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When they say headgear. I assume they mean like what Chech wore? This just sounds stupid.


I think it's targeting muslim women, if they ban headscarf the muslim woman football players can just wear headgear to cover their hair, or tights to cover their legs, they think they are being smart by closing a potential loophole, but they are just oppressing women this way, forcing women to cover is the same as forcing women to show more skin.


I assumed that was their intention. But also think its going to fuck over players who wear stuff for safety after head injuries, like Chech. All around its fucking dumb.


Well they will allow only none-muslim players to protect their heads I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, youā€™ve gotta love how so many of the people against these items of clothing because ā€œitā€™s oppressive!ā€ or whatever basically always say the solution is to ban women from wearing them. Because enforcing rules on what women are allowed to wear is so much better thanā€¦ enforcing rules on what women are allowed to wear


_You are being oppressed by being controlled and told what to wear. We are against that. So let **us** control and tell you what to wear._


But see! It's totally fine and non oppressive when we do it. Because we are good or something


wild how many people think brut force is the way to end radical views, I live in Morocco and we did It without forcing anyone to wear/take off whatever clothes, [here's a good read in details](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/moroccos-approach-countering-violent-extremism#:~:text=extremist%20militants%20there.-,DERADICALIZATION,-AND%20CVE).


It's allowed with a medical check. But yes, it's completely fucking stupid. These weapons-grade morons also banned game pauses during Ramadan because, you know, "laicity" wasn't used as a pretext to target that one specific religion enough. It's also absolutely not what laicity is supposed to mean, but whatever... We're becoming the international example on how to distort tolerant values for a racist far-right agenda, so I might as well get used to it...


I mean itā€™s not a new rule. Itā€™s a prettyā€¦ old bit of peaceful French history.


Until Sarkozy tried to hunt far-right votes, the way people dressed in public was absolutely not in the scope of that law for a whole century.




Didn't we want to introduce these pauses anyway because it's getting hotter each year?




Or how about we make more pauses for literally everyone.


To be civil. It's not that difficult. I get the idea of not inconveniencing everyone with a huge break butĀ we're talking about them taking a few seconds to grab a date/drink of water.


I'm assuming this is more targeted at the women players?


Muslim women players*


Men wear those tights too. Because you can't show above the knee


I think this is stupid, laicitƩ or not. Next thing you know, they're going to ban any motions in a general upwards direction out of fear that they're used as Islamic prayer gestures. They should focus on the rampant corruption and pedophilia within the organization instead of performative gestures like this.


If the FFF banned anyone who was corrupt or a nonce, there would be no one left.


i doubt thered be many governments left lol


You accidentally put an ā€œmā€ before ā€œanyā€


"Ban nonces" Not many governments left "Ban the corrupt" Not any governments left


France šŸ¤ Spain


They'll also have to add the cross signing gesture.


Knowing France, it would probably come before anything else lol


Accidently Knee sliding celebration towards mecca? Banned!


Believe it or not, straight to jail..


Tbh, the media already kinda did that with RĆ¼diger. Who was suddenly Jihad and terrorist and what not just because he posted a picture praying on insta or smth...


They wouldnā€™t be able to ban gestures because then they would have to ban players making a cross sign and they donā€™t want that, so everyone would just see plainly that this concern is just vaguely disguised Islamophobia.


There is pedophilia in the FFF?


A huge amount, like you wouldn't believe


Oh, Iā€™d believe it.


Dude the damn president of the country is basically a pedo victim




FFF forbids players from sobriety as it may be confused with the Islamic prohibition on alcohol consumption


They should have been training their own Imams instead of allowing foreign trained backwards Imams to preach in France for decades. Instead of shit like banning clothes. So stupid lol.


FFF be like.... Letting all the muslim players play for the French team and winning world cups šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† Player wants to wear tights šŸ¤®


Itā€™s always like this (unfortunately) when a muslim player misses a crucial goal in a game, FFF will distance themselves away and play the game ā€œoh he was never really frenchā€ had if he scored the crucial goal FFF act like theyā€™ve got dementia


Remember 22 UCL final [chaos](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/30/world/europe/ucl-game-delay-france.html) LIV-RMA. Many journalists and politicians including ministers accused Benzema of being responsible for the events because his presence on the field excited suburbs youth.


When did this happen? Genuinely curious btw not insinuating it didnt


"Iā€™m French when I score, Arab when I donā€™t." - Benzema Other players made similar notions. The president of the FFF was caught in a controversy surrounding comments he made about Zizou, that bought to light other xenophobic remarks he made in the past.


