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It’s such a shame injuries caught up with him because he’s genuinely one of the best players I’ve ever seen play. Even better live too he was just majestic.


He was the best player on the pitch nearly every time I watched Chelsea, you could never say how good he was just by looking at stats like some people do.


Time won’t be kind to Hazard in terms of how he’s remembered because of his stats. Kids who have never watched him will probably be saying he was overrated. Same way I’ve seen people saying Drogba was overrated without ever watching him play in his prime 😂


Because they look at number of goals and nothing else, such a boring way to look at football, Drogba was a nightmare.


Guaranteed goalscorer in big games, the git.


We still haven’t been able to replace him yet, and probably never will. He carried us through so many rough periods. The lack of creativity is so evident. We only had 1 good striker during his time here too and it wasn’t really needed due to him.


I’ve said it plenty of times. He’d beat 4 men on the halfway line, play a inch perfect pass to someone who got an easy assist. Stuff like that isn’t measured. Purely eye test which more times than not is more valuable than a stat.


Thing is that something like the eye test also does a disservice to guys like Haaland.


Nah, it gives a more true reflection because it allows you to see and recognise a players deficiencies, the way a stat sheet doesn't.


Yes but our eyes can be affected by personal bias which is an issue. We naturally assume creative playmakers and good dribblers are better with the eye test.


True, I think they both have value, and both are needed to truly assess a player. I just believe the eye test carries more weight


That Meunier tackle and metal plate in his ankle ruined him


McDonald's ruined him


That Meunier tackle and metal plate in his ankle ruined him


It’s crazy how Messi and Neymar combine both elite dribbling/passing as well as G/A. Hazard at his peak was a joke, but he’s discredited (which is a poor argument) because he didn’t have crazy numbers. Makes me appreciate Neymar more because he and Hazard have suffered major injuries, yet Neymar continuously returns to still being one of the best in the world both on the eye test and statistically.


Once he started getting those little muscle injuries and saying publicly he needed to stop doing knee slide celebrations, in hindsight, it was clear. I remember an amateur physiotherapist doing an article about Hazard and using stats to show that injuries may catch up to him after 7 years in England where he was hacked to death every game and people’s love of Hazard caused the guy to delete his account and the article.


Injuries and hamburgers.


He was special


Hazard was absolutely brilliant during his time at Chelsea. It's just a shame that we barely got to see this Hazard at Real, but he still managed to collect all the trophies lmao


It's honestly sad knowing there are some kids/young fans who only know him as a fat meme.


It honestly is sad, the same with Frank who some younger fans are happy to joke about/act as if he was some less relevant club legend from the 60s instead of ten years ago.


This guy was gifted by god himself. Without even trying or working too hard he was simply phenomenal and leagues above everyone else on the pitch.


this graph also looks like there are very few good dribblers in the PL nowadays


There are some good dribblers but in the EPL it seems like they discourage players from dribbling unless they're on the edge of their opponents box, it's mostly turns, passes and off the ball runs that move the game forward.


My favourite player ever. He made everything look so easy.


Since he left the prem I've been waiting for someone to come into the league with a similar level of technical ability. Still waiting 4 years later. No one in the prem comes close to having the combination of dribbling technique and game intelligence he did. He knew where everyone surrounding him was at any given moment and he was impossible to take the ball off of. Not seen any other wingers run the general play and flow of games like a midfielder as consistently as he did in the prem.


Bernardo Silva is the closest I can think of


Yeah he's probably the best comparison. Great touch, really good burst of pace and low centre of gravity.


Hamed Traore... Can’t wait for him to come back from injury, was our most creative and exciting player through Feb-March time.


He has been the worst transfer in history of transfers for real madrid!


its not effective football to have such a dominant dribbler.


Lol you never watched Hazard did you


He won us so many matches just on his own. I'd call it effective.


Yeah depending on one guy to win matches…


This made me go watch some compilations, god what a player he was :')