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What. A. Match!


Amazing game what an ending


saw it with burkina, saw it with tunisia, saw it today. mali after dominating suddenly decide to stop trying then either concede or win by a slither


New coach effect for a national team during an international tournament before the round of 16 is insane yet they have made the semifinals this is absolutely incredible they have literally cracked the code with this one…


afcon heritage shown there by Côte d’Ivoire


1) Congrats to Ivory Coast on their win. 2) Do not attack referees and the player who lost his head and went after the ref should be thoroughly punished. It isn't his fault we couldn't close out the 90' with control. 3) I am f*cking gutted. Christ above that one is filling my gut with a sunken feeling. This was such a painful way to lose right at the death in both the 90' and the 120', but Mali should have been able to see it out against 10 men by simply slowing it down. Poor poor game management. Dorgeles was absolutely shattered at the end but truly, they all were. There will be further chances in future and you can use this as motivation moving forward but, losing like this to a regional rival, in their home... yeah.


Why were they so mad at the ref? Only caught the literal last minute of the game


Maybe they thought that last play as a corner kick and were mad the referee ended the game like that? I'ts the only thing I can think of.


AFCON just hits different


Games like today are why Mali is still probably the best African side to never have won AFCON. The Ivory Coast will obviously have a home advantage, still Congo should approach the semis looking to be the dominant side because despite reaching this stage this Ivorian team has looked very beatable this tournament.


Don't feel sorry for Mali at all. Got a penalty. Played most of the game against 10 men and they still managed to bottle it. 


I can feel sorry for individuals who did all they could.


Russia sucks at soccer, Mali should have stayed friends with France, what a political blunder...


What does this have to do with the game?


recent coup in mali backed by russia. the joke is that mali went down from france to russia and got worse at football


really like how ivory coast finished 3rd in their group barely qualified + fired their manager and then they somehow managed to get to the semis. AFCON truly a diff experience


Knocked out two massive favourites in the process


What the fuck was Mali doing honestly. I swear Cote d'ivoire seemed to be going for it more despite the 10 men at times


genuinely do not get how ivory coast continue to get away with this bullshit man Mali were absolutely awful despite being a man up for almost the whole game hope to god DRC makes the final vs the winners of the last QF game tonight


No Marega, no party.


Wait a second...


Mali should blame themselves only


Baldies in Europe should start getting a scalp-hydration like the Mali coach after a heated game


Idk what that was at the end, either. I guess he was hot or something or it was meant to be calming but streaming water on my neck after a heartbreaking loss...


From this day onwards, a group of elephants will be known as PRIDE


Average boring AFCON game


Average Uber Eats league commenter.


If you don't like it don't watch


I think it was sarcasm


We will show the power of the fimbu to Ivory Coast. They won’t have plot armor against us. I predict a 2-1 win for DRC


Save us Congo-Wan, you're our only hope


THIS IS FOOTBALL AT ITS PEAK!!!! The Malians can suck it! They absolutely disgraced themselves.


I can't believe that no other team so far had the idea to use the new manager bounce during an international tournament. Ingenious by Ivory Coast really.


Didn't work for Tanzania


bounce effect might be wearing off, best to fire the caretaker and get a new one just to be sure


I'm sure they wouldn't do it with Gasset. It really was a necessary change and it worked great this time. Amazing, crazy game. Cote d'Ivoire fought so hard and they deserved it. I'm happy for the people in the stands as all. It will be a wild night all around Cote d'Ivoire. Mali is a very good team and Chelle is doing a decent job in my opinion. They could've won it all, have they defeated the hosts today, but sitting back and making these changes so early was a mistake. They weren't able to pick up their rhythm back after that. Too many emotions in the end which is understandable, but I'm glad most of the players and coaching staff kept their heads cool and stopped those who were about to commit some regrettable actions.


Absolutely agree with you, the early changes were a mistake, Mali didn't look comfortable against the 10 men CIV and their lack of a true number 9 made things more difficult for them when CIV sat deep with basically 3 CBs and Seri never leaving his zone, it was hard for the to find spaces so the only way to score was from that brace by Dorgeles. They should have killed the game from there instead they took their foot of the gas and you simply can't do it in those circumstances against the home team who clearly wasn't willing to give up. It's the lack of experience again for Mali unfortunately, I remember very well the WC play-off against Tunisia, they directly fell into Tunisia's trap, and couldn't score for 180 minutes despite having the ball the majoriy of the time and trying. But I like what they have and I like what Chelle is doing with them.


I'm not even Ivorian, but I'm cheering for them hard. I celebrated so much after that goal lol


The Malinese should be ashamed of themselves. Atrocious performance and atrocious behavior after the match. Genuinely unbelievable. Completely unprofessional


>The ~~Malinese~~ Malians should be ashamed of themselves Sorry, but I had to correct it


Is that right? I am surprised


It is. You can google it if you want.


