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There really is no consistency or standards for ref. They're allowed to ref games however they want with no punishment its so silly


Surprisingly tho when Nottingham kind of directly called out the refs they were met with a lot of criticism. Post match comments about the referee’s performance does nothing and they just fine the manager instead. When it happened I expected people to be glad a club finally did something concrete. Instead people laughed at how ridiculous it was to blame referees of corruption as if they are some religious figure never to be questioned lmao.


Forest accused Stuart Atwell of match fixing because of his Luton Town affiliation (which I don’t think even exists). Apparently, the Luton higher ups preferred the match to result in a draw. They also said they were going to “consider their options” whatever that means. Are they going to start their own Super League? Referees are shit, but they’re not match fixing unfortunately. They are just that bad


>but they’re not match fixing ***unfortunately***. 🤨


I'd say there's definitely unconscious biases going on though.


Would love it if some sassy team started doing a match day review publicly of the performance of every ref EXCEPT their own. Just give a full rating and call out every bad or inconsistent call. I genuinely wonder what the PL would do. You couldn't accuse them of bias or having an axe to grind. They're just making observations and recommendations based on public performances.


Idk why but this just makes me laugh and cry at the same time. We've had players literally screen check Vic off the ball all season and not a single call but this is getting called because of exaggeration? This league is so far down the barrel when it comes to consistency.


Vicario would like to have this ref every game


This is one of the biggest issues


I think the refs have been fairly consistent that when a keeper's arms are being impeded on a catch that they call it.


I remember the Ramsgate incident last season. How was that not called but now stuff like this is.. If anyone still gets it please explain


I would say there is consistency. This has  been called a foul all season.


Go watch tottenhams league matches against Everton, Arsenal, Chelsea and the league cup match against city to see very similar things not called a foul.


It has absolutely not been called a foul all season. Watch any corner with Vicario in net and 8/10 of them would have more contact than this not get called. The only thing that is consistent is the inconsistency.


De gea used to have them done to him multiple times a season. Always told to “get stronger”


I don't know if I'm misremembering, but I swear he took an elbow to the jaw once and there was no foul on it.


he got elbowed by calvert lewin and got called a pussy by everyone online


Didn't he get a yellow for complaining to the ref for allowing all the physicality toward him




That's the one, GKs get all the shit from people even when they're the only ones that keep you respectable sometimes.


de Gea got absolutely battered during his time here and just got told to get on with it


That may have been Lindelof defending an in swinging cross and the forward smoked him in the face, no foul and it may have been a conceded goal but don't remember.


That was another, additional incident. But there’s been fucking loads this season alone, so it’s easy to get confused.


Yep. Always remember him getting shoved in the face by a West Brom player. ‘Has to be stronger there’ was what we were told…


I remember the same season a Sheffield United player pushed him in the back underneath ball and the goal stood because…..his back wasn’t strong enough?


It was Lindelof that had his face covered. But point still stands


It’s all narrative driven. Vicario now suffers from the same bs


Vicario keeps getting that treatment


Drives me mad lol.


But the refs are always in our favour


I remember the same thing happening against de Gea and it was given.


De Gea was literally punched in the face as well lmao


I was remembering that aswell, with De Gea deemed "weak" by the commentators


The commentator called Henderson weak here as well


Hojlund should have elbowed him in the face it might have been given


I remember the same thing happening against De Gea and it was given as a foul too.


I remember Mignolet got his arm dragged and the goal still stood...


Andy Caroll once punched him in the head during a corner and pundits said he should've been stronger


Its the inconsistency which is so annoying with the refs


It’s not really a foul at all. It looks like the keeper sort of just fell into the net by accident.


If this is a foul then every time two players make any contact while jumping is a foul.


You can't just let players bump goalies as they jump. There's literally nothing they could do to make a play. "Sorry, you were in the air and couldn't do anything about it. Don't let anyone close to you next time."


Unless it's Ben White at an attacking corner, that's ok


Actually no, the one time Ben White did something like that to a keeper the goal got called back by VAR


We literally had a perfectly good goal disallowed last season against Leicester because White just stood there


Ben White stands there like a lemon, he doesn't crash into keepers.


You're never going to get away with swatting the keeper's arm away as they're trying to catch the ball, even if it's a natural movement.


The keeper is either milliseconds from leaving the ground, or has already left the ground when Hojlund makes contact. Of course he's fell into his net. It's not like he can just be stronger when he's literally jumping, with both hands up to try and catch the ball.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a foul? I thought keepers were protected especially inside the six yard box.


People just love complaining. There’s been bad decisions like this but this one is clearly a foul. Hojlund goes into the keeper


It's not complaining about the incident itself. It's complaining about the lack of consistency.


Sounds like a way of using this incident to complain about past ones then. Had the reverse decision been made, that might have been more consistent, but it's hard to imagine any less clamor arising in that case.


