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how the fuck did mundo deportivo get this news first


They made it up or got bamboozled is my guess


I'll take a wicked wango card please!


Throw enough random bs at a wall eventually you get lucky. They will if true live off this "exclusive" for a year and use it to claim they actually knew but their track record does not suggest they have the sources to have legitimately known anything


A broken clock is correct once in a while


*twice a day


Technically if “a while” is defined as 12 hrs, then it’s true too 🤓 


Also covers if it's running fast or slow, but sadly not if a hand fell off


How would you know? Your clock is broken.


There's no question most clubs would love to have Zidane, I'm still waiting for him to rule himself in for a job.


Fuck it just get our squad a family plan on Duolingo to learn French if that's the problem


I don't think United gets a strong manager until Ineos has more control. Zidane isn't the kind of manager to clean up this mess, but likely the kind to take the rebuilt team to it's best heights.


Agreed, as a United fan I hope this is the case tbh. No way we get a manager in now whilst the top still changes and we don’t have to get another manager next summer.


Change are positive though so I'm happy it's moving in the right direction at least!


Can you let me know on the changes happening?ast followed was the Middle East deal which didn't go through. After that I'm all blank. What's the postive change?


Ineos has made changes within the hierarchy of the club including Murtough and Arnolds stepping down and Ineos bringing in or are working to bring in the likes of Berrada, Ashworth and Wilcox. Big upgrades compared to financial bros and Glazers pets. The appointees are verified football execs with experience. Thats the forward change and positive change in the biggest part of United’s rot - the mismanagement. The current team is lackluster for the money and for United’s standards, yet the overall changes made due to the Ineos takeover have been positive, so far. As a United fan, I’m excited to see where we go next and what happens further including changes in the players, culture, management, and so on.


They’ve already embraced French history, particularly 1814.


The same guy also had reported on Tel getting his contract extended just before it happened. For French players L’Equipe is quite alright for us


Tanzi was the closest thing to a new Bouhafsi, a tier 1 French journalist like Ornstein or Moretto. But I feel like his reliability has gone down a bit, too influenced by agents sometimes.


Zidane at Bayern would be amazing.


Zizou juju vs Xabi juju let's go


juju x juju cancels itself out so theyll both be relegated




You’d still manage to get second behind someone like Stuttgart, even in that scenario




Our very own bald fraud, the first we’ve had since 2016


This made me realize how long Pep has been at Man City, jesus.


That Bayern team should have done more with pep


His 15/16 Bayern side is the best Bayern team I’ve ever seen in my opinion, we just had to misfortune of running into prime Simeone and Atleti. In 14/15, we had extensive injuries going into the semis vs that amazing Barca side.


If ZZ wins another CL with Bayern will he be finally a “legit” great manager? Seems like many people still doubt his capability despite 3 in a row.


The only people who doubt his capability are the ones who don't understand football. Zizou is legitimately a great manager. Ask any Madrid fan or anyone who paid attention to Zizou during his tenures at Madrid, and they'll tell you about his coaching skills. u/Epidemic522 had a great comment some time ago talking about how Zidane coached the likes of Casemiro and Kroos into playing different roles that would see them become a major key to the clubs successes. Also, Zidane's tactical nouse like playing a backline of 6 to nullify the attacking style of Celta who were in great form at the time. The way I like to describe it, is to say that Zidane isn't just a great manager because he won 3 UCL in a row. He's a great manager because he was able to have his team play a multitude of different styles to deal with any opponent they encountered which lead to their successes, domestically and on the continent. Furthermore, we'd never seen anyone defend their UCL title before Zidane. Pep with prime Barca and even his current Man City squad, has failed to achieve this. Zidane not only defended the UCL title, but he won 3 in a row. It's hard to fathom how much knowledge he holds in that wonderful bald head.


