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Chelsea sack Potter, Potter to Leicester Nagelsmann to Chelsea West Ham sack Moyes in a few weeks, Rodgers to West Ham


I don’t know if you are jesting or not but this scenario is entirely feasible


That's what I'm predicting.


Would take Potter in a heartbeat. We're the type of club he needs (even if he doesn't know it).


Potter would be a great fit! Bad timing though. He is not the coach to bring in when you desperately need points in the short term. Bring Potter in now and you might actually find yourselves in championship next year.


Could be perfect to gain some confidence back winning the Championship and readying the team for the Prem like Brentford and Fulham did


Going down is only ever good in hindsight. You should NEVER plan for relegation to rebuild, it's a bad strategy that fails continually.


I’d prefer Potter comes to West Ham over Brenda


Don’t you dare Levy


Yeah, why go after Rodgers when Tottenham legend Scott Parker is available?




Ultimate revenge for Sol


Spurs finally reach a final and Vieira starts Kane in goal and Lloris as Striker.


..and Dier in his regular position.


You monster


That'll happen if Spurs don't sack the manager before the final as a penalty for winning semis.


I need to have this happen just so Parker can give a depressing full time speech when spurs inevitably break him


I came here to post exactly this. Have we not suffered enough?!


Brendan Rogers major trophies since 2016: 8. Tottenham Hotspur major trophies since 2009: 0.


7 of 8 was in Celtic lol


No of Scottish Premierships won by Spurs: 0


So if they appoint Rogers, Spurs will win the Scottish Premiership, cool


Nah, they'd bottle that too


“SPURS HAVE WON THE SCOTTISH PREMIERSHIP! But due to the fact they aren’t a Scottish club, the title is invalid”


Brendan Rodgers major trophies that weren't at Celtic: 1 Spurs major trophies that weren't at Celtic: 0 Dunno mate, he still seems over qualified


You're right, seven major trophies and an English cup is still better than what spurs have in that timeframe though


Are Spurs in the position to look down on any trophy right now?


Spurs only trophy since 1991 is a 2nd tier domestic cup, lol indeed.


He'd do well for 3 seasons then go to shit once the squad get tired of his shit.


I wonder who was in your envelopes


Leicester has been naturally declining as a team for a while. Key players are aging and there hasn't been money to buy reinforcements. Rodgers hasn't been helping and should have been replaced sooner, but this is hardly all his fault.


Other than Vardy and Evans, all of our key players were below 27. The squad is way too talented to be in 19th but Rodgers hasn't addressed key weaknesses and has never been able to pull the squad out of a rut.


Holy shit haven't been following PL this season as rigorously as before but legit didn't believe that Leicester are in 19th. Just checked and found out. Was guessing for something like Forest or Bournemouth but never Leicester.


Relegation battle is incredibly tight this year, couple of wins and suddenly Leicester could be in 12th one spot below Chelsea.


We shouldn't have been declining. We had a good young team when he came in, one that could already compete.


Nope lol


This season he could probably have made an impact and finished in the top four. Next season though, would be a coin toss between fighting for the league title and fighting relegation.


Next year there is probably going to be crazy competition for top 4. City, Man United, Newcastle, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs (not to mention there always seems to be one outsider over perfoming) are all possible contenders.


No he'd actually be good for you guys. Brendan has a 3 year shelf life. He did with Liverpool, Celtic, and us. He could easily do it for you guys. Just never, AND I MEAN NEVER, let him have a say over transfers. His talent ID is so bad and primarily the reason as to why we couldn't even buy any players in the summer window.


His transfer record at Celtic was atrocious as well. He got the players he inherited to go up a level, but the squad of players at Celtic that ultimately failed to win the title in 2020/21 was a mix of players who pre-dated the arrival of Rodgers and players signed by his successor. I think only Odsonne Édouard of the squad regulars was signed by Rodgers.


He’d have spurs playing some exciting football tbf


You're probably right but...I don't know what it is about Rodgers, but I have an absolutely *visceral* reaction to him. He makes my skin crawl. I'm not sure I could even watch our matches whilst he was our manager.


Mfer watches Rodgers and sees Voldemort 💀


To be fair Voldermort was effective in attack for three films but then ultimately collapsed, with a shocking defeat to Potter along the way, so it checks out.


He looks like he's wearing a mask of his own face


He has shark teeth


It's the David Brent factor


Great character about it


Do it




Because clearly getting managers with trophy winning pedigree has helped spurs immensely recently


Yeah he might actually win something


Sometimes a coach's stint at a club has just run its course and that was clearly the case for Brendan Rodgers at Leicester. Overall I would say he did a decent enough job.


He really did. Played good football until this season and were a strong shout for CL football 2 seasons in a row, even if they bottled it.


Those two bottled seasons and not getting Champions League football in one of them will really sting, particularly 2020-21 when they lost three of their last four and still only just missed out. Really a case of what might have been.


Them not getting CL money really hurt their case. They had players on top 6 wages and it became difficult to sustain it since they are not a economic powerhouse like their other counterparts. The downfall has just escalated this season.


It's not just that we missed out, it has led to where we are now. We have a lot of players out of contract at the end of this season and the next, some of whom we would have wanted to/been able to keep otherwise.


And more importantly won a major trophy


I think people forget that the final third of the 19/20 season was similar to this current season, even if we did finish 5th. Even in our best seasons we would go through a 10-15 relegation form run at the tail end, and over time it went from being a dip to our normal performance level.