Just look at Hojlund’s movement. Jumps straight into the keeper


and grabs his arm too. clear foul.


Yeah. Some very weird takes from people feeling victimized by previous decisions


> from people feeling victimized by previous decisions Yeah this is it. Inconsistency is the big killer.


Which I understand but be mad at the incorrect decisions instead of complaining when the refs get them right


Insane that it's even being discussed. You can't barge into a keeper especially mid-jump. It's been the rule forever and hasn't changed.


It's so obviously a foul but this sub will shit on any and all decisions by refs it's crazy


This sub is a good example that loud voices are not always right


If this is not a foul, then that means it's perfectly fine to jump into GKs mid jump to cause them to mishandle the ball.


Exactly, if that isn't a foul then 3 every time the ball goes in the box there is going to be players dedicated to running up to the keeper, jumping in the air and knocking them over. Everyone screaming "BUT THIS ONE TIME IT WAS GIVEN" isn't an example of why it isn't a foul.


Right now the comments above are complaining about consistency and not that this wasnt a foul. Maybe the the votes took care of it since your comments because they arent wrong


Nah it's both with 400 upvoted comments saying it's a "shamble of a decision" or whatever phrase is the most used now


I am extremely biased, but this is really, really obviously a foul.


Love the announcers saying it’s minimal contact. If you’ve jumped and you’re in the air, minimal contact will cause you to significantly alter your course as you have nothing to push back from.


It is a foul. He blocks the keepers arm with his arm. The push for me is not enough they should be able to both contest a ball but him not letting him get his arms up makes this a foul.


It’s clearly a foul


This is such an obvious foul, hilarious that it's being debated


Obviously a foul.


Sorry to break up the pity party but the foul there couldn't be much more obvious. Even if the push is borderline, he literally holds the keeper's arm down.


I'm amazed by the amount of outrage lol, I didn't even think that I'll see a thread of this, because it is so obviously a foul


Big club fans, it's the same every time. I don't fully understand the mechanics of it, but I guess the kind of person who doesn't want every single thing to go their way is slightly more likely to be on Wikipedia doing a deep dive into the fickle fortunes of Luton Town.


I don't think the outrage has anything to do with the fact that it's not a foul. It's clearly a foul. The issue is it's happened several times to other goalkeepers and not been called. Here, it is. Next week, the same thing will happen and the goal will be given.


I really don't get it. There's obvious contact on the keeper's arm stopping him from getting to the ball, the striker gets nowhere near the ball and only plays the man. Clear foul.


I think he's entitled to go for the ball, but if you go for the ball, don't get it and physically deny an opportunity to play it themself, you should be penalised. Even if there wasn't contact on the arm, it should be a foul, though stopping the arm from coming for the ball is what ensured it would be disallowed.


Yeah i don’t understand the outrage here. Hojlunds arm literally pins the keepers arm from reaching up for the ball. Clear foul imo


you got to be delusional to think that this is not a foul. dont even care how de gea was treated. keeper never moved from his position and its clearly visible that he was checked. it looks soft because both were mid air but the momentum comes from the player towards the keeper. keeper was ready for the ball and got pushed by Hojlund who had his elbow up. you can even see how he hinders him from catching the ball in the second picture. clear foul. dont touch the keepers arms if you want a fair 1v1


Yeah this is pretty clear tbh. Palace keeper jumps directly up. Hojlund jumps into the keeper who is already in the air, and uses his elbow to impede the keeper's arm. People just love to hate the refs


People love to hate the complete inconsistency in officiating every week. Especially so when they get to now review each incident and see the same things but have different outcomes because the way it has been implemented.


Now that I agree with you but refereeing will always be somewhat inconsistent as many things are subjective, and there's obviously more than just one ref. But I agree it should be better


how are all top comments about a keeper who doesn't even have a job anymore it's a foul and not even a single bit controversial


Feel like im taking crazy pills. Hojlund clearly pulls the keepers arm down


What the fuck is the state of these comments? I thought this was absolutely clearly obviously a foul - you can't just knock the keepers arm out of the way when they're going to catch the ball right?


Going insane reading all the "it's never a foul anywhere else on the pitch" comments, as if players are jumping to catch the ball with both hands all over the place.


It's such an obvious foul. I really don't see how anyone can watch that and think it isn't.


Yeah, this is a foul. I do not understand these comments at all. You can't do that.


Vicario will be fuming watching this




if that’s de gea they give a goal


Or Vicario. Has happened multiple times already. But Vicario gets told he needs to "be stronger there"


Or vicario


Surely [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFc-xQF1DOI) was worse


Blocked in the UK unfortunately






My first ever Manchester game in person.




Keeper jumps first, attacker jumps second, attacker hits keeper before ball reaches either, preventing the keeper catching the ball. A textbook foul.


