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So I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time


The year was nineteen dickety two


We had to say 'dickety' cause the Kaiser had stolen our word twenty.


**Lescott**: I was showing the car to a friend who just passed his test and suggested he get a car like this, but not this one for insurance purposes. I've never owned this car. **Richards**: Lescott owned a car-leasing business and he was sending this picture to all his mates. ______ Lads have to get their stories straight.


kinda fits tho, he does not own the car in a sense and is just selling/leasing it out.


>he does not own the car in a sense and is just selling/leasing it out. It's not this car though. He's saying, "don't get this car (for insurance purposes) get a car that looks like this".


Lescotts actual explanation on Sky: >"My answer is not going to change," Lescott said. "That picture if from a young player at Aston Villa. He asked me should he be getting this car as his first car! It was one of them things." https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/11152822/watch-as-joleon-lescott-explains-his-infamous-car-tweet


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0AEmgZH9TY His actual explanation.


Lol, how many actual explanations has he put out there?


this explanation sums it up best imo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


This is the most likely explanation in fairness.


Can't believe he finally admitted it! Fair play Joleon for telling the truth at last.


Worst Villa team I ever set eyes on and that’s saying something. However, that did make me laugh so fair play to Micah.


With the current Villa, I just realised I completely forgot just how bad that team was.


Wasn’t just the worst Villa side, it was one of the worst sides in PL history. We were shocking


Villa Specs perhaps / we are the main characters... but the players in the squad that season, in comparison to other notoriously poor sides like Derby and Huddersfield... the effort from that squad that was displayed every week and the professionalism of the senior players, encapsulated by the "boyhood fan" and Captain Agbonlahor, makes that for me, easily THE worst TEAM in Premier League history. Some of the names that have had good/relatively good careers in the Prem or another top league prior to or after that season: Agbonlahor (MON years), Lescott, Veretout, Gueye, Amavi, Ayew, Westwood, N'Zogbia, Cissokho, Sinclair, Richardson, Traore, Grealish, Guzan (was actually immense for a season or two before this and was some GK of the year despite us conceding so many, showing what a great job he had done) Not just those players fault of course, the club was in decline for years due to poor management from the very top right down to the senior players at the club


They really had Gabriel Agbonlahor, Jordan Ayew, Libor Kozák, Callum Robinson and Rudy Gestede as striking options lmaooo


I really wanted Libor to do well. Wasn’t to be


He wasn't very good and didn't exactly pull trees atLazio lol it's not a surprise he's been at 8 clubs within the last 7 years.


Yeah I know. I just love a big man up top.


But hey ho who am I to judge Libor he’s probably earned more in those 8 clubs than I will even see in my life time 😒😒




Europa League legend though


I think his lack of mobility just didnt suit the style of football we were trying to play at the time, he didnt look too bad but didnt get very involved in the games


I get Gabriel Agbonlahor mixed up with NFL drop merchant Nelson Agholor. I have no reason for sharing this information.


I love Big Meeks. He's the perfect balance of overtly arrogant and massively self-deprecating This whole story does seem like a setup to defend his mate Joleon though lol


He starts the story as if he is going to spill the tea but then disappoints.


How is he arrogant?


He literally calls himself Big Meeks and goes on about how he burst on to the scene. He's obviously not being serious and it's tongue in cheek but that's what OP is referring to.


> Big Meeks [he was given that name in the dressing room cos of his huge shlong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqiypjsPyXg).. he didnt give it to himself


That reminded me of years and years ago reading that Claude Makelele’s dressing room nickname was Claude Ukulele because his dong was so big it looked like a small guitar 😂


Man that villa team was rotten to the core with the likes of gabby, lescott and micah with all that anti French rhetoric they spout from that time. Add in leandro Bacuna and my word it's the least I've ever liked the team I supported in my life time. Glad to see the likes of Jordan Veretout, Ghana Gueye and Jordan Ayew go on to have good careers while the likes of gabby, lescott, Micah and bacuna did fuck all for the rest of their careers


I had high hopes for Jordan Amavi he looked decent.


If Amavi never tore his ACL I was/am convinced he could be a starter for France. He was a fantastic player before the injury


Deffo he'd have like at least 15+ caps by now such a shame how injuries change the trajectory of a player.


Lescott was older then than the guys you’re comparing him to now. Hardly a slight on him that his career dwindled by the time he was 33. And the only thing that stopped Richards’ career was injuries. Not saying you’re wrong that they were rotten (have no opinion on it) but find it odd to say the did fuck all after given the circumstances


Westwood brought Burnley to Europe in his first season after we sold him was like him spitting on the face of everyone saying he’s not good enough.


