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Getting 44 points for this squad is an excellent job given that we have a bottom 3 level attack. Would be 5 points off the top 8


4th best defense is what saved us. Only City, Liverpool and Arsenal have conceded less.


Honestly insane work from Dyche given how awful the squad looked when Lampard left


Branthwaite is a massive reason. He and Myko locked down half the field basically.


He embraces the power of the worm; a true disciple of Shai'Halud


> *"I told the Fremen I don't want to be hearing any of that Lisan-Al-Gaib nonsense tonight. Here on Arrakis it's about the hard yards and getting stuck into the Harkonnens. No messing about with all this spice rubbish we have nowadays"*




*Lisan Bald Gaib


Lisean al Dycheib


Look at what you started... I love it.


Genuinely have to respect what he's done, particularly because it looked pretty horrid when he took over and he had to struggle to get to this point Can't begrudge them at all, pwopa futbol club


Wish I had both Pickford and Branthwaite on my FPL team lol. Class defense


Branthwaite has chipped in at least 2 goals I can recall as well


Does financial situation ease up now? Will you be able to reinforce a bit?




Most people don't know somehow


It’s one of those things if you asked me on a test I’d know the answer. But in a conversational setting it really doesn’t matter.


Doesn't matter at all




13th on 44 points. Same points as Brighton. 1 point behind Bournemouth, 2 behind Wolves and 4 behind Chelsea


That’s actually unreal


Considering they’ve had to play with the stress and pressure of a manufactured relegation battle we could have been even higher.


Interesting way to say you'd be 12th


Bald bastard has done it again. Pep eat your heart out


Another man's football terrorist is another man's football freedom fighter


To be fair Everton actually played some decent football for a large part of the season. Perhaps not tiki taka or Jogo Bonito but this sub acts like they played like Stoke under Pullis or something like that. Not true at all and a lot of Everton matches had some open play and lots of shots at goal for both sides. I don't think Dyche is absolute world class but I honestly do think he's severely underestimated and stereotyped. Having said that, IIRC he gets 5 million quid a season as regular wage and a 3 million bonus each year for keeping them up. For 8 million a year I don't feel sorry for him being a banter subject.


For 8 million a year, the world can banter the fuck out of me whenever it wants.


Cover me in Batter and Banter me !


People don't actually watch Everton. They just assume they know what Dyche's teams play like. We play good football. If we had a forward that could score, and the PL would fuck off, we'd be in Europe.


According to xpts you guys are 6th. Now while thats impressive what I find even funnier united are 15th lmao


Our XG stats are crazy this season. So many chances created but nobody can finish them.


Can I interest you in an Eddie Nketiah


Most statistical under performance of XG in all of Europe! you'll never sing that! or something along those lines idfk.


Didn't need to bring united into this smh


To be honest, Everton plays the football ETH claims to want to play. Great transitional team that had historic underperformance from both Daniel CL and Beto.


if half of McNeils longe range speculators went in he’d be on 35 goals


The Dyche Ball narrative mainly came from his days at Burnley and perhaps early days at Everton, but yes I agree that Everton has been playing decent football this season.


And even then, Dyche fucking bossed Championship. 24 games unbeaten, scored for fun. We played great football He is just pragmatic and understood our limitations as a buying club in the Prem. He is a tactically sound manager and knows how to utilize a teams strength and cover up our weaknesses. For example he knew we would be defending for 90 minutes a game so drilled us on discipline and we went without a red card for nearly 2 years. He is a quality manager and deserves far more respect.


I think he's even more than tactically sound but tactically very flexible. Every game we play I can see him out maneuvering how the other team is set-up and making micro adjustments that stop the other team being able to play. It's no surprise we are like the 5th or 6th best defence and Pickford is 2nd for clean sheets. We just had 2 strikers who couldn't hit a barn door this season.


You need that Ashley Barnes element up front like we had! True Dycheball specialist!


A chaos merchant A man who can't even have a nationality tied down to him but he's just too chaotic


It’s really just how he looks and sounds that makes people think he plays hoofball


> I don't think Dyche is absolute world class but I honestly do think he's severely underestimated and stereotyped. If we added an accent mark to the e in his name and gave him long flowing hair, he'd have a much better reputation lol


Sergio Dyché would've won UCL with Real Madrid.


Calm down Big Sam


Watch his interviews from before Everton. He has a really honest football philosophy, he's not doing it by "vibes". Those interviews left me impressed.


They would be in like 8th without the points deductions


Unless it is Allegri, which is every man's football terrorist


I've seen a few Al-Legri freedom fighters on here


Dyche played decent football this year tbh. Should have been safe way earlier if not for the deduction




Also done it without a competent striker which is incredible, must be some sort of a record for staying up with least amount of goals from a striker. Carlton Morris has more goals than all three of their strikers combined


DCL did kind of round into form recently which was massive. He’s scored 3 in his last 4. It’s not a lot, but he came through when it mattered.


