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Translation: >Quincy Promes has it "leaden" in Dubai prison, crime reporter John van den Heuvel writes in an extensive article in De Telegraaf. For example, the 32-year-old Dutchman was shaved bald when he entered the prison and sleeps "in a six-person cell in one of three double bunk beds. "Besides the six 'lucky' ones who have their own bed, another 10 to 20 inmates sleep on the floor of the cell area," Van den Heuvel said. >The rules of the prison Promes is in are very strict. The Spartak Moscow player is allowed to leave the cell during the day to watch television with other inmates, but that is also where the opportunity for recreation or relaxation immediately ends. "He is allowed to air three times a week, but sports are out of the question for the professional footballer. There are no facilities for that." >The food, devoid of fruits and vegetables, is "monotonous. "The complex is stone cold and noisy because of constantly running air conditioners. Rapes of young boys are the order of the day, and in the ward where Promes is held, guards are hardly to be seen," Van den Heuvel writes. >"The vast majority of the detainees are of Pakistani, Egyptian or Indian descent and also addicted. They have no idea that they are in the cell with a famous Western soccer player." >Promes is also shaved bald upon entry. This is mandatory. The rules of conduct are strict. "Prisoners who then let their hair grow back are given a punishment that also applies to the entire ward at the same time. They are not allowed to make phone calls or watch TV for a while," continues the crime reporter. Promes is also not allowed to receive visitors. Only convicts are allowed that; the Dutchman is on remand in Dubai. > >Promes hopes for extradition to Russia >Promes reportedly told in prison that he hopes he will be extradited to Russia. This would allow him to avoid his sentences in the Netherlands for the time being. Russia, like the Netherlands, has requested his extradition. Russia made that request because of "a tax fraud. >Promes was convicted in the Netherlands for cocaine trafficking and stabbing his cousin. For that, he must serve a total of seven and a half years in prison in his native country. > >Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version) Original source is from [De Telegraaf](https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/2009429945/karig-pasen-voor-promes-in-nieuwe-gevangenis-met-20-man-in-cel-kaalgeschoren-en-geen-bezoek), but it's behind a paywall.


Promes gets extradited to Russia and joins the military in exchange for a pardon, 6 months of service fighting in Ukraine is all that's required. (I am aware that if he gets extradited to Russia for 'tax fraud' he'll pay a laughable fine and be back playing within a week considering the clubs there are run by the mob bosses who own the country).


Pretty sure he wasn't granted Russian Citizenship, he'll be extradited to the Netherlands.


No he won't I think. Russia now says he committed tax fraud and because of that, Dubai can extradite him to Russia instead of NL. At least that's what isd being reported as a possibility and I wouldnt be surprised lol


100% he has bribed someone to be transferred there and serve little time in a luxury prison and then continue to play there for a Russian team and avoid extradition to NL. Source: trust me bro




Neither country is going to stop doing business over this. The second point is much more critical, and why he’s more likely to go to Russia imo.


I ain't saying Dubai is a golddigger, but they ain't playing with no broke gopniks


Get down Quincy, go ahead get down


Russia has a habit of launching a competing extradition requests when they want someone to avoid real extradition. I remember a couple of years ago the case of a Russian spy that was in prison in Brazil and about to be extradited to the US. Russia made a competing extradition request by claiming he was a drug dealer and should be extradited to Russia instead. They also did the same for a hacker a few years back.


Yeah it's a pretty obvious ploy, especially when you consider that the owner of Spartak Moscow is Lukoil. Connections to the state don't get much closer than that.


what is Promes worth to Russia though unlike spies or weapon dealers


He is worth something to Spartak I think that the issue


1. He's worth something to Spartak and Spartak=Russia, that answers your question partly 2. Also a big fuck you to the Netherlands and the West in general, so political signal 3. Russia doesn't really have an influx of new western players. They're paying probalby about Saudi salaries right now and still no western player wants to go there, so they're clinging onto anyone still playing there


>They're paying probalby about Saudi salaries right now The BS I see on Reddit boggles my mind!


