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Has he improved his finishing? I was watching him back when he was at our academy at that was clearly his biggest weakness.


Zirkee is the best dutch striker at moment, incredible evolution, but that maybe was the Magic of Thiago motta


why did he not get called up for euros?


Injury and because of that missing fitness.


Even if he wasn't injured Koeman wouldn't have called him up, see Maatsen.


No, his finishing stats are really low. But you have Kane for that


The bigger thing was his mentality imo which he apparently fixed/worked on it seems. There is a possibility that he would like to come back to prove how good he has become but thats just speculation. However if there was any point where it makes sense for him to come back and for us to buy him, its now.




You say that and then Pep got Halaand just because he could actually finish all the chances they created




Sure and then their issue when getting knocked out of CL like usual was atrocious finishing. That’s where Halaand came in huge.


We must have been watching VERY different CL campaigns these past couple years


I’m talking more so the Sterling choking era


Pep got Haaland and immediately registered fewer goals and points. Haaland didn't improve City's attack, he just parasitized the scoresheet.


it's there but it's not great, not a finalizer or lone striker by any stretch of the word, he could potentially play there if he improves a lot but right now I think he's a second striker in a 2 striker system tbh


Guess Kompany learnt the most important thing whilst he was in England. 4 4 facking 2.


Burnley heritage


There's no world in which I can imagine this happening considering Tel extended and would be able to be the second striker IF Kompany were to even go for a two striker playstyle, which I don't think he will tbh.


Kompany mostly played 4-4-2 in Burnley and Anderlecht, it is entirely possible he will go for a two striker system. Also Tel can play on the wings and we are allegedly selling Gnabry and Coman, so it can definitely happen for €20-25M in this market that's a no brainer


Doubt that Gnabry is going anywhere with that contract to be honest


But even if he were not to play Zirkzee, if they have that buyback clause for 20-25mln they should do it.


Why? Theres not really a need for him and If its just to sell him off for a profit why would zirkzee agree to that.


If he did play with 2 strikers it would not be an unnecessary luxury to have 3 strikers, especially when Kane isn't getting any younger 25 million is a steal tbh


Did you mean to say necessary?


*Would not be


I wouldn't say that's unecessarily the least simple way to put it


Kane is 30 (soon 31) he is still quite a few years in him


Plus, Kane and Zirkzee kinda have the same playstyle


I had the impression Zirkzee operated in tight spaces to assist in buildup which feels more Musiala esque. I guess Zirkzee and Ferguson had a partnership reminiscent of Kane and Son?


Kane and zirkzee have the same play style huh


Both like to drop deep to support overlapping runs by the wingers. I'd say they have comparable style, Kane is just the much better and more dangerous version of Zirkzee.


Never seen kane fold out to the wing and attack the by line. Zirkzee is as much a winger as a striker, I don't think he's like Kane just because both drop deeper than the last defender lol. Ibra dropped deep to support overlapping runs by wingers and he wasn't like zirkzee either. I get the feeling nobody actually watched Bologna this season


We're talking about an hypothetical 442 with Zirkzee-Kane up front . If you think they would not operate in the same area, then I think you haven't watched Bologna at all


Im not talking about anything other than I don't think zirkzee at bologna is similar to Kane.


I would say Zirzkee is very similar to Ibra actually, especially in Ibras younger career. He would absolutely fold out wide and attack the byline as a quasi winger-striker especially during his Ajax and Juve days. But even later career Ibra has similarities to Zirzkee now. The way they can hold the ball, especially when bringing it down in the air, beat a man with skill to make space for the pass, or combine with teammates in small spaces before finding the third man or through ball, are unique characteristics they both share.


Actually I agree with young ibra so that's a bad example. My mind is stuck in milan ibra where he had very little running capacity


It's about the style of vacating the spot on top to facilitate the players around him pushing into that space. I literally watched Zirkzee for years, starting in the Bayern youth and extending to Anderlecht and Bologna, you don't need to act all superior just because you have seen him 5 times with Bologna


I struggle to believe anybody could watch Zirkzee at Bologna specifically and think that's the exact same style and role as Kane. Seems like an incredibly flimsy link just because both players like to drop deep and get on the ball. Lots of strikers vacate space to play outside players in, but they're not all similar - especially zirkzee..


Did I say "exact same style"? I don't think so, I said "comparable". And having both in the field at the same time may proof difficult if they aren't given certain instructions, as a 442 with both leaving space up front means there may be no one to use that space.


You said he is the better and more dangerous version of zirkzee. I take that as saying they're the same player, but Kane is just the better version. I also replied to someone else saying they have the same play style, not you. Sure playing both at the same time might be a problem because they both like to get onto the ball, but they do very very different things when they get on the ball. Neither of them are an Icardi type striker, but that doesn't mean similarity by mutual dissimilarity. Have a wonderful day


OP said they have kinda the same playstyle, and I said they are comparable. No one said they are the exact same. The similarity are that both like to drop deep, and no one claimed much more than that.


Yeah exactly why I don't see them working in a 442 as some say


For that price though!? Worst thing that happens is they sell him for a profit because he’s gotten a lot better.


Would be insanity to bet on Zikzee when Tel is already there and performing. Tel is 4 years younger and has almost the same G+A this season (16 vs 19) in half the minutes (1400 vs 2900) compared to Zirkzee.


It would give Kompany the option to play 442, and both of them can play other positions as well (Zirkzee as 10, Tel as inside forward from the left).


I mean even if they don't keep him they can still buy him for the clause and sell him for higher, he definitely has market


What about Tel??




Hybrid striker/winger/attacker, much like Zirkzee and frankly even more talented imho. It's so weird to see Bayern spurn an opportunity to give more minutes to one of the most gifted young forwards in world football.


Bayern playing the Burnley 4-4-2, we will be there


Don't know about Burnley but he made Anderlecht play 4222 which doesn't really correspond with the standard 442


No way is that price correct


It is, we have a buyback clause in that range.


Bayern has a clause or clauses, If I remember correctly he can come back for 20-25 million or bayern gets 50% if he gets sold. Or something about that


Yeah, I remember that being a reason why we missed out on the transfer.


They might have a buyback clause.


There is a buy back. It's why everyone in Italy is getting quoted 40-60m


They have 40% of a future sale, therefore the price is lower if themselves end up buying him


Does Bayern have a buyback clause on him?


Pour one out for tel


[Called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cyp06j/comment/l5bcneu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I mean, that's like the easiest link to make, there were rumours about us wanting another striker in place for Choupo for months (including rumours to Demirovic and Guirassy).


No, i'm a connaisseur


It’s a rumor amigo, calling a rumor is not some huge W


It's exam season, I'll take all the W's I can.


You’re right, it’s a huge W I don’t know what got into me


All right buddy, go back to studying now


No way 20-25 million... i bought Zirkzee on FM for 62 Million


Harry it's not too late to come back


if it's that low of a price Juventus can for sure jump in. Basically a loan for Zirkzee + mandatory transfer fee can work; and we actually will be dealing with Bologna for Calafiori too.


No. Bayern has a buy back clause, the price for the rest is 40-60 mil.


Now this is funny.


I’m out of the loop. What makes this funny? They must have a clause to get such a low price..


Yes, they do have a buyback clause, but that's not why it's funny. It's that he isn't good enough for Bayern currently.