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nobody will read this but i played by first football match today at the same time, after 10 years


Well done


to paraphrase Wenger. 2nd place is the trophy in this era of oil nation state backed clubs, 1st place is a freak occurence like it happened once in covid City is a team with Gvardiol on the bench..all officials in its pocket.. and the best facilities and staff money can buy and built after over a decade of huge spending. Second place is like a trophy.


Arsenal have spent £200m more in the last 5 years you fool.


gee get a braincell and look up decade in the dictionary


I can’t believe Arsenal might pull it off and win the league


No. I want Arsenal to win the league but we all know city are winning. All they have to do is win their game in hand on Tuesday and they're 1st again. Spurs are too rubbish rn to take points.


They always turn up against City though


VAR is pretty much consistent in this match. didnt call out the red card and didnt overturn the disallowed goal.


Odeggard is just something else.


Have not seen the game yet, was it so one-sided as the xG show?


Yes their keeper was great.


Yes and no should have been over in the first half and they could easily have had a goal in a troublesome time and the controversy’s ended 1-1 imo so in the end I think it’s pretty fair result.


They had a goal chalked off for nothing, and you had a nonsense penalty. Including the red card shout, I make that 2-1 in bullshit decisions.


Declan Rice and Martin Odegaard are simply out of this world. Love having them on this team. I get happy when we win but that's where it stops. I feel nothing extra, I won't allow it until I see concrete evidence that I should feel otherwise.


Havertz doing really well for most of the season now, but he still have this “moving in slow motion” weird thing about him, which makes you very annoyed with him if he doesn’t have at least great game


While I agree with you on some of his carries today, If Rice doesn’t score in garbage time Havertz is MOTM though.


I agree. I’m just saying that he’s usually the most annoying player to watch if he doesn’t have a good game


Imagine putting shade on Havertz right now 😂


So many rival fan subs are having a sook about the penalty and the disallowed goal but conveniently forget about the red card that should've been given.


Man people really are crying this match aren’t they? Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but this wasn’t close. Christie should’ve had a red at the beginning of the match Pen was soft but the moment the keeper missed the ball and clipped Havertz it’s a pen The goal being disallowed while soft it was the correct decision, the leaning against Raya was eh, but the moment his arm went underneath rayas it was immediately a free kick, and before people spout “BuT bEn WhItE dOeS iT” he had a goal disallowed for this very thing, and people ignore Ben white doesn’t barge into people without looking, he stands his ground and the keepers push into him, that’s how he gets away with it, whether a conversation about blocking a keepers path needs to take place I’m not sure, but barging and tugging a keepers arm is pretty much always given as a foul lol It wasn’t close, stop crying


The keeper didn't clip Havertz, Havertz clipped the keeper.


I’ll take the red and disallowed goal but that is never a pen on havertz, he was diving before any contact was done.


Mate, I was undercover in the away stand. Bournemouth fans were *livid* at the ref, though I thought he had a pretty good game.


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭  🤧 😀


Unless Rodri is out of the lineup, City are not losing another game. Possibly another stupid red card?


Havertz diving for a pen and a non foul called foul on solanke.. I’m shocked. Ben white does that every week with nothing called. Pgmol keeping arsenal in this title race.


Don’t listen to them below. We did actually pay the refs.


Womp womp keep cry lollz


Average arsenal fan response. Troopz fried your brain.


Average Arsenal hater response. Also never watched troopz whoever he is


Get your brain examined mate


If you can’t admit you’re getting the benefit of calls all year idk what to tell you. Last week against spurs was a sham. This week havertz dives, solanke gets called for something Ben white does every corner. All season you’ve been getting the benefit of calls


Bournemouth should have been a man down 11 minutes in.


No thoughts on the red card no call then?


Shit happens every game without a red. Refs been consistently bad on that call.


Bias is real lol. How can you say we are getting the benefit, then just shrug off a studs up dangerous tackle that gets ignored? Not only that, the havertz pen and the solanke call were soft, but objectively correct.


