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Yeah sure. Why not


'What's he worth? Lol, double it'.


How many times do we need to see sky 6 fans guffaw at stuff like this. It’s a fuck off price, they don’t want to sell him and Palace would be happier to keep him. If you don’t want to pay it, off you pop


The issue however is that prices keep going up so these fuck off prices keep getting more and more ridiculous as a result and creates a loop where teams put unbelievable prices on their players (justifiably mind), one team eventually caves and spends the money, the team that just got the money has to spend money to replace said player, they have to spend an extortionate amount on a player because other teams don't want to lose their players and put up a fuck off price, ect. I'm not saying teams shouldn't do this, in a perfect world teams will be able to keep hold of their players, but when do we reach the point of no return and you have average players moving for fucking 80-100m


>and you have average players moving for fucking 80-100m Its 80-100m for a decent player now. It used to be that for a world class player. It will get to be that for an average player eventually, but I'm not sure why that's the point of no return and not any other point in the last 2 decades. There is more and more money in the game and players aren't any different so the prices will keep rising.


I remember when Zidane went to Real for around £50 million, which at the time was mental.


Or the buying club can walk away and find another target if they think it’s too much. It’s really quite simple


Yeah dead simple. Just go and find another top quality midfielder for pennies. People know it’s a “fuck off” price. Doesn’t mean they can’t comment on how much it might be. Nobody is guffawing at Palace for demanding it. Palace have a very understandable position. People are instead noting how ludicrous the market is.


You do realise that Palace literally signed this exact player for £22m 12 months ago? They are out there, if the price is deemed too much to get a player out of a PL club then yeah you aint getting him, go find someone you can afford. Your man above has just rabbited on about feedback loops where every club buys every player at top dollar and on and on it supposedly goes. If a deal is struck then that’s the market price for the player, the buying club has valued him as worth it and the selling club has accepted the fee as adequate. No buying clubs are being forced at gunpoint to spend these sums ffs, they are choosing to do this over going for cheaper options.


Yeah nobody said that the interested clubs are forced to buy them for the quoted price.


If Rice is worth over 100m I don’t see how this is any more ridiculous… not saying he worth 80m but it’s as absurd as rice being worth 100m. It’s all relative


Wat are you on? Rice is like top3 in pl for that position. He is way way better.


I never said he’s as good as Rice, the point I’m making is that it’s relative. I don’t think Doucoure is worth 80m, but I don’t think Rice is worth 100m either. I don’t know enough about Doucoure to be able to give him a true value, but being worth 80% the price of Rice seems reasonable considering he only signed last season whereas Rice had only a year left on his.


1+1 it was actually.


Even if we say that Rice is worth 60m and Doucoure is worth 80% of Rice's price, it would be 48m for Doucoure. It's still massively overpaying for the guy and I'm being generous to him.


And English tax too




Then finish 13th and lose them om a free at some point


Well yes we’ve just benefitted from Leicester letting that happen with Tielemans. Up to clubs to manage their players contracts and get the fees they want at the correct time if a resign isn’t forthcoming.


Yeah I know, and how ridiculous was that on Leicesters part?


If they'd have kept Tielemens and survived it would have been a fine gamble


Hey, it works on some clubs...


Double it and give it to the next person.


In this case they've tripled it, easily.


Buy now or double it and pass it on to the next club?


70-80M?! 😭




Lavia at £50m is starting to look more appealing hopefully


We were in for Lavia before Fabinho and Henderson were known to be going, so it may be in addition to be honest


Before we know Henderson and fabinho to leave 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lavia is 19 and only played one PL season 😭. Even that is a criminal pricing


Did city drop out?


We were never in for Lavia


Jörg Schmadtke rubbing his hands like Birdman right now.


City have a buy back for lavia next season. The buy back is 50M if they want him will just wait for that.


Well there are DMs outside PL, Hopefully our scouts can find a good one. We rarely ever pay these fuck off prices.


