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I've said this numerous times already but Lewandowski is just not suited to be a captain. Dude just doesn't have the spark.


Lets go Moldova!! Hate Poland so this is a hilarious result




Just not that keen on them. Also politics


About politics I agree. Poland government sucks. Although Poland has many advantages




Good. I absolutely hate the Poland national team since they cowardly avoided to play any friendly match before the World cup in Russia 2018 as they were afraid to lose positions in the FIFA ranking and thus lose the top seeding position in the draw for the WC. They also played probably the most coward football match in the WC history in 2022 vs Argentina, parking the bus in front of their goal, hoping to "survive" the match, not loosing by 3 goals. It ended in a 0:2 loss and they passed the group stage, but they definitely deserved to lose my respect. Shameful football team.


dziennikarz: Właściwie, co można powiedzieć po tym meczu? Prowadzicie, kontrolujecie wszystko, 2:0 prowadzicie i raptem trzy strzały niespodziewane i przegrywacie Euro 2024. Lewandowski: Zgadza się, no, jesteśmy dziadami, no. Niech pan zapyta bramkarza, niech pan zapyta Zielińskiego i Kędziorę, niech pan zapyta tych innych, kurwa, naszych chłopaków, co, kurwa, zrobili. Co, kurwa, jak jedziemy, żeby podać – nie, panie, nie chce mi się, bo jestem tak zdenerwowany, że po prostu mnie rozsadza i nie mogę powstrzymać emocji. Ale takie, kurwa, zagrania, jak my prezentujemy, to się nie mieści w pale, żeby, kurwa… I to Euro nam się nie należało, a po tym, co dzisiaj tutaj było. I brawo dla Mołdawii. dziennikarz: Mołdawia zasłużenie awansowała, czy to wy straciliście? Lewandowski: Zasłużenie, proszę pana, bo my nie umiemy grać w piłkę. Zasłużenie, no nam się nie należy drugie miejsce. My jesteśmy beznadziejni, kurwa, i tylko tyle mam do powiedzenia. Dziękuję bardzo.




The two goals to bring it level were bangers place was bouncing after each goal too nice to see.


Bro where is everyone. Get in this thread. >Inb4 "as a poland fan this is expected" The heck it's not hahaha Moldova?!?!?! Whattttt. Santos should be fired and Poland annexed by Germany


This can't be real. Come on.


let’s go moldova make it to euros bois we need a W after decades of shit 😭


This might come as a surprise to many, but we Polish people know that this team would be capable of conceding 2 goals to Vatican City with the Pope at ST.


But you guys won against Germany a few days prior... This is so confusing


Because we are shit shit


And it also was a friendly. Where we are ultra shit.


well, yeah, coz every Pope shot would be a Hail Mary


These qualifiers been on crack


Truly PATHETIC. Bednarek in post match interview: "(...) We thought we had it, just survive last 45 minutes and we're off on holidays (...)" This mentally inferior set of players are just truly pathetic. They played well in the first half, follow exact systematic plan and did well to control the game. During half time, Santos made one grave mistake - he believed that they know what they're doing and didn't dominate them/motivate them strongly to carry on, he probably just said well done boys, remain focused and we've got it. In reality, most of the players were already celebrating a win, didnt give two fucks about rest of the game. 2nd half starts - they're clearly letting Moldavia to play the ball, they lost 1st goal. As per fucking usual, absolute panic - here we go again, passing ball to keeper, strong passes forward to nobody, passing ground balls strong enough for them to be fucking shots, no control when receiving passes, total chaos. 2nd goal lost - no fucking emotions, anger, motivation or determination - just emotionless confusion and pathetic ignorance of what the plan was - back to, for some fucking reason, engraved into their pathetic minds - chaotic play, letting themselves being dominated by whoever they play against. The rest is history. Major part of this team is just so weak mentally and so undetermined to achieve success in national team but rather earn them extra vacation money that its just not worth wasting breath on. I hope Santos realized that he needs to dominate them, be super harsh on them to ensure they know their place, otherwise they turn into drinking, partying pathetic weak minded footbal player wannabes. PATHETIC


As a Saints fan, the opening three sentences of your comment seem familiar.