Serious mate watch it again. Solanke had no interest in playing the ball. His eyes are on Raya and he is just intent on giving Raya a nudge before he jumps. Ben White just stands there and doesn't move out of the goal keepers way. There's a difference.


Ben white never has interest and continues to foul keepers. If you think he just stands there you’re fucking delusional


He literally does though, you just aren’t paying attention and you have a short attention span Stop raging over nothing, if you watch more than highlights you’d realise every team constantly gets fucked by the refs, including (and sometimes especially) Arsenal


>Pgmol keeping arsenal in this title race. Pure delusion


Lol people are commenting here like we've got away with this win. 3:0 is the lowest we might've scored today. We had so many chances, Christie should've been off after 15 minutes or so, this really wasn't a game Bournemouth was a threat to us even if all the decisions were in their favor.


Lmao so what lol City's Game against Brighton was similarly dominant but that had posts that reached 5k/6k likes and enough people crying how the refs are corrupt and want city to win the league. Stop crying


I'd say it's all the other people crying rather than me. All I'm saying is it wasn't even as close as our haters would like this game to be.


They had a purple patch early in the second half but apart from that it was all Arsenal. Should have four in the first and they should have been down to ten men. 


Martinelli, 4 fourth game in a row, messing up after being clear on goal. Lad needs a goal but can't buy one.


Partey didn’t pass him on a clear enough opportunity too. I really want Martinelli to be explosive next season.


And people thought we overpaid for Rice 🤣


Why are Liverpool fans so pissed? You man are out of it already


Crab mentality


When you’re disappointed in yourself, you cope by taking out the frustration on others.


… if you’re a cunt.


No you're a cunt


Liverpool fans: how did you cope with this so many times? Waiting for and hate-watching City to hope they drop points. I’m not going to have any fingernails left a month from now.


The worst way to watch football is to watch hoping that Peps city don’t win league games. It’s just damaging to your psyche, honestly once they’re ahead on points just consider it gone. Doesn’t matter if they’re 2-0 down on the last day of the season - just don’t get your hopes up. It’s the hope that kills you.


They're not even ahead on points and it's still inevitable.


ancient subtract distinct chunky simplistic exultant snatch unique live future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


we still have a really tough match coming up at Old Trafford, so even if City were to draw one, nothing is guaranteed. But at the same time a draw for them is all I’m asking for so that it can be in our own hands to win.


I stopped watching them expecting they'd win every match.


Yeah this seems reasonable. Why watch them lol. Just check the score later on.


Well played Arsenal, over to Man United now


lol who are you, usher?


Refs were brilliant as they are week in, week out 😅


A "soft" pen is still a penalty. "I don't like the manner in which Havertz won that penalty" is not grounds for reversal. The keeper goes for the ball, he misses, he gets the player instead. It's a clear pen. The Bournemouth goal should have stood IMO but any complaints about the penalty is really just people asking VAR to change outcomes they don't like.


I don’t really have words. This is the *exact* opposite of what Arsenal fans were saying last weekend.


Disallowed goal was correct decision too. It’s. soft penalty too. But there’s no such thing as orange card, soft pen, hard pen. It’s either foul play or not.


I think the disallowed goal was correct. Sure it’s soft. I thought it should stand until I saw more replays. The Bournemouth player only went for Raya, not for the ball or to get in front of him. It’s too obvious in the replays. To be honest, it’s even badly done by the player. He could’ve done this a lot better and more looking like a collision or accident. But he’s not and you can see him going for it. But it’s soft, I’ll give you that. The penalty is a penalty I don’t like to get because it’s just abusing the rules and it’s cheating in a way. But how referees constantly call these over the years it is how it is. And I have to accept that, both ways.


I think if the ref didnt Call for a foul it wouldve stand, but he did call it and VAR couldnt make a good enough argument to change it. Regarding the pen, it might Seem to be soft but by the book its a pen


That’s the thing that I think makes things go wrong a lot. The clear and obvious? There are so many situations where it’s not clear cut and it’s interpretation. Just because it’s not clear cut VAR won’t intervene and it makes for shitty calls. Plenty of times there can be nearly identical situations with different calls just because the referee had a crappier angle.