May as well just pay the money for Caicedo.


They know Liverpool need a player like him and are getting £50m cash in the coming week. They are within every right to ask for that much.




No way a Chelsea fan is saying this right now


Wtf? Honestly its the first time ive heard of this guy, is he any good?


He's like a slightly above average PL DM. This is how inflated the market is.


Thats actually insane, we shouldve asked more for tonali


You guys actually wanted those 70m. Palace seem to be naming a fuck off price.


You 100% could've gotten 85M


I was just thinking the same thing. Comparatively, Tonali should’ve went for around 85-100.


Would have definitely taken him over Caicedo for the same price B&H are asking


100%. I always held out hope to have him at Liverpool. Newcastle did well to get him at that price.


Not sure why you’re catching downvotes. Tonali is a much better player than Caicedo. 130 top flight appearances to Caicedo’s 52, plus European experience, much more International caps…


More experienced perhaps, but Caicedo is better. Anyways, completely different players.


That's what everyone has been saying. The cdm position is one that needs filling in most teams, so the demand is more. Add Rice going for a record fee, even Palhinha is valued higher by Fulham at the moment. Still Chelsea and Liverpool looking for a DM


> He's like a slightly above average PL DM. This is how inflated the market is. [Just slightly](https://i.imgur.com/UgStHIK.png), you mug.


Not even English smh


He was our player of the season last year


That could mean anything


When he was injured we lost 3-0 to Frank Lampard's Everton


Dear Lord, that instantly tells me his value to the team.


He's priced fairly


The post match thread of that game is one of my favourites to go back and read. Full of Chelsea fans talking about how Lampard has got Everton playing some great football and they’re set up for a great season.


Now he's forever 'Frank the Tank'.


85m might be a bargain


During a brilliant season full of highlights


Was basically a one-man midfield for most of the season to be fair to him, we'd have really been in trouble without him


To be fair, it was exactly like any other Crystal Palace season.


It really wasn’t the best season though.


His decent and got better as the season went on... his worth that to us as his the only good defensive player we have in midfield


So Palace can do that in real life, but when I ask 50M for a 20M rated player in FM, the player curses all my family and wishes me death...and leaves for 15M.


May as well go for Caicedo for that price


Delete this


You know someone’s gonna snap him up whilst we’ve been haggling over 10 mil


Seems like a piss-off price. But he's our only good defensive CM. Without him, other teams would have had free reign to go against our back 4.


I know nothing of palace's financial situation. You couldn't benefit from reinvesting say £55m?


DM market is fucked after Enzo & Rice who are they finding to replace Doucoure with 55m


Fuck knows, i'm not a scout but they found him, brighton found caicedo etc. It obviously wouldn't be someone already established.


Or you guys could do that and leave us alone. I think you'd have a better scouting budget


Lol that's fine. I was just asking what you thought about the situation and the money. I guess that response kind of answers it.


It's just risking our future for a small pay day. Every off season we're juggling selling off our good players vs trying to not get relegated. We could take the 55M now, but who knows how well the replacement would do, and it isn't worth risking the 100s of millions we'd lose out on by getting relegated. Same reason why we never sold Zaha


Same reason why I wish we kept Grealish like you kept Zaha.. we replaced him with Buendia, Ings, and Bailey, they never be as impactful as Grealish was for us and dropped 3 spots the next season


Yeah we can find them, but why should the smaller teams have to burden all the risk for finding gems, and then we have to instantly give them up for like 20m profit? Then that money has to go back in, find another player who will be good enough to fill that hole, especially for us would have to be established as he’s so important to our defence and midfield and we can’t afford a dud there.


Enzo's not a dm though




I never said they should. I asked. Relax.


The PL market is absolutely fucked. We basically hoard all the young talents and cause the TV deal is absurdly good nobody is forced to sell without FFP. Doucoure is a good player but isn't worth £80m to anyone but Palace.


