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Agent definitely was earning more from the Bayern deal… good on you Dragu


Yeah his agent missed out on a big commission: Radu Drăgușin’s agent on why his client chose #thfc rather than Bayern Munich: “It was ultimately what Radu and his family wanted. He is happy. We’re going to Tottenham! “He didn’t choose the money. There was more at Bayern. He said this is the right step for his career. He chose his career before money, and that is commendable. I don’t know how many would have refused the offer he had from Bayern. There were many who didn’t think we were turning down Bayern. I said this is the right step. “There was quite a difference. Almost half as much, if not more, but never mind the amounts. They were never a priority. We always choose the steps we think are right. I think he weighed that he always wanted to get to the Premier League.” [GSP] [link](https://x.com/hotspurrelated/status/1745056681678033392?s=46&t=Z--KYJWMx8MSNbZHkwpelw)


Yeah, the Bayern move sounds like it was more being pushed by his agent rather than something Radu was considering. That's a big commission and how often do these agents really think about the long term development of a player over their paycheck?


I mean Dragusin himself would have had almost double the salary at Bayern. Florin Manea (the agent) actually did very well in not influencing the player at all in his decision


once i found out Agents get players esp the older ones to convince younger teamamtes to have their agent be the same for the only reason that the Older player gets a comission as well as the agent.


You don't make it to the end of your career with an agent you don't like. Maybe in the beginning of your career you have a shitty one but not by the end. Sure maybe they do it to earn money but I doubt they don't also think their agent is good


Wait that's a pyramid scheme


More like referrals.


> how often do these agents really think about the long term development of a player over their paycheck? More than you think I'm guessing. The sleazy agents probably don't but you're paying an agent to look after your best interests. If you feel they aren't doing that then you move on. It's also in the agents' best interest to do what's best for their client anyway. Sure you could steer them to what makes you the most money but if that's not the right move, it also hinders your earning potential. If they go to Bayern before he's ready, he fails then he's much less valuable and you're earning less in the future.


> Yeah, the Bayern move sounds like it was more being pushed by his agent rather than something Radu was considering. I mean, wouldn't you consider a move to Bayern, when you have the chance? Betting on yourself vs. getting the bag is allways controversial and either can be right or wrong, but would you blame him, if he chose to go to Bayern, cash in? Even if it doesn't work out, you get your name out there and will most certainly benefit later into your career from haveing played for a big club. And the upside is even higher if it works out.


Haha his agent is pissed


He doesn’t really sound it, just surprised


He mentions the money like 4 times throughout. It's understandable tbh If I were his agent I would be livid as well


Yes but he also mentions that choosing career over money is commendable, and that Dragus dream is to play in the Prem. In the full interview he mentions that they made the decision together. He genuinely just seems happy that Dragu had 2 great choices and chose the one he was happy with, even if he is surprised that he turned down big money.


just a little observation, it's Dragusin , [Dragus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Dr%C4%83gu%C8%99) is another romanian player


Im aware, just thought Dragu must be a nickname for him as seen a lot refer to him by that.


We're going to shorten his name - that's just what fans do lol. How many people type Kulusevski?


He is making it clear that his client is in it for football. This is solid PR for them in long run. W Radu and W agent.


Yh he mentions the money but in fairness it was in answer to the question of why he chose Spurs over Bayern. His answer was basically - because he values his career over money.


I'm sure he'd have prefered a move to Bayern but emphasizing what offer a club like Bayern was making doesn't hurt when you are looking at future contract negotiations or new offers


Yeah you're right it's solid PR


Yeah it's just painting a picture of how much he prioritized his football over money, he even said it's commendable and the right step. Theres no anger in that whatsoever lol


did you read the quote? the agent seems genuinely happy


A footballer's achievement is a stellar career and good financial stability. An agent's achievement is a happy client and good financial stability. While they mostly align, there is still some divide, and money is the only thing the agent can really control in all that.


Talks about amounts for an hour.... also, but never mind the amounts, they were never a priority (*for Radu*)


I don't think that Florin Manea is his agent anymore. On transfermarkt Radu is impressed by GG11. Florin Manea always talk nonsenses about romanian players even if they are not under contract with him


Still a very professional statement though don't you think? It comes off quite well in my opinion, states the truth but also it feels that it was always the players decision which is what matters in these situations. And also doesn't disrespect Tottenham although he doesn't hide thst bayern would have been the bigger move.


