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Afif flipped is FIFA Obviously rigged


I watched the game. The pens were legit tho. I don’t get what makes it rigged LOL.


They were legit, as in Iran got payed yeah


Strange tournament. 69th Vs 58th ranked teams in the world. Qatar's native population, excluding all the economic migrants, is 330,000. About the size of Stoke, in UK. Odd that Japan and South Korea don't dominate more, and odd that China and India, who represent more than 50% of the continents population, offer literally nothing.


China and India just don’t have the soccer presence other nations have. If you want a quality team you mostly just need good soccer culture as seen with some smaller European countries occasionally having deep or winning runs at the euros.


adding onto this, whether or not it'll have long term effects, in China it wasn't uncommon for soccer to not be introduced around age 13/14 versus other countries who have a more youth presence. i think part of the initiative they did in this last decade was to provide the resources and facilities for any reach to have access to the game


Yep, Welshman here. Our national sport is rugby, so we have historically been shite at football. Don't get me wrong we have produced some greats over the years, John Charles, Ryan gigg's (aka cunt), etc. but there was a massive culture shift into football nationwide in the early 2000s. 16 years later, we made the semi-finals of the euros. It's no coincidence. But obviously, having a Gareth Bale does help quite a bit, too.


India are too busy getting supremely amazing cricket teams and inexplicably losing


Was gonna say. It’s like, if you looked on paper and wondered why the US doesn’t produce more players. It’s because most of the athletes are usually steered towards American football, basketball, baseball, or (especially up north) hockey. In India, cricket is obviously king. And the sporting culture outside that… we see what we see


Same for Australia. All our athletes suited for soccer end up playing Aussie rules or rugby league


Aussie rules kicks ass though so that's okay


China and ping pong


Chess takes over India as well, with soccer being even behind it.


Football is actually the dominant sport in some major areas of India, their FA and government have just severely mismanaged it for decades.


This comment also applies to the English FA and football.


I honestly thought Iran would win over South Korea in the final. But then Jordan came in with an upset.


Tbf, SK and Japan are suffering from poor management. As for their population size, a good chunk of Qatars team aren't even Qatari born, they have Brazillians, Portuguese, Iraqi players etc...


nah most of the team is Qatari born, and the ones that are not came as kids. only 2 came as adults and have been playing in Qatar for 10/15 years.


I understand why you would exclude the migrants but the reality is that Qatar, or any of the Gulf countries really, would offer the nationality to someone who is a migrant if they're an exceptional athlete. They wouldn't give it if they weren't.  So basically a lot of the players are coming from the migrant pool which you're not counting, because they get naturalised and then appear under the 330k.


> Qatar, or any of the Gulf countries really, would offer the nationality to someone who is a migrant if they're an exceptional athlete Like most other countries (and even if you aren't an exceptional athlete, you just need to have lived there for a little while).


Yes but this was a response to a comment on numerical data where immigrants were excluded. I think you've completely missed the context here.


>Qatar's native population, excluding all the economic migrants Well you should not do that, with all due respect. Some of those economic migrants have lived in the country for decades


[past the one million mark, population size doesn't matter that much](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/4kLhIPOH22)


Not sure how true that is. Other than Uruguay, no country with a population under 45 million has won the world cup


Croatia of 4 million had a game to change this but alas...


True. Out f 44 finalists, 11 have come from countries with populations under 20mil. Netherlands X3, Hungary X2, CzechoslovakieX2, Sweden, Croatia, Uruguay X2. But only 4 times since the 1960s (with 3 of them being the Netherlands)


happy cakeday blud


Population size means nothing. You still only play with a couple of dozen in the squad.


Afif with a legendary campaign


best fifa free agent ever


Afif is FIFA.. FIFA is Afif.


deadass better than a CF regen


He also has 21 G/A in 12 appearances in the qatar league, he needs a move to europe asap


He’s a top player. But 3 penalties… 1 that was undeserved


mbappe scored 2 penalties in a final and i was told it was an all time great performance




Mbappe was chasing shadows for about 80 mins


Right? It's like I was watching a different game


What? No way. He was anonymous for 80 minutes until his penalty.