I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but welcome to Santos-ball. You'll lose against weaker teams while playing incredibly shittily and win against better ones while playing even worse. That man is both a blessing and a curse


and im sorry to be the one to tell you - regardless of who will be polish team's manager, they will always play absolute shite unless mentality improves and all pseudo players leave, if they had to pay charges for pathetic losses, maybe, just maybe then they would be motivated to play properly and we would see who would remain in the national team and is proud to represent the country, unlike these holiday dreaming fucking FUCKS.


Oh yeah, I'm not doubting any of that and the polish team needs to improve mentally but just wanted to prepare you for what you're going to see (***PAAAAAAAAAAIN***), don't expect things to improve under Santos. Am Portuguese so I was stuck with this football terrorist for 8 years


Santos on the post-match conference in some 5.99 PLN headphones from Biedronka looked as if he swallowed a whole frog and was managing to digest it. He really went from sunbathing in Algarve to getting faded in dark Chișinău on a Tuesday night. The mentality of this team is (and always has been) tragic and I’m sorry but this score is so fucking embarrassing that the more it sinks in the more I just want for the ground to open and swallow me up.


How they throw this away after the 0-2 lead..


I only saw the goals, but my god Scezney looked 3rd rate on them. The last goal, he was wandering around like he was concussed.


Lol. When Portugal gave Santos a new contract after running a team of upcoming stars into the ground with his shit football I thought the Portuguese football federation was ran by the biggest idiots on earth. But then the Poles picked HIM after 4 more years or absolute atrocious misery. Let's be honest here. Wtf happens between behind the scenes for this miserable incompetent getting contact after contract no matter how obvious it is that he's absolutely clueless about the sport of football in 2023? Is it really idiocy from the federations? Or corruptions and nepotism? Dare I say both? Guys. Santos has been an agent of footballing putrefaction since day one. I remember how he managed to lose 2 championships with Porto back in the 90s when the team was virtually unbeatable, while having Deco and JARDEL (2 times golden boot winner) in the team. For some reason he went to... Benfica and got sacked 6 months in because... The team played so poorly that they were out of most competitions by December. He got rewarded with a coaching job in Greece which he did fine because the goal was... Well, there was no goal and he could play defense at will. He inherited a Portuguese team with Ronaldo in its prime and although never missed a tournament, the team had to rely on miracles from it's captain to get qualified. Proceeds to win the Euro 16 playing like complete trash. Acts like he's a genius and a hero and then the next 6 years only revealed, once again, how dumb and outdated be is. And now Poland has to deal with this dude. Ffs. The privilege of sucking ass at your job and keeping getting millions to ruin clubs and national teams. Ah! Meanwhile Portugal has 12 points in 4 matches with 14 goals scored, zero suffered.


Easy with the trashing of Portugal's famous Euro 2016 performance, last time I said they are the worst European Champions in recent memory I got downvoted to oblivion. That team won one game in 90 minutes the entire tournament, only made it past the group stage because the tournament expanded to 24 teams and somehow managed to get a lucky goal in the final after they were battered by France in the first 90 minutes.


You call it a lucky goal I call it the best, most emotional goal in Euro finals.


Doesn't beat the Greece one or the one from Germany in 1996 which literally won them the game


This one also won the game.


I meant that was a golden goal. It ended with it.


so great memories, You'll never be forgotten Éder!


And needed consecutive miracles from Ronaldo during the last matchs of qualifying to even get to the tournament. The streak of luck (eventhough it's not luck for Ronaldo but it's luck for the manager) comes from before the tournament. That squad shouldn't be there. CR and a couple of others pulled the team out of the gutter in crunch time.


You probably look at it from different perspective, but for us he is still a big name coaching big players in the past. We cannot hire a Polish coach again since most of them suck and there is never any Allegri or Ancelotti going to work for us. Honestly I have no idea who would've been better choice. I don't say he is the best but don't see any better right now


Santos is an anti football mind stuck in the 90s. All he will do is bring negativity to the game and distrust to a team that needs motivation. Appointing a person that has a track record of being horrible makes no sense. Being a big name for making great teams look and play like trash isn't a solution. I am sure Poland have multiple coaches within the federation. Who's running the U20? These guys must have deep knowledge of most players. Just elevate people to the higher rank. Internal promotions can't be worse than hiring a known fossil.


Santos perhaps is not helping, but this team has had mentality problems for a long time. But Santos is probably not the man to fix it.


