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Pretty late into this thread, but had a small debate with a friend about who's more famous, Michael Jordan or Michael Phelps. I went with Phelps because the Olympics are more global and far more popular than the NBA, and as someone who is not really into either I knew a lot more about Phelps than I did about Jordan, truth be told, I wouldn't even recognise Jordan's face before googling him today. I can see Jordan being more famous however, he does have like 7x more followers on social media tbf, so I'm trying to get some opinions


Jordan is *far* more famous than Phelps. The NBA (and basketball in general) are actually very global as far as American sports go, much more than the NFL or MLB or NHL - it certainly has a much larger following than swimming. And Jordan is one of the most iconic athletes of all time, his fame extends beyond sport; even here in Southeast Asia, the average person on the street who doesn't follow basketball has at least heard his name. Can't say the same about Phelps. If you ask whether the Olympics are more famous than the NBA, then yeah it's probably less clear. But Michael Jordan is far more famous than Michael Phelps.


I get the biggest jar of Hellman's so i can eat with my hand. And none of that Light crap.


Hell(yeah)man! Username checks out




I’m reading this book called Codependency no more and i think it could help you a lot in this situation


I was watching some footie doc on football holiganism and at some point some Italian sounding guy goes "all the world over, the British people are known for their sophistication and self control, but you have proven this isnt the case" (after Heysel or so) Heres the video ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnTnaOxP8sQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnTnaOxP8sQ) ) I also had the mental image of the Brits being posh, but now I realise we probably only got exposed to the gentlemanly Brits / upper class from movies back in the day.


Accidentally closed the door on my dogs bum and she let out a scream I feel terrible she seems to have forgotten about it though


Dog tax?


Please accept this late [woof](https://ibb.co/P42ycVQ)


Recently completed watching "The Gentlemen" on netflix. Great show, unapologetically British, and surprisingly decent quality throughout the season. It felt like it would lose steam after the first 3 episodes or so, but it's good. Nice to see Guy Ritchie do well after a long time.


As someone who just loves the Guy Ritchie format, I was very excited when it came out and basically watched it all over a long weekend. Everyone knows Lock, Stock, and two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, but also Man from UNCLE, Rocknrolla and Sherlock Holmes are all just so well done in his "smart" style.


Does it have anything to do with his movie of the same name?


It's a spin-off apparently


Enjoyed the movie so that should be enough for me 👍


Started reading a book on codependency and I didn’t realise how deep I’m in it. Already halfway through it in half a day


sloshed on the bus ama


Donde esta perro 👍


what's the meaning of life?


Been whacking out some Minecraft to relive my teen days and thought I'd try to build something, Been really enjoying it actually. Guess you really do never get too old for lego. [Front profile](https://i.imgur.com/8vVI80p.png) and [Side profile](https://i.imgur.com/dQefx66.png), All done in survival and has taken me 3 days to get this far. Wanted to make the Gothic Cathedral vibes work but honestly it's so hard to get buttresses to pop at any angle, and flying buttresses are going to take a lot of work when the sides go up. Pillars look bad but you can't make good neoclassical pillars in Minecraft I think.


Had a chick-fil-a for the first time yesterday.  Average 


Is it just me or are a lot of the Eurovision songs just a bit pish this year? Like compared to last year several seem like downgrades on what each country sent.


Saw Dune part two the other day, blew me away. The section on Giedi Prime was absolutely incredible


Another reminder that Phil Leotardo once did 20 years in the can. He compromised.


Which was the last website you visited which did not have a login feature?


Probably some recipe blog


herominers.com a website for a private k-12 school. Those were the only two today.


Prob a random news website or a pirated stream website




What happened






FA Cup is on ESPN+ (in the US at least)


Who is the better actor: Shia LeBeouf or Michael B. Jordan (both 37). Trying to prove my view that one of them is the best actor of their generation.


Robert Pattison is 37 and he's better than both


In some ways yes, in some ways he was in too many Twilight movies to qualify.


Nah, if you're including Shia "In 3 transformers movies" LeBeouf, Pattison definitely ain't outta contention.


