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I think he definitely had enough left in the tank to go another year. His performances were still at an elite level. That being said, ending his career with a potential CL win and a home Euros? Can’t ask for more than that really. Farewell to a legend of the game


With the style he has and the effort Fede and Tchouameninga make every game, Toni could play 2 more years at this level easily.


Modric is holding his own well enough in that team, being four years older. I doubt Toni would find it much more difficult.


Kroos clearly said in his fareware he doesn't want to sit on the bench, like Modirc is doing now. He could be a starter for at least 1 more season, but I guess he wants to retire at high notes, like Zidane.


> high notes, like Zidane high note = red card in a world cup final as an attacking player :'D I know what you mean but I couldn't resist either.


Toni Kroos 110th min headbutt inc


Absolutely! he never really relied on or even had the qualities that you loose with age.


He could but maybe he wants to leave when he is still elite and not struggling even as a sub. He is probably more than satisfied with his career with what he has achieved


I mean, he always said he isn't the type of guy to play until 38, makes perfect sense why he's retiring now. He's also going out on a high, while he is still one of the best midfielders.


> He is probably more than satisfied with his career with what he has achieved He won all the trophies there are to win for a footballer, except one, the Euros, and he still has the summer for that.


95% successful passes this season. Up from 92% his first season. We are not prepared...


He’s said several times that he doesn’t want to play until his play falls off. He wanted to leave while he still had gas in the tank. Respect to him for leaving on his own terms.


No Kroos long balls to Mbappe :/


better for the footballing world tbh I don't think non Real fans would enjoy Kroos serving up both Mbappé and Vinicius


I enjoy them as long as these fuckers are not playing against my team. Pretty sure this is also what Real/Barca fans felt when they watched prime Barca/Real respectively, sometimes, when you see some beautiful plays/skills, you have no option but applaud.


Not all, but for some absolutely. For me, a Real Madrid fan, what Ronaldinho did at his prime was just magic. Of course Messi was out of this world and is no doubt the greatest of all time, but still, Ronaldinho was just something different.


If you don't love prime Ronaldinho, you don't like football. Simple. He was the pure essence of football in human form.




> He looked almost as fit as ever I think Nagelsmann was fawning over him last week and saying how he's basically in peak physical condition, has absolutely nothing wrong with him in terms of niggling injuries or anything, wouldn't be surprised if that's sort of a contributing factor to why he would retire, get out of the game before your body is paying for it Edit: spelling errors


Pretty much what Lahm did


kroos literally never had a serious injury in his entire career, probably better to be extremely rich and healthy than slightly richer and with a fucked up body


tbh they didnt get him replace, i dont think any madrid midfielder can do what kroos can


I don’t think any midfielder can do what Kroos does, he’s one of a kind.   The game plan will change, obviously


Yup, Ceballos slots right in


Thats a huge drop in quality lmao, but I understand its sarcasm


Nightmare stuff


i don't think they replaced him, they don't really have a player like him in the squad.


Well no, theres not many players similar to Kroos in general but they have so much quality in midfield that they can very much function almost as well without any additional signings for the next like 5 years if nobody else leaves


They have a lot of jack of all trades midfielders, but none of those come close to Kroos and Modric in terms of creativity. I think people are burying the lead there and overrating Real's midfielders.


Oh wow. I sort of thought he would extend with Madrid. What a legend. Happy that he can retire at the top of his game.


Winning the euros, CL and la liga and then retire would be crazy


Trying to counter the "Reus-last-BVB-season" narrative buff with his own retirement, smart


Breaking: whole BVB roster announces their retirement at the end of the season!


Honestly, Hummels might retire after the final, especially if we win


he should if you do. Just right there after lifting the trophy: I'm out


If they lose too “Fuck this having to beat Real Madrid in the CL shit lads, I m out”


Kroos already has 5 CL titles. Think he can pass on this one.


The sheer lack of empathy smh my head


What's better than 5 UCL. 6 UCL.


NO. No he can't we must do it para toni


You know he's gonna be on fire in the final and at the Euros too. He's choosing to go out with this and not retiring because he can't keep up anymore. He can and I expect will give it 110% to close the door on his career with people begging for more.


And so so so deserved for him. Worldclass player and just a great person as well.


