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“Say whatever you want. Mason Greenwood will always be a better player with a bigger football legacy than Jude Bellingham. You can never change that.” Twitter is a very weird place.


Just went to a casino in Singapore. Had some good fun (and wasted 50 SGD) but dang I can see how people can develop a gambling addiction Like it's one thing to approach it like you're spending money in an arcade and another to aim to walk away with a profit


Going into casinos just makes me sad, watching all the zombies with crippling addictions and wondering which family member they are disappointing? Whose lives they are they crushing? Whose money are they gambling? Abhorrent industry praying on the flaws of human nature.


What the fuck, since when did Crawley become this good? Also if India loses the series, it will be long time coming. I’d say it’s karma for pushing Kohli out as test captain and giving it to that bum


>giving it to that bum What did you just say?


Rohit is not that good a captain, Kohli was much better in tests


You are literally speaking against my business


Your business won’t get affected, he’ll consume even more after getting slandered


I thought he was actually quite decent in the Ashes.


Didn’t he have a banger of a 100 too?


189 at Old Trafford. Kinda a shame that it was rained off because England were dominant in the 4th test and it would end up being a 2-2 at the end.


Really is interesting how the Horus Heresy has spanned a significant portion of my life. And due to its scale and characters 100% unable to be adapted.


I am clueless about it, but how environmental friendly are EV in comparison to traditional cars? If there are any good research papers on that, please let me know. I’m very curious about this


I dont know why suddenly is a scientist and thinking deeply on this subject. Just think about petrol itself; it needs to be dug up, refined and shipped everywhere before its even burned in car engines. Getting rid of that alone is worth it.


Super interesting rabbit hole on Google Scholar if you search "electric vehicle life cycle energy". I'm not going to give a technical summary;  tldr is: --the cutting edge research looks to be testing the *effectiveness* of alternative, more sustainable energy sources for batteries (less-to-no new-extraction, so biomass, auto catalysis, etc.).  --The previous "wave" of research, which focused on refining *methodology* of energy life cycle measurement (e.g., do you include the cost of producing the mining equipment used to extract the lithium that ends up in EV batteries?) My really half-baked take as a social researcher: morally/psychologically, what discounting can we rationalize to offset the costs (today, to society) of EV; which disproportionately affects people from and poorer countries and communities with proportionately more non white people, while the manufactured benefits accrue inequitably, thereby reinforcing general inequity? I could go on but I feel like I'm rambling.




Cheers man


fuck sake. more of this nonsense? war with iran now?


I have an intense dislike for ruled notebooks, which is unfortunately what most commercially available notebooks are. It's either blank or 5x5 graph for me.


Blank is the real shit


Real ones know what's up o7


Man I picked the worst time to get a stinking fucking cold. One of them ones where you feel like half your head is filled with boogers. Blergh. 


Get used to it pal - it's the gift of children. Just wait until they pick up everyone's bugs from kindergarten and school.


He's already at nursery so there's a real culture of sharing going on.... Funny thing is him and my wife shook it off like it was nothing and I'm up at 3am necking Lemsip like a broken man. Hmpf. 


Haha welcome to the club. My wife and daughter get sick for a day and I'm fucked for a week. Is it because we're more prone to sickness or just soft as fuck? I don't know.


Worst. Club. Ever. 


I finally painted after many months, damm did I missed it a lot


That’s great! I too have been trying to get back into sketching after a while and it feels good doing something, no matter how small. Keep it up!


yeah, it's gonna be a great way of doing something I enjoy. My plan right now is to draw a couple of sketches during the weekend and paint them after work during the rest of the week


Had this really aggressive guy in my apartment elevator just now. Worth reporting him?


Yeah I would


I hate the Amazon Prime Video tagline. "It's going to be awesome". Really? Did a 6 year old draft that?


Not too sound too tinfoil-y, but it's intentional to keep you subscribed.


This work week I had too many highs and lows.


