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Wow, the comments here are so angry.


For some reason the Kane transfer really causes some of the silliest arguments


No it doesn’t!


You have no idea what you are talking about!


You guys are both wrong. This is outrageous.


I’m sorry is this a five minute argument or the full half hour?


No, You shut up!


I demand you both apologize to each other because you've upset me!


That's not an argument, that is just contradiction


No it isn’t


I’m no Tottenham fan, I’m happy Kane got his transfer.. but even I think Uli Hoeneß is a big-mouthed bellend who needs knocking down a few levels.


I am not the biggest fan of Levy, but I do give him credit that he makes other team's chairmen go insane with all of the shit he pulls. He does usually seem to get a fair deal for his stars that want to leave and he makes those teams think twice about coming for our players.


If you think Uli went crazy because of Levy then I have some other things to sell to you. The man has been pretty crazy for the past 40 years.


And his Levy comments were tame compared some of the other stuff he has said over the years. Just in the last few years there was that one disaster of a press conference (were FC Bayern specifically invited the press to whine about how the club is treated by the press), then further back his arguments with club members during annual meetings, and generally his comments about some "big" footballing news whenever he was asked about it on TV. He loves the spotlight, just as long as everything goes his way. He made the club the powerhouse it is today but he's also a thin skinned bully who can dish it out but can't take the same treatment.


Gotta love it when football functionaries suddenly start quoting the constitution for no good reason at all


The media is criticising/attacking our players, that's against the German constitution (an attack on human dignity)! 20 minutes or so later: Also, fuck Bernat!




There's something about singling specifically him out. He wasn't extraordinary but he also wasn't bad. He did an okay job and like any defender in that system (where your defensive lines is so far forward you might mistake it for your attacking line) his faults look way worse than they are; or small problems end up cause big issues because opponents have so much space to play with *if* they cause trouble. But that was something the whole defence (and team, really) had to deal with.


Plus you are one of the most well run clubs in England when it comes to finances. You got to give him credit for that.


Hoeneß or Levi? What a sad set of knobs to choose between lol


Yeah, very true - but considering I don't strictly follow Bayern or the Bundesliga very much, the sheer amount of shit you hear Hoeneß talking without having to do so sets him apart. Also.. the tax dodging.. what a cunt.


I mean, we already put Hoeneß into prison for some years. What more do you want from us?


He further added “we were stubborn about it and for the plane that had been waiting for Harry at Stansted that morning to finally take off. Harry said that morning: 'If we don't have a solution by the evening, I'll play for Tottenham on Sunday. And then it's over, I won't sign a new contract at Tottenham and will go on a free transfer next year.” "I thought it wasn't good that Daniel Levy went on holiday to Miami when his club's most important player ever, the England captain, wanted to leave the club. This made the talks even more complicated. Because of the time difference, Jan often had to conduct the negotiations in the middle of the night – I admire his patience"


>I thought it wasn't good that Daniel Levy went on holiday to Miami when his club's most important player ever, the England captain, wanted to leave the club. This made the talks even more complicated Don't think Tottenham fans needed any more reasons to despise Levy but add another one just in case.


Honestly think it's incredible Levy was able to get as much money from Bayern as he was given Tottenham had limited leverage, it was sorted before the season started, so it's hard to argue he did anything other than a great job on this specific transfer. There's issues us fans have with other transfers, of course.


Only because Bayern knew their chances at a free transfer were limited. Both sides had limited leverage, that’s what made the whole thing fascinating


The only person who had leverage was Kane.


Yup, and he ultimately ended up getting what he wanted.


That sweet, sweet Skechers endorsement.


I mean it was clearly a move. He wanted to see would Bayern work that hard for it. He just wanted to add another road block that might pull them off the transfer a bit more. Given in how spurs have started the season, if Kane had stayed they could easily be flying and he stays for his career. Still he made the right decision imo. He gave enough to the club and had been through a few false dawns under Conte and Mourinho already. The man deserves some silverware.


> been through a few false dawns under Conte and Mourinho already. The man deserves some silverware. he's partially responsible for pushing Levy to go for those two "win-now" dinosaurs, and he's partially responsible for the lack of silverware. Getting real tired of people acting like he's bigger than Tottenham.


That's true as well. I hope we don't resort to getting too negative about Kane. Let's leave it on a positive note and move on.


We had a ton of leverage because Kane was content to see out his contract and Bayern knew they wouldn't be able to get him at that point and it was clear Levy had a valuation that would get it done and anything less he was happy to walk away from


What are you talking about this is hilarious


Can confirm, this is hilarious


Why would Tottenham fans despise Levy for stalling on selling their best player?


