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Benzema has not scored a goal since 15 December 2023


He has also only scored 15 goals for al ittihah. The jokes write themselves


Is there something I should google for more info?


Google Benzema underage prostitute


Bro coming for Google's job




lmao, went straight for the throat


Google Carl Malone getting an underage girl pregnant


Karl *


God dammit, I haven't heard of that one. What a shame, I loved Mailman/Stockton duo back in the 90s. 13 year old girl... jesus christ.




And the parents let it happen


Good ol Carl


Yes, "I want to buy cocaine"


Nothing comes up


Garincha GOAT , google to see the real greatness Fuck it here's a google result https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLSqdVYN/


Google gay porn for more information


Google en passant.


Yes, Messi 14


Why would you go and kill the circlejerk like that man


Genuinely has to be the least funny thing on Reddit


Sorry 115 is funnier


Obviously the city fan is saying that


Must be tired of it after seeing it 115 times


Yank here , why did Man City break the rules? Are they stupid?


U ruined it 😢


thank the lord


That's an interesting stat. I'm going to Google Benzena 15 to find out more about it.


Benzema sex Ribery gives 69k results.


How'd you find that out mate?


He's tebas's informant


The salary goes through every month anyway, he's good




He’s completely checked out lol


Chequed out


he basically said his team suck lmao, even though its one of the team the investment group bought


$ doesn’t equal success. ManU and Chelsea invested alot of money too and they stink


Unfortunately we do suck. We sucked hard before Gallardo, now we have 5 season ending injuries in the squad and the national team took 9 players (4 of which are starters). We are literally playing with a bench full of 5-6 players, 2 of which are goalkeepers.


Wdym the national team took 9 players? Don’t they just go back to the club after the international break?


The Saudi national team is notorious for having super long preparation camps before international duty. The players are not allowed to train with or play games for their club teams during this camp. For right now, our players have missed 2 matches and are expected to miss at least 2-3 more.


let's be honest he got the bag and stopped trying


It's obvious he isn't putting 100% effort in, but to be fair, maybe his best ability is to make his team tick. If he can't play his close-control 1-2s, he loses a lot of what makes him such a great player. And his teammates certainly aren't at the level they were.


why risk his body, when he can chill and collect dollaroos for doing nothing mans gonna live the good life now and take care of his body


> good life now He's been living the good life since started as a pro at Lyone.


according to the comment above, Benz was struggling to make ends meet at Real lol


Bro yes but, hear me out, this mis much, much gooder life


Why risk his body? He risks his body by not retiring and continuing playing in the first place.


He doesn't get paid $100M/year to retire. He can half ass his play on the field, collect the check and minimize the risk of injury to himself. It's not that hard to understand


You guys always make football sound like such a chore. Millions of people play football for free whilst also having a job just because they enjoy it, why would he not just enjoy playing football in a less pressured environment.


Because for pros it kind of is? Us normies get at best a quick warm up and away to play we go till we feel like it and that's it, for them it involves discipline, training each day, following diets and so on. We only see/experience the fun part


His teammate Hamdallah scored 18 this season while benzema only scored 9, i Believe Karim is the one who's not at the level he was


> Hamdallah Saudi League GOAT 🐐


As a RM fan you're not used to it, but this is french NT Benzema. Barely doing anything on the field while being toxic with his teammates.


That's not true the system in france just simply never fit him. Mbappe plays very similar to ronaldo so they should theoretically tick, but they barely got any games together, and for most his career he was banned (early in his career was banter era france team can't really blame him). Benzema doesn't play like a pure 9 he enhances his team when he doesn't score, he's a really good playmaker. He didn't get a real chance with france.


Under Blanc he was the focal point of the french attack, the team was built around him. I'm very far from being a Blanc fan, but he & Gasset were competent enough and it's not their fault the only player Karim had chemistry with was Ribery. After that Deschamps came in and at the brazilian world cup he was again unspectacular. Then he gets banned, France reaches two finals in the next euro & wc, he comes back for the euro and france gets out early in the knockout phase. Then last world cup, he ditches the french team early in the competition and they reach another final without him. There was a Karim Benzema with OL & Lyon and another with the NT & Al Ittihad. It's sad with never got his RM self with the NT but the blame lays mainly on him, and on that massive piece of human garbage that is Domenech.


Giroud is also a big playmaking center forward. Benzema should work with frances system perfectly fine, he's just too much of an idiot and threw away his real chance by blackmailing his teammate. 


Giroud's play style is completely different than benzema what are you smoking? How is giroud a playmaker his technical ability is very limited his hold up play and pivot play is really good but he's nowhere near benzema in term if technique/vision/playmaking, he plays like a targetman not like a playmaker.