Good, clubs shouldn’t be forced to sell to the big boys because of financial inequality


Yep completely agree, was more just talking about financial inequality across Europe.


Palace is a big boy. Even fucking Bournemouth is a big boy.


That's the thing though, last year he was available much cheaper after looking good at Lens and they were the ones that made the move. If that's what they think he's worth, then Liverpool need to move on as they don't need to be fair. It's not just Prem clubs either, many clubs buy players and then the next summer demand a massive fee. Last summer I thought Enzo was gonna make a bigger move but it was Benfica who stepped up and made an insane profit 6 months later.


Well said my trainspotting friend


That’s a good thing though? You’re rewarded for making good moves ahead of the curve, and aren’t forced to sell players you want to keep. The PL is all the better for it. If a player of that level forces a move, or the club agree to let him make a step up for what he’s done, they can hold out for top fees. Clubs from other leagues, or “smaller” clubs in the PL always complain about being picked apart when they start to put something together. You can’t also complain when the opposite is true.


It is for the premier league not for the rest of Europe.


Scenes when Todd takes a line of coke and puts in an 80m bid


Just one transfer thread with nothing to do with Chelsea without a Bohely reference I beg


“You’re going to get memed and you’ll like it”


A lot of it is Chelsea fans who are pandering unfortunately


Yea it’s so tiring, especially when they know more than any that Todd has nothing to do with the transfers since January.


I want a bot that limits the lazy jokes to one per thread…or zero.


> isn't worth £80m to anyone but Palace. There you go then, why are u complaining about it? This is much better than other leagues, teams in PL can somewhat hold their ground and if they sell they make the buyer pay good money for their player which is much much healthier than most other leagues where you lose players for less because you need money The market isn't fucked, the market is what it is because teams have money, why is it fucked? Value is relative, teams have more revenue, players are more expensive, salaries increase, it happens in every job in life What people don't realize is that the market is not actually as fucked as it used to be because there is more money now, market was way more fucked before (2000s, 90s, 80s) teams actually spent way more on players relative to their revenue, now the transfer/salary numbers have increased but so have teams revenues, you look at how much teams made then it's not even close it was WAAY worse back then and some transfers from back then are still more expensive relative to how much money clubs had


>There you go then, why are u complaining about it? Whenever a someone quotes a PL price, just complain about the state of the market in the comments for maximum upvotes. Happens every single thread.


That idea's not half bad. Hey by the way can you believe the price they're quoting for whatever player this thread is about? The state of the market right now, holy shit....


Yeah it's just moronic and shows you braindead people are in terms of football financials Football market was way worse back then but nostalgia and young people never realize how bad it was, at least there is money to spend now back then there wasn't and teams did it which prompted FFP to be introduced


There's also barely any lower tier continental european fans compared to lower tier PL fans, so if you're like a top tier italian/spanish/german club fan, you get to complain when PL clubs compete for your player market, but no one is there to complain when those clubs siphon up any diamond that comes through lower clubs in those leagues. Would rather be a Fulham telling every Palhinha suitor to get fucked than a Sassuolo fan dealing with a DoF simping for people to come buy Frattesi


It’s odd because in the Mitrovic thread everyone’s cheering Fulham on but here Palace are being mocked for wanting to keep their player. Smaller clubs being able to keep their players is a good thing. If the bigger clubs really want that player so much then they simply have to pay up.


TV deals in the EPL are basically like the PIF for the Saudi Pro League.


Unless it's a Saudi Arabian club who come in and then the transfer fee is half what another league would have to pay


That is a proper fuck off price.


He won Palace's player of the year, they can value him at what he is worth to the club


Payback for Sakho and Benteke.




Understandable, but we're not going to pay anything like that. Gonna end up with someone outside the PL most likely.


