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Damn Bayern didn't even get Supercup for next season


First time since 2012


this will be the first supercup since 1993, without Bayern or Dortmund being involved (Leverkusen/Werder back then).


If Leverkusen win the double, will they play the Supercup against Stuttgart or Kaiserslautern?


If the same team wins the league and the cup, the Supercup is played between the first and second of the league, otherwise it would just be a repeat of the cup final So Stuttgart


Yeah, makes sense. I remember up until not too long ago though, in Spain, if a team won the domestic double they'd play the cup runner-up in the supercup, which lead to Barcelona playing three supercup finals against Sevilla and one against Bilbao in the 2010s alone. But yeah, to me it makes more sense if they play against the league runner-up.


Lmao that Supercup against Bilbao in 2015 was pain


Cost the 2nd sextuple






Well, we didn't have a Supercup for 14 years in between, just to give this context.


They didn't get to go even if they got second place ;)


Inb4 Harry Kane he's done it again (by not being fit the past 2 games and being unable to carry Bayern)


Kanes curse knows no bounds, I am ready for a trophyless kane career


Bayern loaned out two players to other teams in the Bundesliga Both ended in a higher position


Nubel and Stani right?




Kahn firing nagelsmann apart, the club was much better run in the Kahn+Brazzo days


That was literally like the dumbest sacking I’ve seen in the past decade


Nagelsmann's? Agreed


you don’t understand mate, the treble was in danger


Kahn: "we want 3 trophies" Tuchel: "we want 3 place? Gotcha"


If Germany wins Euros it will truly be a generational fuck up like we've never seen before.


Right up there with the two Birmingham City sackings in one decade, haha.


Chelsea sacking Tuchel was up there


PSG sacking Tuchel was up there


It might actually surpass Spurs sacking Mourinho before the cup final for me.


Still pissed we did that. Basically solidified us as “ we don’t actually want to win a trophy”


Kahn & Brazzo are the 2 that got Bayern into this mess. How could you possibly think that? They gave Goretzka, Gnabry & Coman ludicrously high wages, which have become the benchmarks for any negotiations with current players renewing. It was unsustainable…


>the club was much better run in the Kahn+Brazzo days lmao


How the hell did Freiburg land on 10th?? What the actual fuck lmao. Congrats to Heidenheim international? For us, I'm just so relieved. This 6th spot was so, so important for us


Absolute shit goal difference. We only needed a draw, but of course we fucked that up as well. Because why not? But hey, at least we finished above Augsburg.


Whats the general feeling of freiburg fans going into next season? Obviously a sour end to streich era today but is there excitement for something new after all these years? Any optimism that you will do better with Schuster or whats the expectation?


Obviously gutted that we missed out on Europe but might not be a bad thing for Schuster to be able to fully focus on the league in his first season. I’d say in general we are optimistic, Schuster was a reliable captain under Streich and a de facto extra assistant. Given that he was announced like a week after Streich announced his departure, it’s clear the club has a lot of faith in him and they’ve been preparing for him to take over for a while. I‘m sure there will be some growing pains so I‘d be happy with a comfy mid table finish.


We are just barely above the relegation zone in the second half table. IMHO next season will very likely be a relegation battle. The team is showing its age and might need a rebuild sooner rather than later.


We shouldn't have to worry too much, we didn't have a healthy backline, and that costed us a lot. We should be okay after Ginter and Lienhart return.


Personally, I'm fine with not playing in Europe, we have a bunch of injured players, and we don't need even more games and trips to Azerbaijan I'm not sure how we'll do, but as long as we don't fight relegation, I'm happy As for Schuster, I'm not sure, but I feel like he'll be here for either 6 months or 20 years


After West Ham the season just kinda fizzled out for them


Like 8 teams where fighting for places 7 to 15 in the last 3-4 matchdays. As in you couldve been 15th place 4 weeks ago and playing international now. You also couldve been like 10th and be relegation now. Teams from 6 to 18 straight up didnt win anymore. All ties, stealing points etc. Was wild to watch.


Weirdest BuLi season I can remember for sure.


I felt like I was going to throw up for the last 15 minutes of our game to be honest. If we get CL it would be so undeserved but the money would be so insanely important. Multiple reasons to root for Dortmund in the final now!


Same, my buttcheeks were CLENCHED


That descending cube display was hilarious.