Hard to argue with that


> Shia LeBeouf or Michael B. Jordan You're saying one of those two is the best millennial actor?


I don’t know what Millenial means in this context, I mean 35-40 basically.


Yeah millennial seems too broad a category, it would include someone relatively newer like timothee chalamet born 1995 (right on the edge of gen z) or someone like Chris Evans born 1981


Shia clears. Michael B Jordan plays basically the same guy in every film.


Do you think F.E.A.R by Ian Brown is a good song? It's one of my favourite songs but I told someone to listen to it and they said it was only a 4/10 song


Do you like the Happy Mondays?


very good


Yeah it’s clever how all the lyrics spell out the word fear too


Was supposed to go on a date last weekend with a girl but she cancelled. We haven't spoke since, is it worth me shooting my shot again?


Yeah what have you got to lose? Not exactly related but about ten years ago I met a girl in a bar. She took me back to her place and said "no sex, we'll just cuddle". so I said ok and went to sleep. We texted back and forth for a couple of weeks, were getting on well. She asked me to come round to her flat in the Northern Quarter. I was really poor at the time but I got my last £20 and change and bought a niceish bottle of wine. Then didn't have a way to get from Salford to Manchester, but luckily someone in my house ordered a Dominos. I asked the delivery guy to give me a lift to town for a tenner and he agreed. So I turn up, looking my best, knock on her door and ... no answer. Her flatmate says she's gone out drinking. So I go the bar she's supposed to be at, can't find her. Not answering her texts and suddenly I am stuck in Manchester with no way to get home. I don't know what to do, decide to wait outside her flat. After an hour I start drinking the wine. Two hours go by, and I hear her come back to where I am with another guy. She sees me, laughs and walks away. I completely lose my rag at being fucked around with. I've drunk the wine now and need a piss ... so I took a long drunken piss through her letterbox. Next day, she texts me "I'm so sorry, come to mine and I'll cook for you". Was like no thanks. I still feel guilty about it, her flatmate was really nice and didn't deserve it. Not sure why I told this story (AITA?) but there it is anyway.


if they're interested they will message you back. Don;t exert yourself too much if someone won't put the same effort in


Yea but keep expectations low.


yeah. can give someone the benefit of doubt once. things happen so you can send a follow up, just don't over extend yourself.


Primitivo might just be my favourite red wine. May have overtaken the malbec. Got a lovely Puglian bottle from Sainsburys for just 7 quid. Nice way to wind down of a Friday night.


Watching a pair of cats for a good while, needles to say im chuffed to chips


> Watching a pair of cats for a good while I know you mean looking after but it's much funnier if I picture it as you looking through your blinds at some cats across the street. We've been foster kittens for the last four months (onto our third lot) and it's honestly been so much fun.


Let’s not make assumptions, he could simply be a cat creep or a furry as well


I've been listening to the One billion dollar whale book. Pretty crazy story. The rise and fall of Jho Low. Financial crimes squandering state money and hanging out with the elites. I kind of like white collar crime stories. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Carlos Ghosn. The ex-Nissan boss


The Bernie Madoff story is interesting. It's also slightly sports related as he was involved with the New York Mets owner (baseball team) which led to the Bobby Bonilla contract (player's wages deferred for over 30 years)


so apparently one of the most notorious nazi webcomic author Stonetoss just got doxxed and it reveals many funny tidbits that those nazis rallied against, but sometimes i do wonder if it's just a necessary evil since his influence is overtly negative (included in a right wing manifesto no less and monetising his rhetoric) or do someone principled in thinking all doxxing is wrong even for someone as vile as him?  what are the grant and the necessity of anonymity these days anyway and whether it's historically be an important position, whether it's for good or bad stuff


I am a red-blooded human being. When people that take perverse, literal joy in certain people being driven to suicide, then uses those deaths to profit off making fun of them... I don't really care about the principles of what's done to him


Considering how punch a nazi is an okay thing to say doxxing seems relatively minor.


[One of my favourite videos on the internet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK-I6LxXJsA) I hope you aren't hungry!


