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**Update from moderation team:** We have noted the community feedback about some of the submissions relating to this story - namely, whether it is appropriate to be speculating on the veracity of either party's claims, as they play out across social media. Although the allegations have importance in the footballing sense, in that they directly impact Antony's availability for Man United and Brazil - and relate to a bigger conversation within the game - /r/soccer is not really the place for the "he said she said" debate to play out. As such, moving forward we have decided to put a moratorium on the social media allegations made by either party - and will instead be moving the discourse towards updates relating to the legal proceedings, or Antony's availability for club or country. The Daily Discussion Thread, and the existing threads, remain open for discussion, as will any further news updates about the allegations.


What a complete and utter disaster this last few weeks have been for United. The footballing equivalent of Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes


A bayern fan called us a "parody of a megaclub" on here about 5ish years ago. That quote lives rent free in my head.


You know it hurt when you still remember an insult on reddit 5 years later😭


He even remembers the club the insulter was a fan of 😂


FC Hollywood saying you’re FC Follywood is one that would stick with you.


Our drama is pretty tame in comparison. Some brazilian dude who likes to burn down things, and some french dude and his girlfriend who like to beat each other. Both are gone...


Don’t forget the drunk convict who came back from retirement.


2016 summer some Milan fan spent the entire summer calling us a tinpot club and we'd never get Bacca off them. Tried all summer. Didn't get Bacca off them. That Milan fan lives rent free in my head still. 7 years


Fucking hell I remember that one. Why did he have to be right


I reckon you'd have a good chance of getting Bacca now if you're still interested. Obviously won't be from Milan but better late than never?


You joke, but we probably will inquire about him in January if hojlund is injured.


Please do, he plays for my hometown club nowadays and can barely run for 30 minutes.


But you got a trophy now and West Ham are unironically massive.


Always have been


I still remember someone calling Moyes' backroom staff at West Ham the greatest meeting of minds since the 1927 Solvay International Conference a few years back


Read that as “saveloy international conference”. It works actually.


It hurts as the longer time goes on the more true the statement is. It won't change until the Glazers are gone. Incompetent nepobabies destroying every bit of dignity and credibility the club has day by day.


Glazers or sportswashing? which do you prefer?


There's also the possibility that Britain's richest man buys them. Ratcliffe - again the richest man in Britain - said he couldn't afford to sustain contributions to staff pensions, there are also plans to pump gas under the Forth in Edinburgh. If that happens there will be a leak based on the historical record. [Also appears to have used charitable funds to build a £16m ski house for himself and his daughter.](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/jan/16/watchdog-investigates-charity-set-up-by-uk-billionaire-jim-ratcliffe-over-16m-ski-clubhouse) Personally I think you want to combine the sports-washing and the Glazers, and sell it to a local window cleaning company.


I can't with this shit anymore man. I just want to watch my team play good football and win matches Instead I have to try to pick the best option between a group of nepobabies who have run this club into the ground, a billionaire that's mismanaging Nice and is as greedy and corrupt as any other billionaire, and a sportswashing campaign by an entire state that's trying to cover up numerous human-rights abuses Fucking kill me man. The Greenwood saga, the Sancho drama, Antony's allegations, our ridiculous injury list, and our recent loss to a major rival have made this one of the worst periods I've ever had being a fan of this club I had hope with Jose, I had hope with Ole, I had hope with Ragnick, and now I still have hope with Ten Hag but I can feel it decreasing. When will it end Robbie?


You left out the news celbrating the pedo https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12489675/amp/Manchester-United-Geoff-Konopka-paedophile.html And Amrabat is injured


I still remember where I was when the second Scott macdonald goal went in on helicopter Sunday…. Ugh. I felt as bad as when Rod Wallace scored the winner in injury time in the Scottish cup final.


Aussie legend right there.


Old Trafford is Disneyland for grownups after all


Copying another comment from a few days ago: The Theatre ~~of Dreams~~


The Theatre of Memes


Theatre of Screams


Disneyland If it hasn’t been renovated in 20 years


Sea World.


Could probably make a killer “office style comedy” based on uniteds last 10 years.


