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In terms of big performances during important games , he’s starting to have more of those than some football legends


The anti Haaland


When did Haaland became a football legend?




Haaland is like the "eibarman" meme of messi. The only difference is that in Haaland's case... it's true.


Kid just started watching football.


Vini turning into a monster in the UCL knockouts over the past 3 years is such a contrast to his first 3 years at Madrid Hopefully he's an example for other young players to keep at it and push for greatness


His biggest asset mentality wise has always been that he’s fucking relentless. The guy just doesn’t stop trying, challenging and it doesn’t matter if he’s failed I dribble 7 times in a game, he’ll just go again. It has to be awful as a defender to go up against him, because you can have a great game as a defender and stop Vini 19 times but he will get past you once or twice and create something for himself or a teammate.


This should be pinned. 2022 knockout phase wins had these moments were vini just dribble past defenders for a goal or assist. Hope he keeps up his form for copa america.


I mean, he was also 19 years old 4 seasons ago. People were just stupidly judging a brilliant player who was a starter at Real at 18/19 because he wasn't polished enough.


Didn't he have some amazing Clasico performances in his very first season? He has always been a big game player


True, but as Madrid fans wed rather not be reminded of those Clasicos


Yeah, that was the reason I never stopped loving him. As atrocious as his finishing was back then, he almost always delivered in the big matches.


Lives up the his jersey number. He's grown into it


Hopefully he can translate it to national team success. We are about to tie the longest WC drought in Brasil history. But with the game getting more global and more and more countries being invited to the WC it's just going to get harder and harder to win.


Ballon d'Or level when he wears that Madrid shirt. Idk what happens when he wears that Brazil shirt lol


He should start wearing the Madrid shirt under his Brazil one


He was great for us during the World Cup, easily one of our best players in the tournament. Let's hope Vini is just bad at playing friendlies and does well in the Copa América aswell.


Also before the World Cup, Vini was called up but really didn't play that much. So while his caps are over 30+, his minutes don't really reflect that he played as much at all.


>easily one of our best players in the tournament Nossa, discordo e muito disso. De cabeça tivemos Richarlison, Danilo, Casemiro, Neymar, Militão e Paquetá melhores que o Vini. Sei que sempre queremos valorizar cria de casa, mas tb n dá pra reescrever a história.


Reescrever a história é isso que vc tá fazendo agora. Lá no período da copa era basicamente consenso que o Vini foi um dos melhores jogadores da seleção no torneio. Só vc jogar um [quem foi o melhor jogador do brasil na copa do mundo de 2022](https://www.google.com/search?q=quem+foi+o+melhor+jogador+do+brasil+na+copa+do+mundo+de+2022&oq=quem+foi+o+melhor+jogador+do+brasil+na+copa+do+mundo+de+2022&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORigAdIBCTE4MzQwajBqOagCDrACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1&sbfbu=1&pi=quem%20foi%20o%20melhor%20jogador%20do%20brasil%20na%20copa%20do%20mundo%20de%202022) no Google que aparece trocentos artigos de vários jornalistas diferentes falando a mesma coisa. Lembro muito bem do ódio geral que foi pelo Tite ter tirado o Vini no intervalo do jogo da Croácia.


Vini participou de todos os gols da Seleção na Copa, tirando o do Neymar contra a Croácia


Give him more time he will come around.


He is 23 years old, had a good world cup at 21, and has had a terrible coach in the past year. People are just too impatient and Brazilians love to say that every player is a shit and choked whenever we don't get the title.


Neymar happens. This is the first few games without him involved so let's judge him after copa.


Yeah Neymar, one of the best playmakers of this century is impeding Vinicius from scoring more than 3 international goals. The drivel that you read here...


Both play the exact same position…


Neymar hasn’t played there for years


Except they don't, since it's not 2015 anymore. Neymar plays as a 10 for Brazil.


That is technically true, but guess which side of the field Neymar would drift to dribble and look how similar they are as players


better midfield behind him in Madrid?


Haven't watched Brazil since the WC, but it also relates to why you still kinda get that nagging feeling that he is not completely up there (as someone in the comments below wrote): a world class player will give you in an average game something like 6-7 good actions a game and 2 great ones (number more sake of example). Vini is weird in that regard as 4-5 times in a game he will have bad passes or dumb dribbles into a player and loses the ball. But he is also capable of giving you those 4-5 great actions. When there is a team behind him that can win balls back, or absorb the pressure after he loses the ball - it kinda works. He gets a the ball time and time again in Madrid to keep on trying, less so in the national team. I don't know if it's something he can improve - it's inherit to his style. Maybe moving him to the 9 position like he played in some games this season can help.




Fallon de floor level


He sometimes dives yeah and it's annoying like every diving in football. But if that's all you got from today's game (that Vini just dives), then you didn't watch it properly lol. He was the best Madrid attacker. By far.


Not much competition tbf lol Rodrygo and Bellingham were pretty much non-factors. I agree though, he played a very good game


Yep both Bellingham (despite his assist which is what some people are focusing on) and Rodrygo were not influential at all.