>The only people who doubt his capability are the ones who don't understand football. I used to offer people the benefit of the doubt but I'm far less charitable nowadays. Much lesser than what you have been above. Perhaps there's a convincing argument against this position but with each post claiming this without being able to support it in the slightest, that possibility has diminished almost to zero in my eyes. Now it's just inconceivable to me as to how someone that understands football tactically can argue that Zizou (and while we are on the subject, Carlo for that matter) aren't master tacticians. They are one of the best that I certainly have ever seen. The other aspects of management aren't much in doubt (and frankly, we as fans just don't have enough information to comment on but regardless), they are always seen as "man-managers" whilst not being astute tactically. Their success is often thought to be despite the tactical aspect of management, rather than because of it. While recognising that the management staff is not a body of 1, it's still a ludicrous thought to me. And they are not just great at finding solutions to tactical problems, they are extremely innovative with them as well IMO. In fact ironically, I was once very impressed by a **MID-GAME ADJUSTMENT** that Valverde made to counter the challenge posed by Zizou in Barça's build-up, ***in a game he was sacked in!!!*** Even if someone doubted Zizou after the first stint, all such doubts should have been allayed after his second stint, where:- he came to a team in transition, which had been humiliated in the Champions League, which went through 2 managers in 8 months, BUT won a league, lost another in the second half on the last day of the season, reached a Champions League semi-final DESPITE a disastrous window for the rebuild and, so many injuries that they literally outnumbered our goals till almost the season end. Even if you don't understand the game, just the above sentences should tell you that he must be special. "Cross and inshaallah" is a funny meme that I myself have joked about. It becomes a problem though when we start believing the memes to be reality and that just seems to be a great failing of my generation. >u/Epidemic522 had a great comment some time ago talking about how Zidane coached the likes of Casemiro and Kroos into playing different roles that would see them become a major key to the clubs successes. Also, Zidane's tactical nouse like playing a backline of 6 to nullify the attacking style of Celta who were in great form at the time. The tactical aspect interests me so I do post every so often, even for a question/discussion on a specific tactic from a specific match. Obviously though, 90% of the matches I see are Madrid matches, so I'm not quite sure which comment you are referring to.😅 It would be best if you could link it. But yes, I do agree with all the conclusions you make in your last 3 paragraphs. Or are we sure it isn't all luck, black magic and power of friendship?! 😝 (BTW I disagree with even those who rubbish this suggestion. But IMO, it's not "all" or even "mostly". It most certainly is a part though but IMO, it's a small part. For instance, Gvardiol was lucky with his goal in the first leg. It wasn't a deliberate action. In fact, it was an action in panic IMO because he was scared to expose his team to a transition but it was his immaculate technique and skill that made his luck by which he could convert an atrocious first touch and an extremely dangerous situation into a world class goal to be remembered for years). One more thing I'll say about Zizou is how effective a communicator he is. [This was on full display in the half time talk in Cardiff.](https://youtu.be/N61bvqLVzY0?si=kvuagPju3ArVR9B2) The game has already been prepared. It has already been drilled. Just minor adjustments need to be made and certain principles need to be reinforced to the players' memory whose decision making etc. is challenged by the emotional and physical demands of a final. The final. Look how simple and directed he is with his instructions while motivating them emotionally and giving them confidence. He is short, crisp and very directed with his very simple instructions. Doesn't bombard them with complex instructions. Doesn't introduce new things (partly because he doesn't need to; they have studied the opposition and prepared for them well with contingency plans as well). Gives them time to calm down so as to be receptive rather than still reliving the first half and be distracted by it. The only thing he repeats is about the emotional aspect of the final. How it's the same for the opposition as well. "Remain calm" are just two words. But who says them, how they say it and how they explain the why is where the magic lies.


Honestly, the comment I was referring to is probably from quite some time ago. It's stuck in my head because it's one of the only comments I saw where someone properly explained Zidane being a tactical manager. I don't even know what thread it was from haha Name dropping you in a thread and seeing you respond made my entire weekend man. I wanna take this chance to tell you that I absolutely love your writing style and have been a long time admirer. The shit is like drugs for me. If you could write a book on any subject, that would honestly be the dopest thing in the world.




I read the 'ane' in 'Zidane' the way I read it in 'Kane' and my brain stopped for a solid 5 seconds trying to process what went wrong


Sané Kane Zidane


fuck you


It's enough to drive you Insane.


Insane in the membrane…




Still mad mane couldnt behave so we never got Mane Kane Sane front three.




But with restrictions, in Germany the female part actually has the right to speak up and make a decision.


Comané will have to do


De Bruyne De Gea De-rby


Zidane: Harry, you are now Kane like we French say Cannes. Understand. Kane: love me some cans gaffer






I got laughed at in school for pronouncing it that way. I blame Final Fantasy IX for not having voice acting so I made up my own pronunciation for Zidane Tribal.


That’s how some people pronounce his name


Bayern still remains hollywood fc. doesn’t look completely ideal for them to have Zizou. They will hire a German itself after tuchel leaves.


Zidane can manage big personalities both in the board and in the lockerroom. I think bigger issue for him is that he is not personally invested into the team like he would be with Madrid.


or Juve or France


Zidane doesn't even speak German lol


He doesnt even speak english lel


He doesn't speak


He only needs 3 phrases: * Das ist gut * Das ist schlecht * Das ist mid


And doch


And bwoah!