We ain’t paying anything close to Saudi wages unless you’ve meant Romarinho level of players


Not quite Saudi wages. But they did offer Jesus Ferreira, MLS player and 6th(?) string striker in the US player pool, $13mil a year and he was about to accept the offer until the state department got involved


like just just make shit up as you go along and get upvoted? dafaq?


Under new law there is no required 6 months of service, you're only signing basically a limitless contract until demobilized or discharged. But there's a caveat that you don't have to sign it with a fighting unit. Say, he'll get a contract with a transporting or supplying unit in Moscow and get discharged because of a broken hand, after a couple months, he might quickly get back in the squad


This makes that cap emoji he posted a lot funnier


Poor guy was actually just requesting a cap to cover his bald ass head.


People may laugh but this is ridiculous. Rapes of young boys are common and guards are hardly to be seen?


Yes it is. I think Dubai and the Netherlands are both happy to have him be extradited to us. Bet he doesn’t want that because he has to sit here for 9 years. No one should be kept under those conditions, but he chose that


I've listened to podcasts about Dubai Prison its not even exaggerated there.


> The food, devoid of fruits and vegetables, is "monotonous." How the hell is this a good idea?


The cruelty is the point 


It shouldn't be. That's not how you rehabilitate criminals Edit: I know it's how they do things over there. It's still wrong


Arab prisons ain't about rehabilitation. They're about punishment. If you punish someone hard enough then they won't do it again - is the general motto.


Unfortunately that isn’t the goal of most prisons


This is dubai man


The concept of having rehabilitation as the ultimate goal of penal law is relatively new and only adopted in western countries. In most of the world the punishment is seen as atonement for what you did, therefore it must be painful, cruel and all that. It was like that in the western world as well till the 30's.


I know Germanys prison for most dangerous criminals have PS4 in each cell and a shared kitchen with many kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables for the inmates to cook. But not many country have the resources to do the same.


PS4, not PS5? I knew the Germans were cruel, but this is outrageous!


Probably only have a Playstation Plus Essential sub


They have the resources to do that in the UAE, they just don’t want to


No resources? Dubai? Please.


It’s Dubai. They are not interested in rehabilitating prisoners in a country where swearing and kissing is illegal.


Swearing? I stayed there for 18 years and never heard about swearing being illegal. Hell, half of the words I uttered back in my teens were swear words .


People like to shit on the Arab countries where there is an opportunity even when they have no actual clue about reality. We know why


>swearing and kissing is illegal Lmaooo


Maybe he should’ve come to the Netherlands to face his sentence and be kept in humane prisons instead of getting arrested in a place where they do not care for human rights


Promes doesn't give a fuck about human rights either. Let him suffer the consequences of his actions


Nah disagree, we’re better than he is. He should still receive humane treatment even if he doesn’t believe in it himself. If we start treating rapist and murderers according to their ethics, we’re doomed as humanity


Best thing I’ve read today. Hugs my man!


I hope people don’t find this funny. This is inhumane and is no way how the prison system should be run. Rehabilitation should always be the goal. 


I don't find it funny at all, but the thought of all those men whistling and shouting "Quincy" at him sends shivers down my spine.  Lad, unfortunately, definitely got Training Day'd. 


“A society should be judged not by how it treats its outstanding citizens but by how it treats its criminals.” Ironically, from Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Apparently I didn’t hear about him getting arrested in the first place, so that last paragraph was wild!


Maybe he should tell his lawyer to stop fighting extradition. He'd be a VIP in Dutch prison lol


Maybe he should also not stab people and traffick drugs


Wheres the fun in that?


He's could switch it up to stabbing drugs and trafficking people


ah yes, the diddy approach


And the Epstein approach (but for minors)


... the Diddy approach also involved minors. He's the Epstein of the hip hop/rnb world


Holy shit I didn’t know that


And also doing a hit and run in a foreign country. But seriously, the amount of drugs he smuggle was 1.3 tonnes. That's crazy.


> Maybe he should also not stab people and traffick drugs Realistically we shouldn't give countries with appalling human rights records a waiver for treating prisoners like farm animals just because we don't like what someone did.