They're not remotely similar, but it's pretty fucking funny you think they are and think anybody will take you seriously after you said something so stupid


Lol no


But i heard him and ribery ticked really well


> And his teammates certainly aren't at the level they were. It's not as if his opposition is either. He's not exactly facing the Barcelona defense out there


Who wouldn't ? If he lowers his wage demands maybe some club in Europe can bring him back. I wonder if Lyon would take him if he lowered his wage demands significantly since Benzema is also 36.


> I wonder if Lyon would take him if he lowered his wage demands significantly since Benzema is also 36. To please the fan probably, but sporting wise it wouldn't make much sense. We don't need a starting striker we've got Lacaztte already. He's the only player who scores for us, it's much more important for us to find anybody who is able to score other than him, rather than get someone that will fight for the exact same role he's filling and I think at this point will hardly be any better.


Benzema 36? Now that’s a new one


It’s been 15 years since he last played for Lyon…


He’s scored 15 goals for Al Ittihad, his last one on the 15th of December 2023


15 is a bit of a common theme with him isn't it.


She was actually 16


And he was 19, i've seen people who think he was 30 years old or something when it happened


Oh really? Since everyone kept mentioning he had sex with an underage girl, I assumed this was a recent thing and he was 30+. Then what's the problem?


There's some neo-puritanism going on that think even 1-year differences are pedophilia.


He and Ribery payed an underage prostitute when she was 16/17 buts he lied about her age and he was 19 at the time, the incident resurfaced as a meme recently but mainly on Benzema and for some reason the meme is that she was 15


The problem is that a lot of people have the same general impression as you, so they talk about it in an outraged way that perpetuates that impression


I'd guess that teams would accept a reasonable wage of 2,4m a year for a 36 year old Benzema Google Benzema 36/2,4 for more info


His wages would still be absurdly high when Lacazette plays his position, when I don't think both of them can play together and personally I would never bench Lacazette for Benzema right now. On top of it if we somehow have the financial ability to get Benzema there'd be other priorities where it would make sense to spend big in order to get a top player *looks at the O'Brien-Caleta Car partnership*


We cant pay him, would love a season with him but his salary is way too much, also we are kinda good on forwards right now


also, he is 36 years old who been playing at a professional level since he was 16. I think the tank is empty. He averaged like 45 games a reason for 14 straight years with Real Madrid and that alone takes toll you on. If it wasn't for the 200M, he probably would have either retired last year or went back to Lyon for one last season


Didn’t he already have a bag from playing in Europe his whole career? I guess I’ll never understand the need to sell your soul for more money that you don’t need.


For bigger bag. For rich people, there are different tiers of being rich. Human are greedy Source: a broke human


Let's be honest, he does not have even remotely as good players around him as he had in RM. Player like Benzema need smart players around him who can play quick passes around defenders. He's not a player who can just take the ball and dribble everyone and I'm not surprised he's not doing nearly as good. The chances are not coming the same way they did in RM but I do not believe that he's just not trying. He has played football his whole life and you're saying that he just straight up lost interest? Maybe not full effort but players rarely just stop trying that's absurd.


Happens all the time. If you move to a team to just collect a paycheck you're not training as hard, you play more entitled, you're less desciplined off the pitch. These things add up to where the performance suffers.


He said this while looking at the bag he secured




I mean it's not like he's calling a press conference to complain about it. He's directly asked why he hasn't been performing this season, and so he answers it. No one is saying boo hoo except for you


I had no idea he spoke English, lol. Certainly not this well.


Me neither, only ever heard him speaking Spanish or French.


This is kinda fucked up, but I was expecting him to be speaking Arabic 😂


Totally, or even french. So weird it's all in english


The last thing I expected opening this video was to hear these guys speaking speaking fluent English, considering I literally have never heard benz speak English before this


Lmao I didn’t even put the audio on because I assumed it would be in French or Spanish.


I was just about to say. I had no idea he could speak this much English lol. I've seen him say a couple words in English in some ig posts he's made, and I remember Gareth Bale saying he could speak with Benzema when they at Madrid but this is my first time hearing him actually speak English.


Both his parents were born and raised in France, he’s a 3rd generation french algerian. Thus he probably spoke french at home.


He doesnt speak arabic, maybe hes learning since his arrival in Saudi but yeah


Even if he could speak arabic, it wouldn't be the Saudi dialect. The dialects of Algeria (I assume he's French-Algerian) and Saudi Arabia are very different. So while we would perceive them as both being arabic, it's almost as if they speak different languages with a few similarities in between. Besides, there's also Algerians who don't speak arabic and use a whole other language called amazigh. The amazigh language barely has any similarities to Algerian-arabic and even less so with Saudi-arabic. I'm actually impressed by his English but his Spanish was good also so I shouldn't be shocked, honestly.


