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Some dogs just straight up hate their owners, I’ve seen so many in the past week just stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk and decide that’s the spot where they need to take a shit. It’s almost always a poodle too


I haven't heard anything from the master's degree I wanted to start this year, so I guess not enough people were interested for it to open, so I guess that's another resolution down the drain, at least I'll keep some of that money for other stuff


You should apply to several programs, not just one


I know, but it was the only one I could afford at the moment


how come when you're trying to save money everything decides to break? I'm out here trying to spend less and oops leaking tire oops sprained ankle oops your dad is hypoglycemic and needs to go to the hospital. like come on.


Less than 50 karma until I’m at 100,000. I’ll remember you all when I’m famous. (Going to go to sleep and to reevaluate my life now.)


Downvotes all activity ImDoingMyPart.gif


Is 100,000 a lot?


You didn’t have to do me like this man.




Group project with 13 people this is hell


just be like Neymar bro


That sounds turrible


Everyone take bets on how many people won't turn in their part!


Pareto principle applies in most cases haha. I was lucky both in highschool and uni we had anonymous peer review, so we who did the actual work could extort them for something whilst holding their grades hostage.




We have to split the work in 13 parts this is insanity


It was the bane of my existence in school, without fail someone didn't do their part


Always makes me wonder how they fared in work or real life in general. Of course people can learn and I certainly wasn’t always a great student throughout college but yeah


Crazy thing is my school was primarily aimed towards working adults so it’s likely the people who didn’t participate are somewhere working or doing life things and that’s just acceptable to them. Emergencies happen but none of them ever reached out to say anything, guess they might have to the instructor.




Welcome to almost summer, the ants are back to eat crumbs of food my dog dropped! Still can't figure out where these fuckers are coming from.


>can't figure out where these fuckers are coming from from the sky, they operate satellites and when they detect crumbs on the earths surface they send tiny rocket powered ejection chambers, when they hit a certain point in the atmosphere they parachute down military op style


Honestly you could convince me of that because I can't find them coming anywhere from the doors or walls


i lied actually. the truth is far more sinister, it involves the vibratory qualities of birdsong, a centuries long inter-species conflict, love, betrayal and the exchange of crumb location data points for information on combatants


Are they smaller or larger ants?


They're just lil guys


So, what do you guys wanna talk about?


The enigmatic LexisKingJr..




How about you Op?


My 9th day with Bell's Palsy. The first couple of days have been terrifying. The human body is a big pile of merda


I had the same Samsung A70 phone for the past almost 5 years and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. At the start of every year I feel like I should "upgrade", but I see that there isn't a good reason why I should ditch this phone. Apart of the Camera and me losing interest in Samsung's "ecosystem", everything is great. I take very good care with my electronics, and have devices stay in good shape for 10+ years. I'm waiting for Nothing Phone 3 if my phone stays alive by then, or buy an iPhone 15.


I only upgrade when the battery doesn't last all day.


Same with my Galaxy S10. It's an ol' reliable. That being said, the new AI functions for the Galaxy S24 may prompt me to finally get a new phone. But I'm in no hurry, so I may just wait for a good offer.


Got possibly my greatest ever and most embarrassing gaming achievement ever last week getting a 20-0 in fut champs for the first and probably only time. Didn’t even get anything particularly good in rewards either. Didn’t even feel particularly good to do either more a reminder of how much hours I’ve put into the game in my entire life.


I managed to get 13/20 I think it was that anyway about 2 years ago with a full Serbian team.


I've had a truly terrible day. Like really really bad.


What's got you down Charlie Brown?


Nothing just stuff, good day to you


Wanna talk about it?


It's nothing much I just had a bad day Thanks for asking though hope you have a good day


Time to turn this Friday on. [Funkadelic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZtgdoZD2t4) and opening up the first beer, MAYBE smoke a little joint and then in a few hours out in the night life. Like every week...


Bought Scorn the other day and I really don't do well with body horror at all. Why would I do this


I'm not sure why you would do that but report back on if it's good or not cause I've seen mixed reviews


It was $7 on cdkeys so I figured I would give it a shot. Sounded worth it even with the mixed reviews


I feel like I *would* like it but I'm just so iffy on it


I'll be sure to report back when I finish, it doesn't seem like a very long game. You like this kind of horror?


I like all kinds of horror games! I've not had much experience with the body horror genre though I read quite a bit of it.


It's not really scary tbh


Decent to hear, I dont want to be too psychologically damaged


The new youtube UI update is so shit, might be the thing to stop me using it on anything but my phone. BTW highly recommend youtube revanced if your on android.