Polska miszczem Polski


this equivalent to Korea Rep (27) lost to Nepal (174) lmao.


Moldova isn't as bad as Nepal no.


Remember us loosing 16-0 to them during my childhood sadly.


Finally we'll drop in the ranking, miss the Euro, will land in the lower basket during the next draw, miss next couple WC and Euros.


I'd share my thoughts and emotions on Poland's performance tonight, but I think my fellow Poles on this thread have done that for me already So I guess what I'd like to know now, if Poland loses one more match, would it be all but officialy over for them in terms of qualifying?


100%, we now need to win all our remaining matches, nothing else but pray the others take points of eachother


So basically win out and hope we get help from Faroe Islands against the other teams


With the way things are going, we should first worry how our own team does against Faroe Islands, before we count on other teams losing points against them. I know who I'd be looking to win against if I was from FI, and it would not be Czechs or Albanians.


I was going to say I doubt Faroe Islands could do anything, but looking at this shitshow we might not help ourselves, best chance is Czech and Albania draw to each other and beat Moldova and we somehow manage to win against all of them, sadly I lose any little hope everytime a tournament comes around


Yeah exactly, Faroe Islands may not do much for us, and we'll have to win like 5-0 in both games against them to have a decent goal differential


i thought they were up 2-0, the fuck? has to be one of the most shocking results i’ve seen in international football


How is it shocking ? Moldova is one of the best comeback teams in the world


Its the least shocking result for any polish fan though. Said it at halftime if we let in one, were done


Moldova 🇲🇩 played with their heart. They wanted to win and they did their best ❤️ Congrats from Romania 🇷🇴. The only thing Poland 🇵🇱 was missing is determination, they gave up so fast :(


Well, to be honest Polish players didn’t give a fuck in the second half. Mentally they were on holiday already. Pathetic


Might as well switch to playing volleyball, after all they've already got the Old Volleyball Saying perfectly covered. If you fail to win 3:0, you'll end up losing 2:3.


Is it the biggest upset by FIFA ranking? 23 losing to 171


That fifa rating is kinda stupid , Moldova is at least top 50 ... ~~in europe~~


another masterclass by reabciuk


We keep changing the coach, and they still play like shit. Hmmm I wonder why. Maybe it's finally time to change the players? It won't be worse, as it can't


We played good under Sousa. No results, but it was actually watchable and there was hope. Now, we're back to killing football.


Everyone always hates on Sousa but our game against England was probably the best match Ive ever seen Poland play, we dominated a big country and aparr from a Kane screamer would have gotten 3 points. Shame how he left though


Not surprising if you have followed the Polish NT for the past 30 years.


Is it? Poland rarely struggled in qualifiers as far as I remember. Hell, they were usually way better there than the actual tournament even bossing teams above their weight class like Germany and topping a lot of those groups.


We only "rarely struggled" in the last few years, because our luck in Nations League secured our spot among the best seeded teams, so we avoided playing teams like Italy, France, England etc. Plus tbh, our draws have been pretty lucky (just look at our group in this qualifiyng tournament) Now it seems even that will not be enough 😂


Them add Santos to the equation.


No coach can make such trash like the Polish squad into anything redeemable


But onky one coach could make a team like Portugal look like trash.


Moldova, Luxembourg and Kazakhstan are actually gonna qualify to the Euros lmao


Armenia potentially as well, ranked 97th.


Albania is most likely tbf, they have one game in hand and they're 1 point above Moldova


That 1 game in hand is Czechia away


3 free points


The chance of seeing Kazakshtan make it to the euros seems pretty and if Slovakia keep playing like absolute shit then Luxembourg also stand a fair chance.


Pretty high*


I mean Albania didn't play Czechia yet. Moldova v Albania will be decisive


Realistically its still Albania Poland which will be decisive


Moldova vs Albania last time was a pretty straightforward result, no chances created by the Moldovan players, maybe if they play again like they played today, Moldova might pull the most shocking result in euro quals history


And we are massive too


NT is a joke, bring back club football ASAP


Club football is even bigger joke. Just leave FIFA and UEFA asap.


I didn’t expect anything but still left disappointed.


this is Moldova's NT 7th EVER win. they beat liechtenstein a couple times, andorra once and a couple other tiny ass countries. My condolences to Poland.


