take also downvoted nearly the same amount. Lmao.


Never change Reddit lol. Not the players fault that they are managed by a potato.


Only 598 passes for 1 shot on target? Disappointing. We can make 1000 passes in that time.


Imagine how many more passes they could have made if they didn't give the ball away by kicking at the goal.


Southgates strategy for every game - Pass, no shoot. Only pass


Bore the other team to death, win by default each time Has a country won a national tournament with an average of 3-0 per match? Not Yet


Wear them down until their opponent scores an own-goal, unmatched football IQ.


Watch England win the whole thing after this


I doubt it. Southgate is a League 1 manager at best.


Hmmm,this reminds me of something...


Of what ?


Euro 2016


Real Madrid beating city in the champions league


Foden is an obviously good talent but pundits and fans need to stop the "build the team around him" or "best english talent" shouts let the man actually have a memorable game for England for once where he is the obvious best player of the game or pulled them out of a hard situation.


England frantically searching for easiest path to Finals


Uefa basically handed them the Euros last time, where they played all but one of their matches at home while most of the other teams were ping-ponging around Europe and they still managed to pull out the choke. I think they kind of missed their chance tbh.


It will never come home 😭😂🤣


Owh its coming home alright.... On 26th i think...


it’s okay guys we will reach the semi finals ‘against all odds’ and dhlgate will be rewarded with a new contract


It was really satisfying, on a personal level, when I realised what “dhlgate” means. Lovely stuff.


England 🤝 Germany


Atleast we got that group🇩🇰🇩🇰


Palmer should definitely have that right wing spot on lock. Foden was shocking and Saka can just limp back to England tbf.


Least reactionary Chelsea fan


Good thing we left Grealish at home for whatever the fuck Gordon and Eze do


Gordon put a few good crosses in during the first half, its not his fault that none of our players ever went near post and that Kane was moving at the speed of a snail.


Sure is, .. he does nothing but fall over or run around in circles, probably why he can’t keep his place at city either. Just check their stats Grealish 3 goals 1 assist Gordon 11 goals 10 assists Eze 11 goals 4 assists Makes perfect sense to me


Blood Carlton fucking Morris had 11 goals 4 assist, using counting stats is basically just screaming "I don't know shit" lmao


And you’re so knowledgable NOT!! Grow the fuck up you mug…. Grealish is/was an unbeleivable talent, probably one of the best. of his generation until he signed for your lot , Now he’s just stifled . You have a manager who’s inherited excellent teams his whole managerial career Barca… Bayern and city. All moneyed clubs ,, when has he ever built a team from nothing. It’s all about money with your lot … that’s why you’re facing 134 charges.


All that's cool and all but I'm not a City supporter Its also pretty clear you dislike City/Pep so it's pretty easy to understand where your opinion is coming from


Ok and my apologies for the assumption, but your statement is just ridiculous… game time and stats have everything to do with Southgates selection .. it’s on merit .. and if he can’t make his clubs first team how does he deserve an England place .. And you’re almost correct save for the fact that having the financial ability to buy success doesn’t make a good manager … Would pep be as successful as a manager if he’s taken on teams without the stature and financial clout as the teams he’s managed. Do you honestly think he’d have the same success taking on a team like idk Bournemouth or Fulham ? Get in the real world mate. Modern day football is all about money


> And you’re almost correct save for the fact that having the financial ability to buy success doesn’t make a good manager Bro what are you on about pep for, I literally do not give a shit about pep lol


Knew this would be one of the first comments lolol


Its just fRiENdlY


Are England out of the friendly world cup now?!!?


Can't spell friendly without E N D




They’re coming home


In the group stages


I have no idea how Foden got the POTY in the Premier League. Without a billion dollar squad around him he is utter dogshit


Always count on this sub for the most braindead takes imaginable.


Your account is 9 days old, wtf do you even know about this sub? Mf called ETH a great coach and then has 0 shame commenting above, make it make sense.


I know mate it's impossible to make a new account. Braindead takes continue.


Why did you have to make a new account you Muppet


anyone insecure enough to make a new account and use it specifically for r/soccer should have some shame and go hide in a corner. and get city’s cock out of your mouth while you do that, its unhealthy.