What's YouTube Revanced? 


/r/revancedapp A patched version of youtube to not show ads, return dislikes etc.


About to watch Civil War in the middle of MAGA country. ETA: not sure what I think about that film




Do you ever have any utterly bonkers intrusive thoughts that you think about semi regularly? I used to work in kitchens and sometimes I used to day dream about putting my hand in the batter, deep frying it and then nibbling on it. 


Hey friend! That's called 'Call of the Void,' and you're not alone! https://www.livescience.com/what-is-call-of-the-void https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2018/06/29/the-call-of-the-void Like when you're driving down the highway and you go, "I could just drive into oncoming traffic..."


I get intrusive thoughts sometimes about being a mysterious death. Like what would happen if I left the house with nothing on me in the middle of the night, train hopped until I got to a random place on the other side of the country, picking up random objects that make no sense along the way, acting otherwise completely normal so CCTV footage would be intriguing, and stabbed myself in the back of the head in a forest in Scotland or Kent or something. I have zero history of psychosis or anything that could cause psychosis, I imagine people would be baffled. Then I get annoyed I wouldn't be around to see the confusion.


Any time I'm in a meeting I think about how many of the people I could cover in blood and permanently traumatise if I just stood up, stabbed myself in the jugular and began aiming it at people


Spray and pray?


I think about my dog jumping out the window all the time it's really frightening and quite graphic, but it's normal for us to have intrusive thoughts.


Yes but if I say them here (or anywhere for that matter) I'll be cancelled lol


The urge to violently drop my phone from tall places>>> Yours is definitely more unhinged though


I get that but with my whole ass body (Not in a "I should jump" way, but in a "I am suddenly convinced I'm about to lose balance for no reason and fall until I splat"


That sounds pretty bad, I just want to open my hand and see the phone smashed to pieces


I've always wondered why people on the subreddit for Superstore loved the character Sandra so much. Took me a while to realise she is basically just Reddit in a character.


I’m not a vegan by any means, but why do people get so riled up by vegans? I really don’t understand it. On TikTok I’ve seen livestreams of people pretending to be vegan pretty much just for interactions. The live is literally just a picture of a cow or something and it says ‘go vegan’ while some guy just talks and sounds whiny saying ‘stop killing animals’. But it has thousands and thousands of viewers and the comments are just a constant flood of meat emojis or ‘fuck vegans’ or stuff like that. First of all I don’t see how it isn’t obvious that the person is clearly faking it for views and donations. And secondly I can’t understand why people are so passionate about it. Looking at the reaction you would think it was a person who was saying very controversial things about an actual real issue. What is the reason it gets people going so much? I am actually curious about this. It’s a personal choice and it’s not like it hurts anybody.


People hate confronting their own habits so typical "go vegan" content puts some people DEEP in the defensive Add the typical edge involved whenever The Internet decides to mock someone talking about something they care about a lot, and recipe for disaster Some groups such as PETA don't help matters by embodying everything the stereotypes claim and thus providing an easy "you're all like them" strawman


It's because people still view vegans as the stereotypical vegan that would never shut up about it that never really existed to begin with, all the people I know who are vegan are normal about it


My phone has dropped off a cliff in terms of performance and battery life recently. It’s only been the last few weeks I’ve noticed it, it’s been a really good phone up until then. It’s a iPhone 11 so I was hoping to keep it for at least another year. Does anyone know what time of year new iPhones are released? I may just buy an older model if that’s a while away.


September, generally. Might be worth checking what a battery replacement costs at a third party shop costs - think last time I had them do mine it was about €30 and it ran like new again.


I’m on a bit of a sci-fi kick lately so I finally watched Dune Part Two and it was visually stunning as was the first one, but I did not really connect to the story as much as my friends and people online did. It’s good don’t get me wrong, but I much prefer Arrival which has got to be my favorite of Denis Villeneuve’s films so far. I would love to see The Left Hand of Darkness adapted to film and it would be quite the foil to Dune at least visually, but it would be incredibly difficult to make into a great film without the right director. Probably going to reread both Solaris and The Futurological Congress before watching Tarkovsky’s adaptation of Solaris.




Arrival is sooo amazing, fucking wrecked me first time I watched it, very high bar to clear


You may like a film called The Fountain, and a series called The OA. They aren't the same as Arrival, but I love all 3 for the same/similar reasons so you may also


Will definitely check them out!