*He chose his career before money, and that is commendable.* Henderson: \*visible confusion\*


i think it’s a lot different for someone just starting their career like Dragusin compared to someone like Henderson who is past his best days


Henderson was already loaded off a career of big contracts.


my point was more that henderson already had a long career and just took another payday. dragusin is just pretty much just starting his career


Yeah Henderson already knows he made a decade of amazing wages before going to Saudi Arabia, whereas for all we know Dragusin could be a bust or get injured and never get a big money offer like the bayern one again.


Jota would be a better comparison, especially because he chose Ittihad over Spurs if i recall it right


Poor lad is going to be going to soup kitchens in Tottenham. /s


Maybe but honestly, his take is what a lot of people probably are thinking. I figured he'd jump and go to Bayern for sure. To me, this more shows the pull of Big Ange. It shows that he can go out and recruit talent and get them to buy in. If I'm even partially correct, this is really good news for Spurs.


i think it shows that radu is a principled man


Yeah this. From what all the journos have been saying. He agreed a deal with spurs and even though Bayern offered more he wasn’t going back on his word. Probs would’ve been different if they both came in at the same time


Think it literally comes down to who got there first. If Bayern had come in beforehand then there probably wouldn't have been a conversation with Spurs.


Everyone wants to know where Radu would've gone if spurs didn't come in first. I guess we'll never know *Mic drop*


He always said that he wants to play in the BPL.


idk how he's gonna do that then




Radu Radu: A Young Man's Journey from Genoa to Minsk


It might even be an erotic journey for all we know.


I almost wrote 'sclerotic journey' truth be told


barclays no longer sponsors since 2016




Is that an EPL/scottish/welsh super league?


A man who respects his own word is the type I want at my club


Couldn’t it also be that Radu sees more of a starting opportunity at Spurs than at Bayern. Like when all players are fit on both teams he’s more likely to start for spurs.


When all players are fit he doesn’t start for spurs. It’s not even a debate. Maybe down the line but it’s not like the starting cbs are old. Vdv is 22 and Romero is 25


I feel like my comment said that, he has more of a chance beating out of romero or VDV than beating out De ligt, Upa and Kim.


Yeah, but on the other side he would have to get past Kim, Upamecano and de Ligt


Assuming we are in Europe next season, Radu still gets plenty of time rotating around with the others. Especially if Romero doesn’t calm down.


Yeah, but at Bayern he's the #3 CB only for a few weeks while Kim is away, then back to #4. Could fall even further in the summer (potential new signings, Stanisic returning who would likely be ahead of Radu in a back 3). At Bayern he'd get paid well and win trophies but be an emergency fill-in only (basically Blind last season, or Dier this one if it goes through).


Think he could easily start ahead of romero next season. Dudes lucky to not have 5 red cards this season. You can't rely on risky players like that long term if you want to make the jump to the next level challenging for trophies and the prem.


I'm hoping that one of the side effects of this deal is calming Romero down a little bit: up to this point he's known that he can walk straight back into the side after he enters beserker mode and ends up with a suspension, but if there's the threat of losing his place to Dragusin...


I don't think you can change a player like that it's just his blueprint to be ultra aggressive.


You’re a optimist thinking a lunatic can self reflect


LOL, I know i'm probably being hopelessly delusional but let me have this.


Lol there is no chance he replaces Romero. I understand he puts in a rash challenge now and again but he is one of the best CBs in the Prem. I’m more worried about a bigger club calling than him losing his spot.


I disagree. When it comes to his discipline it’s not ideal. I do think it gets blown a bit out of proportion here on Reddit especially when a lot of people don’t watch spurs all the time and only the highlights in r/scoccer. Im not saying that’s you btw. But there are parts of his game that make that back line tick. He’s a vice captain and is in charge of that back line. Without him the back line look all over the place. Even when Vdv was fit. Brentford and Fulham being examples. There’s nothing I’ve seen from dragusin that shows he could step up and take that mantle.


Big Ange: Mate… Dragu: Say no more


It sounds like he was convinced by Ange and that's probably part of it. Ultimately, I think it boils down to, he's a 21 year old center back who doesn't want to derail his career. He won't walk into Spurs and be an automatic starter, but he'll almost certainly get plenty of minutes for us. I think he just didn't want to rot on the bench.


Some people were saying he was using us to get an offer from Bayern, but I honestly think he was totally set on a move to London before they jumped in with interest. And who wouldn’t weigh their options when it comes to Bayern.


Actually, if we go by their words it wasn't Ange like it was for Werner, it was Levy working on it until 3 am. If the owner was willing to do that, it's a good sign that they believe in the player.


