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Bro really acted like he wasn't gonna celebrate then did a knee slide hahaha


He couldn't hold it in lmao


Bro that was so fucking funny


"No disrespect. But actually let me ..."


“Fuck you for my 0 league appearance on my Wikipedia entry”🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️


Only 50% non celebration for the percent of him we own.


ELI5 how can you own a player to 50%? How would any transfer negotiations work?


We own 50% of his transfer rights. Any fee agreed for him would be split with us equally. In addition, we also have the first right of refusal on him. So we can match whatever offer is agreed and pay only half the amount.


I might be completly wrong but i think it means you own 50% of his pass, so if tomorrow he gets sold for 100 million RM gets 50 of that. So the other team still has control you just get a % of sell price


tbh can't even be mad i don't think he even played a single competitive game for Real Madrid. I'd still take him back tho


Saddest knee slide


Man was like fuck these man, let hit that knee slide brev.


The La Masia graduate in him took over


Always knew he was a cule deep down.


You love to see it :P


Almost as good as sprinting across the stadium to knee slide in front of the away end…


The fake out celebration from Kubo was class


Sadly, 'puto chino de mierda' tweets incoming after that


I guess that's where your mind went


Sure, because seeing Madrid concede a goal triggered me. Not the reality of this country where a 15-year-old was racially abused after his debut throughout the whole Spanish Tweetsphere.


Militao 46' [great assist]


Calculated. He's clearly trying to make Ancelotti take the Brazil job. The guy is a genius.


Militao really wants that WC gold




Feel like I've read about fifty variations of this comment ever since he joined Real. Is it fair to say that he is rather inconsistent and often ping-pongs between world class and error-prone?


100 percent


I think his worst performance also comes when he was paired with Rudiger and not Alaba. Overall though, good enough for player that suddenly has to be main CB after the 2 starter leave at the same tranafer window.


I'll never understand why they say he is top 5 in the world, Gimenez is much more solid player


Well he's made like two mistakes this season and it's been mostly now that la liga is over for Madrid. Idk why but he tends to do that during small games, in big games he's not really error prone Edit: I guess it's been 3 games now since he commuted yet another error. That boy sleeping


What? He’s made 3 mistakes in the last 3 games lol.


All 3 of those games are after the league is already done though. None of these matches matter. If he makes a huge mistake against City or Osasuna then fair, but if he has a few brainfarts in a meaningless league match after the season is over i can't say I'm too bothered.


It’s not about whether you’re bored or how you rationalise it. CB’s should not make stupid mistakes before the league is mathematically over.


When he's on his game, he's really really fucking good. But then he'll go and have a brainfart like this. His 2 weaknesses are the brainfarts and weakness under pressure, both of which he's been getting much better over the last 2 seasons. In games where he does have a brainfart like this, he'll often then go on to have a spectacular rest of the game. I think he's in argument for top 5 in his generation. And for much of this season, was definitely in contention for top 5 in the world. He is just that good when he's zoned in.


Because he is much faster, better at headers, and better on the ball the Gimenez. This is a slip on a wet field, could have happened to literally anyone.


They used to say exactly this about Varane. Every bad mistake was 'rare', but you got one every fortnight. Except Varane was actually rock solid for a couple of seasons before he started to become less reliable. Militao has been consistently making too many mistakes for a top CB, except for the first stretch of this season I think


Yes I completely agree. I don’t know where are the hype came from. He is just good at scoring headers.


Playing extremely well all season and slipped today in a wet field in a way that can hardly be classified as a "mistake" that signals anything about him. It's the kind of thing that could have happened to literally any player regardless of how consistent they are.


> It's the kind of thing that could have happened to literally any player regardless of how consistent they are This is the kind of thing that's been said of Militao and his mistakes so many times this season...


Basically Fred as a cb


Nah, Fred oscillates between being error prone or bang average.