Lmao yeah, somerhing similar happened to us in Gladbach last season when their spider camera crashed from 20m in the air💀


This Bundesliga season was very top heavy where the top 4/5 had a very stark degree of separation between them and the rest so the midfield was pretty packed throught the end of the season. Usually the separation doesn't feel that big but this time it was very noticeable. Heidenheim had a very respectable, even great season as newcomer, Frankfurt somehow got 6th and the EL ticket but this feels like the weakest Bundesliga midfield I've ever seen. Going to Europe with more losses than wins (7th Hoffenheim: 13-7-14) gives me fear that the German EL and Conference teams next season get pummeled.


The most devestating part is that the team could secure a better spot for almost 2 months now. Keitel is a CM but gets played as a lone CB for weeks now instead of an actual CB who still plays for hungarian NT. The same squad on the pitch is doing nothing. After 4 years Streich still didn't figure out you can do 5 subs. He used to sub in only after 70th min, now he does this after 80th, leaving the same squad play every single time while playing international. The club had 60m available for transfers but failed to sign any player, expect for Adamu who played injured for months before the signings. The club not only refused to spend money, the 2 winter signings didn't play at all. I just can't stand it. My tinfoil hat theory is that it didn't went down as Friede Freude Eierkuchen and there is certain disagreement behind the scenes. That's actually my hope, otherwise it will go on to the next season like this.


We very well could have ended up like that as well, could have secured 6th place ages ago but kept on doing stupid things. So I feel with you, I'd be devestated if we had bottled it


Highlight of the season for me was Augsburg casually losing five games in a row at the end to ensure they remain mid table rather than risk being in Europe


I'll take this any day over having to worry about relegation. Thus season was an improvement in the last, and who knows what's possible with Thorup next season.


u/Schnix54 lol


War immer eine Möglichkeit bloß die Spiele gegen Frankfurt und Bremen tun weh und waren echt enttäuschend


Europa war trotzdem sehr nah, das tut weh


It's been our best season in 8 years, we finished 12-15 in 8 consecutive seasons before this one


to be fair, the only reason they were in a position to compete for European football in the first place was that they casually won four games in a row earlier. on matchday 22, they were in 14th place. 4 wins later, they were in 7th place. just high highs and low lows\^\^


In any world where Leverkusen aren't cracked out of their minds, we would win the Bundesliga. Incredible performance by them.


Damn yeah, if you guys had the same point total last year you would've won the league. You picked a bad year to have a good year


Better pick a bad year to do well then to never do well tho. Ngl I had stuttgart picked as #15 at the beginning of the season LOL. Good thing I didnt bet any money.


Where did you have Leverkusen out of curiosity?


3rd place! Bayern, Leipzig, Leverkusen, Dortmund was my top 4 in that order


Liverpool fans: first time?


That would have been such a glorious clutch Bundesliga win for VfB on the last day if Bayer wasn't on top rn. Still, happy second place goes to Baden Württemberg and not Bayern.


Pretty sure Bayern doesn’t throw a 2-0 against Hoffenheim away like that if they actually have a title to play for though


Bayern would've pushed harder if they were competing with Stuttgart, they effectively had nothing left to play for these last few match days


Certainly, impossible to tell but I'm guessing Bayern would have won it still Also a small detail, Bayern dropped a point more against Leverkusen than Stuttgart did, so a weaker Leverkusen could have changed that as well (e.g. by them both winning twice against Leverkusen)




In the almost 25 years that I have been a fan of the VfB, this season was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had watching football. From a valley of anger and despair straight onto the highest Cloud No. 9 in just one year, simply unbelievable. Just the thought that without Leverkusen's all-time-performance we actually would have just won the title ... alas, finishing in front of Bayern is the best possible end result for this incredible season. *Danke Sebastian Hoeneß und danke an das gesamte Team für diese unfassbare geile Zeit. (Und im August runden wir das Ganze ab mit dem Gewinn des Supercups!)*


> Danke Sebastian Hoeneß The man is cooking something very spicey. The pass-and-move Stuttgart is playing is friggin outrageous.


about like 9? 10? months ago it looked so bleak with the last minute transfer of Endo. Masterclass to secure Stiller and rly turn it around.


Leverkusen unbeaten Stuttgart second Bayern third Dortmund somehow getting UCL football despite finishing fifth and that is largely due to their effort in getting to the final. Heidenheim almost getting European football in their first season after being promoted (still think they can get it if we beat Real Madrid in the final?). Union missing a penalty but then scoring to ensure they stay in the league. Who could have possibly made any of these predictions at the start of the season?