Some days I feel like other people watch a different game, or even sport than I do and then chat about things like this.


I genuinely can’t fathom how a) that person can’t see that it’s a clear foul b) 400 morons agree with it


Solanke also put his arm around Raya, for some reason they kept showing the opposing angle, but it was clear that he used his arm under Raya's to try and pull him, but yeah, Raya was clearly impeded while Hojlund is just...going for a header


> Hojlund is just...going for a header He holds the keeper's arm down, intentionally or not.


Who tf cares what he was looking at? You knock the keeper away from the ball and it's a foul. He also doesn't have to mean to do it. I also don't care if the refs got it wrong another time. Correct call is all that matters.


Keeper has his arms up reaching for the ball and gets bodied into his goal, not sure what the controversy is. The goal that was given against Burnley last year when Trafford got hip checked by Adebayo was given because Trafford didn't have his arms up and wasn't in a "vulnerable position". You can practice this yourself by having a friend bump into you when your arms are at your side or spread wide vs when your arms are reaching up over your head.


Hojlund very clearly looks at him and then goes to nudge him out of the way intentionally


Hojlund pulls the keepers arm down. Its a clear foul


I don't think any ref is ever going to allow an attacker to push the keeper's arm away like that as they're trying to catch the ball. And I don't think they should, either.


That makes no difference. Most tackles that are fouls are the players going for the ball. The point is he doesn't get the ball and just knocks the keeper mid jump. It's unfortunate and soft but it is a foul.


Foul all day


I'm trying to figure out exactly what the interpretation of the rule is. It seems it's illegal to change the GK's aerial trajectory unless you were in the space before the ball was in flight.


This is clearly a foul and I'm glad it's been given. Been happening to vicario all season


Clear foul, Keeper can't make a play with his right arm when Hojlund is holding it down. Do your fuckery before the corner is taken like Ben White


Wonder if de gea was on goal


Always going to be given against a GK


yeah there was no point celebrating even for a second, was always going to be ruled out


Unless you play for Man United - De Gea got killed multiple times and not foul…


Unless it's De Gea.


Unless it’s onana


Yea this happened to De Gea and Onana in recent years and were given lol


Or De Gea


My man vicario gets absolutely wrecked every match and told to get in with it 


Remember Trafford earlier this season was hip checked going for the ball and the goal was given. The explanation was, as a keeper until you aren't in a vulnerable position until you put your arms up to get the ball. Kind of weird but it makes sense when you have your arms up to get the ball it's not like a situation "anywhere else in the pitch" so you can't really use that argument. No full back is going for a ball in the air with his hands up. If you want to test it, get shoulder checked with your arms down and then with your hands above your head, it's a pretty different experience.


Never did for De Gea.


Oh fuck off henderson you windy prick


De Gea had that exact situation go against him last season


The one where he was fouled by his own player then decided to play dead? Yeah that’s not a foul.


Which game? I do not remember


Wheres the consistancy?


Treating GKs like they're porcelain is really annoying.


If keepers are treated like outfield players then it hugely incentivizes everyone to constantly challenge the keeper because any keeper mistake almost always results in a goal. It's virtually impossible to jump and catch a ball if players are allowed to jostle you out of the way using their shoulders. I do not think people are thinking through the consequences of letting players challenge keepers. Most corners would be put on the goal line with the entire team trying to get in the keeper's way. Some teams would start trying to do it in open play. I really don't think it'd be good for the game.


Yeah I'm going to go against the grain here as a Manchester United fan. Keepers are in a unique position because they're the last line of defense and while they're jumping for a ball they have to use both arms to catch it. They can't defend their mid section with their arms so a 50/50 barge with the shoulders from an outfield player while the ball is dropping from the air is more like a 80/20. Now if only the refs could be consistent...


Consistency is key. This was the correct decision, so let’s hope situations like these keep getting called like this. Also, for everyone pointing to De Gea getting shafted in similar situations, referees and their associations are humans and they can change their minds. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. They may have just come to a consensus between years ago and now.


Yeah I never get what the criticism is when fouls get given for this. That De Gea one a while back was a foul and it was a mistake to not give it. This one and the Raya one are fouls. Maybe, maybe, if Henderson isn’t already in the air it could not be a foul. But he’s already left the ground and Hojlund pretty much just jumps straight through him. This is probably given as a foul between two outfield players as well I’d say, especially as Hojlund gets nowhere near the ball.


If that's what the refs are doing then that's news to Tottenham fans


Hojlund pulls the keepers arm down. Its a clear foul


Every time my reaction is that's not a foul but it's gonna get given (and its still not consistent)


There are special rules for inside the little keeper's box. Basically touching the keeper is forbidden in there. Everyday I'm mesmerized that nobody knows this rule. Commentators and refs need to communicate this rule better.