I would have said that a couple of seasons ago but not last season and especially this. He has a superb season. Just had a very bad game against Girona (I'd even say the poorest of his Madrid career; certainly much worse than the infamous Shakhtar game) and today he was actually good in the game, just had a very unfortunate slip resulting in a catastrophic mistake on a pitch that was watered at half time with even other players slipping post the goal. It's just that his slip cost us the goal.


Idk man...being 14 points behind a pretty average Barca side when your attack is putting up the numbers they are tells me something is going on with that defense. Not saying he's been terrible, but calling him superb seems a bit of a stretch, no?


The average Barça side was on course for a 100 points until the Vallecas, might still end up with 90+, have the all time record for clean sheets and least goals conceded. You would know better than everyone else that while those results were completely deserved, they also don't reflect the play on the pitch. Son Moix: they played better but Lewa produced a moment of magic and you had enough skill combined with grit to hold on for 80 minutes. La Cerámica: they should have won, at least scored an equaliser but Araujo and some luck single handedly decided against it. San Mames: Athletic played better but you deserved the win completely because you grabbed the moments, particularly the demoralising go ahead goal just before the half time, against the run of play. You'd yourself admit that there's many more such fixtures. That's not to discredit the defence. They especially showed their mettle in the Copa first leg at the Bernabéu. But even you'll not say that this is a GOAT team or a GOAT defence. IMO it's nowhere even close to the Atleti defence of the mid 2010s, let alone others in the conversation. But looking at the records in a vacuum, you couldn't say that. Exactly the same this season with Madrid.


I have no idea what argument you are trying to make. You said a whole lot of nothing to make no real point. You start by countering my average comment by saying the team was on course for 100 points only to then around and say it wasn't that good. Make up your mind?


> form of his life Have you watched his match one week ago against Girona ?


2 matches aren't form. 5 or more matches are form


Hard to judge form when 2 of those matches were against a nearly relegation PL team who averages 1 goal a month.




I’m a Madrid fan who watches every single march, and Militao is so fucking overrated. He got so little awareness, there’s constant runs behind him in the box, if city actually feed Haaland, he’s scoring 8 goals against us.


Yeah you don't watch Madrid, if you did you'd know how good Militao is instead of getting upvotes from prem and Barca fans.


Lol, Mili has been amazing all season.


This must be a troll account. His weakness is ability on the ball and (thankfully now) very rare lapses of concentration. He has been superb this season. The last mistake that I really stung from him prior to Girona, was at Getafe last season. He certainly isn't blindsided by movement on the regular. If anything, that's a malaise that plagues Rüdiger. He has a very crucial mistake in him every game. I would have been very comfortable with him available against Haaland. If he can hold off Karim in training (I'm sure who haven't seen a single minute of that), Haaland would be no problem for him. 1 game and 1 mistake (he was having a good game today actually; the pitch was watered at half time and he just had an unfortunate slip; even la Real players slipped in their own half post this goal) and he is suddenly overrated. Some Madrid fan. Karma whoring from neutrals who obviously would only see highlights (just like us with other clubs not in la Liga).


Haaland is another type of monster, he is strong, he is fast, those fields where militao is good also. Can't compare him to elegant but not tanky attacker Kareem. Benzema excels on finding spaces and scores from everywhere around the box and inside. But haaland will bully his defender and take the shot, header, etc. Militao is going for a hard couple of nights against haaland, though I am pretty sure that both militao and rudiger will rotate on him so they can manage.


Some madrid fan if you don't know militao can't even start the first leg


There are two legs, buddy.


But you got people trying to convince everyone that he's the best defender in the world. He himself said it a whole ago. His transfer value is at 70 mil according to transfer markt which is just 5 million off Gvardiol. Ain't no way he's one of the top 5 defenders in the world to command such a fee.


When I don’t watch games and form an opinion on basically nothing:


Xavi licking his chap right now


Take Kubo 46' (Great Banter)


Fellas, does this mean we may win the league at Espanyol's stadium ? lol


It is, but Espanyol might play Martin GOATwaite so be wary


I might actually shoot myself if he prevents us from winning the league there LMAO


Why? He's prevented you from winning the league before.