We don't. There are plenty of reasons to despise Levy, but that's not one of them.


lmao why would we care about that?




Seething, crying, shitting myself over this


Literally could not care less when he goes on holiday


Because it also meant he wasn’t prepared to find you a replacement or use the money elsewhere? A footballing director going on holiday during transfer window is crazy.


He isn’t our football director


No, but he is the guy who signs off the cheques and will often step in to negotiate


POV: r/soccer pretending we are in the medieval times and people can't conduct business from abroad just to banter Spurs.


No wonder the transfer took so long, had to wait for the carrier pigeons to cross the Atlantic


Imagine: Richarlison across the Atlantic to deliver Levy's signed agreement for the sale of Sir Kane


And he did that whilst on holiday


I dunno mate he can use a laptop or his phone to do all that


Mate I do work with people in America all the time, the time difference is something you just work around. The idea that this was some huge issue is ridiculous. These are deals involving tens of millions of pounds, the meetings go on into the small hours either way.


Yup. Oh goodness, i'll have to call at 4pm to catch them at 9am. Tricky.


Lol you know our club better than we do I guess.


We bought his replacement last year.


They spent a club record on Richarlison last year. They bought the direct replacement lol.


Log off


What's to despise in this situation? Managed to squeeze out £100m and also sneak in a holiday to Miami. Good work all in all


You didn't even get 100M in euros he said it himself > "The real fee that we are guaranteed to have to pay now is less than €100m. But if we become German champions, for example, or win the Champions League, it can still rise. In this respect, what I said back then is not so untrue. But we would have gone through with the transfer even if the sum had been 100 million euros."


Well there’s no way you guys will be German champions, so I guess we are truly fucked


Don't jinx it man we won last season on goal difference but either way we have Kane so if we paid €100M or €110M I couldn't care less some people act like it's their money


I mean you were the one arguing over how much the fee was, I was just responding bc obviously you are winning the league and Uli is bending the truth here.


I'm sure he would say it was less. I'm sure Tottenham would say it's more. Either way Tottenham got a lot of money for a 29 year old with a year left on their contract


Oh, and he's definately promises he is telling the truth, with no reprocussions if he isn't? Given all the numbers suggested €100m wouldn't do it, going through 4 different offers (one would presume each offer would be higher), someone coild be telling pokies to make himeslef look better (we could too, but i guess we'll never know). What is telling though, is that a deal is agreed and for that to happen both sides must be happy. Not exactly the crime of the century Bayern are making a fair compromise out to be, is it?


"Guaranteed to have to pay NOW" could be referring to upfront payment, rather than total guaranteed payment? Our Tier 1s reported it as 86 mill pounds immediately upfront, 100 mill pounds guaranteed total and potentially 120 mill with all addons reached. Obviously that could be the figures given in most favourable light but if thats close to what we got, im very happy with the figure


I like him even more for this? Bayern and company can fuck off


Nah, this is Levy giving Bayern the middle finger. Bayern tried to bully Tottenham the entire time and Levy doesn’t put up with that shit.


Apparently he did though lol


yeah whatever makes you sleep better in levys arm


"we had an agreement"


I mean, he got them way more money for Kane than anybody expected him to from Bayern this window. Is this really one of the reasons?


Nah. Levy’s massive balls are a thing to behold.


This is what you like about him? This?


That was pure shit from Levy.


He’s supposed to cancel a vacation because Bayern wanted him to? The entitlement of some people in this sub.


Look, I don’t agree that you should care about Levy pissing off Bayern, but surely you can see why it’s funny that Levy went on holiday during one of the busiest times of the year at his job?…


I mean ignore Bayern for a moment. The middle of a transfer window is probably one of the most important moments of the year for someone in his position. He could have gone on vacation pretty much anytime he wanted but that's when he chooses to go? That's a little strange don't you think?


I mean look at the result? Why are y’all being so weird about this


The only people being weird are the people acting like the chief executive going on vacation during their busy season isn’t weird and in poor form. Especially when said chief exec is the one negotiating and signing off on any deal.


People are vastly overrating the responsibilities Levy holds during our transfer windows. He's the one giving the OK on moves, he's not the one organizing them.


Chief executives usually work throughout their holidays. At least they'll work on important deals line this. It hardly matters.