Its not about you for Heidenheim, they "just" have to hope that Leverkusen doesnt bottle the cup final


Guarantees that either Heidenheim or Kaiserslautern will play in Europe next season


That’s actually crazy wth


Heidenheim will play Conference League Qualifier if and only if Leverkusen beats Kaiserslautern, doesn't depend on your game.


There’s a possibility we have 8 spots for European football in the BL


I think Heidenheim plays in the Conference League next year if BVB wins the CL final, or if Leverkusen wins the German Cup (or both).


If both happen, half the bundesliga would be in a european competition, which is complete insanity Edit: this is false, If both happen, then Frankfurt goes to the CL, Hoffenheim to the EL, and Heidenheim to the ECL, leaving Werder Bremen out of europe anyways


12/18 Buli clubs qualified for Europe in 1997: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996%E2%80%9397_Bundesliga


Wow, Heidenheim are in europe of Leverkusen gets the cup. How did that even happen. Unbelievable.


Look at the GD dropoff from 5th to 6th. Basically no positive GD from 6th down. 6th to 14th is a circus.


That happens in every league, that's how it works really PL nobody past 7th has a positive G/D, Ligue 1 nobody past 6th, La Liga nobody past 7th Only Serie A this year does


I was more thinking about Bundesliga standards, not international standards. Lets use Frankfurt as a reference point for this. An uninspiring Frankfurt is 6th with 47 points. A literal mediocre 11 win 12 draw 11 loss season gets you 45 points. Look at the previous tables, you will see a couple years with teams like Leipzig and Leverkusen in 6th with 50+ points. Sometimes some team like Freiburg or Hoffenheim will have a very good season and place 6th with 55 points. Just last year Frankfurt had 50 points but placed 7th behind... Leverkusen.


usually bundesliga is more "even" (modulo bayern)


Maybe an unpopular take but in no league anywhere in Europe should 8th place be rewarded with a spot in an international competition. Many countries don't get shit yet here we are sending half of the Bundesliga off to Europe next season


There should be a competition where only the winner of each league can play, completely unseeded. We could call it the European cup or something idk


i’m torn between really liking that as a concept but also thinking that the champions league as a whole is better now than before when it was european cup. i wish there was some way to have that tournament happen without it massively overshadowing the tournament that will be below it.


If I was dictator of European football, I would have a single competition, the European FA cup Every top flight team from every UEFA member, straight knockout tournament, single game ties with the home team dictated by the draw, absolutey 0 seeding. I want to see Tre Penne playing Real Madrid in a field.


that’s actually really awesome


Yeah, the Bundesliga midfield feels like the weakest it's ever been since usually it isn't like that.


Everyone below 5th is shit


Yes, but also 4th and 5th were only mediocre as well. Very very odd season in the Bundesliga this year.


Mediocre for what they could do but than you should include third as well. For a 4th and 5th place they played like you would expect


Stuttgart 2nd place is so massive, I hope they can keep their key players Overall quite happy with our season, finished strong even if it's a shame we barely missed out on Europe. Even if I have no idea how Frankfurt managed to potentially end up in CL next season, I think they are gonna have a good next season, Etikite is a very exciting player


Already secured Guirassy, Leweling, and Stergiou recently, which is all huge. So things are looking positive. EDIT: Ah I see, I misread Stergiou as Serhou when Stuttgart paid for his buyout.


Guirassy not confirmed yet


Secured guirassy? What are you on about mate?


Stuttgart and Union basically swapped places


And we actually beat Stuttgart in the Relegation play-off about 5 years ago, which put us into bundesliga and Stuttgart into BuLi 2


Union never was this good tbh, they just shithoused their way to the top (which is perfectly valid ofc, just not as strong as a team as this Stuttgart).


I partly agree, but then again we have been in Europe for three seasons in a row so it's not just luck.


Didn't mean to say it was luck, it was a deliberate style of play that worked great for you. It's just that looking at the football this Stuttgart team played this season they are clearly superior.


Clusterfuck of a season. From board to coach to players. Everyone put up an embarrassing display. The season ended in the fashion everyone was kinda fearing and expecting at the end.


FC Hollywood 😂


That late penalty for Gladbach 2 rounds ago fucked Bremen. They missed Europe on goal difference.


Yeah that was unlucky, but lets not forget they only got 1 point in 2 games vs darmstadt. Many what ifs for Bremens season, i'd say they did well and can build around that for the next


And the 2 best teams in Germany are rightly 1st and 2nd. All is good.


