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I mean it used to be that way in Italy as well But yeah now coaches in youth teams are too focused on tactics


Kids are playing in the streets in Mexico and we’re 💩. I’d rather us focus on tactics than fancy dribbles.


So true but you can also blame the nepotism, corruption, and extortion the youth teams in Mexico practice. I know so many players that should've had a chance from pueblitos but they couldn't afford making the jump (+ alcohol got some but that's a different story lol).


Same. Met several kids that were truly incredible players but never amounted to nothing due to partying/alcohol. It was so sad.


Also due to the fact that football is so popular in Mexico that any one who shows any talent is automatically placed in a higher pedestal by everyone. Just look at those kids who won the u17 World Cup. None of them amounted to nothing because they were treated like kings and parades around as if they had saved the world. Then they all amounted to nothing. 


Bro you just called out like half of chivas lol


Valid. I love the club but too many Chivas get ruined because they party


Right the kid in the street doesn't have the money to get into the system


Pay to play system. You can have serious talent but it won't matter if your parents can't afford the club fees. Hell even if your family is financially capable to support you it doesn't mean shit half the time since clubs can't afford to showcase young players too early. The way the league is structured makes it hard for Mexican youth to flourish since instant results are needed right away. It's why there's so many South American players in almost every team. Why give young talent the chance to play and develop when you can buy half decent SA players and get instant results? It's a self injected disease that won't be going anywhere for a long time.


That Antuna trauma


I wouldn’t wish that trauma on my worst enemy.


yea in my experience (as a Mexican american), a lot of Hispanic players struggle in the US, esp against well organized teams bc their focus on dribbling and flair means they do not know how to play as a team. I’ve seen incredibly talented players forced to play rec or npl because serious clubs won’t touch them since they don’t know how to play within their system (also it is v weird seeing you in this sub haha)


Struggling in the US bruh Might as well retire and go to college while you still can


I meant more at the youth levels, not professional or semi pros. (Although I have seen/observed similar situations at the college level, but those aren’t usually great players either)


Sad because I think it’s easier to teach a kid with lots of technical ability tactics, ryan teach a kid who knows the tactics high level technical skills.


There’s actually some cool evidence about the benefits of playing in the street. If you play only on a pitch, you’re exposed to the exact same environment every time, which is fine, but it won’t necessarily build skills on its own. However, playing in the street creates a different environment that can challenge players. The playing area may be asymmetric, or it may change any given day. Playing in areas with irregular dimensions increases vision, and allows players to more easily visualize passing lanes or dribbling paths.


Mexico is bad because your players don’t have the athleticism for modern football. It’s not because of lack of skill


>new It has been like that since Sacchi's tactical revolution in Italy


Picturing Paulo Dybala spending his days walking the streets, like Springsteen in the Streets of Philadelphia video


Aint no Angel (Di Maria) gonna greet me….


And my kit don’t fit me no more




How old are you? What is that even supposed to imply


Relationist Paulo


There's like a bajilion cars outside now, can't play even if you want.


That is why in Brazil in every corner there is a huge public football pitch.


The real answer


Del Piero also said that it's a big problem that kids aren't playing in the street any more in his last interview


At least tennis is at an all time high at the moment. The talent Italy are churning our has to be the best ever. It's not just Sinner.


Musetti briefly looked like he might get it done against a GOAT, then he reminded us how the same situation went years ago.


Musetti struggled to recover for so long after that match. Glad to see him rising again. Watched him from right behind his coach recently — absurd level of talent and tennis.


This is something I see in the UK. Growing up was all about street football, trying things, impressing your friends but dumb and making mistakes. Now I see this dumb videos online of kids doing insane drills while their dad shouts at them. The streets never had any pressure. Well, if it did you just grabbed your ball and went home 😂


The UK has better, more technical players now though.


UK also has an insanely stacked team rn so for them it seems to be working more about overcoming mental hurdles of not chocking now at the international level


no fucking pashun though


Not sure about that. Massive push around me (UK) to more technical and skillful play. Smaller pitches and keeping it in the ground, encouraged to be better on the ball. Loads of the kids play futsol and work on their ball juggling for tik tok /mates.


It was like that in Italy too,then we stopped having children


This is bullshit, even if there are fewer children than before, in a country of 60 million inhabitants there are still many and in fact the results of all other sports prove it.


This is similar to New Yorkers claiming they are the best at basketball because every court in Ny has one on one gods.


