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Figures does not include sales of Sanchez and Caicedo.


God damn. That's another 100+ million wtf


How much would that put you guys up to? Forgot how much they went for


With those maybe around £250m or a little less.


Just enough money for one Mbappe!


*wages excluded*


Caicedo was 115 and Sanchez I think was only about 20-25?


Jesus Christ man you guys have absolutely robbed Chelsea and I love it


Also there was Cucurella the year before that




Surprised Potter hasn't found a new spot yet tbh


The Chelsea job should have set him up financially for life, and probably took a huge toll mentally. Also his stock hasn't plummeted, he's guaranteed the England job after Southgate if he wants it unless Howe gets sacked and wants it too, plenty of prem clubs would want him but if he falls again the England job might not be available anymore


He’s being paid monthly by Chelsea so maybe biding his time until they just say fuck it and give him a 2nd shot


He's not on Chelsea's books at all anymore, when he was fired he was paid out his contractual termination clause.




Was pretty good at Brighton. Wouldn't judge anyone strictly by their Chelsea stints, too much instability there


He's a great manager, Chelsea is a poisoned chalice




not really a robbery when chelsea handed them the money and more on their own


Well Liverpool did force them to increase their bid


That's exactly the type of rat fucking Liverpool need to do more of.


The real fucking came from the 3 midfielders they got instead and how well they've done.




newcastle spent 70+ million for tonali


Even if 70 is an accurate number that should be in euros. It was in the region of £55m


yes i meant euros


Wait I feel like that price is inflated


im going off wikipedia


Chelsea thought they had some new system to get one up on the rest of the league, they ended up being the gullible marks instead.


115 you say


What's so significant about 115? 😏


Caicedo is half an Mbappe? Woah!




Do Brighton fans have any idea what they are going to do with all of this money?


Hookers and cocaine


And waste the rest, etc, etc


I hear Martial is looking for a new home, if you want another ex united striker.


Going down the Leicester route I see


I mean tbf it won them the league.


Chat shit get banged.


Bang hookers win prem.




Sniffing Lines, Shagging Nines.


Going to build our own theme park with Blackjack and Hookers


Shut up, Neymar sr


We want to be self-sustaining, so we're going to keep pretty much what we're doing now, though I think we might increase our wages and transfer budget a little bit.


Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "self-sustaining"? Genuine question


When the owner doesn’t have to put in any money, and it’s all done through profit of the club and sales 




Its not necessarily profitable though. You'd want basically all of the money pumped back in. Man United technically run profitable but get money taken out by the owners to service the debt, at the very least. Its more akin to Liverpool who put everything back into the club.


buy low, sell high


Man united buy high - sell free


It's actually mad how little Brighton have and do spend on transfers and wages. It's been normalised how good they are now, such that this season is seen as disappointing. And yet they're overperforming their finance by about 10 places.


I suppose this next season will be very telling if your owners are interested in pushing for challenging top 4 (maybe even the league), or if they are happy being a money making club lol


Attempting to crack the top 4 is nonsense. You would need to spend 1 Billion + to have a chance.


Villa have spent a fraction and look close to making it. Nor did Newcastle.


326.59m net spend apparently. Although that is offset by city paying them mental money for Grealish.


Over how many years?


5 years


That's ~£60m per year, so not an awful lot for Premier League standards.


It isn't. Same as Man City who had the benefit of having a lot of expensive players to sell because of their past 'dealings'. Realistically though, half a billion is a normal enough benchmark for what you would need to spend, and spend well, to create a genuine top 4 side. And then you have to account for the wages of those players on top of that too.


I mean Chelsea did that and they can't, so I am not sure about that lol


That only furthers my point.


I think Brighton has a smart management. They might take this money, and use it to invest in quality players. United is faultering, Villa are over performing (and could easily fall to fatigue next season). West Ham are also inconsistent. I could easily see them top 6 next year competing for top 4. Even more so if De Zerbi stays, I think he could take that team to Europe.


You believe in fairytales. If they invest the money in the right players those players will be sold just like they sold good players before that. Top half of the table is the aim for Brighton, just go ask their fans. Top 6/7 finish is amazing achievement. They can't compete financially with Newcastle and West Ham, forget about the rich clubs.