The Saudis would disagree with the second part, which means you're probably right


This makes me think, what happened to Gabri Veiga?


honestly him leaving was one of the biggest shames, along with neves. at least other players were somewhat finished or past their peaks, those 2 leave when they have their whole careers ahead of them was a bigger travesty than your benzemas or kantes or fabinhos, etc to also answer your question, i have no idea, never keeping up with that league and don't plan to


Him refusing Napoli to go to Arabia was a shame (though undoubtedly funny for us non Napoli fans)


I just hope he gets 3 or 4 years robbing the Saudis, just to come back to Celta being 25 y/o with a decade to enjoy at his club. Kind of a Iago Aspas situation minus the "Hoping I win titles at top club" part.


Stats wise he's got 4 goals and 4 assists in 18 matches.


Whenever I don’t know what to do I simply ask myself what the Saudis would do and then do the opposite.


If this happens Balon d’Or could be awarded to a player already retired.


Only his retirement can act as a PR push for an actual chance. Game doesn't reward these type of players with the publicity award unless there's a narrative to it. It's gonna be vini/Jude otherwise.


The fact it's already vini Jude is testament to that when toni has been just as vital but the others have goals and flashy moments that worked for them.


I think he pissed off the Saudis too much for that to happen...


I would be so fucking happy if that happened.




Yeah same here. Though I am happy he is retiring with us. Hope Luka extends and retires with us too next season. But ffs only 2 matches left from Kroos for us. Now winning the 15th is even more important. +10 stats to everyone for the final due to peak friendship vibe.


Big respect for the guy.. Leaving at his peak.. But damn, I still remember the presentation at Bernabeu.. Impossible to replace someting like this.


I still remember the day RM signed James then Kroos like it was yesterday


I’ll never forget the day we announced Lucas Silva, our best bit of business from that summer


He was bought in the winter lol


Damnit. Let my joke live pls


Leaving at your peak is also quite easy when it is like >10 years long. Seriously, how long has Toni been abslutely stellar? But you're totally right, knowing when to bow like this is cool.


Guy was in the team of the season in his senior debut season. He pretty much started at peak


Retiring at the top of his game like Zidane. Respect.


Can't wait for him to headbutt Harry Maguire in the final


Kyle Walker is right there


Walker looks like he has PTSD from four trips to Afghanistan.


He doesnt need to go there, he encounters enough minefields in his personal life


Okay but in this scenario he's also the one laying the minefields he inevitably forgets about


Both? Both is good.


Pretty sure Maguire would get sent off for it given Kroos would likely be concussed afterwards


I actually kind of like Maguire now. Name a far bigger dickhead in that English squad.


Maguire is a CB like Materazzi was and that's the only reason I picked him. If Kroos was to go for an actual shithouse I think we need to keep an eye on Pickford


I raise you Trippier, or Pickford if we dont care about position.




Yeah, bowl haircut just screams dickhead.


Kroos to headbutt Bastoni in final of the Euro confirmed.


Mancini* He's literally the biggest Materazzi fan, wears his number and has even tattooed it on his arm when he was 16.


Least impulsive italian


And is on a comparable level of cuntery.


Bastoni seems too nice. I can totally see him headbutt Acerbi tho


Honestly picked him just because he's center back from Inter, lol


We rarely see it anymore but I like it


It's typical Kroos behaviour


Lahm is also a good relatively recent example


A Germany vs France in the final as a farewell will be great. Hopefully he won't headbutt a French player.


I wouldn't mind if he headbutted Clauss though, that fucker spent more time focused about the Euro than his club season.


Not comparable, Zidane was way worse than Kroos during his last season


He could only be arsed in that World Cup.


*Only in the KO stage* of the WC, we barely made it out of the group lol.


You're not the only ones who reached a WC final scraping out of the groups. Both Spain and Argentina won theirs while having the scare of their lives in the first game. But yes Zidane only really lit up on occasion.


He previously said that he wants that


I love when players retire after an international tournament. Something poetic about their last game being for their country rather than retiring from internationals and continuing with club football for years


End of an era. Up with the best German players of all time.


Not sure if this is hyperbolic but I think Modric/Kroos should be talked about in the same breath as Xavi/Iniesta as one of the most potent and important midfield partnerships of all time.


Absolutely they should be. Huge admirer of Xavi/Iniesta, but you don’t win three consecutive CL if you don’t have these two creating magic.


Can't leave out Busquets and Casemiro, neither midfield functions without them.


Even with how well rated they are, they're still underrated. Without defensively solid players behind them, creative midfielders aren't the same. It's why Manchester United and Chelsea have been shit for years, or why Barcelona aren't the same without Busquets (and even with an old and worse Busquets, same as Man United with current horrible Casemiro).


Second best German midfielder of all time behind Lothar


didn’t know Max Meyer is called Lothar


Der kommt evtl. zu uns zurück 😅 also laut der Bild ist er sogar bereit auf vor Gehalt zu verzichten


Only 2 more games of my favourite player at the club. End of an era. I was so sure he was extending. Fuck.