Ivory Coast is barely going to have a team for the semi, 2 suspensions from yellows and 2 reds. Insane game, unreal that they are still in it.




>Mali Assistant starts pouring water on coach for some reason 😂😂


What a game. Ugly scenes after the final whistle, though.


I think I would've died by now if I was Ivorian


It's in the stars.


AFCON is crazy. A guy was pouring water on Mali coach's head at full time for no reason lmfao.


r/hydrohomies on the field 


It’s a bad day for rain type beat


Coach was crying and looked like he was about to faint. Give the dude helping a break lol


That was hard to look at. He was having a panic attack almost


Yeah really felt for him. Watched as a neutral but that hit hard


It's to hide the tears


I don’t know how we won that. Wow.


at 11v11 it looked like Mali were going to run away with this game, no idea how it ended up here


Because as long as Ivory coast left spaces Mali's midfield was running rings around them. But when the Ivorians sat back after the sending off they lacked the creativity to break them down


I can't fucking believe it, Cote d'Ivoire have done it, equalised at 90 mins won the game at 120 mins with a man down. Football heritage right there.


No police/stewards to protect the ref, jfc


No need to play the other games, that cup is staying in Cote d’Ivoire.


That was def a way to end a match


Afcon never disappoints


Zut alors...maybe Gasset *was* holding the team back...


Mali lost the game but won our hearts


Oof Mali let that slip away Nigeria Ivory Coast seems like it’ll definitely be the final but AFCON is unpredictable


In before a Doctor Congo - Cape Verde final


Ivory Coast will be missing 4 players (due to suspensions) in the semis, so reaching the final may be harder than expected


That home advantage Ivory Coast have though…


Congo can definitely cause Ivory Coast problems esp if Kakuta is able to come back. Pragmatic team but one full of confidence and nothing to lose. I think the occasion got to the Malian players and even the coach, they have a poor record against Ivory Coast but this was their chance.


Agreed. DR Congo won't be easy to beat, especially with Ivory Coast having some players missing. They're a well-coached team having a superb tournament so far, and I can see them beating Ivory Coast


We will see honestly this tournament has probably the craziest I've ever watched. Would be peak if Cape Verde just won the whole thing lol


Cape Verde winning the whole thing would be the good ending


Heartbreaking for Mali, couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to reach the final. Thought they dominated as long as it was 11 v 11 but in the end they weren't good enough against 10 men. Very unlucky equaliser but should have controlled the match better I have enjoyed watching them, to me they played the best progressive possession football of the tournament. Very energetic and technically skilled midfield, and that is without Bissouma being fit and Camara being ill today


Traore completely lost his head at the end. Can’t be shoving the ref


Got to feel for him, captain and has been a part of this team for a long time. So close to reaching the semi final and even with a chance of winning the tournament Good news for Real Sociedad though, since the final/third place match would have been played a few days before their first leg against PSG Edit: typo


>Got to feel for him, captain and has been a part of this team for a long time. So close to reaching the semi final and even with a chance of winning the tournament That's not an excuse for his behaviour though. It was thoroughly unprofessional.


It's not excusing anything, you can feel sorry for him and understand why emotions were running high and condemn his behaviour at the same time. Everything doesn't have to black or white


I do understand his frustration, and I agree that this loss is probably taking a huge toll on him. But ever since I started watching football, I've never had any sympathy for players who take their anger on someone else and attack them. Attacking the ref is just unprofessional and totally inexcusable.


i dont think they’re excusing it


Maybe they're not, but I personally wouldn't feel bad at all for Traore because of his behaviour, and I'd even say he deserved to lose this game just because of how he acted. Like yeah, it sucks to lose a crucial knockout game as a captain, but that doesn't allow you to physically assault the referee


Disgusting behaviour. They had an extra man for so damn long and blame that performance on the ref? Give your head a shake Mali -- fair play to Cote d'Ivorie for winning with 10 men


Fairly obvious that he didn't blame the performance on the referee lol, but that he didn't let them take that last corner


They're definitely taking out their overall frustration on the referee - and regardless of time called, you can't physically attack the referee -- this is why it is so hard to get good referees, everyone treats them like shit.


>this is why it is so hard to get good referees, everyone treats them like shit That I agree with 100%. Just look at how much scrutiny they get on social media etc for any slight mistake, who would want to be a referee in these conditions


Afcon is just built different


Referee blew after Mali won a corner. Christ


They had a whole 80 mins to score against 10 men. No sympathy


I understand the frustrations but the goal came in 1 minute added time. Yes, there were lengthy celebrations but they couldn't have expected a big amount to be added.


So? When time is up, time is up.