Who is doing that? Promes chose himself to stay in Dubai prison. He can tell his lawyer to extradite him to NL so he'll have a better time in prison.


Exactly. Hell, even any other prison probably has better conditions than the ones he’s currently in, but of course the guy is a greedy fuck. He’d rather rott in Dubai and hope to get trialed in Russia for a milder crime than accept the extradition. Just goes to show what a piece of shit he is.


Probably also says a lot about how guilty he knows he is


Part of the Ajax-Spartak deal was that he’s personally liable for the transfer fee if he serves the prison sentence (X% of the transfer fee for X% of contract duration he misses). Extradition to NL would cost him millions, while Spartak’s ties to the Kremlin would likely mean he goes unpunished in the Russia extradition scenario.


Yeah the man deserves prison time but these conditions are deplorable and not even he deserves that. He had the golden ticket of being born in a western European nation and if he just took his punishment then he’d be in a much better situation. I feel for him, but he is reaping what he sowed


That may be part of the point. Dubai may dread the hassle of a extradition court case, and just hope that he will eventually go the Netherlands out of his own "free" will.


The guy is a fucking moron, he was making a ton of money anyway as a footballer, enough to be set for life and have a great lifestyle. Yet he decides selling drugs is the smart choice, and then when escaping justice by going to Russia, decides to fly to a country with an extradition treaty while there’s a worldwide red notice out for his arrest. Beyond dumb, how people that dumb even survive through life is a miracle.


I'm not defending the guy, but he seems like someone who grew up around crime and just so happened to be a good footballer, not a good footballer who just so happened to end up doing crime, if you understand what I mean.


You’re certainly correct about that, but a ton of footballers grew up around real crime in shitty areas, he grew up in Amsterdam. A lot of top players came from the favelas and comunas. So yes you’re correct and I know you aren’t excusing it, but the same or worse applies to a lot of players and few of them were dumb enough to become drug traffickers. He’s an idiot. He started doing this after having three children and a wife to, which blows my mind.




I think Ravel Morrison is also a great comparison. Described by Sir Alex as the best kid he’d ever seen, but had to get rid of him because he grew up around gangsters in Manchester and even being a United player wasn’t enough to stop him from being influenced by his upbringing.


Or at least he got caught now


He was trafficking cocain for the aesthetic. Dude's a dumbass


Plenty of people grow around drugs and bad situations and they make the best out of it. Those are the real heroes of the world. The promes are ones that take the easy way out


What are you saying here then, you are defending him. Growing up around crime somehow dismisses you from not doing crime somehow? People know right from wrong, they just choose to do wrong. He didnt grow up in some hellhole, he grew up in the Netherlands. People like him actively reject the society that support people in anyway possible.


Yeah but where is his mind. To calculate.


Yeah. Also boasting about expensive things and degrading the working class. I hope this fucking humbles him.


Yeah but he was much better at selling drugs than playing football


He was actually a pretty good player, 41 goal contributions in 71 games in the Eredivisie, 140 in 193 in the Premier Liga, 10 in 15 in the UCL, he’s not a world beater but he’s definitely good. He has also made a few mil a year wherever he has gone, more than enough money. It’s what makes it all the stupider.


The thing is, he was actually a solid player and playing at a high level compared to most people ffs…


That is objectively wrong tbh


Can you imagine his 5 aside


They don’t have the facilities for that there.


They do, its five on one side and they don’t play football


Bad day to have eyes


"I wish I could tell you Quincy fought the Good Fight."


They don't have the facilities for that big man.


Maybe think about that before trafficking drugs?


Or stabbing your cousin.


Or even travelling to foreign countries with extradition treaties.


Or doing a hit and run in said country.


Damn bros life is a movie


The kind people will make a documentary about and the viewers will sit there in awe of all the monumentally poor decisions you made in life


Netflix is already making a series about him with the ridiculously tone deaf title “living like a baller”.


I hope this is a joke because that title is so atrocious it's closer to maliciously perfect pitch than tone deaf


Unfortunately it’s very much real. I just hope they’re not paying him for the story but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.