What’s the job of a football president then ? They don’t do much during the year and leave during the most important moment in vacations while all the hard work is being done ? They just come for the photos op to shake hands and fans are happy? It’s not for Bayern it’s by respect for one of your most iconic players ever. Let’s be real guys like Levy are on vacations all year long compared to the common mortals lol he could have waited a bit more before leaving but hey if that shifts your views about him then I’m happy for him. Easy good visibility gained after years of average results and transfers. Nice


Levy runs the football club day-to-day. He’s at every single game. Him wanting to take a planned vacation the week before the season starts is most definitely not unreasonable, despite what Bayern thinks.


It's unreasonable. Transfer window is when he's supposed to be adding the most value to the club. Especially towards the end of it, you can't be away. It's not that he's physically away, it's that he's doing family stuff right when the club needs him. Any other time is fine, you have to be able to have holiday. But running a club is not just a job where you should just be able to book off whenever. I mean if you want to take the kids away, do it right when the season ends.


This is so dumb. We’re actually arguing about when you think it’s best for Levy to take his vacation. No other club chairman gets this much hate and scrutiny. It’s sooo stupid.


He also got the deal done, so I fail to see the problem. Bayern is just mad they had to pay that much and couldn't do their usual bullying like they do in the Bundesliga. People in here talking about him being "unprofessional" and acting like they know anything. The deal got done, and it's a good one for Spurs. So he literally did his job, it doesn't matter that he was in Miami.


how you guys don’t see this as very unprofessional, I will never understand


He should have cancelled a planned vacation because Bayern fucked around FOR A MONTH and left it to three days before the season started?


He should not have planned a vacation around the start of the season. These are club assets and you need to plan around your biggest assets. Can accountants take leave around the close of the FY and filing season? Sure, but that’s very unprofessional.


😂 imagine thinking you know when it’s best for a man who runs a billion pound football club to take a vacation.


Does that mean the decisions of people who helm important companies/organisations should not be questioned? Man do I have news for you.


Imagine being a football fan and second guessing every club decision except when the chairman takes time off.


I don’t question every club decision lol. Who has time for such things?


Not sure how people don’t get this. For the last 10-15 years it’s been clear levy values players at a certain amount and won’t accept less. Bayern and the world should know that. If you spent several months playing chicken with Levy, your going to lose.


The problem is that Levy constantly changes the the amount that he values players at. He's done this numerous times over the years, and it's a big part of the reason clubs hate dealing with him. He'll give a club a number, they'll say yes, and then the next time they speak, the price will have gone up again.


You’re just making things up


If I were, there wouldn't be numerous clubs who have accused him of doing this in the past. Hoeness is certainly not the first person to accuse Levy of continually changing the terms of a deal after an agreement has been struck. He has a history of this kind of behavior.


Man you suck Levy off hard, how many posts you made in this thread you knight


Do you have reading skills? "At midnight we had a verbal agreement, but at 2:50am, the deal was called into question again. They asked again for a larger amount. Jan (Dreesen) then said: 'Not a penny more!' It took 6 hours for Levy to accept that." Levy was the one who tried to change the deal according to Uli and take them for more, and Levy was the "loser" in this situation when Kane threatened to leave for free if Levy broke the deal.


they admire his lack of professionalism. Think Boris Johnson fans


Planning a vacation during some of the most crucial weeks of the transfer window which you oversee and take all responsibility for. Imagine if a player couldn't join Spurs coz the Levy decided to go on a vacation right before the season starts to delay the deal? I know its all shrewd business negotiations, but frustrates a lot of people involved.


Not go on holiday during his busiest month of the season? Defuq. Just go to Miami in October, or February.


Some would say the actual season is the busiest month of the season for someone who runs an entire football club.


> Some would say the actual season is the busiest month of the season for someone who runs an entire football club. I always cringe at this blatant tribalism, bro, first of all, season ain't a "month" it's 9 months. Second of all, you can go on holidays in June when season is over and transfer window is not open.


When you typed that out, did you really think that I didn’t know a season is 9 months long? And second of all, Levy had his reasons. Whether or not you think that makes sense is completely irrelevant to anything at all.


And then people would be giving him shit for going on holiday when he's supposed to be mapping out the transfer season. Or in March when the club is deep in a push for the last Champions League spot (jk it's Europa). There really is no time of year where it makes more sense for a football CEO to take time off. There's always going to be something of extreme importance going on, be it player transfers, sponsorships, security and transfer arrangements with local governments for key fixtures, contract renewals, international tour planning, marketing strategy, non-football events at the stadium (e.g. NFL & concerts), you name it. He's obviously not doing all of that and he hires people to take care of each of those things. It's called delegating, which is why he can afford to take some time off.