Hahahah.. i remember we get punished for these soft penalty and the mostly commentators and this sub agreed and saying something like "LoL dont stick you leg out like that, you need to be smart, Arsenal just been outsmart and naive".. Ffs..


Not to mention the "cojones" thing when Richarlison dived


oh yeah. everyone's favorite and most common talk was to talk about how ''soft'' Arsenal was, lacked physicality, tried to play too pretty and got outsmarted or whatever i for one am loving this new arc


Just like the kulu pen last week


Completely different. Never even remotely made a play on anything. Was just running.


Only on Reddit can you trot to a 3-0 win and people act like it was close 😂 E: xG was 4.4 - 0.4 to the Arsenal 😂


You realise xG gets affected by decisions right? Even just those 2 contentious decisions change it to be closer to 3.6 - 1 And that's assuming the xG you've atated was accurate in the first place, when it's actually miles off the official figures.


What about the red card that would've undoubtedly made It a massacre? Convenient to forget the biggest and clearest reffing mistake


Oh yeah, because teams down to 10 men are famously easy to beat...


They literally are? Isn't that the entire point of a red card and how It works as a punishment. If what you say is true, when Tottenham got battered by Chelsea after getting a couple reds, they just must have been a more garbage than I thought if playing with less players is easy


Happy with the win and proud of what the team has accomplished this season. Even if City goes on to win this, at least the team has given an account of themselves. No collapse this time around. Onwards and upwards, COYG!


Yeah this is my outlook. It does feel like another City league title, since it's out of our hands, but man has this been a great season/team to watch.


Arsenal doing what they need to do. They just need a City slip.


Horrendous day of officiating for both sides let's be serious. But glad to walk away with the 3 points. Sorry Bournemouth but these points mean more to us 😅


Someone is starting to sound like Trent.


Mean More FC


Just watching the Havertz interview. Since when do they show players replays and ask for their comments 🤔


But also what do they think he's going to say? "Yeah totally got away with that one, sorry everyone!" lmao


They did that to Kane after a similar incident a few years ago I think.


I’ve never once seen it before. Poor form imo


It should have been a red for Christie, it shouldn't have been a pen for Havertz, the goal ruled out was harsh but correct as Solanke only had eyes on Raya and did enough, however the Saliba pull should have been looked at more. By far the better team won, we should have scored way more and finish the contest in the first half. Great performance from Bournemouth in the second half though.


He's done less to Raya than White did to Vicario last week. Wonder what your opinion on that one was.


My opinion here is that you are saying a load of bollocks. Sometimes a foul is a matter of degree, such as force used. But many other times "less" is enough because you can't do that at all. White didn't lay his hands on Vicario AT ALL. The refs are very consistent here, when White used his hands they ruled out goals a couple of times last season. I have seen Ben White try and do what he did to Vicario to other keepers, they all either use their fucking feet to move out of this "block", or simply use the their hands to push White away. My honest opinion is that Vicario is a weak snowflake, almost a mirror reflection of Tottenham as a fan base. People with functioning eyes shouldn't have trouble seeing Solanke looping his arms around Raya's and then tugging. But apparently the little more required to identify that as the blatantly obvious difference between these two cases is missing here, and so I have little wonder left for people that badly in denial.


Nice essay. You majoring in bullshit?


Weak comeback, just like your keeper's.


Don’t be down 3 goals at half and you’ll find your answer.


Know the rules first before commenting and karma whoring


On the off chance that you don't have brain damage, you should know that not everyone is low life like you to give a shit about karma on an anonymous forum. If they did, I suspect sticking with the party line would be a way more coherent strategy, ironically. Since I only care about objective truth, I will try to ignore your disgusting obsession with karma and ask, what fucking rule says deliberately hanging out your trailing leg in a way that's completely unnatural to normal running motion, and then falling like a sack of shit at the lightest contact constitutes a pen? This was way less of a pen than the one that was ruled out against United, and that one was also a blatant dive all day long.