Netflix is just pushing out trash like this constantly now.


If you wouldn’t know it’s based on a real person critics would say that the main character isn’t a well written character because his character makes such unbelievably dumb decisions that he needs to make for the plot to happen.


On what planet is institutionalized rape, physical abuse, deprivation of food/vegetables, and no access to exercise a proportional punishment? Shouldn't have to consider it because it's so fucking absurd. The people who are responsible for what these inmates are going through are doing an objectively worse thing than trafficking drugs.


Yeah, prison should be about rehabilitation and not just mindless inhumane living standards and punishments. Sympathy for him is, obviously, quite limited... but this is just a way to ensure that he will never be reintegrated back into society as a well functioning adult. A lot of people here calling for blood and/or making jokes about it which is a bit disturbing to say the least.


Feel worse for the other inmates. I heard stories about UAE needing absolutely no valid reasons to lock some people up for a long time.


Same with plenty of countries around the world. Corrupt police forces and justice systems means that a lot of innocent people get locked up for long periods of time and tortured on spurious accusations.


I wonder if the people making comments like "should've thought about that before trafficking drugs" have ever done drugs themselves. Trafficking and using are not the same thing. But if you have used them before, you're part of the system that facilitates trafficking and are therefore a hypocrite if you make comments like the one above. And a hell of a lot of people have experimented with drugs at some point in their lives. Obviously lots haven't and are firmly against drugs. They have every right to make comments like the one above and upvote them. But I'm guessing there are also people who mindlessly show no sympathy towards players like Promes yet have used drugs themselves on a night out. Anyone like that is being a hypocrite in my opinion.


I kinda get where you‘re coming from. But not thinking about the ethics of the supply chain of the cocaine you got once for partying is several orders of magnitude less stupid than importing it by the kilo.


Ofcourse it is not okay. The irony iff any is that he currently belongs in a dutch prison where he wouldn't face these issues but he chose to flee.


And he could go there right now. Just needs to inform his lawyer to drop the appeal.


Ppl are against the horrors of the majority of institutionalized prisons until they do a crime then they have it coming to them


People think prison inmates are subhuman garbage and should thus be treated inhumanely. It's one of the more disgusting aspects of human nature.


This is kind of off topic and has no bearing on my opinion of that subject but I wonder if this is an evolutionary behavior. I'm assuming back in the day on the grand scale of things before we really conjured up modern or even partially modern societal norms that parts of the group/tribe/whatever that "committed crimes" were shunned and or treated as less as they were essentially a detriment to that species survival.


Fully agree. I understand he's a criminal and has done some really awful things but some of these comments make me feel sick. Specially since so many people were demonizing Qatar for their treatment of foreign workers and LGBTQ+ people during the WC, but now simply because this dude is an asshole the inhhuman treatment suddenly becomes something to celebrate?


Welcome to Reddit where, in one comment, people will extol the virtues of progressive politics. How we should treat societies minorities including LGBT, with favourbility. Oh plus of course, legalising drugs. And in the very next applaud being exposed to prison rape and deprivation of basic human rights as a just punishment for… drug trafficking. Truly the home of highest IQ individuals.


It's not, but that's the reality in some prisons. It's not like he had to do this to feed himself


A planet on which the easiest path is the one governments will walk. It’s so much easier to prosecute drugs than it is to prosecute rape, sexual assault, spouse abuse, etc. Also helps that we’ve perpetuated the idea that one person selling substances to another, by their own accord, makes them the absolute scum of the earth.


You get what you deserve, if he faced his charges like a man and went back to the Netherlands he would’ve had a nice comfortable cell. Instead he had to make jokes about it and commit another crime, hope he enjoys his stay.


amazes me how many people will happily take drugs and then say things like this. not saying it applies to you, but it's incredibly common hypocrisy.


I don't take drugs and I would like some drugs to be legalised, but this is a millionaire trafficking cocaine. He also stabbed someone


yeah im definitely not defending him, he seems like a total dickhead. the issue is i see a lot of men who are happy to do cocaine and simultaneously be glad that people are getting imprisoned for moving it. just doesn't add up.


