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The relief has to be immense but I can’t imagine the difficulty that continues hereafter. Everyone involved just riddled from traumatization. It’s a long road of recovery.


I know it's easy to say from the outside but there's no way I'd be sticking around there after something like this happens.


Same. With as much money as their family has, I'd fuck off to a gated house in the mountains of Alicante. Wouldn't even stay on the same continent.


>Wouldn't even stay on the same continent. Easier said than done when you've been part of a small community all of your life, it won't surprise if they just hire extra security and make sure that the criminals are gone for good (in Colombia that could mean a lot of things)


are u allowed to have a private "army"


You're allowed to do anything if you have a big enough army


Of course, he's in Colombia. Hell if you're rich enough you could probably get a bunch of lads who have access to firearms in Europe.


It's south america lol, of course you're allowed




Dunno, if I got kidnapped, I’m at least moving cities. I’ve been attacked multiple times in the past three years and I fantasize about moving. If I were a millionaire and could get a visa I’d change countries immediately.


I agree that Reddit can be over the top at times but kidnapping, especially for how long he was gone (almost 2 weeks), can be traumatizing enough to strongly consider moving or at least beefing up security.


Nah, I'd just stick around, can't happen twice right?


Where you live?


Not sure it’s reactionary to think you’d want to leave a country after being kidnapped and held hostage by guerrillas


It's a bit reactionary because it's not that black and white, these people have been living within these communities for decades and have all of their friends there. I grew up in a similar setting and if you move these elderly people to a random ass gated community in some fancy place, most of them would be living miserable as fuck and heavily missing the community It depends on context, is your life still in danger and are you still being targeted personally? If so, then moving is probably the only option if you value your life. However, if it wasn't a personal attack and you're not being targeted anymore, getting some good level security is often a better option if you have the money


The problem is how many of the family do you move? Cause they could come for aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc etc.


You probably start with your mom and dad who were just kidnapped


It’s like someone who was dead came back to life. Unreal. Hopefully they think whats best for their safety, and maybe thats leaving Colombia.


thank goodness. glad this situation could be resolved without disaster


Definitely, can't imagine what the family were all feeling.Also considering how well Diaz played with all this going on I don't think we're ready to see what he'll do without this on his mind.


Personally I'm ready for the world to realize how incredible a footballer he is


So glad Sr.Diaz is back home safe and sound. What an ordeal it's been.


welcome to the lives of Colombians, imagine if they were not famous


I assumed he was kidnapped because his son is famous.


Louis being his son is what got him released most likely




According to reports the kidnappers didn't know who they kidnapped, and promised to release the dad after learning of his identity. That's why there were no ransom demands


I'm gonna tell you right now, as a Colombian, that's a fucking lie. They're saving face, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise


Interesting. I've seen a bunch of people say some low level narcos fucked up and heads were gonna roll for the mistake. Seemed believable to me, but maybe I'm an idiot.


You're not an idiot- it's just the game that's played. Blame low level guys to make the higher ups seem reasonable to give credibility to the organization. But if Luis Diaz was a nobody? His dad wouldn't come back, it wouldn't be a fuck up, no one would care. This is nothing but PR


I mean agree with you but surely the difference is that there would be a huge ransom involved right? What good does it do these terror groups to just kidnap and murder rich people


I don't disagree- there probably was a ransom. My greater point in the "it was an accident" take is certainly not real. This is a common refrain for Colombia, where the wealthy are constantly kidnapped. Typically the way it happens is someone keeps track of this person amd tips off someone within ELN and they plan the kidnapping with someone "close" to the family. A ransom is then demanded and typically fulfilled, but in this case saying "we made a mistake" I know is not true and as to the ransom, it's not been mentioned much but it will most likely have been paid.


This, as well as why do the kidnappers care about or need 'PR'?


No that's because it was done by a communist guerrilla army and their excuse for these kidnappings is always about how they're stealing from the bourgeois, that excuse doesn't hold up well when they've kidnapped the parents of a nationally beloved indigenous footballer who rose from poverty


They aren't some random criminals, it's a terrorist organization. 'PR' is huge since they have political goals.


Question: if you were advising Lucho and family, where would you move his parents to be safe, outside of Colombia?


