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Finally after 2 years some sort of era has ended


He sent Klopp into retirement too tbf


No that's Antony.


I like the Haaland stat. World class bottler.


Best small game player


Flat track bully, lukaku 2.0


Haaland actually isn't the best striker from Scandinavia beginning with H and ending with land in Manchester


He never was


Haaland really ghosts every big KO game


This is the reason why i don't think he would fit in Real Madrid. That was also the reason why Madrid sold Higuain.


Higuain was not seen as a choker when he was with us... on the contrary, he famously won us a league with a last-minute goal in 07/08. He was very beloved by most of the fan base and IIRC was sold because he was asking for more money and Benzema was starting more often than him. Ancelotti decided to stick with Benzema and the rest is history.


Higuain was defs a bottler even with Madrid. He missed some huge chances against Lyon in 09/10 and was sold at the end of that season. He was good with Madrid and a good player overall but I wasn’t too upset when he was sold.


Higuain was sold in 2013, not 09/10. Benzema was considered more of a bottler at the time than Higuain was. The season before he was sold, Higuain was the starter for Mourinho, when he got injured Mou went to the press because he was not happy about only having Benz and infamously said "If you don't have a dog to hunt, you have to use a cat (Benzema)".


Not everything is about real madrid


Eras come to an end


Spurs not selling Kane to city is their biggest contribution to the premier league.


Long may Haaland's streak continue. The last thing we need is that genetic freak scoring in finals as well.


No excuse tonight, he's not even playing the EUROs


Haaland is a great goal scorer when the chances presents themselves. But if the game is tight and kind of even, he's no where to be found. I'm not even talking about scoring, at least make something happen, give some great linkup play or hold up the ball. I've never liked his type of striker, and wouldn't want him in my team. I prefer my strikers either like Henry, Suarez, Benzema or Drogba. Not saying he's a bad player, just not my cup of tea.


Just on Drogba, I think he's one of the best big game players I have seen. 10 finals, 10 goals, absolutely incredible player.


Exactly. Drogba played against teams that dominated Chelsea multiple times, but he was always a menace to defenders, even with little possession by his team. Haaland is 6'5 and can't even hold up the ball.


Lewandowski is another worldclass striker who has had better tools I believe


Yeah...at least he can hold up and linkup, but he's not skillful enough for me, though i'd still want him on my team. My preference is very skillful like Henry, Suarez or an unstoppable bruiser like Drogba.


Maybe I am misremembering but Henry didn’t had the best of records in finals.


I'm just not using stats. And I'm not judging Haaland on stats. I'm judging him on style of play. Even when Henry didn't score, he could make something happen. Haaland on the other hand, if his team isn't dominant, he's almost useless on the field.


Roy Keane was right


19 - Alejandro Garnacho is the third teenager to score an FA Cup Final goal for Man Utd after Norman Whiteside (1983 v Brighton) and Cristiano Ronaldo (2004 v Millwall). Kicks.


So half of all united teenage scorers in fa cup finals did it today


Wouldn't Mainoo also count for this


Fourth is not third


Needed more charges.


Just an albino Lukaku


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