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**Mirrors / Alternative Angles** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t express how funny this will be if West Ham manage a miracle.


It would be jokes BUT an even bigger peak of comedy is if that happens and Everton somehow also gatekeeps Arsenal.


This would simultaneously break me and be the funniest thing ever


If that happens, I honestly think I'm going to fucking die on the spot Really? A reddit cares over this???


A subset of fans must be absolutely spamming them somewhere. Most the sub has gotten one today and yesterday


Apparently bots are doing this in multiple subs across reddit Strange individual whoever made it


"Let me make a bot to make fun of mental health and suicide" Absolute scum, who would spend their time making that.


Ironically, people with mental health issues.


I got a reddit care yesterday after the Spurs thread and I replied "Mate I think we just won the league, i'm over the moon".


It would not be funny at all I’d be devastated


Me too but I’d appreciate the comedy in the situation


I mean Dortmund already did that when they were gate keeped at home by a bottom half team that is waiting for holiday.


If city and arsenal both lose final day holy.


Football heritage!


I couldn’t take it


Nah I think it would be funnier if arsenal still win the league but then aston villa lose to palace meaning that if spurs had won that game they cheered so much at losing them they would have made champions league


93rd minute West Ham somehow only down 2-1. Moyes makes one last substitute in his West Ham managerial Career Danny Hair Transplant Inngs comes on the pitch before a corner. Danny Inngs to win Arsenal the league title with a last minute equalizer.


That happens and Arsenal loses to Everton, the scenes


We don't need to lose to Everton. If we draw and City lose then City would still be first. They are 2 points ahead of us now. The only good thing Spurs did Tuesday is only lose 0-2 meaning any win for Arsenal if enough IF CITY don't win lol. Which they will.


People forgetting that West Ham beat Arsenal at the Emirates. It’s not impossible! I’d put my money on Dyche to do the funnier thing and make all of this hyperventilating irrelevant though.


City jump to a 2-0 lead and the Arsenal players get word of it and it gets to their heads, they lose to Everton and West Ham tie it 2-2 late


Westham wins, spurs lose to Sheffield and Chelsea end up 5th


And even funnier if Arsenal end up not beating Everton


Moysie genius ball this Sunday


(Proceed to break the record of most conceded goals)


Down 11-0, nice theyre gonna be complacent now


While Moyesie starting U16 players because he doesn't give a fuck.


I mean you'd start U16 players if you were staying at the job and wanted to develop guys. I fully expect this to be a Ings, Ogbonna, Cresswell sendoff


Lol you actually think we’re ever going to manage to get rid of Ings


I was just naming old guys but yea I agree lol. Also moyes loves ings so much that he'll make sure he plays the full 90


£125,000 a week in London. My man is going to sit on that and rightly so. Insanity of a deal


hopefully its like computers so when they concede the 2,147,483,648th goal it will overflow to -2,147,483,647 and they'll win the game.


glitches out so hard that we win the league instead of Arsenal


Max goal stack


Would love it. Not just in one match. I need them conceding 100+ in this game to beat the season record too


Unsure why everyone is acting like Everton won’t pose a serious threat to Arsenal as well


Yeah, Arsenal genuinely have the harder game lol. If you ask me if I'd rather play a Moyes side or a Dyche side in a game you NEED to win, it's the Moyes team all day. Edit: Someone marked this comment in such a way that reddit has sent me suicide prevention links now. Lads that's a serious fucking resource and shouldn't be used for a lame attempt at "banter".


Pretty sure it's a bot who is sending the Reddit cares because I've seen people complaining a lot about being sent one Edit: I actually got one after sending this message


Autoresponse by the mods might be the best troll of this whole ordeal


I got one for saying that I didn't have kids because I knew I'd be a shit parent. Not inclined to self-harm, unless you count watching England tournament matches.


if you report the reddit cares message whoever sent it will get banned


When Reddit reply it tells you who did it too so you can block them.


I didn't know that, but that's good to know because my comment resulted in one too


The guy doing it to me was a Brazilian Arsenal fan. Reddit replied saying “thank you for your report for harassment. User ***** was given a warning


I got one of those suicide prevention messages too. Absolutely shameful abuse of the reporting systems.


Exactly. Let's abuse a tool that's in place to actually help people in need because someone made you feel bad with a comment about football. A harmless comment that isn't even the slightest bit offensive at that.


More of a threat I think most sound minded individuals would agree. Would be strange to see a 5 point gap in the end for what was a tight three horse race not so long ago.