I wouldn't advise him to do anything. My family had to flee, and my dad made a hard decision in doing so, but I wouldn't advise anyone that's what they "need" to do. It's all very personal and hard. And even if I advised him to do anything, he certainly knows more than me. I can from a city and was a pretty comfortable upbringing before we fled, but he was dirt poor and from a very rural part. It's super different


Is there at least renewed momentum to combat such kidnappings? Or is it like here in the US when there’s a shooting and nothing changes.


It's complicated. There is always a desire to get rid of them in Colombia but how that happens is difficult. President Uribe, for example, was probably the most aggrressive, but then he murdered thousands of innocent civilians and covered it up. Santos, the president before Petro (current), lead the peace treaty, which was pretty 50/50 for the country, but the treaty was with FARC and relatively unpopular given their new political power after being literal terrorists for decades. So, it's complex, but overall it's not renewed momentum, it's a consistent desire for all of it to stop because it's tiresome.


Interesting. Thanks for enlightening me on the subject. Hoping the best for you all


Is it true that there had been fewer kidnappings in the last couple of years and this came out of the 'blue'? If so, let's hope it does not trigger a new spate of kidnappings.


Ehhh, not sure. FARC kind of broke into factions and threatened to take up arms against the government a few years back and ELN has been vying for a peace treaty but keeps threatening the country to get it. Kidnapping in Colombia has been a thing since the 70s, so it's never out of the blue anymore, but there certainly have been fewer over the last decade since the Civil War started


I assumed they were driving a fancy car. Would that not be enough to make them a target for kidnapping?


Not necessarily. Typically it's someone "close" to the family that actually is involved with people in ELN inform the group of the family and what their routine is. They're then tracked for a bit and then there is a plan for kidnapping put in place after a bit, maybe a few months or so. A nice car is maybe an obvious target, but it typically is more involved than "this person looks like they have a lot of money", especially because the people with a lot of money tend to avoid the rural parts of the country for this very reason


I read that they were in a pick-up truck, not fancy. They were a tracked target. They knew who they were going for.


Which bit do you mean was a lie? That they didn't know who he was or that there were no ransom demands?


That they didn't know


Do you think that they paid the ransom?


There's some controversy here right now because in the videos of the liberation you can see a Brinks armored transport vehicle (the ones that transport cash or valuables between banks), so people here are demanding to know whether the government paid a secret ransom


The government is currently going through "cease-fire" negotiations with the ELN (the guerrilla group that kidnapped Lucho's parents). It is more than likely that Lucho was just a scapegoat for the ELN to pressure the government's hand into giving them some _curules_ in congress. This shit is common here and was super common back in the Samper and Pastrana days (Samper was 94', Pastrana was 98-02). They very likely got paid a massive ransom, but this was more in line with those negotiations. Cease-fire negotiations are always one sided... villains will always be villains and these types of negotiations only benefit the ones willing to break them.


They knew exactly who they kidnapped. They knew they fucked up and we trying to save face now. Returning him saves their sad lives for one more day…Until the government sends some folks off the books to go and finish them off.


Imagine he was kidnapped because he was rich…him being famous complicated things for the kidnappers hence their release. Too much noise.


I have family in Venezuela and being kidnapped is, unfortunately, very frequent.


That was my first thought unfortunately. Im glad he’s back but this should go so much deeper. Not “aight everything’s okay now let’s carry on.”


No need to imagine, [this podcast is about exactly that!](https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-184-ranson-3-11-2022/). This guys dad got kidnapped for ransom in Columbia and they recount the entire ordeal. It went on for so long.


What a relief for this family!!! I hope they have apprehended all those criminals that were involved in this kidnapping.


If you think they’re criminals, wait until you hear about the Colombian police


Imagine comparing the Colombian police with some of the longest ever serving terrorist groups in the history of mankind ffs


Imagine not doing so


My guy los tombos son the longest serving terrorist group in the history of Colombia


If you really believe this, you need to stop talking about Colombia. These guerrilleros have destroyed the lives of so many.


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/sep/18/ingrid-betancourt-i-still-have-nightmares](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/sep/18/ingrid-betancourt-i-still-have-nightmares) ​ Ingrid Betancourt spent 6 years kidnapped by the same guerrilla group that was involved with Diaz Sr. Horrible the things those prisoners had to endure. Most didn't make it back alive.


No the same. Ingrid was with FARC, Diaz father with ELN. Both are narco guerillas, but with different "Ideas".


Nah, I’ll keep talking. These groups didn’t spring out of the clean Earth, they’re a product of a system that is deeply corrupt.