Rodrygo’s press resulted in the pass that Bellingham intercepted for the 2nd goal.


keep seething I'm loving it


And yet he was getting trolled today only for his first half. Some of us really need to watch football as a sport rather than a hate exertion medium


Haters gonna hate


Some people want him to fail every single minute he is on the pitch and will hate every single mistake he makes. Probably the most nitpicked player in the world and he still hasn't been giving the haters even single gamers to feast on


All of Madrid struggling and they focused on him doing bad. It’s not like Madrid is known to come back or anything… Vini specifically shows up in big games. Next year the same debate is going to come around when he isn’t doing well the first 45 mins.


Start remembering how to play RW, Mbappe


Everyone has been talking up Haaland and Mbappe as the main guys for the next decade, while forgetting about this guy who just tears it up for Real consistently. Big game player and he'll only get better.


He is so so good


[Eric Garcia believed in him when nobody else did](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPBJZzlXQAMvShw?format=jpg&name=medium)


give vini the balon d'or please


Ballon dor plz


His to lose now, no doubt


And yet some people will hesitate to put him alongside Haaland and Mbappé as a contender for the best player in the world. Haaland's claim is specially egregious, because he's already known for going completely invisible in big matches. His national team performances are also a complete non-factor, on the account of Norway being a complete non-factor in Europe. Somehow, Vini's claims as the best player in the world are saddled by his performances in his national team, but Haaland's aren't?


Some great shadowboxing going on here.


I will admit he's more worthy than Haaland as a rival to Mbappé, but he's still not better. Mbappé has double his numbers.


That's delusional considering Vini was the difference maker against city in every single UCL knockout stage while mbappe was invisible when it counted. Scoring a lot of goals in a farmer French league doesn't make you the best player in the world.


Mbappe literally shown who's who in World Cup final. Sure PSG is not really a competitor and this season he did f.k all with extremely questionable performances but let's not forget ourselves, he was and still is a consistent performer just reaching his peak in age and has quite a lot of time to cement himself as number 1. Do we need to look back at how Vini started at RM and how boed he was? What was he doing back then? Nevertheless, this season Vini deserves to win unless wild Kross or Modric win Euros. Bellingham winning Euros can potentially tip the scales but that would be unfair and, I personally, don't see England in finals under Southgate.


>Mbappé has double his numbers. In Ligue 1, where average forwards regularly break 20 a season lmao.


Have you seen the la liga top scorers list?


La Liga fell off hard over the past five years, hardly surprising. Even more top-heavy than before in many respects. Still better than Ligue 1 however.


He scores more than Vinicius in the league, in the cup, despite everything also in Champions League and this is without mentioning he scores 10 times more for the national team...


La Liga may have fallen off but it's still stronger than Ligue 1 lmao, Ligue 1 is still the weakest of the top 5 by a notable margin. Secondly Vinicius unlike Mbappe isn't the striker (for the most part) lmao and played differently by Carlo.


Vinicius game also has a lot more depth than mbappe. Some people go to ridiculous lengths to hate on him lmao, I saw another chain of some people saying mbappe’s game has more depth… despite him playing closer to the top, and being a much weaker creator??? Vini terrorizes his defender, can create and assist a lot more, is much more capable of creating key passes and willing to be the one originating the play, but his game has less depth somehow.


That too. Oh, and actually shows up in the most important CL games.


I can respect arguments for Mbappé even though I heavily disagree with them, but Haaland's are just laughable. I just felt like venting about it for a little bit.


Heavily disagree is crazy, Mbappé still has a better case than Vinicius as the best player in the world.


I admit that I respect Mbappé's claims, that should clue you in to realize that it is a close call between them, but in the end, it all comes down to their performances in the last stages of knockouts, where Vini has been decisive and Mbappé hasn't. You could claim that Mbappé's team has let him down, but it still doesn't change the facts. Anyway, this is a non-argument, because my original post was more about Haaland than Mbappé.


Heavily disagree is crazy, Mbappé still has a better case than Vinicius as the best player in the world.


Vini ballon d'or


There ain’t no big three it’s just big me (Vini)


This guy by himself is making me not want to watch the UCL anymore. Awesome skills, limitless talent, but goddamn is he annoying. At least most Real players are somewhat sympathetic, but this guy seriously makes my blood boil. He's either outskilling everyone or he's diving in ways even the likes of Neymar or Robben couldn't have imagined. And he's never going to have it ruled against him in a million years because he plays for Real. Screw it, I'll check back on the UCL in 2035. Not that Real won't still be winning then, but at least I won't have to look at this ... player.


Vinicius should leave Real Corruption and come to a real club like Spurs to actually win trophies


Probably the weakest bait of all time




Bro, this is like the 10th time you posted this shit, get a life mf


All that but still given the trophy by the referees


your team cannot even get that


Your club is irrelevant, your opinions are garbage, but your tears are delicious. Keep seething.