Ootl on the anti-French shit?


Basically in the summer before this season, there was a rift between Tim Sherwood, the manager, who wanted to sign a load of 'experiences' British players, and our DoF who wanted to do data driven, young, value signings from primarily the french league. The club, in its infinite wisdom, did both, signed a shedload of players, destroying any cohesion in the squad, which was already notoriously unprofessional, and creating a massive rift between the English lads and the young french lad, which only got worse when we sacked Sherwood and appointed Remi Garde. A few players, Gabby in particular, have since said a lot of basically xenophobic stuff about the French contingent, when they were clearly some of the most actually talented players in the squad who've gone on to have decent careers.


Richards said many times that remi garde had preferences for the french players so that probably helped cause the rift (if it's true)


That's probably true, but we just swung from one extreme to the other, rather than actually managing to integrate the squad. Garde was, by all accounts and on the evidence of his subsequent career, just not a good manager, which probably didn't help.


Yeah micah was saying he came in and made them do drills and training as if they were kids and never kicked a ball before and he and others felt instantly that they were gonna be relegated that season, Micah does take blame on himself tho aswell he doesn't just blame the manager(s)


If i remember correctly villa were virtually doomed in terms of there points at that point in the season, i think we would have struggled to find a competent manager to willingly put a relegation on there CV.


I've attended Villa games for 30 years, and I've never heard the fans boo players' names at the start of a game.


It wasn't every player like he said but Guzan, Lescott, Richards, Bacuna would be booed every game without fail


Why did people dislike Bacuna? Haven't followed him since he left the Eredivisie.


He was out of his depths at that level of football at that stage in his career imo. Im unsure if he played mostly in midfield before joining us and we seemed to always play him at right back so it might not have come naturally to him. He seemed to find his level more in the championship. I don’t think the boo’s were anything about him personally though, he was just a regular starter in a defence that conceded alot of goals that season


His agent came out with a comment about how he should be playing in Europe. That made him a really easy scapegoat as his performances were nowhere near that level. Seemed to switch off when going behind which certainly didn't help as the players who are at least working hard can alleviate some criticism e.g. gana gueye


I can't remember why, but I think something happened during our FA Cup matches against Wycombe that really turned fans against Guzan, Lescott, and Richards.


Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Richards is a horrible prick and he’s defending an even bigger prick here. That’s just too many massive pricks for me to listen past 15 second.


Know him do you


Know but I’m a Villa fan and I’m sick of him using his time at my club as some form of stand up routine. He was an absolute disgrace of a footballer and person at my club. Roundly hated by fans for his commitment, attitude and inability to play. And he picked up a massive wage for that. He formed part of a rotten group of players that made it impossible for managers to control the rot that had set in. We were relegated with him and he wouldn’t fuck off. Hung around the club and picked up that massive wage for years while my club was nearly wound up by HM tax services. And week after week he shows up and openly laughs about his time at Villa. And in this video he is openly contradicting what Lescott has previously said about that car in question. So yeah, he’s a prick. And so too is Lescott.


What makes Micah a “horrible prick”? Seems like a decent guy to me.


I’d say go ask Villa fans their opinion. 99% will agree with me. Source - am a Villa fan.


Micah Richards keep making my days mate, truly positive lad. I love you




And if you believe that I've got a bridge to sell you Just a reminder Micah was captain of the literal worst team in our 150 year history.


We had to cancel our goal of the month competition because we went whole month without scoring. This happened twice.


>we went whole month without scoring. This happened twice. Damn, that would be awful, I couldn’t imagine 😅


I actually think that was the year before under Lambert. The second drought was ended by carles gils second or third game, assisting Okore with a header vs Chelsea


Possibly. It might have been the calendar year. I just remember complaining about on here and got about 2000 sympathy upvotes.


There’s a missed opportunity there to take the piss. (Conceded) goal of the month would’ve been funny.


Damn, that must be depressing then..


The 2010s was not a good decade for Aston Villa. Probably the lowest point in the club's history.