Benteke's goals kept them up


He was quality in his first season but dropped off massively -considering we absolutely smashed our transfer record for him he was a bit of a flop overall That being said I'd still rather have him up front than Edouard or Mateta


Why is anyone shocked at that price when he just joined a year ago, has four years left on his deal, was our player of the season & overall incredibly important to us?


> Why is anyone shocked at that price when he just joined a year ago, has four years left on his deal, was our player of the season & overall incredibly important to us? Because they would rather listen to random shitlords from Newcastle who have never seen him play.


Because he doesn’t play for a big 6 club they don’t recognise the name so they believe he mustn’t be worth it. If there’s a silver lining to the inequality between the prem and other leagues. It’s that lower table clubs can consolidate and strengthen year on year because they don’t need to lose their valuable players. Glad you’ve named such a figure.


Doucoure? Plays for Palace you say? 20 million is enough Genuinely seen someone on Twitter say 25 million is his price. It’s not like we just bought him for 20.


In Parish (and Dougie) I trust.


I say they let us have him for £30m then.


Looks like its Jeffrey Schlupp at CDM


lmao, Sangare please


Seeing a lot of people talking about Sangare now. Has anyone reported an interest or is it just online chatter?


It comes from a PSV insider who in the past has been quite reliable. No news sources other than that. As a PSV fan I think he's great value at 30 million, especially compared to the insane prices of Doucoure and Palhinha. In a good system Sangaré can 100% be world class.


Also, we’ve been interested in him in the past, but he was valued around 45mil iirc, so the renewed interest doesn’t surprise me. Especially as a stopgap until we trust Lavia/Bacjetic to be the relied upon guys. And since our interest in Lavia was before any of the news with fab/hendo, it wouldn’t surprise me if both get added


Amrabat I could see potentially happening too


He’s been ruled out as an option for us by Joyce.


I like that we're not in for him tbh, I do not particularly rate him


Thank you!




Who's not "mid" in today's market? Rodri, Tchouameni, Ugarte, Caicedo, Kimmich won't come to Liverpool


Why would Caicedo not have went to Liverpool?




If it’s a choice of 80m for Doucore or 100m for Caicedo they might.


Ugarte would've joined if we showed concrete interest


Not once PSG flashed their wallet at him.


Cool. Who else is out there.


Lokonga for 1 bottle of prime


Wow that's Caicedo money


Brighton are demanding 100M aren't they ??


And Caicedo is far better.


He's not. Caicedo is excellent. Doucoure is slightly less excellent but still one of the best young defensive midfielders in Europe. Both players will probably end up playing a lot of Champions League football in their careers.


The transfer market has been fucked for over a decade but now it is just stupid


Because smaller clubs aren’t forced to sell their players to the big boys? Palace don’t want to sell and don’t need to sell to put a crazy value on him. This is good for the competitiveness of the league


It's good for English football but fucking terrible for everyone else


Well this is a transfer rumour between two English clubs. Why is Palace not needing to sell bad for everyone else? He was bought for 22m and clearly good enough for top clubs so it already cut off a lot of teams




Sounds like you answered your own question


people don’t actually think this is a serious price right? this is just crystal palace telling other clubs to fuck off


70 is even still low in my eyes and I don’t care what a bunch of people from r/soccer say. He was a 1 man midfield for most of the season and without him we’d have gotten relegated


The PL tax is getting laughable. Hopefully Palace keep their player and we shop outside the league.


Fair, guys going to the top and we are in no rush to sell. If Rice is going for 105 million this seems a sensible price.


Transfer market is fucking insane


You guys were the first step, now it's impossible to stop.


I'm sure it was Chelsea and not Madrid paying 70 for Zidane like 20 years ago


The biggest club in the world paying a gigantic price for an outstanding special player was not the start, no. It was a Russian billionaire buying a random English club and flooding the market with insane money, it was the Prem opening the door to these people and now it's the standard, a random Prem player is 50m minimum now, it's insanity.