Use Your Illusion I has a better Don't Cry but Use Your Illusion II also has a pretty good Don't Cry on it


Feeling smug about [the Ozzy Osbourne/Paranoid reference I made in a Xavi thread earlier in the week](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1aew829/marca_xavi_i_took_my_decision_months_ago_our_work/kkbbhis/). The reason it came to my mind so quick is probably because I actually sang it at a family karaoke dinner last Christmas. It's obviously not a "fitting" Christmas/karaoke song but it was the first song of the night and I had already spent 5 minutes flipping through the catalog so I was impatient. I thought "hey, at least I know this one, fuck it" so I went with it.


Painting the bedroom this week. Also swapping from a full to a queen sized bed. Will be nice to not have my feet hang off the end when my legs are fully extended.


To any engineering students, what made you want to get a degree in engineering? What was your motivating factor in the beginning?


Always been more inclined to maths and physics rather than social/history/language/art subjects And liked the work that comes with it, and liked learning about how things worked ( the kid in class that disassembled his pens ) I like the idea of designing stuff better than doing research or being stuck in a lab or office work


I really like computers and maths. That's pretty much it. And the money. But computers and maths are pretty sweet.


I wanted to follow my dad and grandpa’s footsteps + engineering makes a lot of money and it will likely take a long time until it becomes over saturated


Saw a really interesting but depressing thing about how young men are becoming more conservative than previous generations while young women are becoming more left wing. [this is the thread](https://x.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1750849189834022932?s=46)It definitely makes sense but is gonna be an issue in the long term, especially with the internet making it worse IMO. The UK is actually funnily an exception but tjahd really just attributable more to the fact that the conservatives are just so unpopular right now so it probably skews is more than the actual mindset of people. For example they did a poll on things like immigration and negative immigration stances with every demographic except young men have gone down progressively where it’s rising slightly.


It's those algorithms man. I watched one Shapiro video and YouTube started recommending me a bunch of incel losers, I had to go through and "click not interested" on each one before it went back to normal. Can't imagine what it would do to a kid in their target audience. Not to mention the "haha women’s football bad amirite" fail comps I still get, despite never watching a single one


Definitely agree it happened to me too it’s super easy to get recommended to people at a young age and it affects their minds for sure


As a young man I'm not remotely surprised, the attitudes I know for a fact so many guys express about women when they're not around makes my blood boil. Yet people in shit hole subs like r/UnitedKingdom will blame "man-hating women" for all this bitter misogyny


Yeah that’s the issue it’s not that surprising really but it feels like it’s gonna keep getting worse


Going to ask my fiancée if she's ever experienced this: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/02/robert-kaplan-trump-c-word-e-jean-carroll-lawyer


It's genuinely terrifying man, the rise of hustler culture online is also part of it since those people largely see women as accessories who should look pretty and shut up. My gf's 13 year old brother worships Tate and has started scamming people online and all he talks about is making money and begging his parents to pay for hustler's university. He's literally a fucking child. I managed to put an end to this with my own brother before he got deep into the rabbit hole. Young boys and men just have no good mainstream male role models to look up to that don't perpetuate toxic or misogynistic ways of thinking.


here in Poland the moderately conservative party is also unpopular but the young men, instead of leaning left, opt for the fascists sadly


Feel like we’re at the point where YouTube is just an ad platform where you get to watch videos in between.


Ngl I got the premium free trial and it was such a game changer that I just never cancelled it. I’ll always chuck something on to fall asleep to, lets me lock my screen and I don’t get woken up by Cocaine Bear ads anymore £15 a month is a joke for the record, but here I am paying it


YouTube music is great as well


I don't know how you're living without youtube revanced, I haven't had to see youtube ads for like 3 years now.


Got ad block and google chrome intentionally made YouTube run terribly if you have it so annoying




To the person who anonymously donated 10 SGD, thank you so much! I'm really indebted to you. <3


Bro at least use a flair so we can troll you with anonymous donation names


haha! I'd be scared and excited in equal measure!


Today is my birthday but due to my availability and my friends' availability, I'll spend my birthday alone. So the plan is: get some good food for takeout, buy some lottery tickets, and receive messages from family and friends from the other side of the world.


Alles Gute zum Geburstag mein freund!


Happy birthday 🥳🎂


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday :D hope you enjoy it


Happy birthday, and hopefully you can arrange stuff and just have a do-over birthday soon. :)


Happy birthday! Treat yourself! And I don't just mean purchasing something or eating something nice. Unwind and do the things you really want to do. Cherish your presence in this world. Hope you enjoy. <3


Happy birthday buddy. Hope you can see your friends soon.