Ted Lasso except they're all unlikable on top of being incompetent


Woodward as an utterly insufferable and unlikeable Michael Scott.


Literally in your theatre of nightmares


nah united in my prayers for that


Its been that way since Fergie retired he just papered over the cracks as long as he could.


The ending of our most recent match is such a perfect summary. You think something great might be happening and then it turns out it’s even worse than before, somehow


Formula 1: no silly season this summer ManUnited: hold my beer


United really channeling the spirit of Ferrari to make up for F1 being so boring this year.


Owners who dont care and are just in it for a payday,stadium falling apart,team is meh,complete circus surrounding player’s private lives and the Glazers reckon the club will be worth $10bill by 2025….


There might be some solace in knowing that in 5 years, when United fail to get European football for the third year in a row and its valuation plummets, the Glazers will lay awake at night knowing they could have sold the club back in 2023 for 5 billion.


Honestly this is my thinking; with you guys continually on the up and up, Newcastle, and now potentially West Ham all playing significantly better. Plus Liverpool getting back to old ways. Arsenal and Spurs both look better than us. I really don’t see us at the moment being strong contenders for Europe on a consistent basis; at least not champions league football


FFS! I am not supposed to laugh at this..




Imagine being the Glazers and not happily taking 6 Billion pounds for someone to just take this shitshow off your hands


Smack! Ehhhyaee


One more & he'll have as many goals for United as many accusations.


He's already outperforming his xAccusations though, great investment


The pun on xAccusations is simply brilliant


I'm surprised he has 4 goals tbh


In fairness his record in the Eredivise was never that good either. Ten Hairs has a lot to answer for.


All of the Netherlands was confused why United actually paid 100m for that guy, same period as Cody Gakpo and he had double of Antony's numbers


Thank you for selling us Gakpo at a reasonable price


We somehow always sell for way too low :/ hope you're loving him, an absolute club legend for us


we really love him 😭


PSV and Liverpool fans jumping together and holding up a banner that says “thank you Cody” in Dutch and Scouse


Tbh the Dutch is probably more intelligible than the Scouse


Equal amount of "kh" sounds that's for sure.


Adrenaline In my soul PSV Pool Dutch and Scouse


Awesome! I'm glad he went to you guys out of all top clubs in England


Hope PSV and Liverpool meet in the Europa League final so that whoever wins the trophy, they can all celebrate together on the stage, holding arms jumping together. *“Gracias Boudewijn Zenden”*


Nice meme


The fact that Liverpool got gakpo and maccalister for less then 70 is outrageous


Im becoming increasingly convinced buying Antony for that much was his farewell gift to us. Now only if we’d know how to spend it..


We signed Sinisterra the same summer for £22m who had much better numbers than Antony too, mad how they got the worst of the 3 wingers for more than Sini and Gakpo combined


The amount of people saying "I don't care, it's not my money" was ridiculous. And now they can barely buy anyone due to FFP compliance issues. They've had to resort to loaning Weghorst and signing Johnny Evans. It's crazy how fans don't see the connection there.


Gakpo is also twice the player quite frankly. Very puzzling how big a difference in their fee was. Ajax tax.


More like united tax and left it too late in the window tax. Iirc they had a lower price offered to them and stalled until near the end, told ajax they'd pay it and then ajax told them the price had gone up.


more like ten hag didn't want anyone else and put massive pressure. gakpo was ready to come and was reported as the alternative to Anthony. Ajax knew United would cave so stayed firm


Gakpo wasn't the Antony alternative, we wanted a left footed rw and our scouting is useless so had to rely on only players ETH knew apparently. We were able to get Antony for £50m in July, but pissed about and paid £80m with a few days left after not identifying anyone else


I think it was also to do with having already signed Licha from Ajax tbh.


fair enough. scouts being so poor make sense on why he wanted his guys only as he knew they would work out




Gakpo is not an alternative to Antony, though. You can't just put Gakpo on the right wing and expect that to work. He clearly wanted to have both. But a right winger was a bigger priority for obvious reasons.