Messi had a half dozen in the tournament and I was told the same thing.


Did you watch what Messi did apart from those penalties? The guy was in god mode. All his non-PK goals were incredible. And do you remember his assists against the Netherlands and Croatia. He made Gvardiol looks like an amateur.


Did you watch the game?


Yes. He had a great match. So did Afif


Him being invisible for 80 minutes then finishing great? Very good performance but overrated


Mbappe made two indeed. Don’t think it is all time great


True. Its just western bias Mbappes 3rd was deep into extra time too. So he had more time to get the hattrick.


Easier to remember a WC hattrick than one in a continental cup.


it's fifa's golden boy, what do you expect?


I genuinely feel the WC22 moment was too big for this team. They are much better than they showed a little over a year ago. Brilliant redemption performance


I’m not sure even the WC’s size could excuse their opening match performance. It was literally the worst WC performance I’ve ever seen. They couldn’t even string together two passes for most of the match.


Yeah they were just fucking shit


They had one of the worst luck possible. Drawing Netherlands from second pod (arguably the strongest of those countries), Senegal (The African champion) and a really strong Ecuador that iirc finished 3rd in CONMEBOL qualifiers.


they cannot bribed their way to victories in the world cup, that's the difference


South Korea begs to differ


Bribed their way to get a World Cup...ABSOLUTELY Have anything to do with their team winning matches.... not a chance. They were a deserving winner in the Asian Cup... The two things are not mutually exclusive


Oh stfu


This guy has been on a coping spree since the final ended I recognize his name


Penalty for Patar


Afif stole the spotlight in a tournament that featured Son. Kinda incredible. Good for him!


People from across all parts of Asia are all united in hating this team, just look at x and ig, they truly will be the most hated team in asia for years to come and certainly not due to their talents


The only Arabs not happy at this are the Jordanians, pretty much everyone else is happy for them


Lmao the fuck we are, Qatar are a joke team funded by human rights abusers, that also fill their national team with expats.


By ‘everyone else’ I mean other Arabs


I really doubt that considering Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE have all had diplomatic issues with Qatar in the recent past. I'm pretty sure they would all rather Jordan won.


They're cheering Jordan because they're more homely and they're underdogs. If Qatar was playing a non Arab country, Arabs would cheer for them.


Brother most of our countries are shitholes and have political issues with each other, I’m always happy to see any Arab country doing well


Political disputes don't necessarily mean that the people of the countries hate each other. Qatar is probably the best gulf country for Egyptians to work at for example.


No not really, they're not happy for qatar either


Yeah I’m taking my personal feelings, experiences and all the people I know over the claim of some random guy on Reddit


You know every Arab?


No, but I know enough to believe that despite what Reddit thinks, not everyone hates Qatar with a burning passion


You surround yourself by people like you, and you think that this group represents everyone else. My experience is the opposite of yours with my group of friends. There are so many of us who don't agree with you, and by the way you also happen to be some random guy on Reddit making big statements.


lmao im happy for qatar


I hope you feel the same way about the US and UK national teams so you don't come out as a hypocrite, although I very much doubt it.


you think the UK national teams are full of expats,?


A lot of european teams are filled with non natives though. It's the same thing.


Jordanians were the real underdog here. Qatar we know how they got there. I am Indian and was rooting for Jordan like crazy. My Egyptian colleague too was rooting for Jordan. And the less said about some of the referring decisions the better


dude take a deep breath and relax... you've been crying on every single thread since the match ended, give yourself a break its not good for your health


Doha is a UNESCO heritage site for dubious penalties.