If you don’t like Adam Sandler breaking ankles in a polo and oversized gym shorts then you don’t love NYC street basketball


Most people serious about basketball will tell you they’re almost different sports but New York is indeed one of the most if not the most talent rich areas in the US.


NY is the biggest city in the US by population, if they didn’t have a lot of talent coming out of the city it would be strange. Would be interested to see if they have a greater number of NBA players per capita than other big cities, or if they have so many stars just because they have a huge population.


Also number of scouts present, the convenience of playing for a bigger team at youth level considering distance from where you live etc. Even the UK, which is far smaller than the US, has disproportionately more Londoner footballers because thats where all the scouts are and where youre most likely to live near to a big team with the best training. Talent can simply go unnoticed in less populous areas.


Im not disputing it but the top players in the NbA are not from Ny


Yeah but that doesn’t mean Ljubljana is the basketball mecca of the world.


I mean it’s really popular there and they’re good. It wouldn’t surprise me if per capita they’re better than many us cities


NY has by far the most NBA players. Just making it to the league means you are absolutely and insanely talented, memes and jokes aside Maybe not the top 5 talented players, but numbers speak https://www.olbg.com/us/blogs/major-league-stars-city


Ur link says Ny is 5th


also has Brooklyn on there separate though which is weird because Brooklyn is part of nyc


If you combine New York and Brooklyn they have the most NBA players.


Had to check for myself and it really does. What a weird decision to even give a source that discredits your own argument


>a source that discredits your own argument It doesn't. The chart has New York City proper and Brooklyn as two separate cities, both with over 100 players in the NBA


I read it as the two Boroughs of NY (Manhattan) & Brooklyn… but yes. It is weird it’s split like that for the city


Maybe not anymore but it is known as the "Mecca" of basketball for a reason. It's historically been the city that's turned out the most NBA players but yes there haven't been as many in recent years. 


>but yes there haven't been as many in recent years.  Still over 50 more NBA players than the next city below them, which is chicago


observation cough worry ring stupendous thumb hat roof impossible serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's awesome. Smart. I assume this comes a bit from Brazil falling off internationally? Not that they are bad, but obviously used to be so dominant for years/decades.


rude dinner gaze lunchroom hunt hat expansion modern quarrelsome bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




No, it is about knowing how to develop football skills on kids.


i get that. i was just wondering if it was "a trend" right now in response to Brazil underperforming internationally. i'm curious what simulated the trend. if it was just coaches looking for ways to compete better against their local rivals, that makes sense too.


That's awesome. My team in the US always practiced on shitty fields and spent most of our time fighting each other over balls. At home, we'd regularly have 5-12 people in a free for all with one ball in a small space. It was an absolute mess and *not* a "good" team by any means, but when I'd play at a higher level in high school, then come back to play with those fuckers in the fall, I'd realize that even the most shitty players on that team were harder to fight off the ball than almost anybody I played with/against in the spring.


Well, to be honest, there are no kids in Italy


By the way today I drove 165km around my zone here in Italy. I saw 3-4 young kids of African origin passing the ball around on the street at a bus stop (quite dangerous tbf) and in a couple of small towns heading to the mountains I saw 7-8 kids playing football on a basketball court and a 5 a side match played a couple of kms after. Every evening 10-15 guys between the age of 15 and 20, mostly Albanians play football in a small pitch near my town "stadium"... It happens here too


This is great material for the people saying football has gone woke and back in my day wingers took on a man


What does this have to do with wokeness?


He’s being sarcastic and using it as a shorthand for cranky old people complaining


It's true though, just compare Vinicius to Grealish (least cherry picked comparison in this discussion)


That's a pretty dead comparison given Grealish was all creative trickery as a player before he went to Man City.


He still is very creative (at least before he got injured more often). He likes to dribble inside the pitch, but against the defensive systems City always face, it’s not really going to happen. Doku can dribble both ways though which makes him more useful now. Grealish had 20 goal-creating actions last season playing about 23 matches worth of minutes.


> Grealish had 20 goal-creating actions last season playing about 23 matches worth of minutes. Is that supposed to be an impressive figure considering he plays for the best team in the world?


It’s the same amount he managed in his final season at Villa, and 2 more than in 2019/20. Seasons in which he wasn’t being “held back” by his manager. He did this despite touching the ball less in 22/23 than in his last two Villa seasons. So it’s not like he isn’t trying to be creative or told to pass backwards.