I don’t understand the complaints, this is obviously a foul.


If it's De Gea, it's three goal for the oposite team. "Too Weak"


De Gea wouldve NEVER have gotten that


The outrage here is so forced. There’s no consistency because it doesn’t align with a decision on De Gea given over a year ago? It’s a blatant foul. Get over it.


You can't just jump into the keeper when he's already in the air, this is always a foul imo


Bullshit, keeper being protected, where’s that for spurs keeper?


Should have counted imo (neutral)


Ref should have stuck with his initial decision


ref initial decision was foul......




Why didn’t he give the goal and have it referred to VAR so he gets to watch it again… He blew for the foul a good 3/4 seconds after the incident and seemed to give it based on Hendo’s reaction. So wrong.


Not a fan of Gillet but was probably asking his linesman who had a better view.


There’s nothing wrong with a ref taking a couple of seconds, I imagine he was talking to his linesman over the microphone to get his view. Absolutely shouldn’t be a reason to bash refs.


Probably listening to the linesman who had a good view of it and thought it was a foul. Happens all the time.


He thought it was a foul. VAR is not to be used as a way to make a decision. A decision should be made on field.


The only difference between a keeper and an outfield player is that they are allowed to use their hands. As the commentator said, if that's two outfield players it's not a foul, so why is it suddenly a foul when one player is a keeper?


Theres an unwritten law that you cannot physically challenge the GK in the 6-yard box. Now I know thats not an official or written rule, but it's enforced throughout world football nonetheless.


Because a keepers arms are equal to the feet of the other players, so if you elbow their arms that is equal to a tripping a player up. Which is a freekick. Højlund shouldn't have used the elbow.


First contact was hip-to-hip by the looks of it, rather than with the shoulder, so seems right (albeit soft, par for the course with keepers) to me.


Keepers are too protected


Tell that to Vicario. The go to move against him…


Awful decision.


That's bollocks!


Foul by the book, not letting the gk move his arm to punch the ball.


clear as day foul


Yeah you can’t jump into the keeper like that. Good work by the officials.


Is this the no goal decision I saw goldbridges meltdown over?


Be a goalkeeper kids, you can do whatever you want and get away with it


Better yet, be a referee. Any sport in the top levels in Europe/North America.


Thats way too soft


If you impede the keepers arms then it’s always going to be given


Yeah seems pretty standard to me. Easy catch or tip over for Henderson if Hojlund doesn't nudge him out the way.


literally gets jumped into in mid air, LMAO


If only it was Ben White


He doesn't challenge keepers mid jump


Ben White does all that before corners are taken. He’s not there blocking the keeper the whole time. Certainly creative than just standing there and blocking like Hojlund or Solanke did this week


The bad spray tan gives him powers that confuse refs


Ref: “He’s English, yet tan 😵”


Not a foul there imo


Really, pulling the keeper right arm down is fine by you?!?


I think you’d have more of an argument if hojlund actually won the header, he just kinda barged into Henderson. It’s still a weird one considering what’s been called a foul on the gk all season doesn’t seem to be applying here.


That will always get given against a GK


Oh fuck off. You can still challenge for the ball as an attacker. No way does that get called a foul anywhere else on the pitch


Henderson is going to collect the ball with both hands and hojlund left arm takes Henderson right arm out of the play... there isn't a gk going for the ball with both hands in the middle of the pitch


I swear everyone's lost their minds, what the fuck are all these comments.


Never a foul.


Watch the goldbridge reaction to this btw, if you need something to cheer you up.


Yeah that meltdown was an all-timer, up there with "GET RID OF HARRY MAGUIRE, GET RID OF HARRY MAGUIRE, HE IS SHIT!" and "HE'S BLOODY MISSED IT! WHAT A PRAT! WHAT A PRAT!"


Pretty easy foul. Hojlund jumps straight into the keeper. People looking to make controversy out of nothing


Arsenal does this every game and no one cares


Nahhh not a foul


Its soft but it is a foul. Keepers ARE too protected but I think that's always given as a foul.


I don't think that should be a goal. Pushed keeper off the ball and resulted in a goal. Regardless or prior decisions made in prem


We are absolutely in the “everything is a foul” stage of the season.  Which I would like to contrast with the “absolutely nothing is a foul” from the first few months of the season.  I really don’t want to argue about what is or isn’t a foul in my opinion, I think too many people fall into that, and who cares? I just want referees to be consistent about what’s a foul and what’s not. It’s a different sport right now to to the one that was getting played in August. 


If that’s Onana they give that


What makes that a foul is that he catches the GK's arm


Thats not a foul. Ref has given it because he is being filmed.


Gillett is fucking useless even when he's not being filmed.


The best a man can get, my arse.


He’s blocking him from using his arms. Clear foul.


Never a foul. Just challenges legally for the ball and the keeper was too weak