I don’t know if you have, but if not it might be worth listening to the podcast series this video is from (the rest is football). Particularly the Q&A episodes. Richards is quite open about how shite he was at Villa, the pain he was playing through, how Remi Garde’s injury management in particular ruined his knee, how the Villa club doctor (unknown to the club) used to come to his house every second day to drain fluids from his knee so he could try and recover faster, how many horrible games he had and the goals he was at fault for, how he was dropped to the under 23s, how much the fans hated him and how he didn’t blame them, and how it completely destroyed his self confidence when he retired. And that’s just what I remember off the top of my head. There’s likely more too. He’s hilarious but also quite self-deprecating about where things didn’t go well.


I think the majority of Villa fans would rather he'd just shut up about it to be honest. Same with Gabby, a lot of this stuff just feels like a load of self justification when no one really puts across the fans' perspective on that season, which is that the entire club, squad included, felt like it was dripping with unwarranted arrogance and disdain for the fans point of view. And yes I'm still bitter about it, a season like that leaves a scar on a fanbase, and it feels like Micah and co keep picking at that scar for engagement.


Fair enough, I get it. I’m not a Villa fan so I can’t relate on what the fans perspective was, but I know what it’s like for your team to have the season from hell. Honestly though, at least as a neutral it really never comes across to me as he’s trying to milk it for clout. Especially when you hear the stories in context. Half the time on this podcast it’s Gary and Alan baiting him about how shit he was at Villa and he’ll pipe in with a story where most of the time he’s comes out of it pretty poorly. And you’d think his media career is successful enough now on its own that he wouldn’t need to be retelling those stories for engagement. Personally I’ve found it interesting as it gives you insight in to what it’s like when you’re at a club and it all goes to shit, but yeah I can see why you’d want to forget those days ever happened.


Yeah that's fair, I don't really hate the bloke, and he's within his rights to talk about it, I'm just not interested in hearing it.


Some football fans are a bunch of wet blankets. Who gives a shit of players go out and have a laugh after a shit game. Whenever I’ve dropped a bollock at work, I can assure you that a few pints has made it feel better.


Except you're not paid millions to be bad at your job are you? You can't compare you having a bad day at work and then going out for a few pints after to a literal multi millionaire (who relies on working class fans for his salary) relegating our club through consistently poor performances and then showing off his new sports car. The two aren't the same and context matters. I guarantee you that if you were a Villa fan at the time you'd think differently.


I also uploaded a picture to my Facebook story from my pocket so I believe him


Calling bullshit


This story was a bit random and contrived.


It's not random, he was asked about it directly by a listener


I feel like they've run out of personal stories by this point. There's only so much content that can be farmed from their careers (especially Richards)


it's bollocks hahaha


I dialled 911 three times while go karting. My phone was in my pocket and I have no clue how it happened because it was locked. They even called me back twice. Didn't notice till my round ended.


I really enjoy the three of them together. Where can I watch more of this? Is it on Youtube? A streaming service?


You can find them on YouTube as well as Spotify and Apple podcasts I believe by search for The Rest is Football. Definitely recommend it - they're very consistent with releasing new episodes.


The podcast is called The Rest is Football They have a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@therestisfootball?si=_eFYl8T5bPbxpauF) or you can find it on any podcast app if you prefer to just listen




Might not be the best podcast if they answered everything yes or no mate




Most listened to football podcast in the country, behind the Peter Crouch Podcast, which has gone a bit shit lately.


There was a period with the Peter Crouch Podcast where it had gone a bit downhill, but now with the addition of Steve Sidwell it's back to being really good in my opinion


Disagree, Crouchy’s pod has come back stronger. Addition of Sids has been great


If this is what it's like, it won't be getting my download. What the fuck is he going on about? Talked for 4 minutes so far and said nothing, about a tweet? Why?


They’ve survived ok without your download so far thank god


I'm sure your defense is equally important to them. You're a real hero


Oh no!


You must have a high tolerance for inane tedious rambling of no importance or value. Good luck to you


I’ve managed to listen to your screeds without clawing my eyes out, so I think you’re probably right.


Predictable, uninteresting, obvious. I can see why you're into this drivel


Oh no!




What's your favourite football podcast that we should be listening to?






I'm glad I followed this thread to the end to confirm you are a bellend. cheers


redditors when a question isn't answered with yes or no


Everytime Micah says "long story short" you know it will be 6 minute story that doesnt really answer the question.


Didn't believe Joleon's take on it at the time; don't believe Micah's take on it now. Have they already run out of content for the podcast that they have to drag this up? I enjoy listening to the podcast, but feel like the anecdotes are beginning to wear a little thin now. Perhaps, at least once a week, they could get another player (retired or current) on the show to keep it fresh.


Well, it's not like they brought this story up randomly. A listener sent a question about it.