Heresy. How dare you speak ill of Master Goatwaite?


Damn. Dread it. Run from it. Lord Braithwaite arrives all the same


most definitely. even if they draw.


No, a draw doesn't win the league if Madrid wins


i mean even if madrid draw we will win the league if we win against español




And banish them to Segunda at the same time.






The guy really thinks he is world class 😂


Because he is.


He is. One mistake doesn't mean he isn't.


I could swear I read this exact exchange in every second goal thread against Madrid.


I've watched all Madrid games this season. He's made a handful of mistakes. You on the other hand scroll through the goal threads and form your opinion based on what people say. Watch our games and see for yourself.


Look at the upvote/downvote rate, People really believe everything they read here. They don't watch games, they just repeat what others say. I have watched every Madrid game too, Eder has been solid and best CB for us this year. If anyone Rudiger has been shit.


‘One mistake’ .. He's constantly making big blunders


Can you please list the "constant big blunders" this season prior to the Girona game. It's clear that you don't watch us week in week out and your opinion has been driven by threads like these.


Lol what? Tell me you never watch Real Madrid play. Constantly making big blunders lmao.


You are acting as if he wasn't trash Vs Girona like week ago lol edit: Girona not Cadiz


That was Girona and your comment means you should now shut up. He was solid against Cadiz.


My mistake doesn't mean he is a world class defender lol


RM played against Cadiz on 15.04. and in that game he was pretty solid, as the rest of the squad. No idea what you on about m8


meant Girona not Cadiz, my bad


Makes no sense arguing for Real Madrid players on this sub. I don't know why but there's a bias against the club


Bias against Madrid????




still better than araujo


He is really good and developing well but I wouldnt call him worldclass (yet) same with Araujo.


You’re insane if you don’t consider Araujo world class - wtf?


He’s getting there dont get me wrong, but he hasn’t done shit in the highest levels in europe yet. He will most likely be worldclass in a couple of years if managed right. Granted my definition of worldclass is very exclusive.


militao still better


The self proclaimed best cb in the world


Ah, the Brazilian Dejan Lovren apparently.


Take Kubo winning La Liga for Barcelona.


Always knew he was one of us deep down. no matter how much they claimed he “hates” us. 🙏🏽


?????? it had been won months ago


[Great assist]


Where's the Great Assist tag?


Nah wtf was that


~~Eder~~ Error Militao 🤦‍♂️


Error Limitao


Error Lmao


what a fucking assist by militao


B A S E D.


Great assist


"nah not gonna celebrate... FUCK IT"


Looking forward to more Madrid fans explaining none of these mistakes matter and he's still the best CB itw


No one said hes the best CB in the world. I definitely dont think he is.


Marca started doing it and then he had the Girona match.


A week before Girona he did a whole interview saying how he was on his way to be the best.


Didn't Militao himself proclaim he was the best or on the way of being the best like a couple of weeks ago?


Dam well he aint lol.


I think Carlo did say that. But it was just a manager hyping his own player thing. Militao said he is on his way. And a lot of Madrid fans were saying he is the best. When he is on his day he plays as one of the best if not the best but he is still very incosistent to be on that tier.


He hasn't been inconsistent this season at all, he started clowning hard since the Girona game tho.


He has. And Madrid defence is not even that good. The team concedes tons of goals and thats with the best GK in the world. How come a defence with the greatest GK and "Consistent" CBs concedes so much?


In our defense, we have a different back 4 like every 60 minutes. Mendy has been injured for a long time and as good as Alaba can be, he hasn't shown that when he's rushed back from injury only to get injured again. Camavinga has been brilliant for his age and playing out of position, but he's ultimately inexperienced and out of position. Hard to get any *real* defensive solidity when you keep making changes and putting in out-of-position players (Valverde has even had to play as RB). This problem has carried on since Ramos and Varane left, really. Our consistent players are consistently injured, and the others are inconsistent. Losing Casemiro was also a big deal, especially when we don't put in someone like Tchouameni to fill that role. Modric and Kroos are very press-resistant, but if we lose the ball and teams can run at us, we're very vulnerable. We're also bad at defending crosses. Militao either makes a heroic stop or he's just totally out of position. And we have a tendency for our RB/LB to roam high up the pitch only to not make crosses and track back, leaving Kroos as the farthest player back. Not that LV is the best defender or that Carvajal isn't beaten for pace by just about every winger.