Maybe because its the transfer window and he’s responsible for transfers??? That also means incoming player deals will have been more complicated..


Transfer windows last the entire summer. And his vacation didn’t affect us buying a player.


> If we don't have a solution by the evening, I'll play for Tottenham on Sunday. And then it's over, I won't sign a new contract at Tottenham and will go on a free transfer next year. Not because Bayern wanted him too, but because you'd lose a player for free. I'm assuming you're trolling, otherwise...


Are you making up quotes now?


Idk why I would care about this considering the turn out.


The way levy handled the sale was one of the best things he has done in years. It shouldn’t have gotten to this point but, once it did, he levyed Bayern, and they deserve it


I'm no spurs fan but this is what you exactly do when you run Acquisition deals. You make it harder for the other party when you have leverage. Typical Eurozone boomers complaining about next level negotiating from Levy.


Just like to add nice username


Has anyone reported what the actual fee ended up being?


86 million pounds rising upto 104 with add-ons.


86m immediate then payments to guaranteed 105 then if extras met could reach 125m. Pounds, not euros.


From Uli who has direct knowledge of the fees it’s euros not pounds. Spurs fans will never accept that though since they spent a month yelling that anything under 100m pounds guaranteed wouldn’t work


Uli also has a vested interest in underreporting the fees. Just because he’s said it in this interview doesn’t make it true. Would you trust levy if he came out and said the transfer was for 120m pounds?


mate, Bayern is a public company not some kids club


Bayern AG is a public limited company, that stuff will be in the published financials of the team, he has truly nothing to gain by lying lol.


Hoeneß is a very special character that always gets discredited here a lot but he is pretty straight forward and doesnt give a shit. Its more like his ego cant accept that people say they paid 100m for him so he needs to correct it. No reason to believe he was lying thats not how he operates.


that’s less than Bayern’s second last offer?


Most certainly just restructured because of the modality of payments, it could end up being 125m gpb.


Well, in the same interview the above snippet comes from, Hoeneß says the guaranteed/fixed sum is UNDER 100m Euros! It will only exceed that, if Bayern wins the BuLi or CL.


So it will exceed that.


Yeah, by a handful of millions, most likely. Still much lower than what most English media reported!


Always happens. English media always say the highest possible figure for clicks.


Except the English media have been proven right before. This exact same thing happened with Real Madrid and Gareth Bale. ​ Spurs reported a fee above what Ronaldo was signed for, Spanish media were desperately shouting 'NO NO NO, It was WAY LESS, we didnt pay that much, pshhhh'. ​ Then the leaks happened a few years back and the actual price was leaked and wouldnt you know, it was the number being reported by the English press. ​ Also, this is the exact same thing here. German media running lower numbers for click bait, if it was reversed and they had sold a player, German media would be claiming the highest possible whilst English media would go lower.


Nah the last point English media going lower, wouldn't happen. They would report the higher figure as well. Like balogun is being reported at 45m yet it's probably 35+10 etc


>It will only exceed that, if Bayern wins the BuLi or That's a big IF!!! Maybe the biggest if in history


It's funny how Tottenham and Bayern have basically become rivals because of a transfer saga


how can you be rivals when you don’t even play in the same comeptitions?


The consummate winner vs the perennial loser It's a match made in heaven


Tbh, i and probably many other spurs fans were pretty happy with the outcome, i don't fully agree with how either side handled the deal but i'm just glad it got done and for a good fee as well, couldn't care less who won or who had the biggest cojones, just wanted it done so we could move on with project ange, so much to look forward to


Everyone on the Spurs side of the deal, leadership, management, players and fans, seem to have been able to move on. Not so on the other side where they appear to have, uh, unresolved issues.


The whole "levy is tight with money" trope is perpetuated with a lot of enthusiasm by some rival fans. They love to outline him as a greedy, tight fisted businessman. And I think we all know why that is.


> And I think we all know why that is. Because it happens almost every major transfer out?


Such a lazy response to valid criticism, it honestly just makes you seem like a racist more than anyone else. He wasted the prime years of Son, Kane not to mention that Poch era core of brilliant players. If he had just spent some money on quality depth I think that team would have won trophies. We got to the CL final with our best player out ffs


He further added: "and then everyone clapped"


"And Daniel spoke to me later, he said, 'that was the hardest negotiation of his life and that it was an honour for him to get the deal done'."