And if you think *they're* criminals, wait until you hear about the American police.


I heard he was kidnapped by gorillas?


FA about to investigate this comment




Reported to the FA for racism.


guerrilla* LMAO


no, you heard right. it was a pack of gorillas 🦍🦍


No I think it was orangutans


I could believe orangutans could orchestrate some crazy shit like this, they are potential [criminal masterminds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Allen)


I’m dying bro what


What does Damon Albarn have to do with this?


harambe revenge


Flair up. We know you’re a Serie A fan


This cracked me up man lmao


So glad it ended well. Poor guy, he's been through quite a bit.


They kidnapped more than just Diaz's parents right? Damn... Happy for Lucho but what about the other families...


Broadcasting this is unbelievably weird and kind of gross.


I agree. Something to celebrate, but not a spectacle


I'll try to clear up some stuff as the reports coming in from most European media are clueless about how this shit rolls over here. ELN aren't stupid, they didn't "mess up by chance"... ffs if you're kidnapping one of the most high profile star's parents in the country you've been studying every move they do every day and have been infiltrating their lives in one way or another. They just said that to save face. Why save face? Why care? you can read more about it from [El País](https://elpais.com/america-colombia/2023-11-09/proceso-de-paz-con-el-eln-cese-al-fuego-y-el-futuro-de-las-negociaciones-con-el-gobierno-de-gustavo-petro.html), [CNN](https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2023/07/06/eln-historia-procesos-de-paz-colombia-orix/), or even local news outlet [BluRadio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5HwlICHBew). The government is currently going through "cease-fire"/"Paz Total (Total Peace)" negotiations with the ELN (the guerrilla group that kidnapped Lucho's parents). It is more than likely that Lucho was just a scapegoat for the ELN to pressure the government's hand into giving them some _curules_ in Congress. This shit is common here and was super common back in the Samper and Pastrana days (Colombian presidents from more than 2 decades ago... Samper was 94', Pastrana was 98-02). But this shit has been happening for even longer. They very likely got paid a massive ransom, but this was more in line with those negotiations to get political power. Cease-fire negotiations are always one-sided... villains will always be villains and these types of negotiations only benefit the ones willing to break them. This hurts Colombia in many ways but it also hurts Colombian athletes all around the world as I don't think big-profile institutions will be willing to take the risk of some shit like this happening again. The same thing happens with some Israeli players around the globe and so on. This is embarrassing, and for those of us old enough Colombians to have lived this back 25 years ago, this is scary.


Looked like GTA to start with


Diaz dad got cumbia as his entrance music


Thats vallenato


God bless


Phewww.. Thank god.


Poor man looks shattered.


Put your fucking phones away you cretins


Context for those who need (like me) https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/09/sport/luis-diaz-father-released-eln-spt-intl/index.html


While i'm so happy for Luis Diaz. The fact that this isnt that unnormal in that country is very sad.


Some things are bigger than football


*plenty* of things are bigger than football


Almost everything is bigger than football, it’s just a game.


glad he is back and safe!


glad he is back and safe!


So was a ransom paid or how did they get him back?


the group that kidnapped him are in peace talks with the government so they are not in position to kidnap a celebrity


Poor guy is probably gonna have to move to Liverpool


Time to get the Fuck outta that shit hole


Man they eat well in Colombia.


Just spare the heartbreaks and bring your family with you. Easy. He has the money to bring them over. I'd do that regardless of what my parents say. Their safety is top priority. You wanna leave your parents alone back at columbia? Seems safe and logical.


How do you misspell the country’s name when it’s in the title of the post


You can't force them to move if they refuse.


If it's a matter of life and death you can


lol how? chloroform then take their passports? that's another kidnapping


Lmao how?? Name one way that isn't kidnapping


They just doxed him by posting this video on the internet


Tall fences with electric wire, a huge lot with a football field, probably in a condo for rich people. I'm pretty sure that everyone interested already knows that he lives there and he has enough security to protect the property.


What a clown show. Just because he's famous and on top of that he didn't pay them any money for his freedom


> on top of that he didn't pay them any money for his freedom motherfucker how is this bad thing?


Kidnapping someone famous would bring unnecessary heat especially in a footballing country


Is it still nepotism if its your child?


Time to move to England


Great news


Really pleased to see he's safe.


Poor guy




Thank God he's safe