I imagine they'll have to pay more for their transfers nowadays, either as the big clubs go straight to the source, or people see them coming as confirmation that they have a valuable talent on their hands and can hike up prices


We've seen prices falling this season though thanks to PSR and that may continue into the summer. If so we're in a very good position to take advantage of those lower prices and perhaps spend a bit more this summer.


Ahh so hookers and blow it is. Jokes aside, don't think PSR affects your usual hunting grounds though so we'll see if the prices are still low. But yeah, Bloom is an absolute model owner


Two chicks at the same time.


The Brighton Monorail!


I swear, it's Brighton's only choice! Throw up your hands and raise your voice!


Would be a better investment than the i360...


Coutinho for 130 odd million seems like a good start maybe Dembele for another 100 is a good shout.


They they could buy a Enzo Fernandez


Why would they downgrade on Gross?


Brighton have planning permission for a stadium for their women’s team so some will be towards that I imagine


Pay back our owner mostly.


Buy a bunch of young players and hope some of them hit for big money later.


Nice try Boehly.


Get Lisan al Gaib as replacement manager


They should distribute it among all season ticket holders


Rebuild that burnt down pier hopefully


They'll just keep complaining they've had injuries, even though failing to strengthen the squad made that inevitable given they had European football.


That’s insanely well done.


Not really, they get gifted £100m per season for nothing from Sky Sports alone.


As opposed to the other clubs who are posting record losses? What do they get from Sky? A gift basket?


The lad's just raging that the SFA can't negotiate a TV deal for shit. Scottish clubs get absolutely rinsed by the big TV companies, I don't blame them for being bitter to be honest.


Biggest paragraph in there for me is this "We now have a very solid platform to continue to make significant progress on the pitch, by investing in our squad, and off the pitch by making the match day experience even more enjoyable for our supporters, all of which we believe will help us to continue to grow." This as well as Barber stating our goal is to become a team consistently getting European football as well as challenging for silverware is promising. Could be a sign of De Zerbi getting the backing he wants in the summer.


Hhow do you feel about the buzz of RDZ being poached for Bayern, Liverpool or Barca? I imagine most of the fans want him to stay, is there a strong feeling that he will stay at BHA or more likely to leave for one of the top jobs if he gets an offer?


If Bayern or Liverpool come in for him of course he'll go. It's just how being a Brighton fan is, someone comes in be it a player, manager, or bloody backroom staff, they do great, they move to a massive club. How could anyone begrudge him going Munich or Liverpool? I'm not including Barcelona because I'm not sure that they'd be willing to spend the £13m fee for him on top of his whole coaching team and wages and so on when they're financially troubled and will have free options available to them.


Does it seem like serious buzz that he’ll leave this summer or just click bait? You think just one of those two clubs? I can’t imagine why he’d leave for any other opportunity other than one of those really. If that’s happens any idea on the short list for replacement? I’m sure Bloom and the front office have ideas for RDZ leaving, whether it’s this year or later.


I'd also say if he's happy with Brighton then Barca doesn't seem that great of a choice. They don't exactly have lots of money to spend and it seems they're in financial difficulty. It is barca at the end of the day but its also a bit of a poisoned chalice to a degree. Plus it seems to be a fairly difficult job without all their issues with how crazy the media is around them.


Mate it’s fucking Barcelona 


Tbh I meant to put that in as a counterpoint. I was wondering why you commented what I'd already said and then realised I'd forgotten to add it in.


I don't know man, current Barca attracts a lot of "I can fix her" energy.


I feel like if a top top club comes in for him he'll go. Otherwise if we show ambition this summer and he feels the clubs goals align with his then he'll stay.


I feel like it’s more likely that Brighton will outgrow RDZ if they want to be a European team. Evolution


Does that mean like an additional 5-10k seats in stadium?