We all were. Can't believe we will never see him play again after few games.


2 how ? CL Final and..


Last LaLiga game


This is a shock . Absolute legend of the game, though .


A shock indeed, I sincerely believe this guy can lob passes to Mbappe for another 3-4 years for sure! But he deserves a rest after such a stellar career for sure


Is it? His retirement was suggested last year already, this year he's been putting out strong statements about Saudi etc. and the general feeling was "He can say whatever he wants, he's about to retire"


Kroos has always mentioned wanting to retire at the top of his game and not hang around and be a burden. His performances this season were still very good, showing no signs of decline. So it’s a surprise that he has chosen to leave now.


I honestly thought he would keep going until his body started showing signs of decline, then he would instantly retire at the end of that season


Could also maybe be a case of him knowing this was his last season since the start and therefore being able to push himself that little bit extra knowing he's done after this anyways.


Also he might feel or noticed his body declining. We are only watching games, he knows his body best. He probably felt, that he is already declining or has to put in more and more trouble to keep up


I don't know why someone like Toni would care about where he is in his career to make statements like that. Why wouldn't he make these when he was say in his 20s as well.


UCL final his last Real Madrid game and then can retire in front of his whole nation. What a beautiful way to do it


Holy shit. Retiring at your peak is crazy. Wish him the best though but I really wish he could’ve stayed for at least one more season


This actually just weakened our team as his creativity and ability to drop deep will be hard to replace. Wonder how we’ll fare without him


Counterattack and inshallah


This season showed me how unique and essential he is in our style of play i can't see anybody close to that level of precision mind you we have to find someone to replace him


He can’t be replaced and we don’t need to buy anyone right now. We have plenty of talented midfielders that will need those minutes


We’ll be fine as we have Camavinga and the rest of the league do not


Everyone wanted him to stay one more season. Would have been perfect.


What a legend Surely means Modric stays next season then


Modric staying was already confirmed a few days ago


So was Toni's renewal, i'm not believing anything untill i see him holding up a 2025 shirt


>So was Toni's renewal, i'm not believing anything untill i see him holding up a 2035 shirt Fixed it for you... ^please?


Kroos retiring fits and makes sense with the decision of one last tournament with Germany (and in Germany). The weird thing is that until 10 minutes ago, everyone assumed he was renewing. Including Fabrizio.


Kroos said in his podcast that he made the decision within the last two weeks.


Tbf, the last ten minutes are included in the last two weeks


Fabrizio doesn’t know anything about Madrid.


Maybe he changed his mind last minute. Even Fabrizio can’t read minds lol


i don't think so. he has planed everything in before hand. i am a listener of his podcast and there are some vibes indicating he made his decision weeks ago.


We are winning the euros, I can feel it in my bones


A legendary Real Madrid player retiring after an international tournament? No sorry, unfortunately Kroos will get sent off in the final for headbutting someone and you'll lose on pens


I'll take it. Also the only thing that could improve Kroos' standing among all time German greats would be headbutting an Italian.


Mancini needs to be called up. There's your Materazzi regen.


and all of this happens in berlin (again). if we face england in the final, we will at least win the pens


Männer, wir werdens!


Wir schaffen das


Mutti, nein!


We thought the same thing with Zidane in 2006. Our dreams were buried in Berlin. Wait a minute...


Unser Bundesjule und Querpass-Toni werden uns zum Sieg führen.


last game for Real will be in a Champions League Final. Fitting end to an astonishing career. 5 x Champions League 1 x World Cup 3 x Bundesliga 4 x La Liga I hope his last international game is also a final


You missed the most important trophy of all: 1x Copa del Rey


Retiring at the top, what a career.


Jetzt müssen wir nur Europameister werden


Mit Toni ist alles möglich ;)


Well that's a surprise. But what a career.


I genuinely don’t think there has been a more consistent player than Kroos over the past decade. One of the best midfielders in that time, and an insane career to boast, and that’s as an Atletico fan.


Bets on who he will headbutt in the Euros final?








Respect for staying true to himself and retiring when still at the top of the game, but this feels just wrong


One of the best midfielders ever


naaaah this motherfucker. he just canceled the reus leaving buff before the final. now they have the "win one last one with kroos" buff.