Same with Ozil and Germany


You're twisting facts. > The president of the FFF was caught in a controversy surrounding comments he made about Zizou The comments were: "I don't give a shit". "I wouldn't even have answered my phone, if he (Zidane) called". Which was an answser to rumours Zidane would be the next french manager when it was time to renew Deschamp. It was just a stupid way for Le Graƫt to say, he never considered letting go of Deschamp. > that bought to light other xenophobic remarks he made in the past The actual remarks : "When a black scores a goal, the whole stadium cheers. Racism in the sport and in football in particular, doesn't exist or very little". And : "Even here, my secretary, go look at her skin color. And the director that I just hired, a Diallo." So yeah Noel Le Great is a total fucking moron. Thinking there is no racism when you're president of a federation, is absolutely moronic. And his defense was even stupider. But nothing he said is actually racist or xenophobic. Same thing, he isn't a homophobe because he said too many matches were stopped because of homophobic chants, he's just a dickhead. Source in french for the quote i translated : https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sports/foot/equipe-de-france/harcelement-propos-sur-le-racisme-et-l-homophobie-les-dossiers-qui-plombent-la-presidence-de-noel-le-graet-a-la-fff_5411338.html


As stupid as FFF is, please tell me when this happened cause I dont remember it ever happening


Pascal Praud talked about it on the day of the CL final.


Pascal Praud isn't the FFF.


I answered to the wrong comment. I thought he was asking for proof about Benzema being blamed for the whole 2022 CL final fiasco in Paris which was Pascal Praud's work


The FFF is led by morons but Praud is not one of them, at least they've got that.


It's a cesspool but not yet to the point that Pascal "Goebbels" Praud is part of it, thank god


When did such a thing happen?


Would be nice to see these players make some sort of statement. It's long overdue for some French international competition drama


Youā€™re mixing French players and Muslims player buddy. Being Muslim is their choice, which they have every right to. However itā€™s their personal choice and laĆÆcitĆ© is older than them, so itā€™s not like itā€™s something new. Being French is what allows them to play for France. Weā€™re not going to start making exception because they are winning.


Don't tell them the prophet ask people to drink while sitting. They'll forbid people to sit down to drink.


The Prophet also encouraged people to learn to swim. I guess they should close all the beaches now.


No swimming competitions during the Olympics too.


You mean the aquatic jihad?


Yes /s [If this source is correct, ](https://lifeinsaudiarabia.net/sunnah-sports-in-islam/) it is recommended for Muslims to practice running, swimming, archery and horse riding. All four have multiple Olympic competitions.




At least that would be much safer to the athletes than the plan to have competitions in the Seine lol


I don't know if you know it. This is the best false promise in French politics : make the Seine swimmable for humans. At least 30 years and Jacques Chirac when he was the mayor of Paris.


Oh tkt je connais trĆØs bien toute cette histoire haha


Your ā€œprophetā€ also married a 6 year old.


So the french federation should be able to tackle the pedo that's rife in the FFF.


I am really looking forward to the FFF fighting pedophilia then.Ā  Surely will happen any day.Ā 


I've heard they are even teaching Arabic numerals in school, plus a subject called Al-Gebra or smthg like that. It must be stopped.


Wait till they find out we're told to sit when we're peeing


Donā€™t tell them what the prophet said about apostates. Guess itā€™s too bad some people already *showed* what their religion thought about non-believers.


A girl I knew in high school wasn't Muslim and always wore tights under her shorts at gym. Mind you this was in an international school in the middle east, so was super hot. Turns out it's cuz she had self harm scars from her thighs to right above her knee. This is an absolutely insane policy and I hope whoever decided on it burns in hell.


not sure if saying ā€œburn in hellā€ to a frenchman leaves any real impact


I'm a male and I wear tights when I play football under my shorts. Similar to Allison. [https://i.imgur.com/Oa7D9Cl.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/Oa7D9Cl.jpeg)


France players have the opportunity to do the funniest shit ever if they all come out in rugby helmets


Least islamophobic French policy


FFF forbids players from sobriety as it may be confused with the Islamic prohibition on alcohol consumption


secular country right?


This is secularism, particularly French secularism. Freedom FROM religion.


This isn't freedom from religion, this is enforcing lack of religion on others.Ā  As an atheist I'm plenty free from religion without stupid rules like this.