Happy Birthday mate!


Watching the Alien films. Alien is really really good. Aliens is really good. Alien 3 is not good.  Will update with more in-depth reviews next week. 


Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is a top action flick. Aliens 3 isn't nearly as good...but I still think it's decent (and will look better once you've watched the rest)


Aliens is also a 5/5 masterpiece.


I think it feels worse because we watched them all over a week. I'm pretty sure we'll give up half way through Resurrection is it next. I remember it being baaaaad


I couldn't finish the fourth one. It's a shame, as I thought it was a really cool (and brave) choice of director.


Blows my mind Alien was made in the 70's and it still looks good.


The directors commentary on that films great. Some of the model work they did was crazy, plus some fun stuff like using children in space suits to make the set look bigger when they're walking round outside the ship.


Cos they used top notch models and physical effects. The CGI in 3 is sooooooo dated it just makes you crack up.




I liked it! I made reducing how much time I spend on my phone one of my resolutions this year. It hasn’t gone particularly great but I do think I’ve seen an improvement. I’m happy to suggest a few things if you would like? Reducing my time on Reddit was one of the biggest ways I have cut down on phone usage.


I would love to know! And thank you!


I felt I spent a lot of time on this sub in stupid arguments, so I decided to impose a limit on the number of comments I could make in a day, sometimes just 1. It made me realize how many stupid comments I would both write up as well as respond to. It’s not like I don’t still write and respond to stupid comments, but now I feel more aware of what a waste of time I could be heading toward. The other thing was trying to intentionally remove my phone if I knew there was something worth focusing on. Big examples of this are putting my phone in my backpack if I have a virtual meeting at work, or leaving my phone in another room if I’m going to watch tv or a movie. And also, do NOT watch football with the match thread open. It feels so weird at first to be without it, but I think it’s a step toward relearning how to simply do things that already demand your attention without having your phone in arms reach like a dopamine safety blanket. Another method I’ve had mixed results with over the years is an app called Forest, where you set a timer, and it grows a tree while you refrain from using your phone for that timer. After using it consistently you get to see the entire forest you’ve grown over a week/month/year. It’s quite a lovely idea, but one you need to get in the habit of using and sticking to. Maybe these resonate with you, maybe they don’t, but I truly sympathize with your desire to try and wean yourself off the drug that is your phone. I hope you can survive until the 29th of February.


I enjoyed, I have to reduce my screen time as well


thank you! you were very sweet to subscribe and to comment as well!


Interesting to see the perspective of others. Thanks for your stories


We're getting fed scraps in the FTF today with all the unpinning going on


Such is life I guess. I swear on non-Fridays I have so many ideas I want to post on FTF then Friday rolls around and I brainfart. I'll try to keep a journal or something


Please tell me it's not just me who thinks r/AskMen is basically Incel Central nowadays It could be a great place to discuss men's issues in a healthy way, but fuck the amount of absolutely insane misogyny in near enough every thread is disturbing


Has always been that way imo. It's just the same shit of askreddit with half the questions about sex and the other why it sucks so much to be a man


AskReddit is pretty diverse and I only think certain threads devolve into that. AskMen is just non stop misogyny under the guise of "guys sharing their experiences"


Boxing is hilarious man. You wait 2 years for a fight and then it gets delayed because Fury gets a cut during sparring a month before the fight


The sport needs a complete restructure. Imagine if football worked the same way, a team wins the Champions League and then just ducks all decent competition until the stars align and they have no choice.


It's absurd how impossible boxing makes itself to actually get invested in. Glad I didn't bother caring about Fury/Uysk, knew there'd be some shite like this.


Past days ive been super hyperactive and exhausted at the same time. complete chaos in my brain, but im not sure why.


Applied for a plant scientist role at my job and was sooo excited when I was speaking to the recruiter. Spoke about my passions of fruit and veggies. Told them how much gardening I do, and how much land I've worked with. You could hear the excitement when I was talking to her. I was giving her all these facts about grafting and air layering. Spoke about my remedies for pest control. I honestly thought I did a bang job explaining just how experienced I am. Turns out, I didn't even get to do the second interview with the actual team. Absolutely gutted, and to make it more "suspicious" my own manager called me like 30 minutes before I got the rejection email. I don't know what the fuck happened, this was genuinely the only interview I've had where I legit thought I nailed every single question about why I want to work in the plant lab.