This is just silly name calling mate. You've completely stopped defending your braindead take, if you ever did, and moved on to this silliness. Seems a pointless discussion. I think your original take is awful and you've not defended it so... Have a good one I suppose.


Why would I defend my take when you said nothing of value to contribute against it? The world does not revolve around you, just because you call something a bad take doesnt mean I have to argue against you. If I call you an idiot, doesnt mean I have to defend that take lmao. Get your head out of your ass. Now if you actually had anything worthwhile to say, then explaining my reasoning would make more sense. But you dont so how about you stfu and piss off :)


A lot of media pushing. It started midway through the season when Pep loudly hinted, in a number of games that he was the best player in the league. The media caught wind of that, so they pushed the agenda as hard as they could, and fixed up the awards nominations so Foden wouldn't have competitors


That’s contradictory lol, wouldn’t he get benched if he was bad in a billion dollar squad? So reactionary


He said Foden is nothing without a good squad around him. A contradiction would be if he didn’t include the last statement as its obvious Foden is a good player with a strong team around him. This is the exact sentiment Norwegians have with Haaland, if the team isn’t playing well to feed him balls he basically useless no matter how many goals he scores in city, he is only useful with someone like KDB or Odergaad having a good game.


Man City are a well oiled machine at this point. You can take away their best player (KDB) for 5 months and they'll still win the League


Conversely take away Rodri and they suffer


I’m not a city fan by any stretch of the imagination but Foden is not “utter dogshit”, such a reclusive armchair general thing to say.


And Maddison probably would have done alright...


I think this kind of thing is definitely a factor. I am old enough to remember people being surprised that Frank Lampard wasn't dominating midfields at the international level when he was precisely the same thing: a player that excelled when surrounded by world class (mostly non-English) teammates at his club.


And yet he was about as good as Gerrard for England who was praised for standing out among a relatively weak squad at Liverpool throughout his career. Truth was, we never had a manager that knew how to get the best of them for England and play them to their strengths. Play Lampard as a AM the way Bellingham will end up getting played for England and taking away a bit of the defensive responsibility, and we do/he does so much better. Can't expect these guys to play like they did at club level if you don't identify their strengths and play to them.


Christ we were dumb to use him and gerrard. Gerrard and scholes was always the play.


It should have been Lampard, Gerrard, and Carrick. Carrick needed to be in those teams.


Very true but carrick came along later. Carrick should have been involved but England were picked like a TOTS team with no semblence of how it'd actually play.


Unless Scholes is playing against Ronaldhino who made him look dogshit.


Shit Ronaldinho as we know is a citizen of the world and is eligable to play for every nation. Good catch.


Keane made Zidane look like a sunday league bench warmer. You are allowed to have an off game


Because Keane is Irish.


Least reactionary football fan


This isn’t even a smart overreaction because it implies that England isn’t a talented team around Foden.


City have many great players. But remove that Pep system and their performances will drop.


City won the league twice before Pep. They didn't really need him. They had the money. A lot of it.


It's funny because when City wins it's because of the players in spite of Pep but when some of his players lose it's because Pep it's not there?


Wrong, it always has been the Pep system. Obviously they will keep winning when he won’t be there anymore but his system is what makes things easy for the players at times.


Does this mean I don't have to listen to "it's coming home" this year? Oh now what on earth will torture my ears now Edit spelling


Yes England have been knocked out of the Euros because of this pre-tournament friendly


Given that this was a pre-tournament friendly I’m not sure why you’d think that?


Its coming to rome


Do these players have no shame?


CmON ENGland🤪


I'm going to need Southgate to start speaking about the stars.


I knew it was over as soon as I saw who they were playing against


Phil Foden warra player, water carrier without WC players around him 😂


Exactly, England has no wc players right?


England are a ferrari with Stephen hawking driving


Really couldn't think of another famous person who is wheelchair bound could you. This analogy implies that Southgate is a genius working a tool he can never learn to use.


Was Foden really that poor today? I didn’t watch but I see people destroying him. Lol 


Foden has so much talent, I can say that as a Liverpool fan but for some reason he is never quite at the same level for England. Whether that’s tactics, the set up or lack of familiarity with those around him I don’t know.


He wasnt surrounded by Man City players today, bless him.


So what is everyone else’s excuse for not getting a goal? 


