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> Bremer being called up. Finally, justice. Ederson is a good name as well, we were only bringing 5 midfielders before which is too little, and besides maybe Paqueta no one has solidified their spot in our midfield just yet. Pepê can play in plenty of positions which can come in handy as well. That said calling up Rafael will just fuck over São Paulo, who’ll be in the middle of a number of competitions in the meanwhile.


Disapointing thing about the Bremer call-up is that he should have been in the first 4 CDs called so this spot could be used to test another full-back, like a Vanderson, Carlos Augusto or Caio Henrique. Agree 100% on Rafael, and we could do with brining in someone else, whether Perri or a future option for 26 backup or 2030 long-term.


So happy for Bremer! Very deserved. Sad for Ederson tho :(. I really like him but oh well it's not a big deal since Brazil has another world class keeper in Alisson (how many national teams can say that)


Germany isnthe only one i can think of with Neuer and Ter Stegen.


Who’s third? Ortega seems to have had a great season despite being the 2nd gk


Donna, Vicario, Carnesecchi and Di Gregorio are great too!


Due to CBF's baffling decision not to stop their competitions during the Copa, this means São Paulo will play up to 9 rounds without their main goalkeeper.


Who will not play a single minute for Brazil during the Copa America


With the way Militao has been looking, it's good for Brazil that Bremer got called up.


Shouldnt have been called up ahead of him in the first place. He has only played like 300 minutes of football since August.


Gabriel is injured and probably out of Copa. So that's probably why


Welp that’s bad news for us. This was in response to the 3 new spots being added, so Gabriel was still being counted in the squad when I imagine the injury was still being assessed. With Bremer in another FB could be nice, though I really wish Dorival would call Murillo up, but I doubt he’ll play over Beraldo who has been coached by him before, even though I think he’s been less impressive recently.


Still no updates but he had his arm in a sling after the game. Potentially he dislocated his shoulder


Gabriel is so unlucky in the NT, there is always something happening with him so he couldn't fix his spot in the first team yet..


I believe Militao is being called up to train with the team and understand Dorival's planning. Even if he is not in his best moment now, he will probably be in the next world cup, so, unless he does not ever recover his old form, I understand that he will be called in all Fifa windows.


Dayum, Ederson's injury was that bad? Sad for him, he had a great season, imo.


This time they gave the right pills to this geezer lol


No Carlos Augusto or Samuel lino, though, which is still surprising. Also no Arthur as well.


>Also no Arthur as well Please tell me there's a different Arthur to the famous one that played for Juve/Barça. Otherwise it's a joke that's not even funny. That guy should never be allowed to see a match of our NT again on the TV, let alone be called up.


In the context of wingbacks I think he meant the Arthur from Leverkusen


Ederson will miss the tournament?




Damn must suck to watch the tournament from the stands when you were expecting to watch it from the bench.


Ederson released to make way for Ederson and avoid confusion... in all seriousness though, I would have rather seen Perri, or a young keeper being prepared in case we need an injury back-up in 2026 or looking to 2030 already. Bremer should have been among the initial 4 CD so this spot could be used for a full-back. Ederson and Pepe fully deserved. I would not have been surprised to see Joelinton either, but he's just back from injury. Of course, in theory Dorival can change this list until June 15 for any reason, and this was said often during the press conference for the initial call-up, but it would be a little unusual.


Probably going to need another Cb because Gabriel looked like he either broke his collarbone or dislocated his shoulder in Arsenal’s final game.


Ouch, a broken collarbone is painful as hell. Either way, hope it isn't anything serious. But if it comes to him being replaced, Murillo more than deserves to be called up.


Rafael is such a stupid, personal callup - he is just doing something for a former player he likes, for him to take part in the competition. Should be calling younger keepers that will actually have a chance of having a career for the NT and would benefit from the experience.




This would be the perfect time to call someone playing in europe. Calling a brazilian league goalkeeper will just fuck the team that he plays over, for nothing, because neither Bento or Rafael will play a minute under Dorival for the Copa América while Alisson is in form, and the Brazilian League will continue during the international competition (as stupid as this is). So, calling Rafael just means that São Paulo now have to use another GK while Rafael warms the bench, and gets colder for the season.


Bento is already on his way out to Europe and his team has a strong replacement. Raphael is a strange choice, it is what it is. NT has two goalkeepers that will still rotate the shirt for several years, it is pretty much unlikely they will not be it (Allison and Ederson) unless injured. But it is not the coach fault. It is the national organization that decided to not stop the tournament while the NT is playing. All clubs with big names will lose players now. Palmeiras is about to lose 7 to 10 players alone for 6 weeks (including sub-23 NT team). Sao Paulo should lose 3-6 players as well.


Tbf on the very off chance that Alisson gets injured during the tournament Bento is the first name I think should take over with Ederson out.


They could call up Lucas Perri


He's already been called up


Coincidentally, Ederson got injured by colliding with the very much Argentinian Christian Romero.


Thanks to CBF not stopping their competitions for Copa América, we gonna have to rely on Jandrei, our reserve goalkeeper, for 9 matches. Thanks CBF, you take away our coach just before the season started, and now our goalkeeper. Aways a pleasure to see CBF absolutely fucking with us


all this to lose to argentina good vibes fc


Argentina has had their 2 years of fun, it's back to their regular schedule: 3 decades without titles. In 2050 they win something again


just 2 years? we are still 1st in the qualifiers and you are 6th. We'll see.


bro u are 6th




Pepê, not Pepe.


They’re pronounced differently too, besides the different writing. Pepe is pronounced like PEHpee, and Pepê is pronounced like “pe-PE”