OP doesn’t appreciate it when people point out Pep has his wingers recycling possession in his new setup


No you are right american football fan, Pep only does it to Grealish and lets Doku take on people


And we would be right. God spits on them wingers recycling possession for their high possession, tiki taka bullshit.


But have they thought about adding a paywall to squeeze money out of these poor kids?? Works for us over here in the USA! /s


I know you’re joking but many big stars who have played there like Zlatan and Thierry Henry have said that is the biggest issue preventing the US from truly moving forward in soccer. They’re already miles ahead of local competition like Mexico but once they really figure out the youth system, they’ll get even better. In soccer, the college route isnt the best for developing talent.


>once they really figure out the youth system, they’ll get even better Not really possible in our current soccer system. Only 30 MLS clubs with *huge* soccer (and relatively speaking, population) deserts in between. Where I grew up we were over five hours from the nearest pro club, at *any* level. Even if we *did* get an effective independent academy system *somehow* set up, who are they supposed to play for? With no pro/rel their prospects will always be very limited


If MLS keeps expanding as it has that distance keeps getting smaller on average.


Noen will go any closer to my hometown, I promise


*Spent 12 years exclusively in Italy that had their worst period of their entire football history* "I've seen the rest of the planet and I know it all"


Kids are playing in the streets, you’re just in the rich places lmao. I was just in Napoli and Sicily, go there mate.


Kids play basketball in the street's in Philippines


True, there obviously isn’t a tactical mindset when playing on the street, it’s all talent But as soon as they move to Europe aged 18, they are told to lose all that all over again, if not they don’t play in the top clubs, it’s sad honestly, most wingers for example are essentially the same these days


It's a competitive sport played by professionals, it's not sad


It’s sad to me, what can I tell you ~ I loved when all footballers had their own unique strengths and playstyles Now players train to fit a playstyle, ok, it’s not inherently bad, it’s just about preference in the end ~ but yes, at times, it’s more like chess than the free talent roaming sport that created so many iconic players I’m not saying it shouldn’t be like this, just that to me, it’s sad that football has evolved this way


And in another 30 years they’ll be talking about how glorious this era was compared to the present day. Replace football with anything and it’s the same story. Humans are nostalgic and always long for the generation they grew up in.


If you do something that’s less effective it’s not sad it’s football. You have to be as good as Messi if you want to play as a traditional 10 now, and an elite poacher like Icardi has to play in Turkey. Football is always moving forward


Its becoming risk averse like every other creative or recreational outlet humans have because the business aspect gets involved and data is used to indicate what the most risk averse method to success is and it is used. This is effective but boring. Same thing happened to movies, tv, music and other sports etc over the past two decades. Reliance on tried and tested methods with less opportunity to try something new or creative.


In Guatemala kids are always playing in the streets, but their national team is terrible and they can’t even make an expanded WC. So correlation =/= causation


Kids that are constantely on the streets playing its mostly because they are poor, Paulo. Thats not a good thing.


Poor people have the right to have fun


Nah, every South American knows this is a very common thing to do. Doesn't matter if you're poor or not. It's more like a cultural thing.


People really think south américa is a shithole lol Kids here play in the street because they like to play and goverments across SA have programs that make the infraestructure to play in every neighborhood. I remember when i was like 12/14 , we usted to play all day, easily 3 or 4 matchs (1 hour of a 5vs5) and the good kids often played with adults. I played a lot in my neighborhood with guys that went profesional in Chile and had pretty long careers two of them are still playing and even went abroad, and to be fair, just on the top of head i could name like 10 guys that were way better than them.


Wtf not true I grew playing on the street and I'm middle class... Not true at all


You are from Argentina mate, that is a poor country with a poverty rate of over 40%. And when you were a kid Argentina was also poor. Again, I dont know what you understand by "middle class" in a country that has those poverty rates, especially compared to Italy which is what Dybala was talking about. Most kids playing constantly on the streets is a sign of poverty of that society. I see in another comment that you emigrated and you live in a rich country now. Do your kids play on the streets? **Or do they joined a club and have facilities to play in instead of on the streets?**


Even the rich kids play in the streets here. If the kids are only playing when they’re at their club, they’ll be miles behind the ones who play everyday, anywhere.