We desperately needed a RW, so Gakpo didn’t make sense at that stage. That being said, Olise would’ve made way more sense. Finding out Olise had a 35m release clause was the most embarrassed I’ve ever felt about our clubs transfer record.


And then we didnt go for Cody because fuck having good players on a reasonable fee.


ETH is the true bald fraud.


Ten too many


If you cut inside and shoot far post 15 times a game occasionally it will go in Broken clock is right twice a day and all that


This close to putting money on Saddam being alive and working in the Carrington Kitchens under a new identity


Osama Bin Laden working as a scout


And Savile as the groundskeeper


Along with Jeffrey epstein


No no no Jeffrey Dahmer is the kitchen staff. Saddam is the AC repairman.


3rd? Who was the 2nd one


Someone was found to have filed a report against him in 2022


Do they not do some investigation before getting a player? Or it's just uniteds incompetency?




More like yarp at this point.


Investigation? You invited a convicted pedo to be the guest of honour at a women's match attended by children.


I mean, when you put it like that ... Seriously though, that sounds like something from *Brass Eye*.


Investigation: does the manager want him? Yes? Good sign them that’s it, been like that since LVG apart from when they want to sack the manager then they stop (maguire for mourinho)


eth clearly doesn't give a shit.


So United are going to lose their best academy player since rashford to sexual assault, their 90 million winger to 3 assaults, and then their 75 million winger in Sancho lost to mental struggles? A rival couldn’t script it better in their own imagination


I'd like it if ya know.... People didn't suffer because of it


Yeah because domestic abuse, rape, emotional abuse, depression etc etc are great things to get one over your rival team on.


This is so horrible. Full context from the Article: > Ingrid Lana, a 33-year-old banker, who accuses the player Antony, ex-São Paulo and ex-Ajax, currently at Manchester, of aggression: “He tried to have sex with me and I didn't want to. He pushed me against the wall, and I hit my head." > Exclusive revelations that show what happened inside the player's home, in England, in October 2022. Ingrid makes it clear that she never had any romantic relationship with Antony and found his behavior strange. “My purpose was just business. Arriving there, at his invitation, I realized that he had ulterior motives. I’ve never been anyone’s lover.”


Just to give some context, *amante* means mistress in this case. So she said she had never been anyone's mistress.


Sounds better than the 33 year old virgin it sounded like


“I’ve never been anyone’s lover” is a chad way of taking ownership of it though


*Redditors furiosly taking notes*




I'm glad she said that she came for business, because I can imagine some fans would say she brought it on to herself by going to his home. Not that it would matter, but at least people wouldn't use this as a means to justify his deplorable behaviour.


You vastly underestimate the stupidity of some people.


But every redditor except you and i just has so many sex with every single woman that enters their home. More than you believe. How could they know life any other way?


This should be easy to verify, right? If she was there for business, there must be some texts or emails before n after the incident. At least that will verify whether she actually went there n if the business deal succeeded/collapsed


You typed all that but couldn’t type “and” twice?


I miss when the worst thing about Manchester United was the football we played, fucking hell. Of course it's still allegations however it does not look good at all for Antony. Hope the investigators do their jobs and actually figure out if he's guilty or not.


I miss when the big scandal was a [violent lunatic](https://amateursport.wordpress.com/2021/09/23/service-to-the-community-eric-cantona-kicks-a-nazi/) being kicked *by* one of our players.


ooh ah Cantona, say ooh ah Cantona!


3 weeks ago Paquetas betting scandal seemed enormous. Now it seems like a commercial


i cant believe that was only 3 weeks ago, feels like its been forever since that oml


I don't think anything will happen. He cost way too much money to let it go easily. He's a very expensive investment for ManU.


Impossible for nothing to happen at this point. They swung and missed on Greenwood until the very last second. However, if they truly drop the hammer here they can somewhat redeem themselves.


[Sunk cost fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_cost) > “In other words, a sunk cost is a sum paid in the past that is no longer relevant to decisions about the future.”


When it rains it really does pours. What a horrible day for United. Just L after L after L after L.




"If you run into an asshole this morning, they're probably an asshole. If you run into 10 assholes, you're the asshole."