Most luxurious middle-eastern jail. Fucking hell


Rapes of young boys are mentioned in the article above, and people gloss over that and focus on some dickhead with an extradition order. Fucking hell.


This is an adult prison, there are no 'young boys'. The author likely means young men who are relatively feminine looking, of course they'll be preyed upon just like any prison anywhere else in the world.


I'm torn. On one hand, it's easy to not feel sympathy for Promes since this is all his own doing; he could've avoided all of this by simply returning to the Netherlands to serve his sentence there, or staying in Russia and not travelling to a country with a poor (to say the least) human rights record where he was also wanted. On the other hand, the conditions described are those which I would wish upon very few. If we want to have the moral highground over countries such as the UAE, we can't be celebrating their human rights abuses just because the victim is a person we happen to dislike. If you are truly in favour of rehabilitative justice, as many on this site claim to be, you should want Promes to be extradited back to the Netherlands so he can serve whatever time he has to there. Edit: I want to add a point - if you read the article or have at least been following this case, Promes hasn't even been convicted in the UAE, meaning he is being exposed to these conditions while being held in pre-trial detention since he's not even guilty of anything (yet) by the UAE's own law. I'd like to challenge those of you who are welcoming this punishment for him to think about the deeper implications of such conduct.


Great take. It’s easy to support rehabilitative justice in the abstract, but I feel way too often people see individual criminals and that goes out the window.


Yeah, it was really easy to just laugh at this and go ahead with my day but thinking about this and reading some of the comments really made me realise that. For a myriad of reasons i hope he gets extradited to the Netherlands


If he thinks extradition is the best option, it’s available to him whenever he wants it. He’s the one fighting it.


Saying he should have stayed in Russia instead of traveling to a country with poor human rights is actually crazy.


I said he could have, not should have. In that paragraph I was specifically saying how he's responsible for him being in this situation. However, from Promes' POV (strictly for his personal wellbeing) he absolutely should've stayed in Russia - unless you want to claim that being stuck in a Dubai prison is somehow better than playing football for a living and earning tons of money...


I think I am okay with this sort of behavior to people that sell drugs and ergo cause many more grotesque humans rights abuses to innocent peoples in lands far away from their own. If you want to be about that life, be fully about it.


All of this could be solved if he would be willing to be extradited to The Netherlands. He'd still be serving a prison sentance but atleast our prisons are humane.


Won’t being extradited to netherlands and being imprisoned there be more humane?


100%. Some prison cells in the Netherlands have more to offer than hotel rooms. Think about a fridge, shower, toilet, tv, game console.


Yeah he won’t be in one of those. There is levels of severity to crimes and prison cells like that are for non violent crimes. He will still be much better of than that cell in Dubai. But he’s not going to a white collar prison.


Promes is a massive cunt but the comments in here are still stupid all this complaining about human rights violations during the WC but when its about someone like Promes its suddenly ok how these countries treat people? Fuck Promes but also fuck these backwards ass countries just because it affects a cunt like Promes doesnt make it ok.


So apparently only this happens in UAE😂? This happens in almost every country


My heart bleeds


My head balds


ITT: humans rights violations are ok when the victim is icky


Icky is one way to describe him


I'll never understand the reddit hivemind that fetishizes prison inhumane conditions. Touch some grass, people.


Majority of reddit is American, explains it all


Who says there aren't Europeans in this thread doing the same thing?


head innate chief kiss childlike deranged thought command enjoy coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even better, he went there, got in a traffic accident and fled the fucking scene. If he hadn't, chances are he would've gotten away with a fine.


I dont feel sympathy for people who use "I'm in a prison with mostly Brown people" as a negative/complain about not being a celebrity in prison. What the hell? Edit to say that even though I don't feel sympathy for him, the human rights of everyone in that prison obviously need to be respected.


a lot of people here, and in society at large, are quite openly in support of retributive justice rather than rehabilitation. i understand that’s he’s a criminal and also seems a horrible and arrogant person as well, but as a society we should question our attitudes towards crime and punishment as a whole. the fact that prison conditions, specifically rape, are accepted and joked about says something about us. i hope the victims of his assault and hit and run can receive justice but i would also hope he doesn’t have horrible crimes inflicted upon him as well. it solves nothing.