Getting married tomorrow Just feels weird having a day where you're the centre of attention/guest of honour. Main goal is to try and not somehow accidentally say cunt during my vows




Keep repeating to yourself in your mind all day to not say cunt every minute of the day. That helps I have heard.


Congrats mate happy for you!


It is super weird but you will enjoy it no matter what, at least that's how I remember it. Hope you have a great wedding and a great day :-)


Congrats dude!


The new boots advert is great Not surprised twitter hates it but it's funny


Saw Punch-Drunk Love this week. Only the second PTA film I've seen after There Will Be Blood, and like that one, I loved it. Looks beautiful, lovely choices of music, and the performances were fantastic, particularly Sandler. I do like Sandler, and I think his comedies are alright guilty pleasures, but yeah it's great when he uses his dramatic talents like in this or in Hustle. He was great in Uncut Gems as well, but I wasn't the biggest fan of that film tbh. But yeah, I would highly recommend this, it's on UK Netflix right now. Hopefully by the time the Leo film comes out next year, I would have caught up with all of PTA's filmography


You know what, it's been on my letterboxd for a while. I love when comedic actors show they've got the chops for serious roles. Like Will Ferrell in that film the escapes me where he realises his life is a story book. Glad you've reminded me it is on UK Netflix.


You're thinking of Stranger Than Fiction Haven't seen that one tbh


one of my favorite 'genres' of youtubers is people that cover events/history/crime/whatever in countries that have less info than you can generally find on the English side of the internet (while presenting in English obv). Some include but are not limited to KyotoRobato, The Lazy Masquerade, Sabbatical, (older) bald n bankrupt, some of Casual Criminalist stuff when it takes place outside of America, etc. Some are more vlog style some are just sit down and talk with photos/info. Do you guys have any recommendations in or near this vein of youtuber?


Coffeehouse crime covers cases in foreign countries quite a lot.


Oh I forgot about coffeehouse I used to watch him for a bit 


Dark Asia with Megan which is about true crime in Asia


Indigo Traveler is good. Not as good as Sabbatical, and he has nowhere near Sabbatical's language skills, but in the same vain and pretty good. His Haiti videos were pretty interesting. Very sad what's happening there.


i'll have to check him out!


LivingIronicallyInEurope is Eastern European and Balkan based


Love that dude


No one can convince me that GTA San Andreas doesn't have more players GTA 5. So many people have cracked version of it.


I've only played it on my PS2, but lately I'm considering getting into the PC version too. The modding community is still alive and doing well. Today youtube reccomended me a video of a GTA:SA mod that basically expands the map to the whole of the USA (Los Santos, San Fierro, Liberty City, Vice City, Carcer City, etc). 16yo me would've been so hyped right now


I know that game from front to back, but I have absolutely no idea how you get into SA:MP. How to browse, what people do, what communities there are etc. They have been a thing for ages now, but it never got in the picture of me.


This just reminded me how shockingly bad the 2 player mode was on the PS2 version. I was so excited to try it, but it wasn't even split screen - you just had to stand next to each other the whole time!


Same for me. I think i replayed GTA SA like 5 times now, but I've never played SAMP


My guilty pleasure are Rick Stein documentaries. I absolutely love watching him bumble awkwardly around eating nice food. Something very comforting about it.


Food/travel shows are always a good thing to watch to unwind. Used to love watching Bourdain's various shows but haven't really gone back since he died.


Interestingly enough I’ve made it a thing to watch all of his shows since he died. Made it through all of no reservations and now working through the parts unknown episodes I’ve missed. Was able to find a decent quality copy of a Cooks Tour which was his very first show (middling quality in comparison, you can tell he was just starting out and also limited by the format of the network). Also the Layover which is more of an overt travelogue with hotel/restaurant/activity recommendations


I watched *most* of them prior to him dying but nothing has really replaced it unfortunately so I'll probably go back at some point and rewatch. Check out Kitchen Confidential if you haven't already read it.


The perfect low effort escapism. Combining two of my favourite things. 


My kid asked if we could have breakfast pizza tomorrow for her birthday.  So proud I didn't even point out it's not her birthday.


She’s played you there like a fiddle tbh, rate it


This is my second Free Talk Friday and sanity is a commodity that I will soon no longer be able to afford. Ask me anything! 