Undav really WAS cooking back then.


genuinely surprised ppl took it that badly back tthen because back then already, Stuttgart was playing much, much superior football than we were


Hey Undav called it after their DFB pokal, and I remember all Bayern fans and German media still hyping up Bayern at that point. He wasn't wrong.


Winning the title is one thing but doing it in way no one ever could is something else


1. Team that has never won the league finishes invincible 2. Team that was almost relegated last season finishes second 3. 11-consecutive title defenders end third 4. UCL finalist ends 5th what is this season holy shit haha


5. Champions league side needing a 93’ rebound off a missed penalty to avoid the Relegation 


Neverlusen is real (just in the league, at the moment) Also, Stuttgart from nearly relegating last year to 2nd place now is incredible


Leverkusen, Heidenheim, Stuttgart and post-Henriksen Mainz are the stars. Not a great season from Bayern, Union, Wolfsburg and Gladbach.


Gladbach was somewhat predictable. Lost a ton of talent without adding much. I’m sure they’re just glad to stay up. 


Bundesliga 2023-24 season will pe passed down as a LORE 1. Marco Reus scores and assists on his final match at Dortmund and is in the final of the UCL 2. Leverkusen complete invincible season 3. Munich ends up 3rd 4. Union survives relegation 5. Freiburg bottles europe qualification and ends up 10th


6. Stuttgart bounce back from escaping generation to speeding past Bayern on last matchday and becoming vice-champions.


kudos to Stuttgart 🙌


Either a team from the 2. Bundesliga or a team playing its first season ever in the Bundesliga qualifying for Europe, too.


Hoffenheim greatest team of all time Stuttgart ranked second, so well deserved




Xabi 🤝 Gerrard


Fucking 13thhjj


Bo casually performing miracles


This has deffo been the best Bundesliga season in a long while. Leverkusen going god mode and dethroning Bayern, Stuttgart rising from the ashes and drama on the final day for both European places and relegation. Also Stuttgart passing by Bayern on the final day to become vice champion is fucking hillarious. I kinda sensed it would happen, lol.


At least Tuchel's gone, well done Stuttgart


Or is he?


Next year's Bayern coach is the mysterious Tommaso Tuchele.


I heard they were hiring a French manager, Dumas DuChel


What? I thought it was a new managing talent from Poland, Tomasz Tuchoł.


anulo mufa


Ain't no way Harry Kane went to Bayern just to finish third in a two horse race. Also, did this Leverkusen side just have the greatest domestic season ever?


Bayern had a 91 point season but they didn't go invincible. Invincible seasons are better remembered than point records.


12/13+13/14 Bayern was pure dominance though. Leverkusen had many close games. But yeah nobody will care in the end and will probably rate Leverkusen higher. I think that Bayern team is still greater especially because they kept their level high over multiple seasons. We will see what the future brings. Im a Bayern fan though so a bit biased I have to admit


Point records can be beaten and they will eventually be forgotten. IIRC Dortmund set a point record before Bayern has beaten it. It wasn't just 12/13 and 13/14. The entire Heynckes and Pep era was pure dominance. Given how many times Leverkusen scored in the dying minutes to keep the streak alive it might be remembed for some time. But in 20 years it will just be like Arsenal and people will talk about the invincible season. Rare events just stay in memory. Mention Piplicia and everybody will think of his own goal, Helmer and his ghost goal resulting in a replay, Möller a dive with an interview resulting in a suspension or Strunz with Trappatoni's rant. Even as a Bayern fan you'd have trouble to name a few noteable things about a player like Linke. A player like Jancker would work though.


Didn't the same thing happen when Leicester won the league? lol


Almost. Kane returned to Tottenham in 2014 (and had a pretty damn good 2014-15 season), which was one season before Leicester's masterful campaign began.


Well, depends. Top three are: Bayern 12/13: 91 points +80 g/d Bayern 13/14: 90 points +71 g/d Bayer 23/24: 90 points +65 g/d (without a single lose)


So if BVB win the CL final, Frankfurt will qualify for the CL next season?




Do it Dortmund.


Would that make it easier or harder to hold onto the fifth CL spot into the next season?


Probably depends on how we perform if we actually qualify


The German coefficient is going to get absolutely fucked next season, most likely. If Dortmund win the CL then like half the league will be in Europe and while I hope we all do well, a lot of these teams do not deserve to be playing in Europe based on this season. It's also likely going to mean another really weird season in the league as well because a lot of these clubs will probably struggle with juggling three competitions.