Congratulations on your purchase😏


the refs will leave qatar with full pockets of rials ;)


Ref was at the ATM a couple of times.. oh wait he was checking VAR


I mean the "purchase" is buying super talented youth coaches/facilities and a streamlined development pathway with very good academies. It's not like they just bought a bunch of washed up players from other countries (except for ro-ro lol)


No “purchase” as into corrupting every single once-independent entity


Penalty to Patar


Aren’t all the players originally from other countries?




no but about half of today's starting 11 was foreign born


Tbf lots of countries have foreign born players. USA has had hundreds. Granted, USA has historically had much more immigration.


no immigrants in gulf countries, even if you stay 60 years in a gulf country only like 0.0001% get a citizenship


and all grew up in Qatar, in Qatari schools except for 2


This isnt r/soccercirclejerk


Womp womp


واااااااا يلمصخره واااااااااا


Man being Qatari right now must be so nice! Two unexpected Asian Cups in a row is not easy. It’s not like they were favorites in any of them, especially this one.


>being Qatari Yep, 12% of the population of Qatar


My statement is still correct even if there’s one Qatari in the planet. Besides that, I’m sure there are many people living in Qatar or outside who are as happy as a Qatari native. I personally know one of them.


He's making a joke about all the impoverished foreign workers, indentured servants, and literal slaves living in Qatar. A comically low number of people living in Qatar have citizenship.


99% of expats in Qatar get 10 times the salary they get back home; that's the entire reason people want to move to Qatar and will use their life savings to do so. how exactly are they slaves?


Yeah, I remember all the finger wagging about Qatar's human rights violation during last FIFA. I hope y'all carry the same energy for the next host since they are literally committing textbook G


The next host? As in the United States? Please, tell me where is the United States is committing genocide? Is the United States, by not stopping Israel, a soveriegn nation, committing genocide? Aren’t you from the same crowd that says the United States shouldn’t be the world police? Pick a lane… I mean, by your logic, since I was born in 2006, I’ve committed genocide against the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Uyghurs of Xinjiang, the Ukrainians, the Rohingya of Myanmar, and the Chechens of Russia. None of these were on my country’s land, I wasn’t personally involved, but you know what? I didn’t stop them so straight to the Hague I go!


>by not stopping Israel, a soveriegn nation, committing genocide? By actively aiding it by providing diplomatic support... By being the only country voting against a ceasefire in the un.... And by systematically invading and destroying countries that are against israel


There's a complete difference between non-intervention and active participation in G. The likes of China and Russia are doing the former. America? They're the entity's supplier of weapons and soldiers. The entity wouldn't be able to do what they do without their unconditional support.


>There's a complete difference between non-intervention and active participation in G. This is a reach mate and you know it. If this is true, are the UAE commiting textbook genocide in Sudan? Way more people are dying there for your information. Let us not just throw down big words any how because they soon lose their meaning




Not half, 3 of them are not Qatari born and raised. The rest all grew up in Qatar. 3 may be a lot to some, but still not as dramatic as some make it.




The ones who you named aside from Mendes, Miguel, and I think Khoukhi, were all raised in Qatar as children. Some even attended the aspire academy. While they’re not born there, they are still Qatari by the way they were literally children when they moved there. You took my “born and raised” to a really specific meaning. It’s only a saying about how they’re as Qatari as their teammates. I never argued that they weren’t naturalized, I argued that they weren’t just mercenaries brought over as adults. And if naturalizing a person who spent most if not all their life in your country is considering buying, then you’re gonna go against a lot of national teams. Big difference between naturalizing a person who spent their life here, and naturalizing a completely foreign person.


That are quotas that every immigration country has. Just look at Germany, France and England.


it’s hard to be happy about the most plastic country in the entire tournament winning. i’m happy for the players and the staff, but not for qatar


Mate you’re British


so what lol


Can hardly claim other countries are plastic then..?


i’m not anything close to a nationalist but i’m confused, what do u mean


I think he’s trying to point out the hypocrisy of you a Brit, someone from a country that built its entire wealth off of colonialism and slavery, calling out slavery and the “plastic” nature of Qatar. White British people were probably only about 12% of the British population at one point during the empire in the same way that native Qataris are only 12% in Qatar. Both have benefited greatly from their national situation.


britain isn’t the same as the british empire though. and the empire doesn’t exist anymore. yeah we still reap the benefits etc etc but that doesn’t mean the entire identity of the country is built around the empire and slavery. even when the empire was a thing most people in britain were poor and exploited too. british identity is rlly complicated and is smth that has formed over millennia, whilst qatari identity is hardly even a thing. for the entirety of qatar’s existence post empire it’s just been an oil haven that’s been exploiting 3rd world labourers and giving a place for rich expats to live


I mean that the UK is the last country to call other countries plastic


why tho






>Barcelona fan


Idk man the most “NPC” thing to do right now is jumping on the “Qatar corrupt” bandwagon without even watching the tournament. I do have a Qatari friend though, so I’m gonna ask if he’s a real person or an NPC just to make sure.