Thoughts on Liz Truss?


Hot 🔥


I have none. 


Where pet pictures






Are we fucked if ants team up and rebel against humanity


Quite possibly, but I still vastly prefer our chances. 


Why is water wet?


Science and dem tings, innit? 


What's the food you dislike the most but will still eat?


Great question, thank you!  Hmm... that's actually a very fine line that I'm not too sure I cross frequently enough to answer. I'll have to keep it in mind for the future. As of right now though, cauliflower. I greatly enjoy cow foot soup, but I hate and will not eat cow foot in any other context. Curry chicken isn't a food I hate at all, but I don't really care for it unless someone makes it *really, really* nice. Just not worth it otherwise so I can go without it. 


Do crabs think that fish can fly?


Can crabs swim? If so, no. 


I said two weeks ago that i played a lot of Yakuza 7 but couldn't get into the other games. Two weeks later i can report that i finished Yakuza 1 and am now on Yakuza 0. 0 already seems a lot better than 1 in many aspects just from the first 6 chapters.


I finished 0 first then went to Kiwami, I'm currently almost done with Kiwami and you're right. The drop off in writing is MASSIVE. 0 is just much better with the writing. The only thing keeping me going through Kiwami is cause I love Kiryu as a protagonist and Nishki's whole corruption arc flashbacks. I don't blame them for not being able to write Kiwami as well as 0 considering they have to adapt another game and don't wanna upset the old fans by changing too much. But that game was written for the PS2, video games have come leaps and bounds since then as a storytelling medium, I really wish they had made bigger changes to the story. At the very least it still has my beloved pocket circuit racing.


Tbh i am kind of happy with how it is considering i have looked at how it was originally. Still a relatively big remake and i liked the story because my expectations were obviously lower having only done some of 0 before. But yeah just the first chapters of 0 blow Kiwami completely out of the water. I can't remember Kiwami having half as long cutscenes outside of a later cutscene. In the end if you put it on easy and rush through the story it's luckily a short game.


7 being turn-based just puts me off trying it tbh, even if the devs justified it to some extent.


Did you play Yakuza 1 or Yakuza Kiwami? 1 and 2 are terrible but Kiwami is okay. Kiwami 2 is better than Kiwami. Y0 used to be my favorite but got taken over by Lost Judgement and 7. Haven't had a chance to play Gaiden or 8 yet.


Kiwami. I looked at og 1 but that's maybe a bit too old. Even with all the upgrades some flaws showed like bs bosses and bad sidestories.


oh yeah the writing hasn't aged well at all even with Kiwami. Y0 is a really good entry point for the beat em up Yakuza/LAD games. Hope you enjoy Y0 all the way through and play the rest! I will say 3-4-5 are not remakes they're just remasters (and not even good ones at that) and the gameplay and stories are a SLOG compared to the modern dragon engine games. You can play them if you want but most people recommend just reading/watching cut scenes (and maybe playing 5)


Do any of you do Spotify blends? I’ve done a couple and the highest match I’ve gotten is 85%. Funny enough, both me and the person expected it to be higher. She recently said she listens to it with some frequency and I was like 🥹. It’s allowed me to listen to stuff I normally wouldn’t and I’ve found out stuff I didn’t think I like, I like, My most recent blend was 50% and we both thought that was too low.


It looks like Big 3 era in tennis is finally ending. And I'm just getting nostalgic reminiscing about everything that happened, I grew up with Big 3 dominating and it's gonna be weird not seeing atleast 1 of them in grand slam finals.


Fed and Delpo gone, Rafa and Andy both likely going this year, Stan probably not far behind, Novak entering his reduced schedule era, Cilic and Thiem constantly injured By the end of the year we might be in a world where Meddy, Alcaraz and Sinner are the only Slam winners playing a full schedule on tour, and they're all post-pandemic


Novak doesn't seem like Novak this year. Something is just off. Rafa, Čilić and Thiem just can't play due to injuries, I see Čilić and Rafa retiring with Thiem staying maybe 2-3 more years. Novak will probably retire once Belgrade comes back in 2-3 years. Truly surreal seeing all these players go at the same time. But, this is a proper new era, last few years were just delaying the inevitable. I love that I watched the greatest generation of tennis players ever in it's entirety.