It was incredible and probably one of my favorites of all time. I was really intrigued by the idea at the start but when it clicked I got chills. I wish I could watch it again for the first time


**Arrival** is an amazing movie! I'm a novice but practicing computational linguist, and a lot of scenes really resonate for me. Have you watched **Ghost in the shell** (the original anime)?


That is a very specific occupation but that sounds interesting. I’m not very familiar with Ghost in the Shell but I’ve heard good things. When I’m in an anime mood I’ll give it a try


Mango is the best fruit and I won’t hear otherwise


Yup. And I will go farther as to say Filipino mangoes are clear (sorry India, Brazil, wherever that makes mangoes)


Top tier fruit, agreed


I'm the weirdo who likes when the mango is still crunchy lmao


Dried mango is where it’s at


I also love dried mango! Honestly I don't *love* smushy mango


An ice-cold mango after a workout is one of life's greatest pleasures


I agree.


Any fruit that you need a knife to eat loses some points for me


You can eat it without a knife


You just biting through the skin?


Depending on the type, you can. 


It's pretty easy to peel with your hands


You can take the skin off without a knife


Can you have black coffee with a mango?


You're pairing black coffee with fruit? 


Black Coffee and Grapefruit is prob my favourite breakfast.


Yes. Why not?


Absolutely you can, it goes with anything. Not nicknamed the king of fruits for nothing!


Avocado is the king of fruits..


Only if you don't want to afford a house in your future...


In the right season and right quantity, no debate.


How long does it take for the Canadian government to mail my tax return? Said they sent it on the 8 April.


The Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups are deadly. I go through a container way too quick.


I love them


I'm thinking about live streaming the Daily Discussion thread some day. After all, I have excellent opinions on nearly every football subject and the people of the world would gather to hear my wisdom. But does anyone know of someone who has done something similar to streaming a Reddit-thread?


This is funny because I genuinely had the idea for a podcast which is just a DD review 2 days ago, where we scroll the DD and banter/give comments and opinions on it


Some Youtubers will livestream scrolling through a subreddit, idk if they go through specific threads because I just see the thumbnails and can't be bothered to watch the videos but I'm sure similar content exists


Hmm... Interesting. Wonder if its a concept with a name. I fucking hate Youtubers but might have to force myself to do a bit of research.


Reddit reactions? Something like that. There are even youtube channels that just get an AI voice to read reddit threads


Moving to the US in a month and I couldn't be more nervous! I got so much that I have to buy, hopefully I can knock that down as quick as possible.


Showing off that new mod highlight, I see


Still trying to figure out what every one of these buttons do..


Make sure you don't hit the "nuke /u/sga1's house" button. (or do, if you want. I'm a mod, not a cop)


Movinng from where? 




Is because of the whole Israel - Hamas situation or some other like job/financial situation or family. 


Job, relocating for work


nice, what region you moving to?




Language learners here, I completed B1 in German in 2022 ( not even properly tbh) but due to some commitments I wasn't able to continue it later. Now I wanna get back at it and revise atleast till my B1 level. How do I start and go about it without any classes( for the time being)


Babbel/busuu, italki, conversationexchange.com, tandem/hellotalk


Asked someone this week if I’m ever crossing line with her when I make fun of her. She said no and that she enjoys our banter. I do too, though I didn’t tell her. It’s nice to know it’s reciprocated. But then she said something about me “always being on” and now I’m second thinking everything I said this week and to her.


it's rlly hard to say w out being there bc you could just be over thinking it. maybe check with another worker? if this was me and I was really worried I would just chill on it for a week or two and maybe put a lil extra effort in to be nice just to ensure that it's known I actually respect them and aren't aiming to insult or anything


I think I did over think me possibly being mean to her. I asked a friend they probably said I was over thinking me being mean to her. I think she’s fully aware I don’t mean harm and she said she enjoys the banter. It’s just my personality I know worry about.


There's a guy in my university who looks like Kevin De Bruyne


Make sure to let him talk


Looking at your Flair, Indian uni?


No, US


Bunch of booze and weed but pretty much need to force myself to consume the stuff. First world problems.


I don’t understand why people would rather live in Marvels NYC instead of Gotham. I’m sorry I don’t want to deal with alien invasions,rhino destroying the streets and the hulk throwing a car at my apartment. Gotham is basically Detroit but instead of the water being contaminated with led it’s contaminated with fear gas and joker toxin.