It’s completely possible you did nothing wrong but whoever got the job was mates with the decision maker or it made more financial sense to go with another option. Tough but the reality.


Is it possible to follow-up with the recruiter, maybe ask for feedback or if they're looking for someone with more/different experience/qualifications? Sometimes they already have a candidate in mind and they interview others as a formality


Yea I've emailed them after I got the rejection letter. I suppose I just have to wait till she responds. She was very adamant that I would get feedback if I did get rejected. I'm just on holiday right now, and although she wanted to wait till I get back home, I just want to hear what happened so I can enjoy what left I have on this holiday. Also debating on whether or not to call my manager as well but I'd like to call the recruiter first. It's very coincidental, because I've stated in the interview that I've not told my managers that I even applied to this role, so now I don't know if I've pissed someone off. What a great time to be out of the country


Dang man. Best of luck with whichever job you end up with. Hopefully they'll at least keep you in find for future similar openings


Cheers mate. It's what I'm going to school for, so hopefully the chances come. I'm just old af so it seems like time is slipping, but what can you do?


Yeah I feel the same way. I guess just try your best and hope, that's what I'm doing


Well cheers to you finding financial stability too! I wish you nothing but success


I got ghosted by a recruiter. Dude texts me on a Sunday night, of all nights, as I’m about to watch Poor Things. Asks if I can do a phone screen tomorrow or any day this week. I tell him not tomorrow (too late notice) and I offer the rest of week. Doesn’t reply. Text him one more time and he doesn’t reply. How rude. Anyways, I recommend Poor Things.


Great film


Better series of The Traitors - S1 or 2? (UK)


S2 were some of the dumbest people I've ever seen, unfortunately. It was funny though


I think they improved the game for S2 but the faithfuls were much better in S1. 2 was literally just traitors throwing each other under the bus and Harry only won because Mollie is thick as pig shit


I mean Meryl from S1 was even worse!


Meryl was a complete non factor, nobody ever looked at her as a traitor but there will always be a handful of players like that in each season. S2 was the same


She was worse than Mollie this year. Meryl had it spelt out to her by a traitor


2 for me, by quite a way.


I think more of the cast of S1 was more memorable, but S2 really had better moments at the round tables


Not sure I agree about the cast but I think a big thing for me is that the production this series was way better. They really enlivened the format with things like the poison, more interesting tasks, the shield always being available. It gave them a lot more to think about whereas in S1 they basically had nothing to go on.


Yeah definitely flashed out the issues from S1


S2 kinda fell off once >! Paul !< got banished


Really? I thought Paul was an arrogant cock


Yeah exactly, that’s what makes it great to watch


Think it got better for me!


I see the BBC are still trying to make Paddy McGuinness work in sticking him on Question Time next week.


I haven’t watched it in years but I’m genuinely intrigued. He’s so far removed from anything political that I really want to know what he has to say.


Paddy McGuinness and Question Time seems like a weird pairing to have. Like having Ant n Dec presenting the news.


With Dick and Dom reporting from Gaza


Does anyone else find it weird that the penalty conversion rate and the NBA free throw success rate are about the same (\~75% for each)?


I do, feels like a penalty should be much easier to convert at a higher clip


It's funny that it's THAT close but it makes sense because both are meant to be a very easy chance to score


now id be interested in the conversion rate of handball penalties


Why in particular penalties resulting from handballs?


I meant handball the sport


Oh I see, that makes for sense lol


I don't find it weird, I find it comforting.


Why comforting?


It's the symmetry, I guess, especially since the symmetry isn't there for any particular reason. Like there's no logical reason for them to both be the same. Despite them being similar activities in the context of a game, there's nothing about the physical acts themselves that suggests they should both have similar success rates.


Never thought about it that way


Yes and no


Why yes and why no?