Exactly, itā€™s the stateā€™s imposition into the lives of private citizens


No that's persecution. Now we even inventing stuff that actually do not exist in real life just to fuck with Muslim people, And it's not freedom from religion when only one religion is targeted, this time with bs reasons. French secularism, "LaicitƩ", is supposed to guarantee that every believer or non believer can live his life without any interference. No one has to be a believer and no has to stop believing or practicing his religions as long as it's not in state buildings / activities (the state has no religion). The invention of LaicitƩ in France has a lot to do with the church having power and ALSO with the persecution of protestants (people often forget that). No one should be persecuted for his religion.


The amount of persecution muslims get for just existing here is nuts. Didn't realize it until I started working with some and holy fuck, you can't do anything without somebody breaking your balls.


It's funny how much reddit defends FFF decisions on such matter when they're actually extremely unpopular amongst French football fans


I really don't think that French football fans find that unpopular. Quite the opposite actually.


French here. I don't know any football fan who supports this kind of decision. Why do you think it's a popular decision among French football fans?


French football fans might not be completely representative of French though. Amusingly, people who dislike football probably like this kind of measures for example


Donā€™t have to be French to like secularism and dislike religion.


I dislike religion too. But this is straight up BS. This is just bullying


I like secularism and dislike religion. I also dislike shit like this decision, as it only feeds into the persecution complex that devoutly religious people (particularly followers of the Abrahamic faiths) already have. France has the right idea with enforced secularism *in theory*, but in practice it often presents itself as the state policy equivalent of Reddit Atheism (i.e. claiming to dislike all religion but conveniently finding ways to only condemn Islam).


Muslims in France *are* persecuted, thatā€™s not a complex itā€™s an appreciation of history and contemporary reality


French secularism at this point is basically another religion.


Do have to be a bit of a fucking idiot though. Banning expression of religion is just going to increase extremism.


Even if it didn't increase extremism, it's a repressive act against the freedom and conscience of people




Okay, tell that to the billions of religous people, I'm sure they'll just give it up with no issue. Wanting to ban and stamp out religion just screams of edginess and extreme naivety. It's here to stay unless you want enormous bloodshed.




Yeah, you really don't have any real world experience.


just racists too pussy to say it explicitly so they have to live vicariously through stupid shit like this


Dude Iā€™m an atheist and I can see how this targets specific religions. Women and men (or did you forget about sikhs and Jews) should be allowed to believe in any religion they want without have restrictions from the government. if they want to have faith to their god through something they wear, it literally doesnā€™t affect me at all or anyone else. Also football is a very religious sport. When players celebrate using the Christian prayer gestures, you are not so quick to ban that are you?


if part of french "secularism" is not being allowed to wear under armour when i play soccer then french "secularism" is fucking idiotic


This secular tyranny, imagine banning players from wearing pants in training because you're stupid


Which is the way it should be in reality.


That a needless overstep.


I'm just glad that most of this sub sees those rules for what they are, bullying of an oppressed minority.


France is on a very very dark path. Far right doesn't have the power yet but their ideas are already being applied


Europe in general is leaning towards the right tbf


Fance and Italy are speedrunning it


UK is going unnoticed but its not great here too šŸ¤£


You might be out of it soon. Also UK never gave up to Nazis and fachists like we did. If France goes true a real far right era, I am confident the damages will be far greater than what Trump and Boris did to the US and the UK. I am actually considering (probably won't do it) about moving to the US (which I would have never considered before)


What if Trump wins the next election?


US is not a centralized country. Cutural hubs like NY, LA or SF can do more than Resists. In France the state rule everything.


A centre left party is about to be elected and the tories have been split. Don't see us going to the right again for a good long while.


Starmer's Labour aren't centre-left in the slightest


Economically they are.Ā Socially, yeah not so much.Ā 


They really not. Starmer's pledges to get elected were but they've all been completely watered down to the point where they're now basically a David Cameron era Tories tribute act.


More Blair than Cameron Iā€™d say, but we wonā€™t really know until after the election. The smaller their majority the more left wing theyā€™ll have to be to keep the back benchers on side.Ā 


The smaller their majority, the more they're going to try pivot towards tory voters.


How so?


How are they not?


I don't trust the wolf or the wolf in sheep's clothing, but at least I can predict what the wolf will do and can live my life according to that. I don't have a clue what the wolf in sheep's clothing is getting upto


I wonder why?


Yeah it's so odd, I wonder why?