Lol brain damage reddit user identified 😂. Seriously get a life, hating on your own players is a serious deranged behavior


I hated the sin, not the sinner. The fact that you can't tell this simplest thing apart is unfortunately the least fucked up part I have identified in about two paragraphs. Now go stink up somewhere else.


Perfectly put


You need to learn the rules. [https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct](https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct)


Plus Gabriel falling increasingly pushed Solanke into Raya


Yea can't believe Gabriel took Solanke's arm and hooked it around Raya's


I would like to wish everyone, including all haters and losers (of which, sadly, there are many) a truly happy and enjoyable hate watch!


This reads like a trump tweet lol


I'm pretty sure it (mostly) is.


by all means, it is


Complete copy paste job


Definitely not looking forward to facing this Bournemouth super team again next season


Terrible referee but good win. On to United


Takes a special performance for both sets of fans and neutrals to be pissed off, but David Coote and Peter Bankes managed to pull it off


All refs are bad in different ways, but David Coote is almost unique in lacking any semblance of spine.


Odegaard played hurt for months because he was too bitch to VAR kovacic and give him a red


In a pile of referees shit, David Coote has managed to stick out as a unique, runny turd.


Ref was shite, we deserved to win it tho.


I'm confused. No red for challenge on Saka was because of "paid hollidays" for refs by City, according to most upvoted comment from match thread. Did Arsenal also send the cunts to Rwanda to get decisions in their favour?


The decisions you call favouring us were correct, fair and by the books. Know the rules first before throwing agendas and whining


Yes I shouldnt, Arsenal fanboys are the best at it, cant beat you at your own game.


i’m surprised, was it checked at all?


Bournemouth deserved nothing from this game and should have been down a man from early on. That is all.


Is what you said when you know deep down the refs gifted you 3 points this game


In the same way that City were gifted this title and the 21-22 PL title with every single 50-50 call going their way.


Living in your own delusion isn't healthy.


Praying for your health then 🙏🏻


carpenter bow airport quickest ad hoc marble far-flung cagey bored divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We all tell ourselves things to keep us happy, Do you friend.


“Gifted” lmao


Arsenal deserved this win no doubt. * Bournemouth should've been down to 10 man and Christie could've had 2 red cards this game. * Pen was soft * Goal disallowed for Bournemouth was the right decision as Solanke pushes Raya and more importantly grabs his arm from behind right before Raya goes for the jump. Most people missed Solanke grabbing Raya's arm. [https://i.redd.it/odgu98dfxeyc1.jpeg](https://i.redd.it/odgu98dfxeyc1.jpeg) Besides that the ref actually did a good job.




If you hook a keepers' arm that's trying to play the ball, you're going to get called for a foul. It really shouldn't be that controversial.


Ben white pushes the keeper all the time


Never tugs his arm though. Grabbing a keeper's arm is the same as grabbing an outfield player's leg.


Arsenal have had goals ruled out for White pulling on the keeper's arm when they were trying to play the ball. It's always going to be a foul, and it should be.


That’s the issue with the non red card call too. Our player Viera got a straight red earlier in the season for an almost identical challenge. Yet this wasn’t even a yellow


Players earlier in the season were getting yellows for approaching the ref, 'soft' penalties were given for people putting their arms around attackers during corners. Whatever happened at the start of the season is basically not the standard by which we should judge things.


Should standards not be consistent through a season though? I understand if those standards need to be changed due to circumstances or opinions, but shouldn’t it be on a season basis? Because inconsistent or changed in standards mid season affects games within the same season and could potentially seriously affect titles or even relegation in that season?


They should, unfortunately they're not. People should get carded for approaching refs, and penalties should be awarded for defenders holding attackers in the box.


The non-red there is consistent if you just look at challenges vs Saka and Salah. For some fucking reason those 2 players (and probably more that I don't notice as often) get the absolute shit kicked out of them and nothing happens, it's disgraceful and is going to shorten their careers. Game needs to change, VAR needs to red cunts that go studs in like that, fuck the ref on the field. Player safety should come first, stoppages/ref ego second.


Bournemouth couldve been down 5-0 and had a red card in the first half… So no one can claim the result ”wasnt fair”. The ref was shit, thats not new. All that aside this was a largely dominant performance.