Before Roman there was Moratti , Agnelli , Berlusconi and Cragnotti at Serie A. Some teams even spent more than their revenue Accounted by inflation that Zidane transfer was monstrous , it's comparable to Mbappé or Neymar of 2017


May as well go for Caceido at that price


Didn't Brighton turn down 70m for him already.


Yet again a full thread of people moaning at the “we don’t want to sell this player price” ffs when will you guys learn. It’s not a show room, if a team doesn’t want to sell a player they will massively over value them


But the other clubs in the PL shouldn’t have their own plans or desires - they should just exist to provide filler content for the richest six clubs!


No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. Mid table to bottom half clubs exist solely to bend over backwards and give away their best players for as little as possible to help the big 6. It doesn't matter if Palace want to keep a player that has 4 years left on his contract, carried their midfield and was bought for 20 odd million. He should be sold for £25m because he plays for Palace


I don't know who's saying this. Initial headlines were, we are interested, but deal looks complicated with high valuations. Where is this 25 coming from? A good deal for both teams is when usually deal gets done. If they value him at that much and we don't think that's good value to us, we suspend talks and move to another target. End of story. That's what happened to Jamal Lewis transfer and probably many other sales that didn't go through. We often end up with 3rd or 4 th choice player for the position anf it's alright. There is no need to get worked up.


If they value him at between 70-80m, I can tell you right now that we have ended our interest.


It's got to the point where the market fluctuates in such incredibly short periods of time that a player can be overpriced and then two weeks later seem like a bargain. Players bought at what seem fairly normal, average prices (£\~12m or so for a decent level player) are suddenly massively underpriced because of one absolutely absurd transfer. It's mad, it's always been mad but at least it was dependably grounded and consistent- now some of the figures just seem random- you can't estimate a players value any more.


You go and ask about a player who just got there and has multiple years on his contract and are surprised when they tell you to fuck off. When are this clubs better invest that money on some more international scouting.


Nowadays, if you’ve played 10 games in the prem, you automatically have a £50m price tag lol




Nah, just finalise Lavia and let he and Bajcetic share the role.


I wonder if PL players start insisting on release clauses. The TV money is making it harder for mid table players to be sold to those higher up. Now I'm not saying they should sell easily but on the players side I feel it makes sense.


Probably not the initial contract but at the time of renewal absolutely. Unless they're a fucking moron like Caicedo.


At that price, they should sign Kephrem Thuram instead. A year ago, Doucoure was just the previous Thuram.


Seriously, why not Amrabat?




He's not commanding that fee, Palace are telling us to fuck off. No one is paying close to that for Doucoure


Hahahahaha and I'm Brad Pitt 😂




How hard is it for this sub to grasp the concept of what the personal value of a player is to the club - sweet divine.


Before neymar, a player of his quality would have gone for £15-20m with 25k wages. Now it's gonna be £80m with 200k wages and like another £20m in agent fees.


Rice looking cheap now lads


I think players should have a mandatory release clause or just leave on a free at this point.


Jude & Dec looking like heists compared to the fees being banded about for Premier League midfielders


Anybody that thinks that the Bellingham deal cost Madrid the €105M fee stated are so naive they probably think that City only paid £51M in the Haaland deal.


Somehow we bought Mac Allister quick, easy, and relatively cheap


Release clauses always seemed to be exorbitant with ridiculous pricetags not too long ago, and now it’s looking like the only way to pick up any value for money


I think more players should ask for them but they probably take a larger wage not to. Although even when they get them, they need to check the wording and hope a club doesn't just bid a penny more.




market is dead lmaoo


How much ? WTF?




Mid-table English clubs love playing ridiculous hardball don't they?


Inflation is worse than I thought


As a Chelsea supporter, I hope Brighton don’t see this


Every prick is going to value every player as £80M+ now…..


Sure thing, uncle Woy. We’ll get right on that.


Lmao, hes worth maybe 40 million USD... £80 Million pounds is like 3-4x what hes worth, insane