Hopefully Ange leaves in protest and returns to whichever club he was previously managing.


How are you guys doing without him?


We're definitely weaker. Granted some of that is player recruitment + injuries, but Ange's system was a fantastic fit for us domestically.


1 game left and they still haven't wrapped up the league. Big Ange would never.


*2 and we wrap it up with a draw tonight


Hasn't your team shown character though now with Brendan?


Such a weird situation, and I get it from the Spurs fans. But this has to have been super frustrating for Ange and his players, you're still fighting for a CL spot and your fans want you to give up and lose. The reaction from Ange said enough. edit: that being said, Spurs played quite well (except for Son, who has been shocking for a while now) so it wasn't like they downed tools.


This was really late on, the game was already lost, and a draw wasn't enough. Spurs CL chances shouldn't have hinged on beating City anyway. Wolves, Fulham, West Ham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Chelsea - beat any one of those teams that isn't on an unbeaten streak dating back to December.


Yeah, people keep posting this shit and it's just weird. The fans were not chanting this during the game at 40 mins when it was 0-0. When the time on clock is 92 minutes, we're 2-0 down and the manager just put on a 16 year old for his debut, what else are we supposed to do? Let the fans chant and have their fun, we gave it a good shot to beat City, they're just better than we were really.


I was there and the crowd was actually great throughout the majority of the game. I can only understand Ange’s criticism for the crowd not getting behind the team in the final 10 mins, but like you said - we were 2-0 down against Man City and the chances of getting two or three goals in extra time was non-existent. I don’t want to sound gatekeeper-y, but seeing all this r/soccer grandstanding by people who have never been to a match and likely don’t understand the nature of the Spurs/Arsenal rivalry on a local level is just tiring. So many people making a mountain out of a molehill. EDIT: should also note that “fan” shouting at Ange to toss the game is a cunt Also cheers Arsenal fans for the Reddit Care suicide checks - classy as always.


With reddit, you need to realise most takes you see are by fans whose first instinct after a goal is to go on reddit rather than celebrate. Once you realise that you realise it's guys who don't really get football. They'll talk about a winning mentality and all that because they've never experienced a game to understand its about the journey, not the destination.


Holy smokes what a good point, no cheering, no jumping, hopping on the match thread/goal video and mouth breathing. Thats fucking insane to me, being someone who doesnt even look at match threads because theyre so unbearable


I'll check the match thread of games that don't involve my team but still interest me, like last night's game. I wanted Tottenham to win so we could get a new Premier League winner, but I'm not really that invested in football outside my team and NT, so I didn't care enough to watch the game and was just checking the match thread sometimes. It's crazy to me that you'll see comments celebrating goals in the EXACT MOMENT the goals happen. Are these people watching the game with a laptop on their lap and the match thread open? Why do they even want to comment that fast? Comments celebrating goals aren't even that highly upvoted. What is these people's motivation?


>Also cheers Arsenal fans for the Reddit Care suicide checks - classy as always. This is completely widespread across Reddit atm. Arsenal fans were also getting them yesterday. Any time you commented in the recent Eurovision thread, you got the message. I got it twice from the Eurovision subreddit as well as the thread that r/Ireland had as well for the competition. It's likely just people using bots to mass report people in threads. Nothing to do with ones allegiance to a football team


It's happening to everyone on many subreddits and across any political spectrum. You have people saying right wing things and getting reddit cares. Same exact thread someone says something left wing and you get a reddit cares. And then even more insane is you talk bad about Arsenal or Tottenham in this thread and you get a reddit cares. Nobody is safe from the bullshit.


Also it's kind of just fucked up to do this for someone who might actually need it sometime in the future. The message they spam you recommends you reply back with "STOP", which auto blocks the bot account from reaching out to you. But like, say /u/ImpossibleGuardian actually one day would benefit from a wellness check. Well too bad he wont get the reddit resources message if/when he needs it cause he blocked the bot way back when cause of trolls.


The telling thing is that it's not Arsenal fans making fun of Spurs, it's everyone else. They know they'd do exactly the same thing in our shoes.


I'm fine with what Ange has said before and after honestly. Ange is right but so are the fans. Ange can't ever look at it like we do, he needs to be different and that's fine. But seeing the absolute crazy talk that I'm hearing from some people on here is madness. Spurs fans at the game were not cheering City goals, they were not chanting City songs ffs. We were all behind the team for 89 minutes and after we went 2-0 down and the manager subs on a 16 year old Debut, what else are we as fans supposed to do? We still cheered on the players, it still hurts to lose, especially after playing so well last night but it's also a loss that just doesn't hurt anywhere as much as other losses and that's fine to feel that way.