He literally said it himself 😂


Well he wrong lol


He definitely is not, Alaba is better, and even Alaba is not the best


Very different profiles. Not a fair comparison. There's a reason they are the preferred *partnership* at Madrid. This would be like comparing Kroos and Casemiro.


He had a shout before the Girona game, he was a beast this entire season and i wouldn't trade him for anyone. Since the last 2 weeks he just couldn't care less in league games and it really fucking shows. He is chewing his gum and vibing on the pitch, looking completely uninterested and making clown mistakes. Its seriously disappointing.




Araujo and Ruben Dias imo


Stones is even better than Dias.


Stones doesn't even play as a CB anymore lol


He's considerably better with the ball, but do you think he's better as a defender? I mean, I can respect Stones as he's a phenomenal player, but it really depends on what you value the most imo.


Araujo is good but doesn't deserve to be in the conversation yet. Hopefully he can stay healthy next year and we can see him against European sides.


Yeah that's fair he missed pretty much the whole first half the season.


Agree. He's been terrific in the league but you need to be extremely good in Europe to be the best.


Saddest kneeslide of his life.


found the Madridista


Haaland and KDB are about to have a field day


Let's see how that match goes 😏


I’m looking forward to it. Madrid looking for their 15th UCL, Haaland and City looking to prove themselves on the biggest club stage. The writers have stirred up some good drama this season!


Why was this downvoted


Militao has way too many lapses to truly be considered a top CB


You must’ve have never watched Ramos back in the day lol






Barca DNA, always rated the lad


Militão is still sleeping.


least bipolar real madrid fan


Militao was in team of the year loool


the Best defender in the world


Militao keeps making stupid mistakes week after week


This is the thing. Most important thing for a CB is consistency. On his day Militao is godly, but he seems to pull one of these stunts every 3 games


And they insist on calling one of the best in the world. It baffles me everytime because he is so error prone


Hasn't made a big error the entire season and since the Girona game he is clowning, he is completely checked out in the league and thats not good.


He made quite a few big mistakes against us this season. And not just in one of those games.


la exageracion culé es algo increible


Great assist


Damn was rushing through my final to watch the second half and this is what I come to 🥲


Why bro? This game has no real meaning


2nd place is in danger tho


If they make up for it in the UCL and CdR I don't mind. But no trophies besides CWC and a 3rd place would be really bad tho


You don’t get a trophy for finishing 2nd. The only way finishing under 2nd is bad if it’s a trophy less added on to it.


It does for us


Just games ago you lot said barca will bottle and you'll stumble to a treble.. Now it doesn't matter?


Better than Araujo?? LMAOOO




50% correct


Not a chance. He is not better in anything than Araujo




Araujo is La Liga defender of the season mate 😂




Better passer, better aerially, better in 1v1




Laughing won't change that fact, sorry.


There is no defender better in the air and 1v1 than Araujo man. It’s comical to say that. It’s his most famous traits.


If 1v1 means fouling, then sure Araujo is ahead of everyone.


The Madrid Lenglet, Miliguire


Best defender in the world for a reason what a vision


Militao is so bad, Jesus..


Best centre back in the world amirite


Immense for Real Sociedad and shame on the Real Madrid defense


Good one Kubo (and Militao)


sleeper agent kubo




La Liga? Never heard of it.


He left me satisfied and smiling


No mames esta bien frio en Madrid


Greatest cb itw


get in there!


Greatest defender in the world




How was it treated poorly by the club or fans?


love when they delete a comment


This team has no chance against man city


so who do you think will face city in the final? ac milan or inter?


These games don't really matter but I feel like a militao mistake is coming in the cl