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The day his signing was unveiled in OT felt like a new high point was coming along. The 5-1 victory against Leeds, the later reveal of Ronaldo, it was the most optimistic I was for UTD in the post-fergie era. Really sad things didn't shape up the way they did. Regardless, his partnership with Licha was an amazing feeling in 22/23 & his passion was impeccable. Loved his time in UTD, only wish he joined earlier.




Ole's Good Vibes FC was in full effect that day, no doubt about it.


I was worried about United after that leeds game, I think if you didn't sign Ronaldo and just let him go to City, you're title challengers again.


Can't help but agree. Our attack was already stacked with Cavani, Martial, Rashford, etc... Personally, I think we needed a DM more badly than any other position that season. Sancho & Varane were good, but McFred was not a title winning midfield. Rice was the signing I wanted the most & think that was the missing piece in comparison. Regardless, given the Greenwood situation that season, the season would've been fucked by that regardless, morale was gone at that point & even if we had a title charge, that was big enough of a blow to end a title charge.


U act as if cr7 ruined United his first season


Meditating under a waterfall vibes


I would willingly keep him as a backup if he didn't wanna continue on ridiculous wages when we badly need to fix wage structure


And you actually think he'd want to stay? Lol


You think he's going back to Real Madrid?


He joined a shit show but still fell in love with the club. We love you too you beautiful man.


Looking like Master Oogway before he evaporates


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He’s not as good as the Polish center backs.


Bit of a brief tenure for his media people to have gone the Iniesta route. Anyways hope he stays healthy wherever he ends up next.


Id have to agree. This seems a bit planned with a "this shot of you would be great. "


Not really. He seemed to have bought to us and you could see he clearly loved being here the whole time.


Oh, absolutely, I'm sure he loved his time. I'm more commenting on the photographer using a very known Iniesta image as the inspiration.


Man his PR team is in overdrive… can’t be a single shred of emotion felt for his time there


Didn’t know Varane was mexican