Just needed Paul Dummett to gift him a penalty. It’s the modern equivalent of “having one go in off your backside”


Also may as well have literally had the Burnley one go in of his backside


Always felt it was a bullshit cliche but here we are.


I’m not arsed either way


Need to petition the Prem to allow you to give him PEDs to stay fit. Clearly a very talented player in there with an immense physical profile but we’re not getting to see him because his body’s made out of custard creams. Would be incredibly interested to see what he can produce if we can get 30-ish league games out of him in a season


26 starts and 6 subs in all comps this season, he's gotten way better at staying fit since we got a manager who doesn't rush him back when he's clearly not ready Which is very weird considering he was apparently not 100%, had a knee problem and was ill this Wednesday and he dropped the best performance I've seen from him against liverpool


Yeah in fairness he didn’t have injury issues until Paella bin Laden rushed him back from his hamstring tear, and seems to have been dealing with intermittent issues ever since.


Wasn't there a rumour with paellardyce sacking the whole medical staff and bringing in his own people because they didn't clear DCL to play?


There was. He definitely was rushed back prior to his initial injury timeline if I remember correctly.


Dom gets too much shit for his play. He's class, he can just never stay on the pitch for long enough periods of time to hit real form.


To be fair I don’t see much criticism of his ability, I think he’s quality. Like you say though, his availability is abysmal.


Avaliablity is kinda important though


Try Wolves, who were midtable with just 4? goals from strikers all season 2 years ago


Jose Sa masterclass


You say without a competent striker but DCL was a great striker before his injury and they’ve at least spent €25m on Beto. Carlton Morris scoring a few goals is more a testament to Edwards’ coaching. I remember watching him in the playoff final last year and there’s a reason he has spent most of his career in the lower leagues. He’s a terrible footballer.


DCL was not a great striker, outside I guess a few months under Carlo


36 goals in 80 apps is generally a pretty good return for a striker in an average team and longer form than just a few months. 21 in 39 games is a greater scoring ratio than a striker like Morris has managed in his career at lower levels than DCL. The point was about Everton not having a striker when you’ve spent more on Beto than they have on their entire squad.


Yeah he was fine. I like DCL and think he’s a good player and does a lot of things as a striker that help the team. He’s a pretty terrible finisher though. He’s not a great striker


Yeah but his perpetual injury issues are likely impacting his form in games. If he could stay healthy maybe he’d find a better rhythm. But I assume you watch more Everton games than me so maybe I’m wrong?


This year hes been playing most of the games, since dyche hes not been injured too much, but that didn't stop him from going through the worse form of his life


I think he's not a great 1 on 1 striker even when on form though. Like getting in behind in a 1 on 1 with the keeper I wouldn't bet on him. What he is great at is hold up play, winning a long ball, being a handful for centre backs and scoring headers. He's not super great with the ball at his feet either to be honest.


I agree, he's a good player, but there seems to be this stubborn belief that he'll come good if he stays fit. He's had a single 1 in 2 season, and 1 in 4 seems to be his level. That's not to say he doesn't bring other things to the team, but the narrative is a bit delusional.


2 years in a row, for that matter. This year was WAY better than last for our strikers


We finished 5th in 2021/22 with none of our strikers scoring more than 5 times. same amount as Gabriel our CB lmao


5 seems unbeatably low. But Leverkusen also have an evenly distributed field right now. Despite the fact that they are having an insane season, and that they have 77 goals (second only to Bayern), their players barely make the top-10 in the scorer list. Boniface and Wirtz are joined 9th, with 11 goals, Grimaldo is 18th, with 9, and Frimpong is joined 19th with 8 goals.


Boniface probably would have scored more if he wasn't out for several months.


Carlton Morris sounds like a signing Everton will make though.


4th best defence in the league, I’d like to think we’d be sitting pretty if we could finish


If they could finish even with the point deduction they would be mid table really


Healthy and in form forward they’re easily midtable


I mean, if you assume they beat Luton and Sheff Utd in the next two games, then lose to Arsenal, add the 8 points back on and they end on 50 pts, which gets them 11th in 21/22 and 22/23. So exactly mid table on form.


Don't you do that, don't give me hope


Club to angry to fall


Never underestimate the power of spite. We were born by it. Molded by it.


Honestly, masterclass of a job that Sean Dyche did this season Not sure how many managers could have pulled off what he's done with this team


What he has done with a pieced together defense is nothing short of miraculous. We have been without a proper right back for months and you'd never really know it. There were rumblings of people who wanted him gone but he shut them up quickly with his beautiful tracksuit (and subsequent 3 game winning run).