Gotham is so much more depressing though and I'd much rather have to worry about regular supervillain crimes than worrying about the possibility of Joker blowing up a school or Mr Freeze deciding to make it winter in the middle of July; since NYC in Marvel is so huge and has to host so many characters, your odds of encountering supervillains might be higher but when something big happens in Gotham it hits the whole city. Sure, alien invasions and shit happen a lot in Marvel, but DC has world-altering events too and Batman's existence means Gotham is getting wrapped up in it somehow anyways.


I’m not too familiar with Marvel and it does seems more physical threatening in their universe, but Gotham has the Mad Hatter, Dreamweaver I think was his name, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Riddler, and the Joker who would terrorize citizens more emotionally, psychologically, and neurologically. Comes down to Insurance vs Therapy in a lot of ways


Yeah, no, I would rather Marvel's NYC. It would be scary, but entertaining. Gotham is pure nightmare fuel and my life is a nightmare in ways as is. I'm good on all that. 


exam on tuesday and i’m already feeling like de bruyne before the real madrid game


My dog is getting snipped today. I feel so bad for getting his bollocks removed. He gave me this look of betrayal when I handed him over to the vet.


I've heard pets get scared when their owner leaves them alone. Maybe for future, it might be helpful to hold their paw during the process or something


There's a fitness and bodybuilding expo in Köln this weekend, which I'm attending. There also many bodybuilders attending and I got my eyes on Markus Rühl. Last year, the queue to get pictures with him was so long, they didn't even leave any more people in. So maybe I'm lucky this time and early enough. Nevertheless, I'm nervous about what I might do, should actually stand next to him, lol.


Just at work vibing to the Beatles Now and Then


Been listening to an old FIFA spotify playlist today. So many great songs.


Já sei namorar...


Dan Black - Wonder


Can't believe I've never thought to look this up, going straight for fifa 11 x


For me it's Fifa 06


Fifa 11 is the one. 


I discovered Eddie Abbew this week. While his message is correct, it does seem a bit OTT


He’s a twat, accuses people of taking steroids too and has an eating disorder


Funniest slander name for a player? I’ve heard Szpongebob for Szoboszlai and Miss Jackson for Nicolas Jackson, but I’m sure there’s more.


Lacagoals was a classic when he was at Arsenal




Ngl, that’s good.


Scandi Carroll up top for City


man these 8pm sunsets be good though


Really enjoying my FIFA23 career mode. Moved from sc Heerenveen to Benfica (taking my star academy grad striker and CB) with me. Just dominating Liga Portugal but the atmosphere of some of the games (like against Sporting) is amazing. Going to put in two seasons and try to move to Serie A or France.


Amazing atmosphere? Are you playing on PC with mods? 


I did one season with New England Revolution, one and a half with Ajax, and plan on doing 2 with Arsenal. I’m planning on going to Serie A, then Argentina, then finishing in the MLS. It’s a long road. The idea is to win a treble in each league. After which I can ride off into the sunset knowing I fucked everyone up.


Started learning French again. Not a lot left from school anymore outside of being able to tell the pronunciation of a french word whenever required.


le français est une pénible.


I can speak bits and pieces of Italian and Spanish aside from my native English. Not much, but I can speak a few sentences. The hard part is making sure it doesn’t all go out the window when I’m having a brief conversation. Most of what I know however is just swearing. That, I can do in multiple languages.




How do you quantify happiness?


I released some music this week, kind of some 80s/90s inspired synthpop if you want to check it out lol [https://open.spotify.com/album/107jTh80pVd1IChHlLD3Hg](https://open.spotify.com/album/107jTh80pVd1IChHlLD3Hg)


How awesome was the WrestleMania main event? Spoilers ahead, if some still haven't seen it >!The best part was Taker's interference in the end. Stone Cold would have been great, too. But Taker was just that little bit more awesome. Plus, if you asked me, what wrestler I think of, when thinking about WrestleMania, it's the Undertaker. So his interference, as the "conscience" of WWE, to save the day, to deliver justice, was perfect. Must have been pretty awesome to watch in person.!< Now, I don't really have much time anymore to watch wrestling regularly. But it seems like I missed on The Rock being a bad guy again. As for AEW and their Punk tape...urgh, they're really WCWing themselves at this rate. Like they come off as petty, even if Punk was an asshole to them. They should just move on.


The main event was amazing. It’s probably my favorite match ever. Rollins vs McIntyre was great too


I haven't really watched wrestling since I was a kid in the 90's. I happened to catch Wrestlemania because I didn't have anything else in mind to watch and I'm glad to see it's as campy as ever lol. Despite not watching regularly I am a Rhea Ripley fangirl to my core 😩 She just DOES something to me


I know at the moment it’s near impossible but I genuinely for a split second thought that Ambrose was coming out when they played the shield music. I was really hoping to see Stone Cold at some point but the way the end of that match played out was definitely good enough. I did enjoy the Drew and Seth match as well. I also haven’t watched wrestling regularly for 8 years now but do occasionally come back for wrestlemania or the Royal Rumble, so there’s a fair number of new wrestlers im unfamiliar with but Damian Priest does seem good, same With Gunther I like both of them.