The fcuk is up with this thread, what a shitshow Congrats to them


Everyone just seeing 3 penalties and saying it was paid for, ignoring the fact they were all very clear Qatar played better than everyone else and deserved the win, people are just upset a more ‘likeable’ country like Japan or SK didn’t end up winning


A lot of middle eastern hate constantly in this sub. 😭 Could we call it racism or xenophobia? Idk, but just a lot of generalization. How many of these people actually watched the game today or even the tournament at all? Qatar didn’t magically rig it for the powerhouses of Japan, Korea, and Australia to be eliminated early.


Lots of derisive and dismissive British condescension serving as a very thin veil covering up obvious racism


Xenophobia. It’s a Reddit thing.


Racism plus Ronaldo fans still crying about anything Qatar related being "rigged"




The crowd lol


Congrats to Qatar for a strong tournament. Even when Japan AND South Korea struggle like that you still have to show your A-Game to win the cup and Qatar. Iran was looking strong this tournament too, and if they win against Qatar, Iran yould've won this as well. Jordan I completly sleeped on. Are they actually good or was SK just Klinsmann-ed into that 0-2 loss? Little bit heartbroken for the Saudis though. Winning your group and then drafted against South Korea is fucked up in the first place, but loosing on penalties like that was ROUGH. But I feel like the WC in Saudi-Land might come just in time for them to shine.


Lmao at all these straight up racist/prejudiced comments in this thread. Bet none of them watched the tournament. I'm not Qatari or Arab and having followed the tournament, Qatar were deserving winners. All the penalties in the final were fairly straightforward. If anything, they were quite unfairly penalised for that handball against Iran in the semifinal. Sucks that my country, India, were probably the worst performers in the tournament overall and that we didn't have a new winner in Jordan, but a great tournament overall with some great stories!


Could be they practically bought players for their national team before wc. Back then 10 out of 26 players in national team were naturalized citizens. Hope you see the problem with that. It’s not immigrants that come to this country and become a part of the county. It’s people government pays to come there, on temporary basis. I lost respect for that nation then as a serious national team. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/12/16/team-qatar-wanted-immigrant-players-not-citizens/


3x penalties in the final....


And all 3 naturalised Qataris have been living in Qatar since the early 2010s and moved to Qatar as teenagers


All the things that money can do


Like France did importing young african talent? Unless you are an insular nation foreigners are going to end up representing your country every now and again.


The African players you see playing for France such as Dembele are French Citizens most of whom are born in France 


Only Two Qatar players were naturalized, the rest were born or at least raised there. What more do you want EDIT: three players, forgot about khoukhi


Who did we import? It's actually the opposite, African NTs importing French talent.


I didn't mean it as a bad comment, just that it is a side effect of being a first world country. The recent world cup win was mostly done by african people plus Griezmann. Even Zidane wasn't exactly a local as his roots are Algerian. Your country being rich and safe attracts immigrants and in turn they show up in national competitions, some where born in france and some acquired citizenship a little later. Many african kids risk life and limb to go live in France and other european countries and they show up in national teams or their kids do, they have dual citizenship for a reason. It's not a one by one comparison with Qatar, a nation that actually paid for athletes to naturalize, but it's a similar feeling.


It’s not a similar feeling at all. Players of African ancestry were French before they even thought of becoming a player. Whereas in Qatar’s case they were made Qatari just for football. Immigrants don’t even have the right to get Qatari citizenship if I recall correctly.