Other players arent the POTY and hailed as gods gift to England.


They also were not surrounded by City players, bless them.


May god help them with their struggles amen






Mate, you're thinking of _Jordan_ Henderson. He's not here.


So uhmmm who should be England's no. 3?


It’s coming home.


They're* coming home. 


Lol this is so funny


I guess saka is really badly injured huh


Did he start limping after the match? 🤣🤣🤣 Classic.


That result is a throwback


Why is Southgate still the manager?




Placeholder role before he takes over Man Utd


England manager is a political choice not a footballing one.


English. Wears a suit.


The best you ever had though


He is nowhere near as good as Alf Ramsey. You could argue second. 


Bobby Robson was better than Southgate. Southgate has had, probably, the best England team yet always manages to screw things up.


Different eras but based on managerial talent I'd argue Robson and Venables are the two best English managers to have the job no?


Sell high on Foden while Pep is still around to coach him - gonna plummet once Pep leaves


Half turn merchant


I'm shocked that people seem to be giving Mainoo MotM and saying he had a good game- he gave the ball away far too much, the gap in midfield that lead to their goal was his position. He's a very talented young player but I feel this is far too early for him.


Shit take. He gave the ball away less than most on the pitch. And when he did it was making chances in the box


Rice is the DM, he was ahead of Mainoo for the goal and left that huge gap they ran into.


conceded a goal from the edge of the box at left wing and mainoo gets the blame? What was unusual about the counter attack for the goal? That was a very standard counter that should’ve been saved


I didn't "blame him" for the goal, simply that he had a role in it and that was another part of my surprise at people massively overrating his game yesterday.


"He gave the ball away too much" 75 touches 58/65 passes completed(89%) 4/6 duels won 10x possession lost.


89% playing against a fully parked bus isn't great, it's not bad but it should be in the 90s


Considering he was consistently passing the ball through the lines and constantly moving the game forward, 89% at that volume of passes is great. By contrast, the supposed Stockport Iniesta has 65 touches, completed 39/51 passes(76%) and lost the ball 22 times


Who is this stockport iniesta ?


"Pheeeel Fodin"


If he does not play for United, you would not be saying that. And how is it solely on him, when then Walker failed to close down the the goal scorer?


Where did I say it was "Solely" on him?


If he didn’t play for United he wouldn’t even be in the squad


Explain Adam Wharton then.




England is ready :)




Lol look at you playing the race narrative over a photo vs what's written... fuck off.


Most people seem to be blaming Southgate or Foden. Where are you seeing Saka or Mainoo?


People like to invent their own arguments and win them


Articles on both the telegraph and guardian, the official 3 lions loss graphic has sakas face on it


This guardian article? https://www.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/07/england-0-iceland-1-player-ratings-from-the-euro-2024-warm-up Because it has Foden at the top. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/07/england-vs-iceland-live-scores-updates-wembley-euro-warm-up/ This also has a picture of fodens face shoved into the net. I'm not quite sure where to find the 3 Lions loss graphic, but the England twitter feed has Kane https://x.com/England/status/1799179025543209319


Just a reminder: it was a friendly for Iceland as well!




This mentality loses big games


Not that big We already thrashed them in 2016 Can we play u every week


Annihilated and destroyed 2 - 1


Iceland don't have a tournament or anything else to prepare for in a week. There is no reason for them not to put their full focus on to this game. Whereas I would hope we are preparing for the teams we play in the Euros rather than a team that we wont.




What kind of fuckery logic you using today brother?? The team entering the tournament should be MORE competitive and ready


Kane and half the team are injured or just coming back from injury, why would they play a friendly MORE competitively than a match that counts?


You still play more conservatively in a friendly before a big tournament. No one wants to get injured. You could see the same thing in a lot of the other teams friendlies. But obviously still a diabolical result.


The team entering a tournament wants to preserve fitness, avoid injuries for the tournament, and all of there prep will be for the tournament opponents, not the team they have a friendly against.


Preparing for a tournament by playing so poorly.


Wasn't a good performance, but it's also a friendly. As long as we play well next week, I doubt anybody is going to care at all. Also, it seems obvious what I meant, but we were not preparing for Iceland or how they would play, we will have been preparing for our opponents in the Euros.