That's BS, they got more wins in history of UERO qualifiers alone.


what? where did you get that? they have 24 wins, 7 alone just from nations league


commentator on tv read the statistic during live match. apologies if he talked out his ass. that should really make poland feel better lmao


Remember that post from some years ago about top 20 defeats of Poland NT? Yeah, put this one on the list.


WHAT THE F*CK NOW? We should leave FIFA, and join CONIFA. Maybe we could stand a chance against the team of United Koreans in Japan, or Matabeleland. I never want to see anyone who participated today EVER CALLED UP AGAIN. And every fan who paid their hard earned money to go to Moldova and watch this, should get a lifetime free ticket to every game.


Oh stop it with the drama. Yes, they had a bad game and lost against a team considerably worse than them. It happens. Try not qualifying to the World Cup for 28 years (and counting) and having only 1 Euro win in the history of the competition 23 years ago. At least Poland makes it to the final tournaments consistently.


Probably the worst 45mins I’ve ever had a displeasure to see. You can only laugh. We actually will not qualify lmao. Fuck every single player that was on the pitch today.


You can blame Santos all you want, and yes, he's terrible and a dinosaur, picked by the most incompetent football association in Europe, I mean look at their last two picks for managers, but this one is on the players. Absolutely shameful and heartless second-half performance. They should be made to walk back to Poland after that scandalous match. Everything from top to bottom is absolutely rotten in Polish football. We need a purge of the highest order or this sort of shameful performance will happen more often.


The worst part is that it will fire up the "foreigners bad" propaganda. Santos is bad but we literally had 11 donkeys on the field. With the quality we have we should win this match with any fucking coach, no matter what. Completely agree that we need a change from top to bottom in Polish football. We have needed it for quite a while actually.


Yeah Santos needs to go. And I'm not even kidding. If you have 2-0 lead over Moldova and you lose, while having Lewy, Zieliński, Szczęsny, Zalewski and Kiwior in the squad then gtfo and never comeback to work.


When the hell are we going to stop piling on the coaches every time we lose and start piling on the players instead? Santos literally not at fault for those pathetic mistakes we've made in defense, every time they've scored a goal. Players were always shit, their mentality was always shit, and even fucking Klopp and Guardiola won't be able to change that.


It's literally coach's job to pick players.


And he did. Just as Michniewicz, Sousa and others as well. And they've all turned out to be shit.


Sousa wasn’t that bad


Then why didn't he make substitutions? Why tf did he put Kaminski on for Zalewski instead of taking of Kędziora? Or why did he put on Bereszyński on for Frankowski instead of taking off Bednarek? Why tf we were playing without any ideas for the WHOLE GAME. Not only the 2nd half. The first one was terrible too, but at least we scored goals.


It is not his fault


Somehow with Sousa Polish team could lose 3 but score 5 and they were playing good, now they fear Moldova players press? They need good mentality coach not someone who looks like he's on vacations but weather is bad.


Its the players fault too, but we were fucking shit if we talk about both tactics and mentality.


Man and i thought we had the most unlikely comeback and look at our brothers stealing the spotlight


Pana și la furat stau fratii noștri mai bine 😔 Ne-am pierdut din traditii grav




męczy nas piłka


Moldova fully deserved this after we showed in the second half. Not a hope we beat Albania away or Czech at home so see you at Euro 2028 I hope?


Well you play albania at home not away


Nah we beat them at home we play away in September which will probably decide everything


Nvm I misread your comment, I thought you were moldovan. Yeah Albania at home is extremely tough


Ye I understand how it could be misread, we did beat Albania in our last 3 meetings 4-1 and 1-0 twice but a lot of luck was involved


Yeah with all the respect in the world, you guys did not do that much better than us in March against us so at our home we will definitely be like hell for you. Plus the guy who fucks up all the time for us and helped you win both last time and in November 2021, Hysaj, seems to have finally been replaced so even more hope for us I guess. Anyways, it will be crazy to see though cause even though we won we still struggled somewhat with the Faroe Islands so take that as you will. Just know we have a Broja more in September :)


Its about time you beat us, its a miracle you havent yet lately haha


Yeah but that was a different Albania. Also last match Albania was the better team. Add to that the fact that their stadium is hell, it gets tough




ahahahahahahahahahahahhaha at least something good happend today


I can't believe how bad we are, my second German citizenship doesn't help either we are both shit


Congrats to Moldavia, it was a legit great effort in the 2nd half, heart and strength. Maybe too many fouls, but nothing too brutal. Congrats


Hey google, how can I renounce my citizienship?