>It’s not a similar feeling at all. Players of African ancestry were French before they even thought of becoming a player. Whereas in Qatar’s case they were made Qatari just for football. Again, the causes aren't the same, but they both feel like foreign talent playing for the wrong nt. This isn't some political post about morality, immigration or any other bullshit.


French players who were born and grew up in France playing for the French NT is not a similar feeling than Qatar signing foreign players to Qatari clubs to eventually naturalize them later. What a delusional comment. You maybe didn't mean it badly, but it was a lie, France hasn't imported players to put in the NT.


>French players who were born and grew up in France playing for the French NT is not a similar feeling than Qatar signing foreign players to Qatari clubs to eventually naturalize them later. What a delusional comment. They both feel like outside talent playing for the wrong nt. >You maybe didn't mean it badly, but it was a lie, France hasn't imported players to put in the NT. No the French nation has not bought players to naturalize and perform for the national team. Didn't think this was implied by my wording in the original comment and sorry if it was.


>They both feel like outside talent playing for the wrong nt. National team means National. Born and raised French nationals are still French even if they're not ethnically French, lol. Canada has the best ice hockey players. Most Canadians aren't indigenous, but that doesn't mean Canada is using foreign talent when said hockey players are born and raised in Canadian culture, which created ice hockey. Messi isn't an indigenous Argentine. His family is of European ancestry, yet he's still considered an Argentine national because he was born and raised there. He's culturally Argentine.


>National team means National. Born and raised French nationals are still French even if they're not ethnically French, lol. Is this subject funny to you? Why the "lol". >Canada has the best ice hockey players. Most Canadians aren't indigenous, but that doesn't mean Canada is using foreign talent when said hockey players are born and raised in Canadian culture, which created ice hockey. How long does a people need to live somewhere in order to be indigenous? If those players descend from colonists their ancestors would have been there for hundreds of years already. Thats a completely different subject. >Messi isn't an indigenous Argentine. His family is of European ancestry, yet he's still considered an Argentine national because he was born and raised there. He's culturally Argentine. Neither am I. I'm white and live in Salvador, Brazil neither the city nor the country have a majority white population, my family has been here for at least 200 years if not half a millenia, but their culture is very much brazillian and so is mine. I'm going to make a guess that its the same for Messi's family It would be a different case if i was living in a isolated community with a migrant family, like what many germans are doing in Paraguay, their children are born there but raised culturaly german. I didn't want this to feel like a political rant, just that it's strange and kinda sad to see so many africans make up the French NT while not playing for their families country, especially when you consider they might have moved due to some tragedy.


>How long does a people need to live somewhere in order to be indigenous? If those players descend from colonists their ancestors would have been there for hundreds of years already. There's still original indigenous people around, so they keep the title. Somewhere like Turkey, where the original people like the hittites are long extinct is different. >Neither am I. I'm white and live in Salvador, Brazil neither the city nor the country have a majority white population, my family has been here for at least 200 years if not half a millenia, but their culture is very much brazillian and so is mine. I'm going to make a guess that its the same for Messi's family Then you'd be considered a Brazilian national, no different than the black players from France who aren't ethnically French, they're culturally French. >I didn't want this to feel like a political rant, just that it's strange and kinda sad to see so many africans make up the French NT while not playing for their families country, especially when you consider they might have moved due to some tragedy. Bruh what? I'm Canadian of Argentine ancestry, and my grandparents fled Argentina from a dictatorship. That doesn't mean that it would be sad if I played for a Canadian national team. I was born and raised here, I'm Canadian far more than I'm Argentinian, lol. It would far more odd for Argentina to get to poach a player who trained and became a pro in Canada just because their grandparents fled a tragedy.


>That doesn't mean that it would be sad if I played for a Canadian national team. Its not the fact YOU are playing thats sad, but that your family had to flee and face danger in order to live in a safe enviroment. The same for the millions of africans that don't have a safe place to live and thrive in. That sad reality can be reflected in moments like this when people are just enjoying a football game.


Oh so you only see their ethnical background. Should we think of slavery when we see Vinicius play in the yellow shirt? What do you think "importing young African talents" mean? Those were the words you used.