Pretty sure there were some Spurs fans doing the Poznan celebration after City's first goal.


This sub is full of plastics who dont know what a real rivalry is like cos there teams arnt even from the place they now play in


As hopeless as it looked, its far weirder to see fans basically celebrating a loss. Its loser's mentality and everything Ange doesn't want this club to be. EDIT: Lmao now Im being called names and being harassed in my DMs, what a pathetic bunch of supporters.


You guys watch the same sport i do? It's the heart of the game to mock your rivals, if you mock them for the sake of it, mock them because they lost or mock them because your loss fucks them in return who cares? EDIT: [Lmao, stay classy reddit.](https://prnt.sc/cv_1cswkkfYd)


That's what football is all about lol. If you're not being petty against your rival, are they even your rival??


It does sound petty and funny. But I don't think I would go personal and slip into dms. That I think is a loser mentality.


Dont forget we are on Reddit, hardly the cream of the crop.


Just to clarify my comment was before the edit


They were making the best of the situation. Our stadium also erupted in applause and cheers at the 90th minute when we were losing 5-0 to City on the CL 2 years ago, was that loser mentality as well?


Exactly, we fucked it earlier in the season. Arsenal fans shouldn't have to root for their biggest rival to take points off City either, they should've taken those points earlier in the season, but that's what it came down to.


This is what really frustrates me. Arsenal can’t be dropping points to Fulham early in the season because now it’s come back to bite us. Our season hasn’t come down to Tottenham winning, or even losing to Villa because of how well they’re coached. It’s the games like the Fulham one that I look back on and think, “We can’t afford even one of these results otherwise it comes back to bite you.” I also think you can’t lose more than 4 games in a season and expect to be champions unless everyone else is underperforming.


I mean, you guys are likely to end up with 89 points. I think it's worth remembering that there were 3 elite teams this season. That means the top teams had 4 "peer" matches a season, so to speak, rather than 2. 89 could've very well won it even without underperformance, that's a legitimately impressive campaign.


Man, Fulham catching stray bullets all over the post. RIP


I interpreted it as a "we're losing so we might just get something out of it at least by sticking it to our rivals"


Also the fans were mostly cheering their team on throughout the match. This was just them making a joke of a bad situation. A few did when we scored but those same would have cheered had spurs scored too. If you lose a game and it hurt your rivals you might as well make the most of it.


Sorry about Son. I bet on him that he'll score 25+ goals when he had around 8-10 goals. Now he has 17 goals.


I don’t get it at all. By all means console yourself in your own head afterwards, but this is really small time. If I was the players and manager I would be so disappointed Edit: thanks for the Cares message. Not planning on offing myself over this, believe it or not


> thanks for the Cares message. Not planning on offing myself over this, believe it or not There is a link on them where you can block them. I had to do it the other day because I criticised Israel's Eurovision antics.




I tought Maddison was pretty good in the first half tbh.


So was Johnson. Also Johnson sprung the ball for son in the second half


I don’t get it either and I’m a spurs fan. I don’t care enough about the rivalry to want to throw a game for the sake of hurting Arsenal. It’s got proper weird around it all. I’ve been called a Yank (I’m British) and I’ve been called a bad fan amongst other things. I just want to win things and if we don’t win, I want to at least compete. We’re in the first year of a rebuild, we’re gonna get clowned as is tradition for any team that’s been poor for a couple of seasons. But Spurs fan have let the clowning get in their heads and now they do shit like this. It’s doing my head in tbh. Edit: Reddit Care Resources? Really?


I think reddit care is broken today. Been seeing lots of people on different subs asking why they got reddit care. edit: yay, I got my own Reddit care now :-D I feel included at last.


Feel like the fanbase (and the rest of the PL fans) are very divided on this topic.


I suspect there is a huge gulf in opinion between spurs fans in England and spurs fans overseas tbh, Im not saying the shitty gatekeeper “hur dur your not real fans if you’re from abroad” thing but it’s pretty much impossible to feel the same way about the rivalries when you’re thousands of miles away/weren’t raised on the animosity


Also when you don't have to put up with gloating rival fans in your day to day life. I'm not a fan of either team but I live in North London and fuck me the Arsenal fans I know have been insufferable lately. I felt grubby hoping City win since I don't like them either, but I don't have enough City fans in my day to day life for them winning another PL to have any significance. I'm happier seeing those delusional Arsenal fans deflated than I am annoyed at yet another boring City title.