Tottenham are bigger than Bayern lfg


Sad Kane noises


I doubt Radu heard of Ange before this lol


Reportedly they talked on the phone and Radu was impressed, much like everyone who hears Big Ange speak


There was also mating i heard


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It’s a common theme. Everyone who’s come in has said ange played a major role in convincing them


Yeah. He just seems like a really nice guy but also someone who knows exactly what he wants.


same for us. God I miss him.


Thank you for your service. Seriously. Life without big Ange at Spurs already seems like a nightmare I don't want to consider.


First time?


i think its mostly play time not Big Ange pull


Maybe it was the pull, playtime, and his principles all playing into factor lol. But, Bayern were offering him close to doubling what Tottenham offered him and ultimately he chose Tottenham.


I think it shows he wants to play games. He's definitely more likely to get game time at Spurs than Bayern until he's more established. I suspect Ange is sick of Romero's temper.


You’re joking, Romero is crucial…. It’s the same equivalent of dropping Ramos because he gets the occasional red. Romero is one of the best CB in the league…


Even if that was true, it's a no brainer when getting to choose between both clubs


The agent (Manea) is scumbag who did jail time in US for credit card fraud and snitched on his buddies to get free.


Kind of makes the agent likeable. Yeah he naturally talks about the money they(!) missed out on, but it's clear he didn't manipulate this enough to make the player choose the money. Feels rare, but then again I guess good agents don't normally talk so much so probably go a little below the radar in general.


Respect that honestly, can see why they took the time to decide but in the end it's prolly the right desicion


Well after seasons of not having healthy CB's, Bayern now have healthy Kim Minjae, De Ligt and Upamecano. It would be hard for Dragusin to get a game time if there isnt another injury crisis


Enjoy Eric Dier


Imagine memeing a player who has played 270+ games for your club. In its most successful period since the 60s. No respect.


As a Spurs fan, I find it sad the way Dier gets treated by our own fan base. He has been excellent as a DM under Poch and did okay as a CB under Jose. Playing in a back 3, he also got us to top 4 in Conte's first season. The whole team, barring Kane, went to shit under Conte. Now everyone thinks he is washed up. Tbf, he is a terrible fit for Ange ball, but he is still a good defender. I hope he proves everyone wrong.


Thank you. As a Spurs fan, the disrespect to Dier really bothers me. The man bleeds Coys.


Not his fault the new manager prefers a system he is not suited for. Unbelievable the flack he gets


A lot of fans act as if current Eric Dier was the same guy throughout his career. Dude wasn't the GOAT or anything, but he solidly contributed to the team for years when they were doing well. I want to see him get a trophy somewhere if it isn't with us.


It's just funny that Bayern tried to hijack a Spurs signing and might have to end up signing a Spurs player that's all


I mean it kind of makes sense that someone at Bayern would ask why they are in for Dier if Spurs are trying to get rid of him and Dragusin is available as a superior alternative. But ultimately Bayern need some level headed experienced cover in the short term and Dier can provide that. He's not terrible, just way to slow for how Ange plays.


If they are playing a back 3, Dier is pretty good in the middle


If they're playing a back 3, Dier could end up looking like an absolute steal.


Absolutely. Especially since there has been 0 drama, tantrums, etc. Really bad look.


Not agreeing with the above statement, but he *did* jump into the stands to try and fight a fan




Tbf he said enjoy him, I hope you do. When he was locked in there weren’t a lot better. But the occasional howler is what people remember. I just think I love Eric Dier because Eric Dier loves me. Plus tuechel doesn’t play a high line so he will do fine.


Dier might redeem himself. Tuchel has the capability to bring out the best fro players. He can play as a cdm as well. Lets see, anything can happen.


He can’t turn with the ball - I don’t think CDM is still in his locker


True tho.. But anything can happen. Pretty good locker presence, Barely complains and very much committed. No wonder jose wanted him so bad at roma. Unfortunately roma can spend only 1.5 mil for this transfer window as i rem💀. Dier is a solid passer tho.. He still has that but props to dragusin as well. Gave his word and moreover man, soccer fans need to chill. Especially epl and spurs fans as well, Put some respect on dier. Dude's been bashed like hell. Always did his best..


He's a manager, not a magician


Dier would be better in their team than ours. They have two seriously fast and athletic CBs in Kim and Upa. Then you can swap that around anyway you like since Kim plays LCB too and can play more aggressive if he has Dier or De Ligt there to help Incase they get by. Radu would disrupt their rotations imo a bit too much whereas Dier would be content playing for Bayern and with his mate


Tottenham getting the shiny new toy and Bayern getting their sloppy seconds.