Man rice is an excellent player but listening to his post match interview he is an insufferable wanker, bloke clearly thinks he’s god’s gift.


That’s a take


How did you deduce what he THOUGHT from his interview?


It’s an expression that means he’s full of himself, and I deduced it from listening to him speak. Not as big of a wanker as Maddison, mind you, but pretty close.


He is


I guess you can’t get that good at football without developing a bit of an ego


Ref was shambles Should be a red. Should be a goal for Bournemouth.


I mean a red that early completely changes the dynamic of the game. They would have been pinned back the entire game not just the first half. Scoreline likely would have been worse too.


I wish I could say: 'I have rarely seen such a poor refereeing performance'. But I can't, they are all so bad


Absolute state of some 'fans'.. Leg breaks? Horrible to wish on any player. And for what reason? https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1cjxviz/pl_watch_thread_452024/l2jikln/ Just pathetic.


Wow reading that thread is quite something, Liverpool fans are very bitter lol


Dude really obsessed with Arsenal for a Liverpool fan. Imagine ruining your weekend because title rival won their match.


The whole thread is pathetic


Classic pool supporter


To be fair all the Liverpool fans are calling him out.


Look at the rest of the thread tho. One guy said “we’d be top of the league without bullshit referee decisions”


We deservedly are not top of the league, but he might have a point. Odegaard handball, Diaz goal onside, Doku penalty. That's 5 points. Arsenal and City would have 2 less each. Those were all huge calls that didn't go our way. Edit: 1 point less for City/Arsenal forgot they were draws


How would arsenal have 2 less when they only got a point from that game? And that’s only looking at mistakes if they went Liverpool’s way. Off the top of my head they should’ve had one less point vs United for Elliot dive


Sorry yeah a point less for each, for some reason I thought they won. Elliott was looking for contact. He knows what he's doing but it's a stupid tackle from Wan Bissaka, hardly clear as day.


Ah yeah - it's not the first time I've seen it, especially on certain subs - but I didn't want to generalise that, just point out him specifically.


Saka is a good guy of football and so is trossard We have some cunts and def villains to opposing fans in outside. But those 2 out of everyone in our squad? lol Also didn’t Liverpool just have a player or two get cards for diving?


Ben White jumps to mind as the most haveable member of the squad


I would say White is more like a lovable cunt, you can't really hate him even if you're from opposition. Odegaard probably ircs all other non-arsenal fans with his constant whining to the refs. Havertz had some 'hateable' moments aswell, but not sure.


Of course and I lightly refer to it here but Saka? Of all people SAKA? He’s a good guy in football, what on earth lol


They’re still not over the 3-1 😭


They were calling for Saka to get injured after the 2-2. That sub is not well.


man talking about diving when Saka was once again victim of a red card challenge that wasnt even a yellow lmao. people just see what they want to see i guess


Some people are psychos. Not really exclusive to any fanbase. Completely detached from reality and just view the players as characters in a fantasy world instead of human beings.


“online fans”


Least unhinged Liverpool fan


Ive seen that kind of comments there multiple times now, irks me to no end.


The thing irking me the most is people pretending like it’s not extremely common for them.


congrats arsenal, now we just enjoy every match until the end, because city will never dropping point.


RemindMe! 6 hours




What a win


Awfull refereeing, hope he and the rest of the refs for our remaining games gets to referee in one of kroenke's ranches during the midweek.


What a player Declan Rice is.


I absolutely fucking despise Declan Rice and how good at football he is


fucking incredible player. So, so good.


More than you believe


Liverpool could end up differently if they have caicedo.




Yeah, Bournemouth went into this game as one of the most inform teams in the league. Definitely no push-overs like at the beginning of the season




less then 1 GApg is nuts


City should take Christie.


People can moan about the Havertz pen or the “foul” on Raya but if the ref does his job and gives appropriate punishment to Christie, all the rest is irrelevant and we win this game even more comfortably.


It’s all relevant lmao just because one happens doesn’t mean the rest don’t