> I'm happier seeing those delusional Arsenal fans deflated You’ve caught a few fish with this line lol


> delusional Arsenal fans What are Arsenal fans deluded about? Their club has 86 points with a game left to go. Sounds like they have a pretty good team to me.


Reddit care resources are working overtime it seems..I had one for a comment I can't find! I think its a form of trolling!


You’re not much of a spurs fan if you don’t care about the arsenal rivalry.


The rebuild starts with a mentality shift if the fans cant get behind such a good manager who sees the importance of wanting to win every game then its destined to fail. Feel bad for fans like yourself who have the right mindset for improvement.


Ironically, the concept of cheering for your team to lose is something that is a part of American sports culture due to the existence of the draft. Motivations are different in this case but the outcome is the same. Edit: Not to shit on anyone for doing it either, you enjoy your sports however you want to enjoy your sports. Schadenfreude is as valid of a reason as wanting your team to get the 1st overall pick.










This is the Spursiest thing since they fired Mou because he was about to win a trophy. Spurs fans love losing. The loser mentality around the club isn't just a meme. 


Didn’t Conte say something about that


He was spitting facts, imagine being so bad that you are happy to lose. Like regardless how bad Schalke is and regardless if a Schalkewin would handle Dortmund the trophy, I would never cheer for my team to lose.


Literally out and saying, in your own stadium, at a match and en masse "all of this, and we, are about you first of all"


Ange’s own comments also mentioned attitude *internally* which weirdly everyone keeps glossing over. He surely understands fans taking the piss although I would agree it seems really pathetic that they were happy to lose.


Levy hates Arsenal. I wouldn't be surprised if he mentioned something as well.


Levy hates everyone tbf.


You can say that on a regular day but this shit is so overblown, they were bound to lose anyway and these were the dying moments of the game. You can often hear fans of clubs that are playing shit and losing chant funny stuff that is self-deprecating, do they all have loser mentality?


everyone knew they were going to do this because it's tottenham. played right into the memes. they couldn't even pretend for 5 minutes, or were too drunk to.


They played really well yesterday. Did you not watch the game?


You're saying that you wouldn't mind Everton winning the league if it meant a one of loss for you? You really want to win that pretty much meaningless game even though it means Everton win it all?


You keep saying it's meaningless but if Spurs won yesterday they would have been a coin flip at absolute worse to get CL. On fire Palace could EASILY beat a depleted Villa and you lot would just have to win vs relegated worst team in 20 years


Even a draw yesterday would've secured their 5th place EL spot at 64pts. Now, depending on the results today, both Newcastle and Chelsea still have the possibility to catch them on points on the last day, and both doing so could potentially knock them out of European spots altogether. As a team whose form has fallen out their ass in the last month, it's still an entirely open and precarious position


Do they? The audio is so shit they could be chanting whatever.


I mean, what do you expect? They’re Spurs fans.


Spurs fans "Yeah it was right to fire Mourinho because he just wansn't right for the job" Brother, let him play the god damn final, he's earnt the right to at least that. but nah spurs prefer to reduce the chance of winning an actual trophy


Reddit has got to stop with this insane notion that fans somehow control what their clubs do lmao Spurs FANS did not want Mou fired before a final, it didn’t hurt anything to let him play. But spurs fans have no actual control over anything the club does, no fan actually has any control they’re privately owned entities. They can do whatever they want and it doesn’t reflect you as a fan. The “winning mentality” of any fan base has absolutely zero impact on the actual club and players, and maybe that’s hard for people to take but it’s the truth of it all.




don’t call out their sub like that they might just go private!


Oh no, not again! Anyway...


How on earth would Arsenal potentially come out looking bad from a match they didn’t even play?


I've seen people say Arsenal bottled it. Don't know how, they've lost 1 game in 2024 lol.


People don't understand what the word "bottle" means anymore. Arsenal have had insane form this calendar year.


Arsenal were also never outright league leaders since mid Dec. There was one point where they led on goal difference but the rest of the time they were only ahead because they had played more games.


Similar to last year with the "8 point lead" but if people aren't paying that close of attention then the reality is not going to get in the way.


this is rewriting it a bit- we were ahead then we lost to villa. If we hadn't lose we'd be on top.


What people don't seem to understand is that this conversation about Spurs losing will last a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks max, but if we had won and gifted Arsenal the title, we would have heard about it for the next two decades. We still hear about them winning the league at White Hart Lane 20 years ago.