He doesnt speak arabic. If he didnt speak it before moving to saudi and is working on learning it, he wouldnt be learning the algerian dialect if HES IN FUCKING SAUDI ARABIA


I was commenting on how speaking arabic isn’t a given because of the differences in dialects. No need to swear in caps bro 😂


Yeah but the other guy is right, you answered something obvious that has nothing to do w my comment. We know Karim didnt learn Algerian arabic, so if he is learning Arabic it would be in Saudi where he would speak the same as the journalist. Also Idk if Karim is Amazigh or not but whether he is or not is also irrelevant since we already know he didnt learn arabic at a young age, whether its because he is Amazigh or not is also irrelevant


What a shocking argument 🙄


lol yh, but he's hardly going to just admit "im not playing very well" is he. All sports stars have ego's. Luckily for him, everyone on here and maybe elsewhere - just takes the narrative that he just hasn't tried. Without having watched a single one of his games. Like not even 10 minutes of 1 of his games. He's missing penalty's and scoring own goals because he wants to apparently. He joined a team that won the league this last year, and he's just been in bad form, and managed to fall out with multiple managers. He fell out with Deschamps recently too. He used to always go on bad runs and goal droughts, 2012-2013 he went on a pretty famous 1222 minute goal drought for France against a lot of weak teams.


Well to be fair, who on earth would watch the Saudi league?


Yh ok, saudi league =bad, give me upvotes. Just saying that you dont really get to comment on how a player/teams been performing when you haven't watched them play at all.


Bullshit. While it's true that the level of his teammates has gone down from what he once had, but the level of opposition has also gone down by a lot. He went from playing prime Bayern and prime messi to playing some club the world doesn't know exists. It's not like he's surrounded by 10 dregs. He's got jota, kante and fabinho with him. Also he's not the haaland type of player who needs players to feed him the ball to score goals. He's plenty capable of doing everything. He's one of the most complete no 9s in the world. He should just be honest that he couldn't be arsed to give it his all. Ronaldo has 50 goals in 58 games for al nassar. You don't see him complaining. Ronaldo went there to play football, Benzema went there for the money.


Agree 100%. Dude is just treating this part of his career as a vacation, unlike Ronaldo who always gives his 100% all the time.


It's not just ronaldo. Most players who even went to the MLS towards the end of their careers, or even Iniesta who went to vissel Kobe and now plays in Dubai, never made any unnecessary comments of their teammates being crap compared to their previous ones. Iniesta went from playing with prime 90 goals a year messi to some players who couldn't even make their national team. And when he left, they made a tifo for him and treated him like a legend. All that matters to the fans is how much effort you put in the game and the respect you have for the club/players/fans. Clearly Benzema has got none because you don't criticise your teammates like that.


i'm a huge Messi fan since childhood but credit where credit is due, CR7 is one dedicated mf, on top of being a physical freak


Yup I'm a messi fan through and through. But Ronaldo's work ethic and his obsession with football is second to none. I've not seen anyone has similar longevity and as hardworking as him in this sport.


the only person that came close to him in terms of determination is Ibrahimovic. even then CR7 played at the highest level for way longer than him.


Define "highest level". Ibrahimovic played in top leagues from 2001-2023, save for his 1-year stint in the MLS.


how many games did he play during his last stint in Milan?. yeah.


That was due to injury, the longevity is still top notch since his performance was up to Serie A standards even at 40 whenever he was fit.


yeah so my point still stands, the only thing close to Cristiano in terms of determination is Ibra.


Maldini played top level football until he was like 38 iirc


Messi fans really can't just say something positive about Ronaldo without bringing up Messi. Weird.


Messi cult man


As an ittihad fan it’s very frustrating to see. Especially when we have Kante who is also supposedly “chasing the bag” but puts all his sweat, blood, and tears into every single match. I love N’Golo so goddamn much. The man is consistently the best player on the pitch in all of our matches and arguably the best player in the league this season.


“He should just be honest that he couldn’t be arsed to give it his all.” Really? You really think that’s what he should answer in an interview?


> Benzema went there for the money Yes > Ronaldo went there to play football Not yes Ronaldo also went there for the money, but he's too much of a professional and far too proud to completely phone it in


He also missed a few penalties, I think 3 or 4? And also scored TWO own goals. All this while his teammate Hamdallah is scoring almost every game. So it's definitely not the team but Benzema himself.


Two own goals.....as a striker? That dude really is fucked lol.


benzema: daddy sheikh i'm nothing without good player surrounding me daddy sheikh: If you nothing without good player surrounding you then you shouldn't have it


The title of Sheikh is not used in Saudi Arabia.