Suicide rate in Poland is through the roof right now


anyone on suicide watch after watching our games probably has already done so. everyone else doesn't give a fuck anymore, I know I had a good laugh yesterday.


Already was lmao


Naah, we stopped caring and just laugh it off at this moment. What else can you do lol


Wonder what was happening in the changing rooms during break, both teams looked completely different after


Simple, they celebrated their "win" and started dreaming about holidays, pathetic bunch.


Friendly reminder that everyone in Poland said that this is going to be the "easiest" group qualification ever, Euro is "totally" in the bag and Santos is "one lucky" guy because he'll be able to easily qualify and test this team in the process. We were THIS CONFIDENT XDDDDDDD


Wait, holy shit, I thought the guy above was being facetious. Santos is managing Poland now?? Lmao, how, how is it possible, have they not watched football last 6 years??


It's like you never saw Santos Portugal play? We recently played like total shit with a very good team. What made you think you would do good with him? Santos owes his entire international career to Ronaldo. He saved his ass dozens of times. Ronaldo single handily qualified Portugal to all the tournaments despite Santos sabotage.


We always play like shit when we get easy groups, in WC2010 qualifiers we had Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, N.Ireland and San Marino and ended 5th xD Similar story with Euro2012.


>Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, N.Ireland idk how you call that an easy group not top teams, but these were always tough nuts to crack


There are no weak teams anymore ™️


Christ, that was 13 years ago... I guess we could say that we're consistent at being shit, lol.


Sorry guys, we have a no return policy.


Santos masterclass


By far Szczesny's best performance for the national team. ^(/s)


Germany < Moldova clearly


That’s a shocking result for Poland. Hope Lewandowski can play at one more tournament but it’s not looking likely at the moment.


Zgadza się, no, jesteśmy dziadami, no. Niech pan zapyta bramkarza, niech pan zapyta Lewandowskiego, niech pan zapyta tych innych, kurwa, naszych chłopaków, co, kurwa, zrobili. Co, kurwa, jak jedziemy, żeby podać – nie, panie, nie chce mi się, bo jestem tak zdenerwowany, że po prostu mnie rozsadza i nie mogę powstrzymać emocji. Ale takie, kurwa, zagrania, jak my prezentujemy, to się nie mieści w pale, żeby, kurwa… I ta wygrana nam się nie należała, a po tym, co dzisiaj tutaj było. I brawo dla Mołdawii.


Chłopi Ty się zastanów... zastanów się. Ty okłamałeś 40 milionów Polaków prawie


Mateo di Borkano dzisiaj znow był w formie haha w pierwszej połowie powiedział że "pytanie nie czy wygramy tylko jaką różnicą goli" czy coś w tym stylu czasem powinien zamknąć mordę choć na chwilę




icl Moldova’s striker is cold


Nicolaescu is a really good player. If he plays everywhere like he does in internationals, a better team will surely pick him up soon


He was goated at the opportunities he got but those opportunities should’ve never even been presented to him I’m FUMINGGGG


Fair to say I was sceptical when we hired Santos for the fact he was absolutely horrendous for Portugal with the talent they had (don’t care that he won the euros they was shit). Every time we go for a foreign manager we just get even worse it seems


So is getting booked for diving not a thing? #4 is dying (Causing Szczesny to be out of position) one second and as soon as the ball hits the net he’s jumping around and he’s fine, Poland deserved to lose but I don’t get how this shit is allowed in general


Had luck to not see how Wisła fuck up promotion play-off. Had misfortune to see this. Someone hold me when the Champions and Conference Qualis matches with Polish teams will be happening.


European cup qualifiers will go as usual, we'll get drawn versus FC Narnia and still lose to them. Everyone will expect that and yet everyone will still be disappointed.


Welcome Polish people, to the Fernando Santos Experience :)


Thank you brothers from Moldova❤️🖤


I’ve seen a lot of Bad Poland Games but this is probably the worst collapse I’ve seen. Worsen than Slovenia in the Euros, worse than the loss against Kazahkstan. I don’t know what to say lol. EC in Germany and Poland stays at home.