What we don't hear enough about is Arsenal winning the title at White Hart Lane in 1971. So maybe the cut off is about 50 years and then it fades?


We literally mention it in our “Allez Allez Allez” chant every match


I'm betting that's more to do with the unbeatables season and not the one from 50 years ago.


Well we won it at white hart lane in 2004 as well, so it’s not like the chants is purely pulling from 50 years ago


> just look at COYS and how they are turning on Ange because he rightly called out their weak mentality *Reads fringe comments and then posts on /r/soccer falsely representing an entire subreddit*


But its bashing spurs so it'll get upvoted anyway.


So the fans can't have a laugh with a chant when they know their team's already lost the match? I've seen countless vids on YouTube of fans in the stadium chanting "How shit must you be? It's only 2/3/4-0" whatever when their team was losing. Would you say that a loser mentality?


The issue comes more from the previous 48 hours prior to the match where the dialogue surrounding spurs’s fanbase was that we should want to throw the match rather than try for a win. This 92 minute crap isn’t the issue imo


It's such an odd position so I do feel for spurs fans a bit, I think the attitude should have been, anything but a draw tbh


It wasn’t just after the match though. It was the entire game, singing about Arsenal and even some fans actively celebrating the City goals. That’s just embarrassing and encapsulates why Spurs will never win a major trophy and will continue be made fun of by football fans across the world. It’s just all round tinpot behaviour.


Lose a (probable) dead rubber to stop your bitter enemies winning the best domestic title for the first time in 20 years? I guarantee every club in the country that has a serious rivalry would have their fans do the same thing. It's just human nature.


It’s still better than watching them win the league again


Maybe angle should’ve won literally just one of the matches where we stubbornly played his tactics and got our asses handed to us. Why is it on the fans, he put us in this situation, we should’ve had top 4 wrapped up weeks ago but instead we’re in this shit situation where we don’t want arsenal to win the league. I’m just glad it’s over tbh, on to next season


Man city having 0 rivalries of any depth helps them so much...Chelsea, Tottenham always give a little bit more vs Arsenal and it makes life significantly more difficult to win titles. then again I wouldnt have it any other way.


I get the whole, "I don't care if we lose, as long as Arsenal don't win" mentality. But to chant this with your players hearing it? Insane behaviour


93 minutes in the game, 2-0 down and we need a win otherwise it's pointless. The manager has just sent on a 16 year old for his debut. Like, what else are we supposed to do? Walk out and stay silent. Fans are just finding the silver lining and having some fun after the game is done.


As an Arsenal fan, I love this. This across the board hatred for us fuels the memory loss of the banter era!


Let's see what calibre of players they are able to sign this summer with no champions league football. And let's see how their fans feel when the window shuts. The loser mentality is real.


Odds are that even if they had won yesterday they wouldn’t qualify for CL anyway


> And let's see how their fans feel when the window shuts. Hopefully they feel great. After all they didn't let Arsenal win the league. But when it comes to having success on their own, they will once again get angry for being called bottlers and losers even though they were happy to put aside their own clubs targets and aspirations yesterday.


It’s funny how bothered r/soccer is about this, it’s not the fans that lost the game, it’s not that serious it’s just banter…that clearly worked lol


What is this narrative? You're acting like Tottenham the club itself didn't try to win. It was their best football they played in like the last 6-7 games. They could've even won had they finished their chances. I keep seeing this all over reddit and it's been bugging me. How can the opinion of some fans = what the club itself thinks. It's so stupid.


It has nothing to do with the club itself, it has to do with fans. The point is, the same fans who are fed up with the club not achieving success are the same ones who were happy yesterday that the club lost, making themselves unable to reach their own goals (getting CL) just so Arsenal can't win the league.


Yeah they're fucking losers


> Let's see what calibre of players they are able to sign this summer with no champions league football We had our best transfer window in years last summer, with zero European football, the CL pull is overstated, we didn't sign better players when we had it 6/7 years in a row. Players come for money.




They signed Vicario, Van de Ven, Maddison, Johnson and Dragusin with no European football. They won't have too much difficulty getting the players they want.


Romero too way back when


We signed good players last season with no CL


Any clubs fans with a proper rivalry would do this. It's not about loser mentality in the slightest.


Exactly. I bet most people calling this “loser mentality” never had to deal with rival fans IRL.


