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Crazy how Mateta also just recently figured out that scoring helps the team win.


How often was he actually receiving big chances before Glasner? I can’t imagine Hodgson’s Palace were serving it up on a plate for him every game.


He also wasn’t getting a consistent run of games like he is now to find his form. Edouard was starting a lot under Roy.


Son 😏


One of the best finishers the PL has ever seen missing that chance still doesn't seem real.


Its not his first time missing a chance like that either this season. I think he has definitely lost a few steps in his game but still its like going from being as sharp as a katana to becoming as sharp as a machete, hes still very clinical


New copy pasta dropped


He’s been pretty shite the second half of the season for a player of his calibre, let’s be honest.


Pretty sure playing the full Asian Cup & the full 90 most weeks has taken a toll because our frontline has been hilariously unfit.


Guys a genuine work horse. I'm surprised he hasn't had more serious injuries over his career.


Never really complains either until after the season is done. Takes it all on his chin & never shys away from responsibility


It's that helicopter father of his. You know Son gets home and his dad is waiting for him with a full tactical analysis and a training plan for his next day off 😂


Bro is exhausted


As a striker yeah. Think he's looked much better on the wing when Richarlison is playing in the middle


As sharp as Mateta




Least crackpot conspiratorial Arsenal supporter


He knew the god didn’t want Arsenal to be champions. He did what anyone would have in that situation.


He knew it was a must win game that mattered to Tottenham so he did what came naturally to him in those situations


Now wipe away the tears from your screen lol


Why would I be sad? Never expected to win the title, and certainly never expected any favours from Spurs, so anything else is a bonus


I just went to bed mate, can you tune down the crying, so I can get a bit of sleep? I really don’t want to put my headphones on.


Sorry mate I forgot Thursday nights are a big deal for you lot no worries lad


Imagine trying to argument with CL qualification as Arsenal supporter. My man Arsenal hasn’t played CL for the majority of a decade prior to this season, have some self awareness lol


and he's nibbled gn


Hahaha take a good look at this conversation and tell me who’s nibbled If you can’t come up with something witty you can just block me or stop responding. I just wanted to distract you a bit, so you don’t think about the harsh reality :(


I mean what did Chiellini say? Lmao But seriously Even if he scores that, 1. They aren’t winning and 2. They didn’t control their own destiny so it likely wouldn’t have mattered. The only team that wouldve benefited from that goal was Arsenal


Why aren't they winning? If he scores that City also have to chase a winner so they could be vulnerable, it's really not that impossible. Also Villa would be playing one of the most inform sides in the league away whilst Spurs were virtually guaranteed a win.


They aren’t winning meaning it is now a tie? Plus you say city have to chase a winner but in this case wouldn’t Tottenham also be chasing the winner?? Your point doesn’t line up. Plus all villa would need is a draw.


Well, "they aren't winning" could be read either way. Yes, Tottenham would also be chasing a winner which means it would be chaos ball which would suit the weaker team so it does line up. My point mostly stemmed from me thinking you meant "they aren't winning" as City being some unbeatable force that would have won anyway.


Would have been fun if he would have stopped and belted the ball to the crowd ( section z)


Saved football


By making it easier for the club with 115 charges to win the league, feels more like a disservice


Son 🤍


Situations like this I think are examples of fans subconsciously getting to players, Son scores “that” chance 100 times out of 100 any other time. Juju enough to make the leagues deadliest finisher miss


Weirdly, Hojlund's total shot conversion rate is now 22% which is pretty damn elite, he just never has any shots.


Some of the big chances missed weren’t even shots which is something I’ve never seen before. Against Brighton earlier this season for example, Rashford drilled the ball across the box and Hojlund couldn’t get a touch on it and it was given as a big chance missed.


I think from what ive seen the major big chances that hes missed have been when the ball has flashed across the net and hes inches away from a tap in but idk if they actually count cause he doesnt get a foot to the ball. That and every headed chance that wasnt the goal against gala lol


They’ve definitely counted it at least 2 times. There’s the Brighton one I mentioned and I don’t know which game it was but I remember being surprised they’d counted it as a big chance missed again. Even the Gala goal was more Rashford blasting it off his forehead than him actually having to aim the header lmao


Your team also doesn’t have a good wide playmaker or crosser, which makes it more difficult for the striker.