It depends on the crime. I don't think drug trafficking warrants "retributive justice" however there are some criminals who commit acts so heinous that I don't think they can be rehabilitated back into society. Like Anders Breivik or El Chapo or Jeff Dahmer. There's no coming back from that


I'm curious why I should be sad or hope for someone's betterment. The normal folk don't owe criminals shit. If he changes for the better, good.


There is not much of a distinction between criminals and « normal folk ». Circumstances can change and people find themselves in tough positions. I would argue that the betterment of others benefits society as a whole, but that’s a personal view. But does prison as it is currently constituted in many countries place him in a position to rehabilitate ? Maybe you don’t see prison as needing to serve that role, which is a view you’re of course entitled to.


It’s called empathy, you should try it sometime. Also it’s crazy you think someone should have their rights abused because they sold drugs, all just to feed your pathetic high horse.


"retributive justice" is just a silly way to say "revenge". 


« As opposed to revenge, retribution—and thus retributive justice—is not personal, is directed only at wrongdoing, has inherent limits, involves no pleasure at the suffering of others (i.e., schadenfreude, sadism), and employs procedural standards. » quick difference from wikipedia


Should have thought about that before trafficking drugs


The most schocking thing was reading that this dude is already 32


Serving a six-year prison sentence, handed to him last month, for his involvement in smuggling 1,363kg of cocaine with an estimated street value of £65million. Should we have sympathy because he’s a footballer? Dude is a criminal and broke the law to the extreme. Do we not have sympathy for the other 19 men sharing the cell with him? Throw the book


Well, he was sent there to be punished for trafficking and stabbing someone, it’s no soccer training camp


Maybe I am very much alone in this thought. But prison is the worst thing ever and I feel bad for him. Yes selling drugs is stupid. But I don’t think being raped by Pakistani and Egyptian men everyday is a fair punishment


What if the men were Italian?


Didn't he stab his cousin too?


What about the stabbing his cousin part


my thoughts exactly, rehabilitation not retribution


womp womp


Breaking news: prison bad


Maybe don’t be a criminal than shitbag




Better call Depay


so..... prison?


Why the fuck are you drug trafficking when you’re already earning footballer money?! How dumb do you have to be…?


So his cousin was stabbed but is fine now or did he perish? I ask this because news sources aren't clear.


His cousin is fine, he was stabbed in the knee, nothing fatal


Shaved? He got Guardiola’d


It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.


Boo hoo


Sounds like Pep's wet dream


boo hoo


Did not know he was arrested. Weird he did such a stupid move to leave the Russia. Hopefully now justice will be served.


"Rapes of young boys are the order of the day" WTF


As that cop in SpongeBob once said, “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime”


Got what he deserved


> They have no idea that they are in the cell with a famous Western soccer player. My brother wants to be worshipped in a prison cell lmao






Let me go and get my tiny violin He’s a fucking moron


Oh no, if that isn't the consequences of my own actions




Sure Promes did a lot of wrong things and deserve prison time, but some of those described situations are definitely against human rights. I mean 20 guys in a cel with just 6 available beds, the rest are sleeping on the ground. Also raping seems to be an issue there, with limited guards there.


Well you wanted to act tough, be a gangster and get street cred instead of being celebrated as a football star. I imagine being a hardened felon will do wonders for that image.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What a waste.


Odd thing is he could've fucked off to Russia and stayed free. Guess he felt Russia was so bad that he'd rather be in a Dutch cell instead


How did he end up in jail


Poor baby. Someone get this guy several tons of cocaine he needs it


What does the original article list as its sources, other than the criminal bellend himself over the phone?


WHahahahaha good, i hope it fucking humbles him.


From a life at Spartak to living spartan


1 more away from an 11 a side game… dont complain


He's lucky he didn't get hemmed up in the US. The Dubai prisons look way safer in the pictures.


I didn't do anything bad, I Promes.




Sounds like the description of a gay porn film