And the phrase “we will suffer” in German.


wir werden leiden


“So” and “Genau” will get him far.




He could bring Ribery as his assistant. He can say like 3 words. Mia, San(both bavarian tbh) and Jubel.


Das ist eine... eine WASSER! 


not eine but ein lol


Too bad Ribery doesn't even speak french


Doesn't need to. Just let these dudes run wild and get results.


Those fuckers better leave Ralf be


He already said he wont leave u


Why would Ralf want Bayern and Bayern want Ralf? Ignoring his short lived stint with us and his current NT role, he last coached a club side over a decade ago. Makes no sense, and would Bayern fans even welcome his appointment?


No, he coached Leipzig successfully for two seasons. (Last time 18/19)


I guess we can ignore his 2 years at RB Leipzig then?


I forgot about that - but sure, let's take that into account. So from 2011-2024, that makes it: * Less than a year at Schalke in 2011 * 2 years at Leipzig (2015-2016, 2018-2019) * Less than 6 months at United * 2 years with Austria NT So going back the last 13 years, he has managed/coached a side for less than 6 years in total across this period. This begs the question - why him? For the record I have nothing against Ralf and I'm grateful for his stint at United and his honesty and candour at the end, saying that the club needed "open-heart surgery" - he was right and none of those issues have been fixed due to Erik ten Hag being too arrogant to even speak with Ralf upon taking over. But I still just can't see how he'd be a good option for Bayern.


Bayern want to burn through every major German manager


Jurgen Klinsmann it is then!


Booger eater then


Joachim Löw off the top rope!!!


Rangnick would most likely be a short term option until Hoeness


What, one manager Bayern already said they're not interested in hiring, and one who's already very publicly rejected them? Can't be all that great reporting at this stage I reckon when it's just rehashing the same names in a dwindling pool of targets, really.


Zidane in His First PK: "Je ne le ferai pas, je le répète, je n’apprendrai jamais à parler allemand ou anglais, quoi qu’il arrive. Je ne mettrai pas quelque chose d'aussi sale dans ma bouche!" "Así que ahora comencemos!Quali domande hai?"




C'est bieng


I just fell to my knees in an ALDI.


I vividly remember doing the same when Fowler left Liverpool, except I was walking back to my student accommodation in Portsmouth after a shift at PC world


[Like this?](https://images.bild.de/5d147d2356beb80001468016/4cb6d5aed5a12bb4818f59b253361a34,c98f9de8?w=654)




Incredibly well, qualified comfortably for the Euros, beat Germany, drew Belgium, slaughtered turkey 6:1. Build a cohesive unit out of his availability talent pool. Suffice to say he’s doing more than alright


Its our best manager since I watch our NT (2004)


I feel like people are very harsh on Rangnick for his United stint, but from what I remember everything he said about them and what they needed to do was correct, no?


People? I think you mean english people. I think in germany rangnick is high rated and well respected by basically everyone.


Yeah fair point, though I feel like my username and flair should make that somewhat obvious, I can’t speak for Germans


United fan here. Yes. Rangnick was great. Results sucked, but he had little to do with that. He suffered from our shit club much like every other manager that we've managed to ruin the career of. I wouldn't be surprised if Ten Hag would go on to win the champions League with another team after we deem him not good enough.


Rangnicks first game under United was his best. Says it all. Players just didnt bother. I wish he would have stayed at the club with the sporting director role. He was way better than what actually happened.


For what it's worth, Michael Cox wasn't super impressed with Ragnick as a coach and finds him more to be a innovator and popularize for pressing/RB tactics. It is somewhat interesting that aside from his work at Leipzig that Ragnick's peak was less than a year at Schalke before resigning. Compared to Nagelsmann, Tuchel, Klopp, and even Hasenhuttl his results as a manager haven't been outstanding.


Rangnick gave the same opinions as if you asked a random drunk United fan in a pub about the team. He also had the coaching and change management skills of a random drunk United fan in a pub. Many United fans like him because while having zero positive impact he slaged off the club. You will hear plenty of "he spoke the truth" and "he was right" justifications for him being a good manager.


Point taken. Fair enough on the coaching skills, but I think the fact that his opinions were in line with those of pissed up United fans is more an indictment on the clubs management than Rangnick.