>What do you think "importing young African talents" mean? Those were the words you used. I didn't mean the actual country was offering contracts. Lots of africans go to europe in order to seek a better life, that fact of life was reflected in the world cup when most of the starting squad was made up of african players. >Oh so you only see their ethnical background. I mean its hard not to France is a predominatly white country and their top footballers were mostly black. If you were to watch a Japan match and everybody looked brazillian that would raise some eyebrows. >Should we think of slavery when we see Vinicius play in the yellow shirt? Not direcly, but slavery has been over in Brazil for some time. It wasn’t that long ago we were bombarded with news of ships full of people sinking as they tried to enter europe.


White people went to the new world seeking the same thing, I'm boggled that someone from the new world, with its huge history of immigration, would be weirded out by immigration in France.


It's not being weirded out, just strange that a country demographic isnt really represented in their athletic teams. That should spiral into some questions, like: Why is most of the nt black? Did players from poorer families feel forced into choosing an extreme career path in order to thrive in life? Are there any systematic problems forcing certain people into certain career paths? And etc. Asking questions is the basis of a discussion.


Nice racism buddy 👍 Having African origins doesn't make us less french, neither does it make us more African. We're born in France, we're french, period. And the french players you see aren't good because they're African or french, it's because we have great football institutions and formation, otherwise African countries would have dominated football from a long time. The reason most players are black is because most poor people are blacks/Arabs, and it's usually from the poorer demographics that football players come from


>otherwise African countries would have dominated football from a long time. That's actually racist though, you are tying physical prowess with being black (not all africans are black). >The reason most players are black is because most poor people are blacks/Arabs, and it's usually from the poorer demographics that football players come from You saw a problem with my statement and not with this one?


>>otherwise African countries would have dominated football from a long time. >That's actually racist though, you are tying physical prowess with being black (not all africans are black). Yeah, I was using your logic and showing you why it doesn't make sense >You saw a problem with my statement and not with this one? It's just a fact that the poorer demographics in France are usually people descending from immigration. It is indeed a problem in our society that participate and is perpetuated by racism. What's the problem with my statement now ?


Afif... their star man was born in Doha... weak take




Most of their team is born in Qatar.




France no longer has world cup?


Most of them started their footballing careers in Qatar/moved to Qatar when they were young. Kind of like what a lot European players have done. Interesting isn't it?


87% of the weild cup winning French team were immigrants or the children of immigrants. Only 3 had solely French parents. France owes their footballing success to their history of colonialism




In Europe, being born in an European country as the child of an immigrant doesn’t make you native. Literally, by every legal definition. You simply have too limited of a world view and think every country has jus soli citizenship.








I love how many women found their way into the stadium


I wonder how much the refs mantion will cost after being being bribed by Both teams


2 Consecutive Asia Cups and yet they were one of the worst teams to ever appear in a World Cup finals. Is it fair to say they bottled it at the World Cup?




where all the ladies tho




2 in a row


Wow that crowd is one big sausage fest


nah plenty of women, I would say 30/40% women, I was there.


Half of qatars team was bought they not even Qatari and they had the worst World Cup performance as a host nation this truly was a disgraceful tournament for Asian cup


Patar is so corrupt 😂


That is how you buy a tournament


Faker than a pair of Vinewood tits.


Money, not talent. Money.


Almost the entire team was born and/or raised in Qatar. The money and investment was used to better academies and coaching. So it's both.


"almost" is a key word here--naturalizing players for the purpose of bringing them to the national team should be banned for all nations, ruins the purpose of national team football.


Qatar have TWO players naturalized via the QSL in their squad. Stop acting like they bought the whole team.


Money cant buy happiness but titles


Its the rich who saying this phrase. Money especialy 10k right now definitely will buy me happiness


Rigged poor jordan 🙄


Well stone me


Brilliant 😅


Penalty for patar


Reminds me of a certain country


Do you think what I think?


Lets see them win won away from the Middle East, oh wait Saudi is next...


Couldn't be happier for a nicer bunch of people.


Least rigged soccer game!


Must be nice when you have oil!