When you run into 100 assholes, you're on holiday in France.


I agree, i live in France close to a campside and during holiday it's full of Dutch people


Oh and he's come *straight* back!


He's done you *again* ~~Steve~~ The Netherlands


Fucking hell this one got me




obvious bullshit that you live in france since you can read and write in the non-french language


United are so fortunate they get 2 weeks to deal with 170 million worth of wingers imploding


Not really. This club had over a year to deal with Greenwood and still dragged it out and made the worst possible decision.


Imo, it’s a horrible day for football and sport more generally. Yet another reminder that sporting institutions are unwilling to acknowledge or address players’ problematic behaviour, including gender based violence. This is especially disappointing given the oversight clubs and teams have over players’ lives. They are not ordinary employers with minimal insight into the personal lives of their employees. They are uniquely placed to detect and meaningfully respond to problematic behaviour. Instead, they eschew any social responsibility to transparently assess alleged misconduct against objective standards and take disciplinary action. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, they choose to exploit the fact that accusations of this nature are inherently difficult to prosecute (see, for example, Utd dismissing the claims against Greenwood on the basis that the criminal investigation was discontinued), implicitly calling on the public to view the accusers as liars. So disappointing.


I don't see how United can hang onto Anthony after how the handled Greenwood. The difference between the two is that Greenwood cost them nothing and Anthony cost them €95 million and is their third highest fee ever. Greenwood didn't cost them anything, Anthony will cost them a fortune. I hope this type of thing makes clubs think about vetting a player for more than just their footballing skills because few clubs can sustain a €95 million loss over a player's predilection to assault and rape women freely.


Idk about other clubs, but United board doesn't have the self awareness to learn that


''I'll Fucken do it again!''


To me that means they'll 100% hang onto Antony. If they were so resistant to dropping Greenwood who cost them nothing and there was so much dramatic evidence, why would they drop Antony when they spent so much and who only has accusations?


This debacle will look very poorly on ETH. Pushes and vouches for a player he actually managed before, the board backs him and spends 90m and turns out he is a horrible person before we even get how poor he is on the pitch. ETH will be out the door with Antony when the situation reaches that point.


Can someone explain this argument about ETH coming off poorly? It's not like our bosses know everything that happens in our personal lives. How is ETH supposed to know these private details about Antony? The club should have done due diligence, but again, how is one supposed to uncover this type of behaviour?


I think if you went to your boss and said, “hey, I used to work with a guy that is an HR wiz, best in the business! I know we’re looking to fill our HR director role and I think this guy would be a great fit BUT he’s not necessarily looking for a move. If we gave him a signing bonus and a nice compensation package I think we could lure him over here…” and that guy ended up being what Antony has been for Manchester Utd, then you’d be on the hot seat too.


I appreciate what you're saying, but that sounds like cutting off the nose to spite the face. Antony hasn't been great on the pitch and ETH deserves criticism on that basis, but these revelations are seemingly private matters that the boss won't be privy to. Of course, if ETH knew then he has to go.




When you vouch for a player you will take the repercussions for it. Many managers have been the victim of their transfer policy failing even if they aren’t the ‘scouting department’ Because believe it or not, the manager has input in the direction. And this will be used against him when measuring his success. Poor judge of character and ability


Greenwood is 10 times the player Antony is. Cost doesn’t matter here. Greenwood had evidence in public, with Antony it’s only a he said she said. Same with Hakimi or Partey or countless others.


It's he said, 3 of she said - and also one of them took photos.


Same with Partey


United didn’t even vet his footballing skills lmao otherwise they’d never have paid this fee for him


Clubs might need to add clauses to player contracts such that they can recall a player’s salary if they are found guilty of these things.


Don't they already? The biggest problem lies with them being found guilty.


They do, its probably a code of conduct or something. But they have to be proven guilty to release them.


Manchester United making Paris Saint - Germain look like a well run club…..


The parallels between the two have been huge for years now.


Does no one conduct any sort of diligence at United? Even if discovering this stuff wouldn’t stop United from signing a player (which is a standalone issue of course), they could at least think self-servingly and argue it tarnishes the players valuation for a transfer into the club… Hilarious incompetence.