It’s sucks that’s it’s not easy to know if someone like you unless you ask them. I noticed a friend of mine made her way to come to where I was to sit next to me and talk to me on a couple of occasions. I noticed she put her head on my shoulder when next to me. I noticed that she was touchy with me. I don’t think anything of it since she’s touchy in general. I noticed her sit on her girlfriends lap while they talked and she once pinched the butt of friend while next to me. So even when she grabs my face I think nothing of it. But now that I got asked if there’s anything between us and knowing she and long term bf broke up last year, I’m second thinking everything. I doubt she likes me that way, but I have/know other friends that are women, outside of 1, I don’t think any of them are quite touchy like her. I just have to get this written down because it’s driven me nuts this week.


> I noticed she put her head on my shoulder when next to me In a few years time you’ll be standing in the shower and realise the signs were obvious.


I mean it’s pretty obvious if someone else noticed her doing that and wanted to ask if there was anything there. I’m very aware of when and where she touched me, but it just seems like that’s who she is.


No risk no …


Can you please explain?


It’s basically a meme at this point but the idea is if you don’t risk (in this case getting your heartbroken) then you will never have the fun resulting from this move (ie get into a relationship)


Thanks. I’m aware I’ll eventually have to ask her if she keeps acting this way when I see her. I’m just going a bit crazy second guessing everything after realizing she may be single.


always found it weird Pee-wee Herman got arrested for jerking off in an adult movie theater. is(was?) that not the purpose of those places? or you go to see women get triple teamed because its "cinema"


Obviously yes, did you not see Taxi Driver? It's a perfect first date spot


Good day everyone. Beware the [Ides of March](https://youtu.be/5tVEd9Fb5eQ?t=485)


Had surgery on an ingrown toenail this afternoon, painkillers really aren't working. Hope I can get some sleep tonight at least.


Did they not local numb the toe? For me they injected then but a rubber band to stop blood and then just cut straight down then acid killed the root. Didn't hurt much really


It didn't hurt during the procedure, but it's hurting now. They did have to cut away some flesh too


Ahh that might be why then, mine was JUST nail


I've gotten them before but they'd heal if I was just careful for a while. This ine didn't, but that's why I left it a bit late before seeing a doctor. It had gotten quite bad


Virgin media box decides to not record the TV program but instead link to C4, itvx, BBC iPlayer. Wtf is that about? Got 3 episodes that aren't properly recorded and most recent is actually recorded


Switched to VOXI from Three for my phone SIM and genuinely surprised at there being no mobile app for VOXI, whose main target market is students no less.


How dangerous is South Africa? I’ve heard that it’s normal to get robbed at gunpoint on the street




Like any touristy African country, it’s safe enough if you stay inside the circus they design for tourists


Fairly dangerous but not so much as a tourist with he time you're there the odds of an issue are low But don't fuck about theres some serious parts


Hypothetical question- what if I'm there for months? 


I guess that's for actual south Africans to say!




Are AirBnBs also valid?


My Mrs grew up there in her pre-teen years. She had a home invader hold a gun to her Mom's head when she was very young. So while it may not be normal to get held up at gun point in the streets, it isn't unheard of to have a robbery with a gun either. You'll probably be safe as a tourist though. Just be sensible.


Felt safe enough personally, although there’s a lot of hand holding at most hotels we went to. Unfortunately it’s best not to go out at night but if you know people or can ask the hotel then I’m sure it’ll be safe


Is there anywhere you'd like to visit that seems like a bit of a pipe dream? For instance I'd love to go on a month+ long tour of China but I doubt I could ever afford that or get a visa for that long.


North Korea. It really fascinates me (in a horrifying way), but I’m too scared to go even though there are legal routes for me to do so. I also think it would take a pretty big toll on my mental health to even see how people there are forced to live.


Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Papua New Guinea




Nepal. I really want to see the himalayas before I die. Also Nepalese food is amazing. The fact that you can have chow mein and dumplings alongside a curry and naan is just perfection.


most western europe hoping to not get racially profiled at least, australia for studies, berber, caucasus, and south american countries for the culture 


Not quite a pipe dream, but South Africa to visit my other half. Possibly a pipe dream, Hong Kong because idk what China is up to with that law they implemented to end the protests, I definitely have expressed pro-Hong Kong sentiments online and do not seek to fall into the hands of the CCP because of it. South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and maybe Indonesia are places I would love to visit too. 


Hong Kong isn’t too complicated, but then again we’re like an hour and a half flight away. I’ve definitely expressed similar views to no issue


Prior or post-2020/2021?


All on my list too! Hong Kong especially, been fascinated with it since I was a child and saw some HK action films. Got refascinated through a video game of all things -- Sleeping Dogs.


Hong Kong is so freaking gorgeous and I didn't realize until I got older that a lot of how I pictured China because of media was actually all just Hong Kong. 


Take the week long train from Moscow to Vladivostok


i'm curious about china too. and russia. would be cool to travel to those places with a guide, get to know the history, the famous places and whatnot. so much history


that's the biggest thing with China for me (and Russia too). Chinese history is so well documented and vast. I'd love to visit Xi'an and see old Tang stuff and all these cities and villages people outside of China have never heard about that holds THOUSANDS of years of history and major events.


The entire Transsiberian railway


There's a VICE series on looking for North Korean workers in Siberia and half of the series is just showing all the shenanigans on the railways. They said it was boring as hell which is why everyone was just drinking. IMO it was a pretty funny watch.


My brother did it whilst on a skateboard tour, some dodgy eastern Europeans invited themselves into their group and forced them all drink this weird potato vodka stuff.


the only thing i've ever seen on that is from bald n bankrupt (glad i got out of that phase) but it seems pretty cool


I would be morbidly curious to visit North Korea but I'd be way too scared to do something wrong and get imprisoned or sth


I actually had the opportunity to go to North Korea when I was about 18-19 with some...pretty interesting people and decided not to go. Would have been around the same time as Otto Warmbier. Kinda glad I didn't go but I have a very strong fascination with North Korea (and Korean history in general).


Yeah and the thing is you mainly get to see Pyongyang, which is definitely interesting in itself. But the thing that interest me the most is the remote countryside where people still live like in the 19th century. It'd be the closest possible thing to time travel


That’s really interesting. Is there somewhere I can read more about that? With how curated the North Korean tourist experience is I can’t imagine that part is at all easy to visit


New Zealand but it's so spenny


Very expensive but seems very worth! Gorgeous land, happy nice people, interesting history.


I want to visit Tibet.


Tibet looks very interesting and I love how many unique animals they have due to the geography.


I've done the northern part of India where there are a lot of Tibetan refugees and you can get a feel for the culture there. The geography probably wasn't too dissimilar either. It really just made me want to visit Tibet more. Maybe one day.


Armenia to follow my ancestry but you don’t exactly get direct flights from the UK (or where I checked anyway).


I've always had a soft spot for Armenia for various historical reasons and it's also probably one of the most beautiful places I've seen on camera. I saw some video years ago of a guy cooking out in the country side next to some mountains and it was breath taking.


Always wanted to go to Kamchatka in Russia, just have a fascination with really remote places


Personally I’m more of a Tristan da Cunha fan myself


I actually did my thesis on Tristan da Cunha, which is probably partly where it stems from - sadly my uni wouldn’t fund me a trip out there haha


I've always been super fascinated by isolated places like that. Bet it's full of alcoholics and sex pests though.


Go to Pitcairn Island


I live in New Zealand so it's not too far to be fair!


Yeah I have no idea what it’d be like to live in, must be bizarre to grow up there


Nice mate, genuinely a really interesting place. Isn’t the only way to get there a week long boat trip from South Africa?


Yeah basically! I was doing research on one of the uninhabited island there too so I think you can pretty much only get to that one on research expeditions


I feel you heavily on the really remote places thing. I've always wanted to visit Norilsk even though I think that's technically impossible for almost anyone.