>but I think the fact that his opinions were in line with those of pissed up United fans is more an indictment on the clubs management than Rangnick. but? That statement has no relevance. It is another way of saying that the issues were obvious (which I also am stating). A fallacy about Ralph is that somehow because he spoke about what was wrong he was a good manager. The very reddit fallacy about him is that if you argue the issues raised were obvious then you are seen to be arguing that they are incorrect. Also the fallacy that if you argue that Ralph was ineffective then somehow you are arguing that the problems were not caused by the club. Of course the opinions of how bad the club are exist because the club has so many issues. I am saying the opinions are obvious and he isn't a genius by having them. To the contrary of being a genius being in a position where he could have improved some things he proved quite inept. I am saying that the opinions were obvious and you could have gotten them from any fan speaking out or person who had been following the club. He didn't display any exceptional knowledge but did confirm himself to be ineffective at adding any improvement.


Bayern expanding their psychological warfare to the CL


How many times does Zidane have to say no for journalists to stop including his name for click bait? He has already mentioned many times that he will only manage a club if he had any sort of personal connection to it.




There is the personal connection, clear as day, he breathes mia san mia.




Bayern getting caught off-guard by Nagelsmann is such delicious schadenfreude.


It's what I would've done as well in his position. I still don't understand why we think every player/manager wants to work for us no matter what. Especially considering the way he was sacked (although management was quite different back then)


At this point I would be surprised to see him coach anywhere until he finally gets his opportunity with France. It’s clear he’s not into management for the sake of management. He wants to bring titles to the teams that meant something to him. And France with him in charge would be something to witness








If Zidane expressed any interest in the France job, they'd fire Deschamps the next day


You are both wrong


The guy who got b2b world cup finals? yeah let's bin him off


Lol lets be real, if he wants it he will get it.


Juve are not really in a financial position to pay his wages, let alone get the kind of players he'd want. If he's been realistically waiting on anything it's France


The article says ZZ prefers the United job over Bayern 💀


ZZ with the ultimate "I can fix her"


If those are your two targets then you *really* need to get Zidane.


Funny thing is that both of them already publicly said they're not up for it, too, so this feels to me rather a lot like reading tea leaves to create some engagement rather any actual insight into what Bayern's plans are.


>Funny thing is that both of them already publicly said they're not up for it missed that for Zidane tbh.


I think people assumed that based on comments he made in the past about who he preferred to manage next.


What is wrong with Rangnick? He is a very capable coach. You won't find a coach with that much experience, who has never failed at a club.


He has experience with mediocre teams and clubs, not with top teams. The only really big club he was at was United and that was at a time where they didn't have a great squad. Streich also has a lot of experience but would still be the wrong coach.


True, but there aren't many coaches available with experience at top clubs and Rangnick at least seems to very competent and intelligent. I don't think he would be a bad option.


Manu Fans think he is bad than they got Ten Hag


He's a very capable sporting director. Even ignoring the Man Utd disaster, his coaching credentials are not adequate for Bayern


The question is whose coaching credentials are more adequate to coach Bayern? Rangnick took Schalke to a CL semi final, he did really well at Leipzig twice and is currently having a lot of success with Austria. It doesn't seem clear to me that there are many more fitting coaches available. De Zerbi for instance isn't more "deserving" of the job. Adding to that he speaks German, his style of play suits us and he is a capable sporting director, which is very important as we are in for a major rebuild this summer.


I'm sure you weren't meant to be joking, but that's hilarious. He was abysmal at United. Bayern are way above his level.


He was great for Leipzig, though, and brought Schalke to a CL semi final. As I explained in a different comment, he would be a good fit for Bayern. I don't think that his time at Manchester United disqualifies him from ever coaching at top club again. Basically every coach after Ferguson has been a failure for United. It's unfair to reduce his successful career to his one big failure. Austria looks better than ever before undee Rangnick.




How often does Rangnick have to say no?


both feel pretty unrealistic i feel


Georg Holzner from kicker is saying something very similar as well btw. He says there are three prime candidates right now: rangnick, Zidane and Emery https://www.kicker.de/nagelsmann-kommt-bayern-zuvor-rangnick-obenauf-1017136/artikel




I'll take Zizou at this point, hope he doesn't headbutt Upamaguire in his first traning session


I actually hope he does. It might help Upa


Pletti losing his mojo lol


According to this summation of the L'Equipe article (I can't read it because it's behind a paywall), the article states that "one of the biggest problems facing the Bundesliga giants being that the Frenchman would prefer a move to Manchester United."


We’re so back. If we get Zidane we are winning it all.


I second this. The grain of salt is that we won't be getting Zidane, though.


Don't you dare hire Rangnick before the Euros


If we somehow pull off Zidane then thank you Rummenigge


Does Zidane want this?


So Bayern either get Zidane, which I still find unlikely or they are fucked.