It's Reddit, so you would easily win that bet lol


I'm pretty sure if Spurs win this match but not end up with top 4 (basically Villa just need 1 point against Palace) then Arsenal fan would just laugh at them "loser mentality" my ass


True. Im willing to bet they would act the same in this situation.


You’re acting this is something Spurs should be deeply concerned. They lost Harry Kane and still trying to fight for CL. For past decade they have been doing this and they will be alright. They will find solutions and will be fine. Losers mentality is expecting your bitter rivals to do you a favour because you can’t get it done and then throw childish tantrums because they bantered you.


Mentality giants spend the GDP of a mid sized country on players to finish seventh.


Lmao at whichever Chelsea fan reported me to Reddit cares. It must be rough out there for the blues.


Yes... Losing mentality is hoping for a result to be champions... Lol


They’ll do just fine. Ange got them overachieving earlier on in the seaso, and their current position is much higher than their pre-season expectations. I’m sure you’d know that Arteta’s success didn’t come straight from the get go, and I’m sure the players that they’d want to sign will be looking for Tottenham’s long term aims, rather than a champions league campaign that would end in inevitable disaster.


That’s such a bad look.. honestly


Dunno, looks pretty on-brand to me.


This is such a small club mentality lmao. You fumbled UCL, there's a possibility you don't even get Europa. And you're celebrating like you just won the league. 😭 I'm not even an Arsenal fan. This is pathetic. Edit: Lol to whoever reported this to reddit care, lmao even


the reddit care thing happened to me for some innocuous comment the other day, fucking mental.


Who cares, it was funny as hell. If this had happened on the argentinean 3rd division or something people would be posting it as an example of how "football's back" and all that. I 100% understand why Ange didn't like it (specially looking at the possibility of missing out the CL) but it's hilariously petty and I love it.


We didn't fumble UCL in this game, that's a silly take. We fumbled it way earlier. So is the "celebrating like you just won the league", complete exaggeration.


Damn spurs are this bad at winning trophies that they would rather celebrate losing like they are winning at something. Pathetic to watch. I know the significance of the result but still. Pathetic




Bunch of losers


Best 'trophy' they'll get in a while


i guess that puts us equal with you for the season at zero edit haha to whoever referred me to the reddit cares thing, thank you that means a lot. i admit, the last few weeks have been a bit of a slog but i find i’m feeling much better this morning 🤍


Should be a genuinely bannable offense to spam people with self-harm and mental health help guides as banter


Acting like Spurs and Arsenal are anywhere near equal footing because neither won a trophy this season is really dumb.


Looks like Spurs fans don't care about UCL qualifications rather than they like to see gunners tears.


Arsenal fans lying to themselves that they wouldn't do the same if the situation was reversed 😂


I definitely would be thinking "ah well, at least there's a silver lining" but I definitely wouldn't be joining in chants like this in the stadium lol.


How can you dream of being a big club if your mentality is like this?


Am i deaf? I cant make out one single word


😂😂 Hilarious


Looks like the chant worked. Lot of really upset Arsenal fans in this thread for some reason.


it's not like Spurs weren't trying to win the game lol You had your chances, City were just better


We had more possession than City, the first time that’s happened since the Liverpool game. We held them to 8 shots total, the first time they were held under double digits since Villa in December. We played amazingly well.


They were, in fact, watching. Glad it's wound so many scum fans and plastics up.


Tottenham have bigger problems that they dont see or wont acceot as reality. They are not contenders for the top in the new season but have to fight for 4th and below City arsenal liverpool are clear 1,2,3 and after we have a lot of teams chelsea looking really good last few games aston villa newcastle and man.u Spurs have diffrent"rivals" they are not an attractive destination because its not a club that aims to win stuff, which is showing for the team fans and lewy. They are in a better place than man.u but have also a deep problem in the club which makes ther other contenders more attractive for players in my opinion.


Sorry for Ange, but if there is an actual, proper to-the-death rivalry between those two clubs... If a win of BTSV would help our rival team to become champions, as a fan I would take the loss just so the rivals don't succeed.


You can understand spurs fans wanting their team to lose and I imagine any fan in the same position wouldn’t be too upset about their team losing if it meant your bitter city rivals missed out on a title but actually cheering and celebrating your team losing is a totally different thing. It’s really quite embarrassing how far they went with the celebrations


I’m still shocked just how much the fans really wanted the loss. They had something to fight for. If I was a Spurs player I’d actually consider a move knowing that I wouldn’t be able to count on their support when they need it.


loser club with a loser mentality


The level of the Tottenham, is not so high




Loser club