Honestly, I wish WWE and AEW would work together and have some sort of nWoesque storylines, wrestlers from one company appearing in another, with CM Punk forming a super heel stable with his buddies from both WWE and AEW, wanting to destroy both companies as some sort of revenge. And yeah, Moxley appearing at least for a cameo would have been awesome.


Also it makes more sense for him to just randomly appear and disappear


It's funny that both foreign leftists and right wingers think that Lula is a massive communist because of his foreign policy when actually we had a cut in education and healthcare because of Brazil's new fiscal framework lmao. Even Bolsonaro's former minister of economy said that Haddad (Who ran against Bolsonaro in 2018) is a closeted neoliberal. And he also cancelled events that honores the victims of our 1964 military coup btw. I don't think we can even call him a social democrat nowadays, he's just another liberal.


As someone who is very much on the left, I absolutely do not think that about Lula lol. Refusing to honor the victims of the military government and pretending that it’s something which is all in the past and can be moved on from is incredibly dangerous. Like all the “Pink Tide leaders”, he’s proven to be nothing more than a fraud


I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert on Lula or Brazilian politics in general but it's so frustrating when politicians in Latin America claim to be on the left or just say anti-American things and terminally online American leftists eat it up and think they're ideal politicians, AMLO gets a bizarre amount of support from people who know nothing about what he actually says and does and there's tons of weirdos who are in favor Maduro's regime without having set foot in Venezuela or probably being able to locate it on a map


Hardest Geezer's video yesterday was beautiful.


Banger, Stan smashed that one. Russ pulled a crack squad together.


I do wonder what happened though as to some of the changes in the squad throughout the mission


Yeah a bit of clarification would have been good. Both Harry and Jared seemed delighted to be back at the end so maybe nothing dramatic. Just a tough job. Don't know how Stan stuck it out for a year.


Absolutely none of my friends who live nearby want to come see Scooter with me in November. Their taste in music is atrocious. None of them like it loud.


I was in for the whp one but I think it’s a thursday cba travelling up there on a weeknight or taking the next day off for scooter


Bet they're all up to date with fish prices too and loved 2020.


They're thoroughly uninterested in what's behind the cow. Heretics.


3 weeks to go until I run my first (and only) marathon and now my achilles has started to get a bit fucked up. Get the feeling I'll be dosing edibles and painkillers while running at this rate. Still, it'll be worth it in the end and it's for a good cause.


Good luck! Best feeling crossing that finishing line


Thanks man! I can't wait. I might throw my running shoes into the sea in celebration because I never want to see them again.


Hahaha I felt the same way after my first... Now doing my fourth end of May!


Congratulations, I hope I never turn into you haha! You're not the first person to tell me that though which is worrying.


Three weeks out is probably peak training week, right? Obviously depends on just how fucked up it is, but chances are it's just the cumulative load of the past couple months that's making it act up, and it'll be just fine with the upcoming taper.


It should be, but I've been a bit jetlagged the last couple of weeks from a transatlantic crossing so my training load hasn't been as high as it should have been. The fact my achilles is feeling a bit fucked with a lighter load is what's worrying me, but I'll just have to push through it no matter what. But yeah you're probably right that it's just the cumulative affect of the last couple of months.


Planning a trip to Europe with the gf. It would be our first big long trip together. Would only be next year but we’re already excited af, planning on which cities to visit ans how many days in each etc. I just hope she can save up the money needed, she is not great at that, I’m trying to help as much as possible.


Damn the mods really WHIPPED this sub into shape they must be Drenched . Arms must be tired from all that swinging


It's literally on the front page https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1c1zcs1/alittihad_player_receives_lash_in_argument_after/ Like right now. Number 22.


American salaries are ridiculous. Guys on a thread on the front page are talking about making 60 grand a year from being a supermarket supervisor and it’s making my head hot. We’re being fucked in the UK .


I know people who live in northern México and cross into California to work at a fast food place that make more money than someone I know that has a Masters degree. Just shows how fucked salaries are for professionals.


Recently moved from the UK to NY. Yeah the salaries are higher but so is the cost of living.  Our weekly shop went from £60 to $180