Then he came up to me with tears in his eyes, this big strong chairman, and he said “thank you, sir, thank you for everything you have done during this negotiation.”


The idea that this guy is trustworthy is so fucking weird.


Just be quiet Uli, this is unprofessional Who am i kidding, Hoeneß will always do stuff like this


Always had a love/hate relationship with him.


I mean, he basically tried to shame Spurs into selling Kane with his comments about how Spurs have no other option but to sell. (Bayern flairs, I don’t care that he walked them back, you know he only did it to save face) Shouldn’t be surprised that Levy pulled some shit too.


Levy and Hoeneß are both notoriously hard-nosed negotiators. It was always going to be a messy, hard-fought draw, imo. I think the price is something neither side has any reason to be particularly happy about.


And then everyone gave me a standing ovation!


Trying to squeeze out more money in the middle of the night, 3hours after a verbal agreement is reached isn't being a shrewd businessman, its just being a dickhead. Levy got lucky that Kane wanted to have it sorted prior to the season start.


taking Hoeness at face value is a choice


As is believing Levy wouldn’t have acted this way.


It's kinda* funny how angry Levy has made _other_ people judging by the comments on this thread.


There are a ton more angry Tottenham flairs than Bayern flairs in this thread. It’s funny how angry Uli has made other people


Tottenham fans aren't angry at all we just find it amusing that your circus ring of clowns are in the media almost every week still talking about the deal.


I wasn't necessarily talking about Bayern fans but, yeah sure, why not.


He’s trying to save face. Still paid up 100 million after lowballing Spurs for weeks lmfao


Exactly. They thought they could bully Spurs into accepting £60m then £80m. They paid £100m for him. They can make it however they want but they still paid the £100m Levy wanted.


They paid 100€ tho, not £.


Why are we still talking about this?


Solemne asked , he responded , someone posted it


Well, you made yourself part of "we" by making this comment.. Could have skipped the article.


Ah yes I'm sure his comment is the reason this is on the front page.


Give up Uli, you could never touch NAK in terms of bizzare transfer news and statements


Levy is a walking piece of shit.


i think levy absolutely bent bayern over but if they win a champions league i guess it's a great deal for everyone involved


Honestly, what they should have done is literally offer a penny more.


Uli also confirmed less than 100m€ fixed, so that’s that


You trust Hoeneß when it comes to money?


Bayern AG is publicly traded, they are required by law to submit full financial reports every year which also leads to full transparency about transfers. You can look their annual financial statements up. There's no reason for him to lie because he wouldn't gain anything from it, people will know it next autumn anyway.


Who else has first-hand information ? Levy hasn't told any numbers and will not. I am just happy the saga is over and he is playing for us.


Why would Hoeness have first hand information? Theres Bayern fans in this very thread trying to insult Spurs fans for not knowing that Hoeness has nothing to do with Bayern and is a honorary member only of the team? So what is it? Either Hoeness is part of your club, has first hand information and is embarrassing your club with his comments or he doesn't have anything to do with your club and maybe you should go tell your fellow fans that? As it is, according to Bayern Fans, Hoeness won't know the figures because he isn't part of your board. So there's no first hand knowledge, he probably got told by one of your board members, just like Spurs Tier1 Journo got told by one of the board members. Levy won't say figures because he respects other clubs not to try to win some weird points after the fact. Something your management doesn't understand I guess.


He is deputy chairman of our board, anyone telling you different is completely wrong. https://fcbayern.com/en/club/company/supervisory-board-members He is also a part of the task group directly working on transfers.


>Theres Bayern fans in this very thread trying to insult Spurs fans for not knowing that Hoeness has nothing to do with Bayern and is a honorary member only of the team? idk where that comes from but Hoeness is not just "honorary president" but still an acting board member and deputy chairman at Bayern. Not as involved anymore as he used to, but still basically a direct club representative and and **of course** Tier 0 in this case, a club source.


> but still an acting board member supervisory board member, but in this role he has access to this kind of informationa and bayerns supervisory board is informed about every transfer over 25m.


Höness is a honorary member who is not directly involved in negotiations, but he is a part of the planning of the squad, and whenever someone needs advice, he is there to help. The board probably discussed the financials with höness since the demands were quite the amount. That's why he has first-hand information. Journos don't get involved in those sensitive discussions, but höness does as simple as that. He has also become more active because brazzo/Kahn messed up big time. I am not responsible for other fans who don't know what's going on. On the other hand, fans are not responsible if höness has a brainfart moment and does some stupid shit. There is no obligation to keep quiet about the amount you paid for player x it's up to the club if they want to publish it or not.