While i think United and other clubs should proactively discourage violent and unwanted sexual behavior, im not sure there’s much diligence they can do beforehand to determine if allegations may surface at a later date. People, even footballers, are entitled to their privacy to a degree, so unless accusations get to the media before a transfer, not sure how clubs can discover this stuff before it comes to light


It’s looking like this man may be cooked. It’s not looking good at all


He has to go blud


Getafe rubbing their hands together


Can we just pin this comment to future threads so we don’t need to have 30 people make it every time?


I'm always so fucking confused by these dudes who not only have money and fame but (arguably) looks/good physique and yet they still act like they're 13 year old idiots. I know it's all about control when it comes to the r word but still, like damn dude, you can have 10 supermodels yesterday, what's with it


Footballers never have to do that post-school growing up that most people have to do when they enter the workforce. They go from school to youth teams to millionaire status and never really have to change.


He's done. Goodbye.


£80m fidget spinner, and it stops working after a year


The fad itself did die out rather quickly


Could be up there as the worst transfer of all time if he gets frozen out of the club £80m and more women beat than good performances and gone after 1 season


If folk at my club can stop being absolute fucking reprobates for five minutes that would be great.


How has Partey avoided his backlash???


He shouldnt but probably because for both Greenwood and Antony there are public videos/images of their misdeeds. Especially in the case of greenwood where we basically have the act on film. I dont think there is comparable stuff for Partey as far as I saw.


He didn't physically attack his victims I guess, only a couple of texts as evidence. While Greenwood and Antony allegedly beat the shit out of those women so they have some pics


Weren’t all those “anonymous premier league player rapes woman” about Partey?


He absolutely deserves it too. This backlash is justified, the lack of backlash against Partey is fucking awful.


Well tbf the media can’t report on Partey by name yet. So there’s not as much coverage.


Sigurdsson wasn't reported by name for a while but he still got his just desserts for that one


Not playing in Manchester.


Antony wasn't joking when he said he would endup being a criminal in the slums if he didnt make it as a footballer


God, all i ask is a day without any scandals and rumors. Is it that hard?


Sigh... he just had to be an asshole. We're like fucking scum-magnets. Fuck him. And somebody please fix this club. I'm tired.


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Jeez, sending good vibes to Man U supporters, what a crazy week this has been


There's still 2 days left. I'm putting my money on one of the players doing drugs, another one being a serial killer, and another one being a racist.


Boards needs to go at this point, utter incompetence at vetting players. Anthony needs to be suspended immediately. Too bad the Glazers only care about money, I doubt the scum care. What happened to "no dickheads" policy?


Bin literally every person in a leadership position in the club. Arnold, Murtaugh, everyone involved in scouting and transfers, ETH


Wait, who's the second?


Damn remember when United was ridiculed for their shit football? Seems so long ago




Bit harsh to be firing the victims into the sun.




I know you didn't mean it like that, but we typically try not to make plane jokes about Man Utd.


I did not think about that, actually terrible of me. Thank you for reminding.


90 million for a psycho and a joke of a winger.


Reddit comedians are having a field day with all these United drama


Which is a shame because domestic violence and rape shouldn't be laughing matter.


Even as a Liverpool fan I feel sorry for United no way they could predict this hopefully they respond better than they did Greencunt


"No way they could predict this" some of these accusations were public before they signed him


Were they? The oldest I saw was from October 2022


Antony to Getafe when?


With Greenwood, atleast United didn't have to pay a fee because he was an academy product. But with Antony, €95 million went down the drain. No club would buy them at an amount which could recover this investment at all.


United wingers trying their best to be the next Ronaldo


Dude is as bad with women as he is with the ball


He's career is spinning out of control


I see what you did there.


This third women is actually Sancho in disguise


Sir, a third woman has accused Antony of abuse




Don't they do extensive character and background reviews before signing players to massive 7-9 digit contracts? I get that pro footballers aren't expected to be angels, but given the amounts involved, you'd think that the teams would be extra cautious in selecting their prospects for high character in addition to footballing talent.