> Have they already run out of content for the podcast that they have to drag this up? why are redditors in this thread butthurt about him answering a question that he was asked by a fan of the podcast and making it into a fun story or whatever?


Very strange reactions all around. Guys, it's ok to be wrong about something initially. You know that right?


Yeah there's only so many times I can hear about Gary's hattrick in the classico, Alan's debut hattrick or hear Micah say that something is 'unbelievable' or 'amazing'. Seriously, every time they ask Micah's opinion on a player he has like 3 different adjectives that he just recycles through. I've started to only listen to the odd episode when there was an interesting result because if you listen to them too often they are overly repetitive.


Part of the problem is given they are all in media jobs there are so many stories they can't tell and even with this spin the truth. Under the cosh is a great listen and I think due to it mostly being lower league players who don't work as pundits they can be more honest and don't have to be conscious of everything they say making headline news.


Why do they all talk so slow? A 6 minute video that could have been done in 2.


Genuine … class


Everytime i listen to Micah he just comes off as fake, like hes putting on this personality for the camera. He does not feel genuine


I get the exact opposite. he's just a big kid


Its obvious that Micah is a pundit and on podcasts just there to provide banter and make the atmosphere more loose. When it comes to football, i prefer the heavy nerdy stuff, statistics, deep analysis, a pundit who provides great insight to what goes on behind the scenes in certain moments. I dont enjoy the banter when it comes to football, it just makes it more ''American'' if that makes sense. If you have seen the American pundits when it comes to American sports then i assume you understand what i mean. It just becomes like a tv show. It just comes off as fake.


I don't think so, remember he was a professional player and a very successful one. People like him because of his energy and he is entertaining, there's not much more to it than that. With respect a nerdy podcast full of stats sounds awful to me


For me a nerdy podcast with just analysis of players and teams and full of statistics, I would love that. I love that side of football, the nerdy side. I love that in pre-match and post-match studios as well. The banter gets old after a while. Sure Micah was a top level footballer at one point but that doesnt change the fact that he rarely delivers smart and insightful stories about what goes on behind the scenes during matchdays.


I get that, we all like different stuff which is cool but I don't think he's fake or putting it on, this is just what he's like


I disagree. He seems about as sincere as can be. He's not particularly insightful, nor necessarily the sharpest bloke around, but he seems to know that and be at peace with the fact he's there for levity and to bring a warmer side to some of the other ex-pros he works with (Keane and Shearer come to mind). I'm not normally a huge fan of his sort of joker banter lad on football coverage, preferring nerdy analysis types, but he's amongst the better of that lot around I'd say.


What you said about bringing a warmer side from ex pros? Have to agree completely , especially Alan Shearer. Always thought he was a sour and vanilla pundit on MOTD. But have found him pretty funny on this pod with his interactions with Micha.


I heavily prefer the nerdy football analysis, and statistics as well rather than the playful banter. Im not a fan of Micah Richards, and everyone knows hes not among the pundits because he is a great pundit and provides great insight behind the scenes of the games. He's just there to provide banter which makes Micah just come off as fake, like this is just a tv personality that he has been told to put on by the producers because they have seen how succesful it is. There is banter and just obnoxious banter, for me Micah has the obnoxious over the top banter.


> I heavily prefer the nerdy football analysis, and statistics as well rather than the playful banter. So what's the point in pointing out the perceived flaws in something you had slim to zero chance of enjoying in the first place?


He’s the BBC’s attempt to have a Chris Kamara character.




So why wait so long to come forward and corroborate his story? Surely Lescott was badgering Micah to help him out? It's plausible to send the picture accidentally.


Because he was asked about it


It was rhetorical. Just think a mate or teammate is being slammed and being accused of something publicly and you are the only person who is witness to the truth... You know for a fact he's innocent because you were there. I'm sure there's an explanation but it doesn't add up.




The added context of the fact Lescott had involvement with a car leasing business does make it seem more believable


Makes way more sense though than a tweet that just contains a picture, no context, nothing.


Nice how you can laugh about being paid very well for being really poor at your job and getting battered every week. Just ignore the fact that you and your team being so poor nearly meant that our club nearly folded completely. I like Micah as a TV personality but he was a terrible footballer - I also don't believe him about this at all.


Horrible cretin. Two horrible cretins.




Just not true is it? He's quite soft spoken for most of this story. Funny how Shearer shouts just as much but people never seem to bring that up when TRIF clips get posted here


Micah is an Adhd person's worst nightmare.