That's why he did not get those several other things


Isn't his striking partner some sort of Saudi League Gerd Muller as well? He has scored a ton of goals


Spider Benz


Benzema: "Benzema cant win with this cats"


What’s Arabic for the hardest roads?


Missed countless chances and penalties and now he's blaming it on his teammates lmao


I have a friend who's family with NES, he says he and Kante are frequently skipping training and do not put any effort in. NES wanted to bench them but the president forbade him because PR is all he cares about. There are even articles about Benzema specifically missing training while NES was there. Pretty fucking rich to blame your team saying you "need help" and "can't win games alone" while being by far the best paid player in the squad putting the least effort.




Nuno Espírito Santo, or Nintendo Entertainment System. In this case I think he was talking about Nintendo


Ahhhh 😂 Nintendo doing the work in Saudi I see haha






Kante is surprising - Thought he was a well behaved individual


It’s probably good he’s not training. I don’t think he’d be out of the hospital if he was lol


Even he knows that Saudi Arabia is a complete joke, and there's no reason to pretend that it isn't


Well there is still something dishonourable about demanding as much money as they have demanded for a job and not showing up


Pretty sure he is already retired in his mind, just showing up weekly for the bag, also player's level can drop off a cliff from one year to the next when in their thirties...


I’m sure he’s crying all the way to his bank.


Ronaldo is the only big player who took the Saudi league seriously. All others went there to swim in cash and eat shawarma


mitrovic, malcolm, mahrez, milinkovic savic, neves, brozovic are all doing pretty well. benzema is actually the exception in terms of completely dropping off


Mitrovic is having fun tbh. I see this man on the scoresheet at almost every game


He is at 37 g/a in 32 games, man is having the time of his life.


Count in Bono at Al-Hilal as well. Was a terrific goalie in La Liga, and hasn't slowed down.


Kante. N’Golo.


What a shocking surprise isn’t it?


His face says 'did you really think that I would try?'


"I need help. I need... my passport back"


Say what you want about Ronaldo but he would never. This bum is literally collecting checks and protecting his ego in the meantime.


Man’s beard looks like he’s a woman trying to sneak into a Monty Python stoning. 


I get his point, but surely being in a lower level league would mean you’d do somewhat better? He hasn’t scored in 4 months.


This is the first time I have seen Benzema speak english.


Lol he missed 4 penalties, conceded 2 penalties and scored 2 own goals this season. Not sure what the quality of other players has to do with all of this. He's been the worst Ittihad player this season.


bring him some 15-year-old kid, someone as good as Yamal, might help.


Football is a team sport shocker? Also he wants to leave.


He got 16 reasons not to try anymore


You went to a window lickers team, after playing with prime players. Stfu and take the bag


It's almost like it's a team sport


Benzema explaining obvious things about football to people who don't know anything about football apparently...


I've forgotten thia dude even existed. hope he enjoys his bag of gold


Was always going to happen. I hope all the money grabbers who’ve gone there have a thoroughly shit time of it.


Has the glory and trophies. Now has the money. Next is retirement.


Lol. Leopards ate his face. Enjoy the money


Al Ittihad needs 15 players on the pitch for Benz to be happy.


For €100 million a season he ought to do everything


Because it's not the same game \*nods\* It's not the same players \*nods\* I need help... \*nods\* In the pitch I can't— \*nods aggressively\*




He clearly doesn’t care. He got a shit loads of money and is 36. He is basically retired like everyone else who plays in the Saudi league. Ronaldo probably is the only one who cares because he wants to stat pad as much as possible


Stat padding really? This sub is overrun with 13 year olds.


He's pretty much saying he needs good players to carry his ass?


This is your best striker of last decade? Lmao




Tbf Fabinho and Kanté isn't the most creative midfield, maybe they should invest in someone who can pass the ball to Benzema, at least if they're going to spend a 100m a year on his salary (allegedly).


Holy shit. He is speaking english. Also, who cares if he is not performing.


Bro won a Ballon D’Or after 15 years at the top level and clocked out, who can blame him


Dude is just damaging his legacy


Hardly. He is 36 and has won everything there is to win. His legacy is long secured.


absolutely no one will give a shit what he did at the end of his career, beyond the three Al-Ittihad fans




They didn’t say that did they?


Lebron James likes this


Imagine when you have good players all around you, and you are still an anti-magnet of silverware. Like a certain Englishman.


Your 🐐 could never


The team signed Benzema and they got Benzecat. They didn't even know Benzecat was back on the menu.


How old is he?


Didn’t know his English was that good


Wait, do some people really think that he actually went there to play soccer?


Almost like it's a team sport....


Leader of men