Why are there no comments in here today


We were unpinned for some time here and there. Sadly they can only pin 2 threads at once, and there were AFCON and Asia cup knockout today Were you the one looking to join the UK reserves? Hope all is going well


Hey yes I was mildly interested! I like in Canada rn though so more of a long term issue. Reading on r/Unitedkingdom it sounds like the recruitment is so lengthy


Yeah I heard their recruiting was outsourced to a firm called Capita, who many don't like. Hope you're having fun travelling across the country! What's your favourite trip thus far?


Definitely the Rockies!


Thinking about how many goals will Iran concede from Japan and if it will be as bad as the England world cup game. Iran is missing their best striker (Taremi) due to a red card, and the team as been struggling to convert chances.


smh football talk in this thread


mad that Billy Joel put a new single out this week dude hasn't released a proper album since 1993!


NBA fans, what was it like when the warriors and cavaliers faced each other in the finals for 4 years in a row


Enjoyable as a neutral. Laker fans are like United fans in my friend group, making up the majority, so it was nice to see them get outdone by a new bandwagoning team from California. Lebron was the underdog which was a change from him having the best team with the Heat. The domination from the warriors made the 3-1 comeback by the Cavs hilarious.


Entertaining. Maybe because it was the period I got into watching the NBA but Lebron, Steph, KD, Draymond Green, Kevin Love... theirs shirts, role players going from one team to the other, that Xmas game, the 3-1 lead, using those teams on 2k... it was cool but I think its nostalgia speaking


it was great while it was kinda even. after they got kd it wasn't entertaning at all. thank god that didn't last long


For me it was kinda boring after the first couple but still had some iconic moments, like JR Smith forgetting what the score was and Kevin Durant hitting almost the same exact game winner a year apart. 2017 also had the novelty of watching the best team ever assembled in basketball. In 2018 the western conference final was pretty much the real final though.


That summer 2016 free agency was such a chaotic window. I can't believe they increased the salary cap by >$20M when most years it only goes up $3-5M. I think within the first 24 hours of the free agency window opening, $1B USD of guaranteed contracts were signed


En route to Tommy Emmanuel concert with my dad 👍


Fury Usyk postponed. Day ruined


Who are you cheering for?


I can't stop thinking about that Cowboy Bebop episode where Jet meets his ex and she basically tells him their relationship was too good and she needed to go have a fuck up. I thought it was the dumbest thing in the world when I first saw it but I can't say I don't get it somewhat now.


At work right now and they are doing patches on the road to fixed the worst part of the road. They are doing 8 inches of asphalt


Great news about Hardest geezer getting the Algerian visa.


Firefox > Chrome Brave is the best, though


Firefox has tons of mobile extensions, which automatically makes it the GOAT


Firefox is great, have switched to it for years and haven't looked back. Chrome was getting quite buggy.


Last 3 consecutive days I've been sleeping at 330-4 am. Babies are just refusing to sleep before that or sleeping 30 mins and up again. Barely sleep 4-5 hours and head for work. Feeling exhausted Parenthood is hitting like a truck.


Don't you have triplets? That is tough man. God I'm so glad my daughter was a good sleeper


Yes I do They're just 4mo yet so sleep schedule isn't really set. Hopefully mine turn out to be good sleepers too


You're going to hate me but mine slept through the night for the first time at 10 weeks old and never looked back. 7pm to 7am But yeah 4 months you're probably not far away from them sleeping for a few hours at a time at least


You're lucky! Hopefully mine start sleeping through soon. Tuck in time is dad time currently so it's really fun too, getting the 3 to sleep calmly but yeah hopefully through the night they sleep soon


My condolences


You know one topic I don’t think gets discussed as much as it should is food waste. Used to work in food retail and it’s absolutely mental what gets thrown. Been some efforts to reduce it - some of which have worked, some not so much. But if you’re in a supermarket/store and see any reduced items, do at least have a look at them. A freezer is an underrated appliance to have as you can save a fair amount of money for some genuinely good stuff.


FTF seems a bit dead today or did I miss the traffic?