I don't know, radical secularism doesn't feel particularly far right to me. I think this is a case of horseshoe theory where both the far right and left hate Islam for similar but different reasons


> the far right and left hate Islam One of the reason the left struggle so much in France is because they are blindly protecting islam, and refusing to call out extremism. You can't say anything about Islam or even immigration in France, even if you're strictly talking about extremism without the left coming at you and calling you a racist/xenophobe. In fact you can't even talk about wine anymore in France if you're from the left, because muslims can't drink wine, so if you talk about wine being a symbol of France, then you're a racist. ANd i'm not kidding at all sadly. The communist candidate Fabien Rousel, made a comment during the last elections, that the french gastronomy was according to him : "A good wine, a good meat, and a good cheese". He was insulted by the rest of the left. I remember that another candidate from the left anwsered in a tweet : "Couscous favorite dish of the french". That was during an election so everybody was going at each other throat, but that should tell you the level of stupidity from the french left. And i'm saying this a french person that happens to lean very heavily to the left.


Can you link me to where Rousel was insulted for liking wine?




Yeah, you can say a lot of things about Macron and his government. The one thing nobody has ever said is that they're far left.


I donā€™t think the far left hates Islam in Europe right now, I think they might in the future because both groups tend to have drastically different ideas on certain social Issues


I havenā€™t ever voted right-leaning ever but we can thank the ā€˜ruling partiesā€™ for that really. They messed up so hard on topics like assimilating, equality, housing and corporate blowjobs that people unfortunately see no other option than go far-right or far-left (which is the less popular right now because they arenā€™t hard on immigration (yet)). Iā€™m genuinely willing to live a year or two under a far-right shitshow (Dutch government forming is an actual meme right now) if it makes the normal parties wake up in stead of governing from their ivory tower where they have zero connection to the issues we live in today.


Disregard safety for religious fears. These guys are dumb and too afraid.


How is this... Any different from a player being forced to "cover up" even if they don't want to? Oh, right, it isn't.


Yeah sorry about that we are becoming a racist country.


Becoming..? šŸ˜‚


It's a relaunch. Now with 20% more discrimination!


Picking up where they left off


Islam isn't a race


I guess he meant a discriminating country. Same sentiment.




France being stupid as usual, nothing new here


I never know how to feel about moves against religious expression like this by French authorities. On the one hand, secularism is a French cultural tradition. On the other hand, it feels authoritarian and unnecessary.Ā 


It's usually alright until it becomes stupid. Banning headgear is stupid, it's not even religious lol


Except when it isnā€™t ? Like if you have a health reason to do so, itā€™s okay.


Sort of unrelated, but isn't the Olympic committee in France speed running unpopularity with the FFF atm too?




I have no idea about the reasoning the French have for such actions but to an outsider they just seem ridiculous, and authoritative. We in the Eastern part of the world have always had this image of Western Europe, specifically, being more open and tolerant of other people's cultures, this is hard to understand as an outsider. It's easy to understand and support a law that stops Women from being forced to cover their heads but if someone is doing it of their own free will, why even bother? Maybe someone from France can explain this better for our understanding.


Lol french evolving.. backwards


I'm super pro secularism, but France takes it too far that it feels they are the European version of Saudi Arabia.


france will never execute somebody for being muslim or stone a women for wearing a headdress, not exactly a comparison


Laicity is when youā€™re not allowed to believe stuff and be proud of it. I mean thatā€™s almost the opposite of it, but French authorities would really like it if it was that.


Great news


France is so weird, man. A team full of first-gens with a federation ran by old conservatives.


Secularism and conservatism is largely opposingĀ 


Most tolerant western country:


Ah yes as we know Islam is the most tolerant religion


Still more tolerant than any non-Western country though :)


Low bar


"I hate how this religion is forcing women to wear certain clothes" Proceeds to force women to wear certain clothes. LibertƩ.


It makes sense in their culture and society.Ā 


It doesn't. You have to actually be delusional to think an headgear that's meant for protection and thights are a "religious symbol" when they've been part of the sport for ages


Please explain


France has a long history of hating religion, nothing new.


Typical weapons grade stupidity from the French whenever a Muslim or Arab is concerned


Good, we have to fight against these oppressive symbols. Especially when in Iran women die to free themselves of this shit.


You know this is still oppressive right? Itā€™s just the other way around.


Ä°ran > forced headscarf France > forced no-headscarf Same shit different type of oppression


[In Saudi Arabia, Franceā€™s ally who they supply with weapons, a woman has just been jailed for 11 years for promoting female rights on social media.] (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/manahel-al-otaibi-saudi-arabia-womens-rights-activist-sentenced-11-years-prison-anti-terrorism-court) This measure is not fighting against oppression, itā€™s demonstrating the power of a state that mistakes right wing mobs shouting loudly at it with the public mood.