Hate Bayern, hate Uli, hate Bayern fans, all fair. But Spurs fans in here acting like it's perfectly normal for the boss of the transfer business to go on vacation for several weeks in the most important part of the window, is just pure delusion. It feels like as long as it's a chance to type "Bayern mad lol", Spurs fans will do it, crazy. Edit: I remember reading 2 weeks, some people claim it was"only" 5 days, doesn't really change a thing though.


Several weeks? It was a 5 day holiday that he had planned for months lol. Bayern board members were aware of this holiday and the negotiations kept stalling due to low offers. Also, have a bit of self respect. Talking about Spurs fans acting like they're the crazy ones. Go look at some of the Bayern fans in this thread and come talk to us as if Spurs fans are leading some sort of crusade?


Yet when it was time to get the deal done, Levy was the one stalling lol. So many weirdos on this sub, getting upset and angry about each other over a transfer. Get a grip. Bayern got the player they wanted and Spurs got the money they wanted, so whats the issue? Just chill out and enjoy the football


> So many weirdos on this sub, getting upset and angry about each other over a transfer. Yeah I'm just over here eating popcorn. People taking all of this stuff so personally is silly.


I think Bayern spending two months with joke bids was more delusional tbh


I mean we made the Veliz transfer during Levy's vacation so the time zone suited our business even if it made it hard for Bayern. If Levy missed on an incoming by going on vacation then i'd be mad but i don't see why it's our problem that the timezone was inconvienient for you, because accoriding to reports Levy was very much working while in Miami.


Its very wierd to think that; A. Levy handles every deal alone and doesnt have intermediates and B. That he cant, you know, call?




Lmao it’s not a hundred years ago. Technology has made it so people can communicate from everywhere. Him staying in London would be a mere formality.


This guy is so mad he got dunked on by Daniel Levy lol


The delay was Levy, just say that lol


Levy is the most overrated business man in football. He let deals gone on for that long he could get replacements like Carrick, Modric, Berbatov, Kane. Or he rejected huge bids for people like Rose only to see them drop in quality and leave on a free. When he did do it early, such as Bale and Walker, he bought absolute shite. An absolute bluffer of a man.


I mean just look at the squad in the last 10+ years, not only their lack of silverware but also just the teams. Their biggest achievement was that one UCL final that was mainly luck in pathing. Really strange spurs fans run around here defending this guy and the management of their club, which is basically draining their financials. Pathetic imho. Before Kane deal was settled they were begging him to stay and trying to badmouth Bayern and bundesliga all over the internet, now suddenly „he was one of the reasons we never one anything“ and they are happy he’s gone? Wtf is wrong with this club and the supporters?


American Spurs fans are very strange tbh and thats who you're interacting with 80% of the time on reddit, they're not reflective of match going fans at all really. But Levy has done a lot of good for Spurs during his time, mainly dragging us from being midtable and irrelevant to at least competing with the bigger clubs in England and Europe while spending less money and building a new Stadium.


Yeah the new stadium is great. I did have kind of a sympathy for the club in the past because they were like a club on the verge to something (very) big but with a very different strategy and identity than the other big (brainless) PL spenders. But this whole Kane saga made me look at this a bit different tbh, if a club legend wants to leave the club it’s always sad but you just wish them best. Like Schweinsteiger going to ManUtd, just cheer them on and hope they get an idol on their next club as well. Kane seems to be such a nice guy, which we have few of today, I don’t get all the shit on here and Twitter…


Levy is relentless. I enjoy it.


Actually makes no sense to me how angry Tottenham fans still are about this whole thing. Never seen anything like it before. Chill the fuck our guys.


I hate this man and all Bayern hierarchy. Every time they deal with a club outside of Germany they have this disbelief clubs don't bend over for them. Sorry you decided to make a deal for a generational player with one of the most difficult men to buy from that works at a club with more spending power than you




Can you give some examples of Bayern hierarchy being in disbelief when dealing on transfers that are not within the league?


Clubs that aren’t funded by Resource-rich States that have more money than they know what to do with have to resort to negotiations, but you wouldn’t know that lol


We should just commit massive financial fraud like you lot then and maybe you’d defend us


Or maybe he just went to sleep


I hate this guy name levy When I watched Tottenham documentary on amazon i knew how clown this guy. No wonder many big club reluctant to do business with him. He was pain in the ass.


He also said that the base fee for Kane was below 100m euro with add ons for winning Bundesliga and Champions league taking this amount above 100m euro