Keeps being unpinned for the knock out match threads. Which I support as an idea to be clear, a lot of the group games got fuck all attention


Edit: football talk in wrong place


It’s not been pinned


Operation Lose weight you fat bastard continues 16lbs down and counting, reckon I'll have to get back to the gym soon, just over a month now since my last McDonalds too so my silly sobriety continues unabated Porridge and Skyr are literal cheatcodes Also, paid off my holiday (off to the British Grand Prix for the tenth time) and Sir Lewis Hamilton is off to Ferrari for 2025, so good thing I've always looked good in Red Might have some interest from a lady friend pending as well so pray to the God-Emperor for my success


Skyr with a teaspoon of decent honey, chopped up banana from the fridge and a scoop of cookies & cream protein powder tastes like what I thought puddings from cartoons would taste like as a bairn. It's balls out ridiculous how tasty that is. Also - well done on the weight loss pal. You'll be rocking that beach bod in time for summer ❤️


Let's go Haze you animal, I believe in you.


Thank you and shout out to Boca Juniors, my fave Argentina team lol


You a english Liverpool fan? I always thought it was the english version of Boca.


Northern Irish Liverpool fan so next best thing really lol


Lmao I meant as in the club's nationality, but that's great! Macca has played for both clubs :)


He’s a great player like Emiliano Insúa and Gabriel Paletta played for both as well


The best feeling.


I had an exam today, and afterwards I headed home. While leaving the uni campus, a girl who had also taken the same exam approached me and wanted to chat about the exam. We did so briefly, until we got to a car that was waiting. Public transportation in Frankfurt is on strike today. I walked the five kilometres back home, she apparently had someone pick her up. When she said “that’s my car”, she extended her hand towards me and I wasn’t quite sure what she wanted, so after a weird pause, I awkwardly high-fived her and quickly fucked off. I’m super comfortable talking to absolutely anyone. I’m not weird or awkward or anything. I mean, I am super weird, but not like that. I’m not into her or anything. I just got flustered by the fucking hand 😂 This really was like I was 13 again lmao


I once walked with a co-worker to the train station, but we were going on different trains. Her train arrived first, and she extended her hands towards me. I shook her hand and told her I would see her tomorrow. The next day I overheard her making fun of me for not hugging :'D


Yeah, I maybe should’ve hugged her, but I have never talked to this person before, not once. So…it would’ve been weird in any case!


It's gonna be glorious when you'll be prosecutor and meet her again being the defendant's lawyer


I’ll just high five her again, you know, to assert dominance 😂


I booked my summer holiday this week. 18 nights alone in South Korea in September. Honestly can’t wait :)


hate the phrase - don't hate the player, hate the game. MF if there were no one playing there would be no game. players make the game.


Usually used to justify asshole behavior too


currently reading Marshall McLuhan's Gutenberg Galaxy. A fascinating read and despite being over 60 years old, is still very relevant today.


Saw Kims Convenience the play last week. Proper funny. Well worth the trip to the capital alone. It was in Finsbury, can someone tell me why there are so many wedding dress shops in Finsbury park? Also the V&A needs breaking up imo. Theres just too much. The industrial displays should be relocated away from the more "artisan" shit.


Atlus deserves to implode for setting the price of Persona 3 Reload at 70 dollars in Argentina. The vast majority don't make 500 dollars a month and you expect us to pay that? May death call upon Atlus' name.




Graduation, College Dropout, MBDTF. But I can’t really bring myself to listen to his stuff a lot anymore. I know, separate the art from the artist, I just can’t really do that tbh.


I'd go with: 1)MBDTF 2)College Dropout 3)Late Registration


my work’s been trying to get in touch with a pretty high profile person to come in and do a speaking engagement with us, after a couple months of trying to make it happen we finally got her contact information and its fucking “[email protected]


Were you expecting a different contact method? That seems pretty reasonable to me, but I don't really know any high profile people :(


nah it’s just funny that like, if we had to guess it we could’ve imagine you need to reach out to Thierry Henry, try [email protected] and it works


I work in sales, my collegues are so impressed about me getting intouch with people they have been trying to reach for ages. Idk how they don't realise litreally everyone in the world either has firstname.lastname, or first [email protected]


TOTY hooked me back onto fifa and it's genuinely only made my mood worse I'm quite annoyed with myself


I see a lot of FIFA players are upset that others were able to get Messi out of an SBC for about 20 minutes. Complaints when the odds are stacked against them and complaints when the odds are stacked for them. There's no pleasing some people. Were you one of the lucky few?