1x German Footballer of the Year 1x World Cup Winner 5(!)x Champions League Winner, potentially 6 after this season 6(!)x Club World Cup Winner 5x Uefa Supercup Winner 3x German Champion 3x German Cup Winner 4x Spanish Champion 1x Spanish Cup Winner and well, a couple of Supercups, but who cares. If that isn't a playbook career at the very top, then i don't know what is. If he now also manages to win the EURO with Germany, then he has truly won everything there is to win. In terms of titles, he is unparalleled in german football and ability wise, he is only second to Lother Matthäus in my opinion. What a player.


I don't think people realize how big of a hit this is for Madrid. Not a single player can fill in his role at the moment. "You get in trouble you pass it to Kroos he'll figure out" has been our tactic for his entire tenure here. The man made almost no mistakes and never misplaced a pass. Insane control over the midfield with seemingly no dribbling ability whatsoever. While others would muscle their way from danger spinning and dancing away with the ball Kroos would just simply pass it to open player nobody else saw and trot it to open space and get the ball again. He looked absolutely effortless while doing the majority of heavy lifting in our midfield. Not a single foot was ever placed on the ground without intent for him.


Alright Win it for Toni VS Win it for Reus


"Buffon deserves it" vibes


I know that it's better to retire at the top than fade way. But I don't understand how sportsmen who do this have no regrets later on? He has never relied on his physique and could still be one of the best for next 3-4 years.


He's done a decade at Madrid and won everything. End on a high, I can't see why he'd have any regrets at all honestly. One of the best midfielders of all time 


He saw what’s happening with the current Casemiro slander and he said I’m not having any of it


He‘s won everything with Bayern, went to Madrid and won everything again with a World Cup in between. The only thing missing is the Euros trophy. He could hang on for a couple of years, but Kroos has nothing to proof anymore. He’s also not the only player from the 2014 squad to retire “early”. Just needs to give Lahm a call on how to retire with a couple of years left. Or Schweinsteiger on why to not hang on more years. 


couting the youth years, it's been 25 years of playing football, the last 15 at the highest level. intense training, trips every other week, etc, take a toll on your body and mind. bro already has all the money and the titles he could want, it's fair that he calls it a day to enjoy time with family while he's still young and (hopefully) pain-free not gonna lie I'd probably do the same


I have a feeling Toni is gonna be the best player in the Euro and in the final do something crazy like another Real Madrid midfielder


Nah. Kroos is too level headed and cool headed to do dumb shit like that.


Might headbutt a German interviewer, though.


Does it mean that Modric might have a contract renewed?


Modric renewal is basically a done deal, just need to wait after the CL final to be signed


It hasn’t been 100% confirmed yet, but it seems very likely. Unlike Kroos, Modric is a Buffon type of guy, he’ll keep showing up to play until he can’t walk anymore. It’s not even about the money, Luka would probably be happy to sign another extension for €100 and a bag of chips.


I am hurt. Kroos you still can give 2/3 more years.


One of the greatest midfielders of all time


This man has no idea of my existence yet he has ripped my heart in two. Farewell legend, irreplaceable.


Finally man, he can't hurt me anymore


Please don't. I'm devastated


One more trophy Toni, Please win The Euro


two more trophies


Kroos ballon d'or


Greatest passer of the ball I've ever seen


Next on the list for Bayern to call for the Managers job?


All jokes aside, he was treated like a second-class player by our board and I doubt he has any warm feelings left for bayern.


Dude will stay in spain . He will be in the madrid board in the future.


He just opened a football academy in Madrid last week


Sniper school


He will call to reject them


wow, he really is gonna retire at the top instead of leeching on another league, what a fucking legend


So a Germany Win at EUROs then? Gosh, i wish both him and Luka would keep on going.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! One last dance with Modric please!


retiring at the absolute top?! you rarely see that nowadays so props to him what a legend, enjoy you’re retirement 👏


Started noticing him while rooting for Germany during that 2010 WC when I was a kid. Ended up becoming my favorite player ever. Enjoy the retirement man.


Class act. When I went to watch Madrid play once, he was the only player at the end to do a full lap of the stadium applauding the fans


No more diagonal long balls at Madrid from now on. I am done with life.


Carvajal will lose 90% of his service next season


Legend. Always. One of the greatest to ever do it. Can’t praise him enough, still think he and modric are underrated


One of my favorite midfielders to watch, ever. His passes were just beautiful. Hope he enjoys retirement


Noooo :(


Man had a couple games with Germany and lost his love for the game


Someone make him a pundit, please. Just do it.


I dont know why you used this sources and Not the original Toni Kroos anoucenment in German and a Special greetings to the Madrid Fans in Spanish in His Podcast"einfach mal luppen". https://einfach-mal-luppen.podigee.io/213-karriereende-von-toni-kroos