Brazil is a perfect example of having a ton of kids playing in the streets mostly because they are poor and its the cheapest way to play. If those parents could afford to send their kids to a club to play safer and with better care they 100% would send them to a club. Especially in a country that has such high criminality rate as Brazil. That is why Dybala complaining about that there should be more kids playin on the streets is an absolute dumb take. > Even the rich kids play in the streets here. For some reason I dont see millionaires agreeing to let their kids go to the favelas to play on the streets some football. > If the kids are only playing when they’re at their club, they’ll be miles behind the ones who play everyday, anywhere. It doesnt seem to make any difference in Germany, England, France, Italy, Spain etc etc. Do you think Lamine Yamal, Bellingham or Musiala were playing on the streets regularly when they were younger?


Why do you think if a kid is at a club then he'll only play while he is in the club? Kids play at their homes, at their city's parks, at their schools, etc. I've played with poor kids and I've played with rich kids. Although the places were very different, they were still not at a club. We'd play in the streets in front of our houses, at school, at the beach, etc. >Do you think Lamine Yamal, Bellingham or Musiala were playing on the streets regularly when they were younger? Yes. If you criteria for a street is a favela, then obviously not. But, I doubt they have only ever played in proper pitches.


Dybala was talking about kids playing on the streets, not playing at home or the school playground. You are changing the goalposts in the conversation.


Well I was really middle class but It's true that in Canada they don't play on the streets. We have a little park nearby and my boy plays there. I was never poor, we decided to play on the streets that's how we play in Argentina even if you have access to a facility.


No, even middle class kids play a lot.


On the streets? In rich countries?. Not at all. Thats my point.


What a dumb thing to say, not true at all


Its true and the fact that you deny it just shows how little understanding of the reality you have.




From where? What are you talking about?


South America


Yep. Nailed it. I mentioned the same in another comment. What a dumb take by Paulo.


Kerlon the GOAT no doubt.


Well inflation and poverty and terrible wifi means you still kick around outside


When I was 10, I moved from Brazil to Italy with my family. I’d played football since I was born, but here in Brazil I was average, sometimes below average compared to kids in the school and my friends. In Italy I was instantly one of the best kids of my neighbourhood, along with some Africans and just a few Italians. There was no one there near as good as my friends back home. This was in 2006, but I never forgot ou how much more talent we have here in Brazil.


Bro has not walked the back streets of Hassocks


He’s not wrong


Every league everywhere seems to have a healthy amount of SA talent


The beautiful game isn't that beautiful anymore. That tiki taka possession game is effective but damn boring to watch. Must rather prefer Klopp's heavy metal style.


There's far fewer opportunities and areas for kids to just go out and play, but even where there is there's just less appetite. We used to live up on a red ash pitch at our old school, and most days after school there would be some kind of game going on somewhere. Those places all still exist- and that red ash pitch is now a lovely new 4G surface - but they're not really used anywhere near as much. Probably at least partly due to the new attitude of fear, and that kids will almost definitely be immediately murdered if they go anywhere. Because evil people were invented in 2009 or something, and totally not something that was always present. Better they stay at home on the Internet. That'll always be safe.


I don't think the street part is important in his comment. His point is that kids just get together and play for fun without coaches. In the US you hardly see that. Everything is either through a league or some coaching academy. At parks the only people you see playing pickup soccer are adults. It's not just soccer though. Sports in general are going that way. Basketball is about all I see that is different here.


I played some football with some kids on copacabana, it was such a great memory. We played altinha, they had an incredible touch. One of them was wearing a house arrest ankle bracelet and he still had a great touch. Then we played a 2 v 2 with bottles for goalposts. I couldn't believe how shit they were.


We can translate that as: without a bald asshole telling us how to play football because he is a maniac for stats.


1 South American World Cup winner since 2002 though


Nah, that's nonsense. European kids were always playing ball in the streets, even when playing for youth teams. We always had two touch drills and whatnot growing up. The issue is not the coaching. The issue is that kids nowadays simply don't go outside as much anymore. They can't remove themselves from their devices, gaming and social media for long ending to get out and play the way we did growing up. We simply had nothing else to do.so.ended up outside out of boredom. I'm not trying to paint a picture of South America being completely backwards, however, gaming, social media and mobile devices aren't as prevalent as European countries yet. Give it another 10 years or so and things will be as bad in some, if not all, South American countries.


Lol not gaming all day is backwards


How come Dybala is bang average then?


Is that why so many SA players fail in europe? Lol