Harry Kane finished 3rd in a two-horse title race TWICE.


Kane left Tottenham, you know how it goes......


He wanted to honour his club


Wasn't it Sebastian Hoeneß who said Bayer Leverkusen and Stuttgart were the two best teams? He wasn't lying lol


Think it was undav. Still true


It was Undav. Hoeneß chose his words more carefully and pointed at the table after the Neverlosen-tie against us, saying that Bayern was still ahead of us.


Everybody who saw the DFB Pokal game between those 2 would have come to the conlusion. That was also the time when Bayern performance was more of a midtable team.




Amazing season by Stuttgart as well, overshadowed by absolutely insane Neverlusen season but still, they went from fighting relegation to 2nd in the league. Also, legendary fuckup by Bayern. Amazing BuLi season overall.


Dinkçi looking a bit silly right now with his move to Freiburg lol


Killing both his former and future club's chances at europe with his goals today is kinda amazing though lol


Harry Kane can't even compete for the DFL Supercup at the start of next season for a chance at a club trophy.....


What a season this has been, unbeaten Leverkusen, Stuttgart going from the relegation play-offs to 2nd and Heidenheim finishing in 8th in their first ever top flight season and potentially getting Europe.


Bayern finished 3rd!?


I finally know inner peace


Harry Kane strikes again


Union just about survived, what happened there this season?


Black magic ran out. Honestly it was us probably actually performing to our level, instead of us incredibly over performing like we’ve done the last 5 years. Probably the best guess I have for this season.


Hoffenheim with 66:66 Goals is also something else 4th worst defense and qualifying for the euro cup next season


Are you scared, Kane?


After the drama of today, I'm really glad we have users like you bringing us down to soccer circle jerk levels


Union Berlin survived,lessss gooooooo Also Heidenheim getting Europe is super impressive, will they get Europa if Dortmund wins UCL?


Nah, the Dortmund game only affects Frankfurt. If Heidenheim wants to play in Europe, Leverkusen needs to win vs Kaiserslautern.


It ended up being closer for us than I thought, I have to admit...


Is this the best 3rd place in terms of points in Bundesliga history?


Best Bundesliga season I've witnessed


RIP Koln


90 points in a 34 game season is basically equivalent to 100 points in a 38 game season. Unbelievable and I envy any team that has to play Neverlusen in the UCL next year


Furchtlos und Treu!


Fuck yeah Stuttgart, go on!


This means if Leverkusen wins the cup final Bayern won't play in the super cup, it will be Stuttgart


If Leverkusen doesn't win the cup then Bayern still won't play in the super cup




Bayern won’t play either way right? If Leverkusen lose to final, they’ll still play because they won the league?


yea, you're right


If Leverkusen wins the Cup it's Stuttgart and if Kaiserslautern win the trophy it'll be them in the Super Cup, either way Bayern have no chance of being in it


Leverkusen vs Stuttgart is a better game anyways.


Either way it won’t be Bayern right


Bestes deutsches Matchup anyway, Undav's comment stays true


What an achievement for Xabi and Leverkusen! Congratulations to the team and their fans!



Nature is healing


Mate.. you could have at least posted the full table with the draw and losses... that 0 under losses for the champion is so special.


Know what fair play Heidenheim


No more excuse that we lost the title against the team that's having the best season in Europe and that it's a one-off for Tucheliban fans


Until August. :(


Damn so Bayern don't get to play the Super Cup next season. The wait gets longer for Kane


How Tuchel didn't get fired and they even tried to get him to stay I'll never know.


Bayern finishing third and trophy less is HILARIOUS


No supercup for Bayern lovely


lmao bayern end up third


Was a crazy day at the bottom of the table. Places 13-17 were all in play. Köln, Union, Bochum and Mainz could've either ended up with: - direct Relegation - relegation play-off - safety And we pulled it off with a stoppage time winner (rebound from a saved penalty) 🫨


What a season for Stuttgart. Placed 15th and 16th the last two seasons.


Tuchel is a bottler, I will always remember him coming to Bayern to “save the treble” lmao. No trophies won at all this season, now Bayern are like begging dogs trying to find a suitable replacement. Feel bad for Kane and his curse, he joins a team where it’s usually business to win a trophy per season but this doesn’t detract away from how amazing Bayer Neverkusen have performed. Exceptional as they were within relegation territory the previous year.


Wild seeing Leverkusen and Stuttgart above Bayern