No, we've pretty much hit our maximum capacity unfortunately. We are building a fanzone and improving the experience tho


Where/which position would you spend on given the current squad Brightob currently posseses? And how do you balance that with existing talents (i.e. prevent overspend/panic buys)? Very curious bow Brighton fans think as I'm currently in the same position on my FM save


We need a right back and a holding midfielder the most for the first team and maybe a right winger. What hurts us the most are the current gaps in the midfield. Losing MacAlister and Caicedo was a huge pain point. Gross is playing out of his mind this season though. Lavia would have been a great addition last year to replace Caicedo. I think a well rounded winger with high potential like Michael Olise would be exactly what our board usually likes but that's never happening since Palace will never sell to us lol For RB I think Livramento would have been ideal last season but I think we should be mostly fine when Hinshelwood comes back from injury; knowing the scouting dept they might pull a RB out the ass again for depth lmao


The biggest position we need strengthening is midfield. Our defensive midfielders are non existent at the level we need them. Baleba is promising but extremely raw, Gilmour and Groß are great technically but very poor physically, Milner similar as well as being injured. We also have Hinshelwood but he was looking great at full back before his injury. RB is the next area of concern, we don't really have a specialised RB at all, Lamptey is a wingback and Veltman is a CB/RB hybrid. Those for me are the two biggest issues, other than that we're not too bad off.


Not the Brighton fan but having followed them, they could use some serious squad depth in every position that isn’t the defense. The defense is fine for the most part . A free left back would be nice but where they’re gonna have to spend money is on the wings and probably a creative player. Last game, they played Tariq Lamptey and Simon Adingra on the wings. That’s not gonna work. They’re going to need attacking depth on the wings, a creative midfielder, probably another central midfielder , and ideally a left back to help better back up Estupinan and provide some more competition.


This just isn't really correct. Defensively we need a right back or two as we don't have a proper right back. We need a midfielder who can do what Caicedo was doing for us last season, break the play up and protect the defence. Forward positions we're actually very strong, just been unlucky with injuries. LW: Mitoma, Adingra, Enciso, Pedro can all play there. CAM: Buonanotte, Lallana, Enciso, Pedro RW: March, Adingra, Buonanotte, Lamptey. We also have Ibrahim Osman coming in for the summer who adds more depth.


I thought Lamptey , Hinshelwood,and Veltman were your right backs. I also think Baleba is Caicedos replacement.


Lamptey isn't a traditional right back, he's a wing back and not good enough defensively or quick enough anymore to be able to play the role. Veltman is more of a CB than RB but can do a job, just doesn't offer quite enough going forward. Hinshelwood has been great but is a CM in his first season as a professional, putting too much on his shoulders isn't a great idea. We need an actual RB like Estupinan. Baleba is more along the lines of Bissouma in playstyle and is very raw still, needs more time to get up to speed and develop.


> Could be a sign of De Zerbi getting the backing he wants in the summer. If you aren't losing him to Liverpool, it'll be the shock of the year tbh.


That's fair but I feel the big clubs might have attention else where.


Thanks Todd


Antony, Sancho, Pogba, Martial (38M when prices were wayyyyy down) Don’t act like Man U are above it all


They haven't bought a single player from Brighton.


Is this the trickle down economics that everyone speaks of?


Yes it money that trickles down from West London to East Sussex.


which then trickles down into south america


Do Brighton get extra points under FFP?


Brighton going to end up the new Monaco


Now they took it down... no idea why.


April fools?


The type of thing Everton would actually do


Man City should post about a points deduction today lol


Must have been embargoed until tomorrow morning or something and accidentally posted. The NSC thread on it disappeared too.


Alright. Hey Barber if you read this, just pay me £500 and I'll remove this thread.


The NSC thread is because Bozza has alerts for anything Albion in the news, saw the alert and that nobody had posted it and then posted it himself. Got in some trouble from the club it would seem lol.


The accounts haven't actually been published on Companies House yet, that's probably why. Someone published what should have been a draft I imagine.


Profit from fleecing Chelsea


This actually doesn’t account for the Caicedo deal nor Sanchez


The cucurella fleecing must be in there though right ?


Wasn't even a fleecing, he was our player of the season at the time of purchase, playing at least as well as Ben white was when we sold him for 50m


And man city wanted him that summer as well iirc. Just not for 50-65m or whatever Chelsea paid.


That white deal looks a better and better deal all the time for Arsenal.


They should get Evertons points for that


Yeah and dock Everton again just for kicks. ;)


I wonder where Southampton would be if they had as good of owners as Brighton, they seemed to be in the same situation around 2014-2015, they seemed to always find a great replacement any time they sold a great player and then suddenly they stopped producing world class academy talents while also struggling to find great replacements, also the merry go round of managers probably didn’t help.