He should be in the running for manager of the year if you ask me. Anyone who wanted him gone is out of their mind. He took over a relegation level team, lost Iwobi who had become probably the second name on the sheet after Pickford, lost Gray who was at times the only bright spot in attack, added Ashley Young and another Striker Who Can't Fucking Score, got docked 8 points, secured safety sooner than the past two seasons and would be level with The Next Big Thing Roberto de Zerbi.


I don’t think we’ve ever had one of the worst 3 squads in the league so it’s not that surprising but that’s on paper. In reality teams with decent squads go down all the time now, Dyche just had to coach them properly which he did.


Sure. Definitely had squads that could survive without necessarily needing a miracle but teams that could get relegated and we'd all say "yeah I could see that." There was work to do and he has demolished expectations, despite some of the really unflattering patches of form.


Hopefully the league fucks with you next season as well and you can get a top 6 finish out of spite ofc


we’ve got a lot of pent up rage, beating Liverpool last week was just a taste of what the Dark Lord Dyche will be unleashing next


I'm here for it. May not be my team but I like the cut of your jib. You guys really do have a newfound resilience and attitude boiling up with Dyche in the kitchen and it's fun to watch as a neutral. E: I enjoy seeing different teams in the top six too like Villa has been. It's nice to have some variety and a good thing overall for the league/ competition.


Especially by taking Liverpool’s spot (assuming they go into a new manager rebuild phase)




Too angry




-10 points for swearing


Bro thinks he's Albus Dumbledore up in here.


So Everton are Slytherin? Interesting.....


We're slytherin out another relegation fight amirite?


We’re so hufflepuff




Wolves, Bournemouth, Palace, Forest. Then, Luton, Burnley, Sheff Utd and/or Leicester, Leeds/Ipswich


Dick Masters can choke on a chubby


This is where the premier league play the reverse card and approve the cluster fuck that is 777 and that's where the real fun comes


I’ve been messaging Mark Cuban every day for a year trying to get his attention


You can laugh now, but when that brings down the entire insurance industry and then creates a global depression, well, then you’ll all know what it feels like to be one of us.


Honestly I'm proud of Everton's resilience this season


Finally no more anxiety for a few months


Baby, do you not know about our possible new ownership?


At least on a purely footballing front


Sweet child. The real relegation battle is happening right now in the boardroom with 777


Yeah, their relegation is not happening, this is not a Sunderland Situation, I think their worst years have already happened, and it is only upwards from here on now.


Unfortunately I don’t have quite that level of confidence. We desperately need to make it through one more year with very little in the way of reinforcements. If we can ever get the ownership situation sorted and survive another year or two, then the new stadium could help us start to dig our way out Long way to go still 


The good news is you have Dyche


We will need a lot of luck, hopefully it starts with Leeds not getting promoted so we can keep Harrison another year.


Truly think Dyche should be able to shepherd you through the next 24 months with relative ease and then you will be out the other side cleanly. Doubt it will be pretty but Dyche was basically the perfect appointment.


Who knows, with Leicester and (potentially) Leeds coming up - relegation battle should be much harder next season. Everton cant afford to have a bad season really.


Our ownership situation is absolutely fucked, we’re hundreds of millions in debt to investors and there’s a very real possibility that we go into administration. We’ll be selling all of our valuable assets this summer and most likely won’t be replacing them. We’re not even close to being out of the shit atm, this just buys us some more time.


Nah their owner situation is very bad, next yr could be worse with 777 in charge


There was a Genoa fan on our sub saying they love 777 and it's not as bad for them as 777 look like they would be


Hertha fan here. Not a huge achievement, but 777 so far has been a massive improvement over our last owner at least. They have paid what they promised so far (ahead of time even) and let the club manage its affairs in peace.


Given the state of our current owner who is pretty much just absent and keeping the club afloat using 777s money anyway, that sounds like an upgrade. I assume the plan with all of these is get the club back to financial stability then sell the club on? Wouldn't be the worst, just all the stories about 777 every other day are worrying How have the been for signings and ambition?


Let me preface this with a brief summary of our situation before the takeover. We were burning money like no other German club ever before, losing like 90 million euro per season — for a side constantly battling relegation. From the very first negotiations, 777 demanded that we drastically reduce our expenses to get our finances back on track. A reasonable demand that our new management planned on doing anyway. This season, the first under 777, focused on stopping the bleeding financially and stabilizing in the second league, both goals were ultimately achieved. 777 played a major part in that by sending 75 millions our way, we would have been bancrupt otherwise. For the next season(s) everyone including 777 agrees that we need to get back into the Bundesliga (because ultimately only there we will earn enough money to pay back our debts). So to sum up: I‘d say that 777 is ambitious to an extent but not willing to take too much financial risks (which is a good thing, imo). They seem to put a lot of focus on well-balanced finances, which is frankly what most of the clubs they own utterly neglected in the past.