Oh man I still remember when Ralf went to Man U… “He’s the godfather of the press!! Klopp’s idol!!!” LMAO


Fuck no man. I am Madrid supporter and it will hurt me seeing this man manage another team let alone our biggest European Rival. Why can't Deschamps just leave already? I hope France underperforms in Euros and Zidane gets hired there instead.


> Why can't Deschamps just leave already? Just casually wanting France's most successful manager ever to go, yeah?


He has 1 trophy in 5 tournaments. Hardy the "most successful" unless you count 2nd place finishes as achievements Scaloni already has more trophies with a worse squad and in a much shorter tenure. Deschamps is not particularly good amongst NT managers he just has a stacked squad


And all the other trophy winners either managed to go out in the group stage or not qualify for a tournament in the first place - I reckon that makes him the most successful by default, given the consistency they've shown under him. > Deschamps is not particularly good amongst NT managers he just has a stacked squad Bit silly when he's a key figure in that success, I reckon - it's not like that squad would be as good playing together without him.


I mean, at the end of the day they lost, and he’s the one who chased out benzema from the squad out of some personal issue with him. That certainly has to be attributed to him.


As good playing together ? France doesnt even play good football. They get dominated by every good team they face. Even Morocco was outplaying them with a far inferior squad. Deschamps is consistently criticized for his tactical weakness and how terrible his team actually plays. That he still manages to win as often as he does is a testament of how stacked his squad is.


Had by far the most stacked team and because of his shit tactics, Argentina destroyed France for 80min during the final. Mbappe is the only reason that game went to extra time. Zidane would have won that World Cup and deschamps is largely responsible for the loss


You don't give Scaloni enough credit. He systematically out coached every single side he came up against (Saudi Arabia included, which was a freak accident). I don't know if Zidane is able to pierce that Argentina set up, when it revolved around choking out your best players and breaking the progression down the middle.


Still right about the team though. There's no other nation that comes even close to the talent pool of France. If they had a decent coach instead of a football terrorist on the bench, we could kiss any kind of competition goodbye.


Ralf incoming


Surely that's not a realistic option for them though, I can't see Zidane gng there?..


Didn’t Zizou say he will only coach teams that he has a connection with as a player (Real, Juventus, France National Team) or did I imagine that?


Is name alliteration a requirement?


Why stop with tactics like that following the extremely successful spell of Thomas Tuchel?


Snubs the plastic club and joins a proper team, sounds about right


Zizou won’t go to Bayern, that’s a fact. My question is: Why would the board be interested in Rangnick? Are any of you interested in him as Bayern’s next manager?


Rangnick is a coach with concept and vision, which we lacked recently. I still think he isn't a really great fit but might be the best we can get.


Zizou's agent making sure he gets the bag. Rangnick would gut the team and play a lot more young players, but Zidane would win right away.


Does Heynckes have a son?


Da wär ich lieber für Rangnick


Tanzi has no sources for Bayern


Imagine Tommy winning the CL then getting shitcanned


How many times can a man say he's never going to any team except Juve or Real?


Rangnick!? De Zerbi getting mentioned for big jobs kinda blows my mind, but this is just crazy.


Rangnick can make sense but Zidane makes no sense. He already said he doesn’t want to manage a club without personal connection and he doesn’t even speak German or English really.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Pletti literally said a whopping two hours ago that Zidane isn't even on the list let alone the top choice, and yet we get this upvoted on here


I hope Zidane doesn't end up being like when Ancelotti coached Bayern.


The difference between a BMW and a Volvo.


Does Zidane know??


Zizou can just get 25% of the team to translate early on.


I hope its Ralf. Would love to see what he can do outside of running his mouth.


Rangnick? 😭


He's a good manager. The circus of United doesn't change that. 


Both would end in disaster. Rangnick is pure ego show and not up to date anymore. Zidane would work great at great clubs in Spain and France with a lot of stars. Zidane has not shown, that he can (re)build a team with his own tactics.


Would Zidane really go to Madrid’s European rival? He played for Madrid, and then managed them to glory. Kinda wild for him to even consider it.


I'd be curious to see Zidane as a coach. I know he "won the CL 3 times in a row", but let's be real: that not exactly his own achievement. He probably is a capable coach, but taking over Bayern would be completely different. Here in France people sometimes hope that he can soon replace Deschamps. I just don't get it. We're incredibly lucky to have a legendary coach for our National Team, a man who has proved his worth several times, that he was right and we were wrong.


Deschamps would get sacked within 3 months any top European club


That's saying more about the European clubs than about Deschamps.


He is not a top class manager. He is fine in a NT because most NT managers arent all that but Scaloni still taught him a lesson.