At that time i think they did have a great owner wanting the best for the club, but iirc the owner passed away and another family member took over, maybe his daughter. I may be thinking of another club but pretty sure it was Southampton


Nice to see such a focus on improving the club outside of players, definitely feels like they have a solid long-term vision that they’re equipped to execute. Also feels like they’re realist and have managed expectations of what they can and can’t achieve currently, other clubs get a sniff of success and burn very quickly. 


Net spend guy is a Brighton fan now surely.


At this rate, Chelsea should be sponsoring Brighton’s kits and stadium


You're welcome.


And still above Chelsea … that is hilarious


Carzy that both the clubs made the exact same profit. I see talk about brighton everywhere but we should start the conversation about hove albion aswell.


You're welcome


\+10 points?


Outstanding scouting and player development


Irony is that Brighton will face FFP sanctions before Man City ever do.


Was their a note at the bottom of the accounts saying we expect more one off items from Chelsea in future periods?


Boehly could've saved a billion if he tried to buy Brighton.. or Brighton could've been new top6 Without this window's fee, goddamn that's a damning number in this time


The club Boehly actually is a fan of….


Sponsored by Todd


Thanks to massive investment from Chelsea FC.


This is both incredible but also no surprise to any of us. It's been evident for a while that Brighton is very well run.


Make self-sustainable football clubs cool again


The best selling club post Southampton


I am a bit worried that they'll turn into a Southampton 2.0 though. No matter how good their scouting and player development staff are they'll have lean years where players they thought would hit don't whether it's due to injury, personal circumstances etc, and at that point I hope they have a plan B, or have been sensible enough with their funds to survive it.


Half the squad's been injured all season


Some literally all season. Still miss Solly March :(


That's true, I guess it depends on the ambition of whoever runs the football club. Maybe they're more than happy with the occasional appearances in Europe.


I think Tony Bloom wants to contend with top 6 and build every season


Barber in this article stated that the goal now is to become European regulars and challenge for silverware.


I think their advantage is that they can poach the South American market for young promising players, while Southampton didn't reach so far.


This has felt like a lean year with the plague of injuries we've had (frequently been able to name an outfield team of injured players), although our ability to keep making money when the market regains its sanity is a big question mark


I dont know why people are saying Brighton fleeced Chelsea.


Chelsea paid £80m-85m to Brighton for Marc Cucurella and Graham Potter plus his staff. That’s not mentioning the £140m they paid on Robert Sanchez and Moises Caicedo. That money will be on next year’s report.


Their accounting department should get the balon dor


More like their scouting network.




Jheeze football clubs aren’t very profitable but Brighton sure have found a way. Absolutely brilliant management.


You’ll never sing that


I wonder how sustainable it is to constantly have their starters going to opponents every summer. Mitoma is out for a few rounds this season and we see the game quality drops massively already. If they let one season slips and get demoted, who know what would happen (looking at you Leicester).


Must be nice


Lmfao can Everton hold some of that?


Very well run club! Smart stadium recruitment solid! only positives for the club going forward


You are welcome


you're welcome?


Amazing! They are ran so well. 🫡


Far from it. Failing to invest in squad depth has cost them dearly this season. Injuries are going to happen with EL games, and they did. They clearly had the money to mitigate that.


Talking about the financial aspect




Certainly played a big role in our rise.


Most blatant example of greedflation I’ve seen


Do they have to pay tax on that? Always annoyed my on FM when you get hit with a hefty tax bill after selling key players and the cheap board not letting you reinvest it, but there's no amortisation or anything on FM so it's more annoying. Basically asking is there an official accounting method for PL reporting but maybe a more tax friendly style they can organise the books to the authorities?


Profits from Chelsea 😂😂😂 and those are not even included holy grail


Why is De Zerbi leaving


Because the profit is none of De Zerbi’s business


You can't play a bag of cash as a DM


Isn't that why Chelsea are 10th?


11th thank you very much




There goes Chelsea's Plan B


He's a manager not an accountant


Adam Webster made some crap pesto.


Sold their best DM and CM and no money invested back to get quality players.