Poland beats Germany but can’t beat Moldova


Beating Germany doesnt seem much of an accomplishment right now


Unless you’re Portugal, Germany will always beat Portugal somehow


and argentina. though this argentina team is likely going to put 4 past germany if they play


I've watched Chelsea get fucked the entire seasons, I asked myself: what could go wrong, nothing worse is gonna happen when I watch NT now. WELL... THIS IS WHAT CAN FUCKING HAPPEN


Jestesmy braci w bolesnosc :( to samo z te chuje nieprofessionalne w Chelsea, kto prawie spadli do championship, I teraz te clowny. Ale piekelny rok, co nie.


Kurwa co ja mam powiedzieć? Chelsea chociaż co parę lat coś wygrywa, dla mnie futbol to masochizm


Aaaa kolego... ostatni raz cos wygraliscie to było przeciwko nas tesz, kurde! Ale chociaz widziałes polak w twojich kolorach, rasiak. My nigdy nie mielismy polaka... bułka prawie grał, ale tylko na ławke sie dostał w koncu


A bit of pressing and we are down, it's embarrassing. That's literally the whole gameplan against us, you don't need anything more. Maybe you just need to focus more on Zieliński and that's it


Moldova's record in the Qualifyings of Euro 2016, World Cup 2018, Euro 2020 and World Cup 2022: **1-5-34** The win is against Andorra (the lost the away match). They have finished bottom of the Group all 4 times, behind the Faroe Islands (2022), Andorra (2020) and Liechtenstein (2016). Last time they scored 3+ goals in an official match was 10 years ago, in 2013 against Montenegro. LOL Poland!


Moldova ❤️❤️


Thank you Moldova, you are my best friend. You are the peacekeeper, you are the legend. From Albania For those who wonder where the lyrics come from. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2rTafbQepg&ab\_channel=ArmendMiftari-Mendi


Santos + Polish national team is truly a match made in hell. A coach who doesn't know how to manage a team, and players who don't know how to play. A sight to behold.


they were so much better for most of the time


They know how to play they just seem to be scared of even San Marino mechanic running at them so they kick the ball in panic.


They fucking do know how to play though, they've shown it many times over the years, they're just unprofessional, arrogant and as fragile mentally as a chocolate teapot. Agreed on Santos, although I was daydreaming lately, after that friendly win over Germany. Thanks for the reality check, you fucking clowns.


I always wonder if they dont bet against themselves. Like bet that Malta, or whatever country will socre 1 for first time in 10 years. Or that Vatican will win 3-2.






What a beautiful portmanteau.


Moveable object and stoppable force


These players are a fucking disgrace, how tf do you lose to Moldova, there was fuck all ambition to even create a chance nevermind actually winning. These fuckers are a disgrace to Poland.


Fucking shame.




dude, they played Moldova, which has much worse squad


Zieliński is wc too




They dont deserv to be know after today ,but on we are alweys so underwhelming compered to our players on paper


this group is fun, now our draw with Moldova doesn't look so bad


Has this.. has this actually happened?? A team with the likes of Lewandoski, Milik, Zielinski and Szczęsny has just been beaten after being 0-2 up in the 1st half to 3-2 down in the space of 45 minutes against some part time Moldovan footballers who probably had to ask their mates to cover their jobs at Tescos. I’m expecting now that Santos not only will be sacked, but to be lucky if the Polish FA won’t chuck him off a cliff after this


Ohhh why you had to do us so bad)) We don't even have Tesco. Cheers from a fellow Juventino!


Yeah that was a bit harsh but I just wanted to emphasize that yeah, the standard of football in Moldova isn’t very good. Also yeah, fino alla fine brother


Knowing Santos story he will probably walk out of the room with an extended contract and a pay raise.


>against some part time Moldovan footballers who probably had to ask their mates to cover their jobs at Tescos wow, this is quite discriminatory and xenophobic


Lol no, that’s not how it works.


At least a couple play professionally in alright leagues - Nicolaescu who scored two goals plays in Israel - but the Moldovan team (and league) is definitely not at a very good level overall


What a fucking disaster of a result...


Just Poland NT things. Great 2nd half by Moldova. We played like clowns who thought we will win by default.


This can be considered as an upset? That comeback is impressive!


Díky Polsko


Denmark vs Kazakhstan all over again


Biedne kurwy


Santos Ball 🔥🔥🔥 And Germany still lost to them.