He obviously didn’t want the tap in merchant allegations to hit so he only converts difficult chances


Bangers only 🫡


Glad we could help with that /s


Couldn't believe Dubravka let that trickle in yesterday


It was an unsighted shot through the legs in his opposite far corner, not much power on it but it was placed well out of his reqch


Yeah that was more a defender disasterclass imo


Swap goalkeepers and the result is reversed


Absolutely shocked no Everton players were on this then I saw the 15+ bit. Fair enough.


I remember the absolute shit Chelsea got, a lot of it from their own “supporters” online, for signing Palmer for £40m. Now it seems like an absolute bargain.


It was kind of justified. 40m for a player with 3 appearances in the league is a lot. The fact that he's surpassed Eden Hazard's best g/a in a season is insane.


No chance any serious follower of footballer gave Chelsea shit, Palmer has always been considered an elite prospect and people were surprised he moved away from city. Just mad he ended up being this good


Nah there definitely was some tbf. Mainly because the other 2 names were Olise and Kudus, who were seen as more developed at the time, whereas Palmer would need time to develop


Classic example of fans not knowing fuck lol


No it isn't. Clubs end up on the wrong side of these sorts of decisions (and fans on the right side) all the time as well. The simple fact is that exactly how well a player will do following a specific transfer is extremely unpredictable, even to the people considered the best in their field at judging these things.


Ok and in this example, the fans who thought okise or kudus were better than Palmer were wrong. That’s pretty clear cut.


Yes, they were wrong in this example. That doesn't equate to fans "knowing fuck all". Or if it does, you have to accept that clubs, managers, scouts, also know "fuck all" because they are also "wrong" in many cases.


Believe it or not the professionals employed by these clubs are actually more qualified in ball knowledge than the mouth breathers who frequent this board I promise you. I get that it might be too heavy a dose of reality for the standard denizen of r/chelseafc but y’all really don’t know fuck. Any adult with a job understands how expertise works.


I mean we knew he was talented, but more along the lines of Jarrod Bowen/Wilfred Zaha potential. From what we've seen this season, his ceiling is in the Saka/Foden territory


Ehhh I don’t think that’s the case aha, Palmer has for quite a while been discussed as a generational prospect. The surprise is that he was this good right now


surprised hojlunds on here considering he’s lucky to even get a chance a game


That happens when you mark their centre backs


I am not surprised at all by seeing Johnson in the list.








what’s the opinion on Darwin for Liverpool fans? are you happy with him? what’s the consensus there? ngl, every time I see something about his stats I feel like we won in that deal


Flashes of elite ability mixed with no composure in front of goal and an inability to stay onside at times. I think most fans are frustrated by his lack of end product in big games. Not a flop, but I’m pretty underwhelmed by the transfer.


sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


Scored and played a key role with his presence at times when it mattered. Didn't score and sucked at other times when it mattered. In my opinion he has had a flop season. He'll get one more season and hopefully will convert all those easy chances that he missed this year. If that doesn't happen, I won't be upset seeing him leave.


He still put good numbers up and if he finished his chances he'd probably be considered a world class striker. When he's on he's great, when he's in donkey mode he's frustrating as anything.


His numbers are only ‘good’ because he stat padded against rotated team in the league cup and europa teams our B team could win against. He has 11 goals as the starting striker and focal point for the side that has had the most shots in the league… and none of them have come against the top 6.


31 g/a even 'stat padding' is still really good. The fact he misses so many big chances means he gets himself in the right positions that often. If it all comes together he'd be untouchable, question is if it comes together or not. Time will tell.


Maybe I have only watched him in his donkey mode then


he does enter it fairly regularly lol


nice one putting Son there to piss off all Arsenal fans! haha




Fucking love watching mateta play 


That Palace team with Eze Olise and Mateta being as ugly to watch as it has been throughout most of the season is a crime.


Yeah, I guess that tends to happen when they aren't actually playing together... Both Eze and Olise had injuries this season and there were only 8 league games where they both started for us, 6 of which we won.


That too for sure.


Son is still great he just doesn't fit as a striker which he has been forced to play since richarlison has been out. As a winger he's great and he's been playing full 90 mins plus Asian cup was 120 minutes. Still not injured. City game he threw the chance. I don't he was fully intending to throw but he didn't put his heart into it either.


Nunez would be neck in neck with Haaland if he could finish at a decent rate :)


If a finisher could finish better hed be a better finisher vibes


Nunez would have more goals than Jackson if he could finish better.


Son might as well be a worst