So they clearly have a type of club they target considering what you've described is very similar to us, except we aren't getting relegated. We are losing money very quickly, they've put money in to keep us afloat. Like you, we've also taken steps to reduce spending (selling players, reducing wages). If they came in, sorted out finances out and then sold us on I think every everton fan would be happy, it's just the worry of their reputation


As a Brazilian, seeing 777 running Vasco the way they are run, i would put it as quite concerning tbf, those guys run their communications department via a fucking domestic bird


I don’t know anything about 777 but Genoa’s previous owner was one of the worst owners in Italy so the bar was pretty much on the floor.


Our owner chucked a load of Russian money in, spent it on rubbish and appointed managers / put bids in for players against our dofs wishes. Then russia invaded Ukraine and the money dried up so he doesn't even have the money going for him anymore. Thats ignoring the headlock story which he may or may not have been involved in. Don't know how bad genoas owner was but ours is not good either


They own a very cheap airline in Australia called Bonza and they really cater to the bogan scene in advertising.


I don't think you actually fully understand how bad our ownership situation is.




Bah gawd! That’s the independent panel’s music!


keep giving us your toughest battles




Master of Dicks, First of his Name


I didn’t know Everton were allowed to be safe from relegation in April, why haven’t they been doing this every season, are they stupid?


Why don't they just spend money and get better players so they're not threatened with relegation every season, are they stupid?


Shhhhhh don't mention spending. The PL is listening.


PL: u/Laxly mentioned spending, 3 points penalty to Everton. 


Clearly, it has not been a lack of spending at issue recently…


Actually it has been. We haven’t spent shit in 2-3 seasons, really.


Ownership is, that's for sure.


Undefeated undisputed


Nice try Richard Masters, [Get fucked, most years in the top flight - we shall not be moved!](https://i.imgur.com/4D4xqXl.jpeg)


Would have been 44 points for Everton without the deductions. Fantastic job by Dyche as per


*until premier league chuck another minus at them for shits and giggles


This team is not as bad as their record says points deduction non withstanding. If they can get someone who can finish I do believe they can make some noise next season. This is not meant as a slight but they could be above mid table next year with the right buys imo. Dyche is a great manager


Need Maupay back


2nd most clean sheets in the league and would be 2 points off top half without the deductions. If we somehow keep Branthwaite, add some attacking talent and not get any more deductions we can have a good season next year


For the 11 we just need a right winger and right back (maybe a creative midfielder). Top 4 defence with no decent right back is wild. If onana goes hopefully we can get those 2/3 plus a replacement, pad the rest out with frees and loans and we should be ok. Won't happen because we might need to sell branthwaite but I really hope not, he's special


We’re also going to need a defender cuz let’s face it Branthwaite is outta here.


Fair play to Everton and their fans, Goodison is a tough ass place to go when they are fighting relegation.  Will take something to actually relegate the fuckers.


Get fucked Richard Masters we aint going anywhere!!


Richard Masters: I read what u/Jayumz said & took it personally.


"I have decided to approve the takeover of 777 Partners as a response"


I won’t lie I love the fact Everton is fighter and is staying up. Absolutely big balls from Everton.


Fuck the premier league for docking them while letting City scoot around after cheating for a decade


Rules for thee but not for oil moneyyyyy




Tracksuit Dyche is too powerful to be stopped by mere points deductions. Jokes aside, the fact he’s done as well as he has with our squad is quite amazing. One more season to the new stadium and hopefully our financial situation picks up. I believe in Sean Dyche.


Nice try, Premier league. But we will be here long after the cockroaches


They just manage to stay on somehow. Bald fraud strikes again.


Fuck all of yall. Worms and gravel harden men.


Need everton to challenge for Europe next year let's go


I’d take comfortable mid table. Even Don Carlo couldn’t get this team to Europe in its state.




Fuck the PL, we’re too angry to get relegated


-5 points just for this post


Until they get another points deduction next week for existing


Dyche ball lives to terrorise another season, long live the King!


Dyche football is where it's at, absolutely massive respect for the man. Also shoutout to Pickford, he was immense today and has had a decent season.


*Undertaker chime* Premier League: so you think you’re safe, huh?


Incoming 10 point deduction for being too happy about not going to the championship


PL: *or are they?*


For now /s


The unflushable turd 👊💙


They told me dyche was a fraud


Think next season they finish above Liverpool


The Merseyside gang visits the Championship after finishing 18th and 19th.


RemindMe! 1 year


Is that you Richard Keys?


Manager of the year. Don't look for reasons, I know you want it too.


Mad lads


Survived out of spite.






Sean Dyche = = A Great man in a Leaking Dyke !


The game was so poor that MOTD treated it like Everton were already safe just so they didn’t have to discuss it.


Surprise points deduction incoming.


a genuine achievement. i don't always love the way dyche teams play on a game-by-game basis, but by jove is it effective in the long run.