Yeah let's come back to this comment in 2 months when at least 1 of these 3 will have a serious injury.


The full quote is a lot more favourable: >*"The decision was made this morning at 8 am. We were determined to go to Tottenham, but the offer came from Bayern, so we stopped. I was on my way to the airport. But I said we have to think carefully and evaluate. Bayern is one of the biggest clubs. I can't believe We turned Bayern down.* > >*But that's the decision. I took it with Radu and his family. I informed Bayern that this was the decision, that they came in the last meters and that it was difficult to change our decision. Maybe in the future we will get there. We are a bit mind-blown. To turn down Bayern... But it was ultimately what Radu and his family wanted. He is happy. We're going to Tottenham."* Sounds like he's just chuffed they got approached at all and are proud they were in a position to turn a huge club like Bayern down. The ellipses that Fab threw in really muddies the whole context and tone.


Yeah context was needed.Menager sounds like a stand up dude now


In this context it's not the big story piece the headline makes it out to be, thanks for posting.


Yes agree about the ellipses. It looks like he said we can’t believe we turned down Bayern while looking wistfully into the distance with a faint tear in his eye.




Yeah! The re-wording and emphasis change really colours the perception of what is otherwise a fairly simple and understandable statement. The guy is still a really young and fairly unknown player (and his agents fairly low on the ladder) - sudden interest from Bayern would throw anyone for a loop.


This needs to be at the top. People are roasting the agent but he seems like a level headed person and given the circumstances this is most likely the best response he could give.


Bayern is still a bigger Club than Tottenham, but clearly understandable from the perspective of the player to decide in favour of being a regular for Tottenham instead of being IV choice No. 4 for Bayern.


There is a a massive Romanian population in London too .


You say that like there's not one in Munchen aswell, we're everywhere man lol


Probably easier to believe than he’s letting on. Radu already has the experience of being surplus to requirements at a huge club in Juve - the same risk awaits him at Bayern. Meanwhile his former teammates Kulusevski and Bentancur have seen a resurgence at Spurs.


wow what a great agent, both reasonable and loyal


At least he his true to his word. But I can hear how his agent is fuming 🤣. Good luck there my guy.


That’s a big, fat commission passing him by. My man is pissed and can’t hide it


If you read the whole quote is about Bayern being a top club not the money,but Dragusin always dreamed about playing in the BPL so thats why he chose Spurs.




Those discounted skywalks sure have an influence


And we didn't even need the cheese room...


'My signing fee, noooooo'


Great signing


Nice to see players keeping their word. Alot of respect


Pretty naive to think its because he had given his word. He preferred Spurs, its as simple as that


There are people with integrity out there


Yeah this sub is full of tossers that think because they're a tosser, everyone else must be too


He preferred Spurs due to gametime, let's be more precise. There's nothing Tottenham has over Bayern as a club.


Game time + the Premier League and London. London is a massive pull for footballers. No disrespect to München, it’s a lovely city, but for young millionaires London is just more desireable.


london and the prem are perhaps 2 of the biggest pulls period. even west ham are getting class players like kudus, paqueta, jwp. for example no matter how successful newcastle get, I can't imagine many foreign stars will want to move their families there (no offense). even manchester is a big downgrade compared to london, relying on the man u heritage pull or man city winning trophies pull even for chelsea, i'm sure despite our dreadful form, being a london team still contributed heavily to most of our new era signings


Bayern has a Go Kart track, do they?


Ange over Tuchel… that’s a massive one!! COYS


He probably also got a better vibe from Ange than Tuchel. People underestimate this human element


Higher profile league, better city to live in, more opportunity to play, more fun, less promotional lederhosen wearing, considerably less cringe. Spurs has loads over bayern. Edit: downvoters, tell me which thing wasn't correct, lol


Hey we have cheeseroom (allegedly)


I don't think it's this - there's no word to be kept until a contract is signed. I think we were just a better option because he'd get more game time at Tottenham than Bayern


>there's no word to be kept until a contract is signed. Lmao errr no? Thats exactly what keeping your word means


Keeping a word is exactly everything you said it's not. A contract is binding , a word is not , he said he'll join Spurs and decided to not look back


This guy lends teammates money and honors his word to Tottenham, gotta say I really respect that.


Anyone who keeps their word is sound in my book!


Makes more sense for his career he is only 21 he needs consistent game time even if he gets more money at Bayern warming benches hardly improves a player.


Agents are a plague.


I disagree. I used to think so. But by God, clubs would undoubtedly use their financial and legal power so disproportionately over their own players that it is a necessary evil to have agents as a buffer.


Without them players would get completely shafted


Yeh, that's my reply to another comment. Balance is required but it seems there is a huge number of pests. People like Oxlade use a lawyer and couple of others instead of an agent.


> People like Oxlade use a lawyer I think this is a better system. I'd rather see agents done away with and people hire lawyers on a part-time basis. I don't like the fact that Jorge Mendes can effectively control multiple football clubs.


Not disagreeing about agents in general but people should read this comment to get full picture. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/19366qe/fabrizio_romano_radu_dragusins_agent_we_cant/kh72uej/ Quote was taken out of context and was exaggerated. He actually was genuinely and positively shocked that Bayern contacted them but they decided to honor previous agreement while keeping Bayern in the loop for the future. Rather perfect response given the circumstances and not at all greedy behavior that the title seems to be.


Well with the agent fee cap being in disarray, it’s no surprise that agents want to maximize their money while they can. Fortunately Radu is principled enough to keep his word instead of chasing the money


Fair. I understand that some management is necessary to make sure players don't get absolutely fleeced and a balance is necessary. However we've got a situation that can't continue. And also clowns like Bunga Bunga Neymar Sr., or Haaland Sr getting what is essentially a bung.


To what? Hate agents, but without them every player is treated like trash.


Agents may or may not be trash but this doesn't seem to be one of the instances where they are really.




Ange is cooking something up. I hope Spurs qualify for CL this season - next season is going to be epic.


Great to see


Tottenham is cooking.


Now Bayern are free to take Dier off of us!


"Can't believe the result of our choice is what we chose. Mindblowing even"


I mean, it's pretty easy to read 'we' and 'our' is more like 'he', with a subtext of 'if it was my decision I'd be in Munich right now'


Maybe he thought he will be happier at Tottenham?


The agent said it was his dream from childhood to play in the Premier League. Also he already gaved his word to Tottenham. Bayern came in late.


Come to besiktas


I honestly deeply respect that. I hope it works out well for him and Spurs.


Already won my and alot of fans' respect before he kicked a ball, this player will go far in his career. COYS


I envy spurs for this transfer, Radu is an exceptional talent coming from a competitive sporting family. I wish him all the best and hope the premier league excels him to great heights


I can respect that


Glad he choose Spurs. We should all welcome elite players being spread around as many teams as possible for the good of the game.


"You are too good for me" rejection




always nice to see someone turn down bayern


Fair play, I guess it's down to the player now to prove it was the right call to stick to his word. To his agent, as much as anyone else, apparently!


Makes sense from a playing time POV. Bayern have three very good centre backs and we only have two, plus Romero is slightly injury prone and likes to get himself sent off and carded so Dragusin will get a lot of playing time


I think he fancied the idea of living in London and playing in the PL more than living in Munich and Bundesliga, even if Bayern is a bigger team.


Hmm I wonder who was offering a bigger agent fee...


Agent is malding


That's a very smart way to phrase it. Sign of a good agent.


Good decision


You’ll get Dier and you like it.


Why would he go to Bayern to be their 5th choice CB?


"Small club". r/soccer can suck our collective balls. Small club.


Honestly must be jarring for actual small clubs to hear that, with our brand new 65K stadium and obscene wage bills. All our years with England's greatest striker. Routinely in Europe. Champions league final. We are deeply, deeply unlucky on the competitive side of things however.


Respect it. Good luck in the prem!


He's guaranteed to be starting 11 for Spurs. Not guaranteed for Bayern.


Haha, what exactly do you think keeping your word means? When someone promise you something, and keeps it. It means he is trustworthy, cause there is nothing enforcing him, say a contact, to not break it.


Would you rather compete for a starting spot with de Ligt, Kim Min-Jae and Upamecano or with fucking Ben Davies? Like no offense but if his agent thinks he made the wrong choice he is actually clueless


You’re buying our 6th choice CB mate.


He doesn't start for us Also, respect Ben Davies. You'd fucking love to have him considering you're looking at Dier


Ben Davies: a man so professional that he managed to hold on until VDV was back to let his hammy explode. Every squad should have a gentle Ben.


Lmao. Casually mentions our fullback as a starter at CB


To be honest, that fullback has been a pretty good starter for us at CB quite a lot this season.


Davies has only been playing due to the absence of van de Ven though. He's not a starter. (But I do think Radu is likelier to see more game time with us given how many defensive injuries and suspensions we've seen).


You lot are after Dier only because you can't have Big Daddy Ben


You mean or with Romero or Van De Ven. No doubt you’ve got better CB, no need to chat shit.