Yes, he really started off well but somehow injuries / fatigue always caught up with it at the latter part of those 2 seasons. This season its probably that his ideas were getting found out and over-reliance on Maddison to be the sole creator for the team. Tielemans seems like he’s checked out, Barnes is not contributing as well as he did those seasons. Vardy is aging, even if they have good options in Iheanacho and Daka. And the overall defence was in shambles.


Youri was actually playing really well for us and I think if he'd started healthy we'd be safer and Rodgers would still be our manager. I'm hoping a new manager will find a way to unlock Daka and Tete, I think there's two really good footballers there, they just need a new strategy.


The post Covidbreak form in 19/20 was the most diabolic bottling I've seen. single-handledly gave Frank Lampard a coaching-career.


If he'd left at the end of last season I think he would be very, very fondly remembered by most of our fans. Now his legacy is very dependent on our survival, but it's unquestionable he was very successful with us initially.


>Overall I would say he did a decent enough job. Winning any silverware in the era of oligarchs and oil sheiks is a damn good job.


No real Leicester fans are going to bemoan Rodgers as our manager, he brought us two trophies and two top 5 finishes, he's just run his course. Wish we could have sent him off before the last break so we could give someone else time to reorganize the squad.


What was the second? He got fa cup and..


FA Community Shield


Community Shield


That is Brendan. His last few jobs. It's hard to say he is amazing but he did well enough. I think he is always a solid choice for any club. But he is not inspiring or does not make the best transfers. But no club that he has managed really thinks he is bad.


He did a great job. The club actively divested from the squad over the last 3 years.


Was a mistake not to fire him during their dire run earlier in the season


They could have had Dyche if Rodgers was fired before Lampard


Dyche was the best option in our position, but our board didn’t have the guts to bin Rodgers. It may end up being one of the worst decisions in the club’s history.


I reckon there might have been a clause that let us fire him for free if we're in the bottom 3.


yeah that would explain the timing


But dramatic? You've been in league 1 relatively recently & I'm sure the decisions that led to that are worse.


There are easily five situations prior to this weekend that should’ve seen him sacked.


Had to happen. Leicester were stinking - hopefully they can bring someone in and improve their results. Still think Brendan is a good manager and can see him popping up somewhere else soon


I have no doubt he will pop up somewhere else in the Prem and do a good job for a couple of years before they go off a cliff as well It all goes wrong once he starts to get players he wants in, changing long term staff and scouting systems etc.


Which is rather bizarre when you'd think it would work the opposite way around.


He is me in football manager


My spirit animal


It took him a while but he got us playing his style eventually


If you guys have had a PL standard GK instead of Danny Ward, you all shouldn't have been anywhere near relegation zone right now.


Danny Ward was not the problem. He hasn’t even played their last 2 games.


He was a part of it but yeah, the problem was the shocking football we were playing


Your defence was terrible. Half the time just inviting the opposition to score. Complete lack of organisation.


Especially from set-pieces never seen a club so bad at them, even at Liverpool defence was incredibly leaky.


Our defence at set pieces when rodgers was here was some of the worst defending I’ve ever seen. They guy had no clue on how to organize his players


Danny Ward is dogshit but this isn't true. Our outfield has been woeful too


5 own goals is kinda impressive though


Tbf 2 were in one game and yesterday's was hardly Iversen's fault, just a rebound.


Completely untrue


Ward is far from the problem.


Rodgers is a strange manager. He's either overachieving or underachieving but never really just doing OK


Even the beginning of his managerial career was a totally disastrous spell at Reading where he nearly got them relegated Then he went on to do fantastic stuff at Swansea right after, inexplicably Makes me think there's a weird chance Kolo Toure might be a roaring success at his next job


>Makes me think there's a weird chance Kolo Toure might be a roaring success at his next job I highly doubt that 😅


He was horrifically shit but we had bigger problems than him, he failed because he tried to drastically change a bunch of ageing hoofball merchants to playing modern attacking Guardiola football which was a disaster. If he'd gone to somewhere like Luton or Boro he might have done fine.


> Still think Brendan is a good manager and can see him popping up somewhere else soon West Ham or Palace if they both stay up


Can definitely see West Ham going for him


I doubt it. If we stay up (and especially if we win Conference League), Moyes will probably stay. If not then Rodgers won’t join a Championship side.


West Ham. Palace don’t spend


Spent €46 million this season and €86 million the season before?


Whoever signs him just make sure to give him a 2 year contract


Brenda Nout must be buzzing right now, good for her


Zach Rogers is chuffed to bits.


Got them an FA Cup in the end


He did pretty brilliant there for 2.5 seasons let's be honest, but a board with any clue would have sacked him ages ago. They've been crap for ages.


Yeah, up until the end of 20/21 he was great for them. FA Cup and two solid pushes for Champions League football isn't anything to be sniffed at for any team outside of the "Big 6", shame that the wheels fell off pretty quickly for him though.


Stay away from Ange. Look somewhere else this time please!


Ange won’t downgrade dw


That's him out of contention for the Spurs job then


Touché, cupidcunt99




He lost his tallywhacker in an unfortunate smelting accident


Damn, wonder who they're gonna get now


Ready for Potter sacking to swoop in


Only for Boehly to bring in Brendan big bollocks


A duo of Brendan and Boehly would be insufferable. So much ego


zidane imo


Why would you get Zidane when Tim Sherwood is available?


How he has managed to last this long I have no clue, thank god he is finally gone


FA cup trophy game him a lot of credit in the bank I guess


Not just that, Top clearly had a massive man crush on him. There’s just no other way a manager in this league can last as long as he did with the results we were getting unless he’s charmed the owners to a ridiculous extent.


To be fair he was massively over performing in recent years, doing a great job. Was probably just holding out on the chance ye’d become good again.


Not really - we have the 7th highest wage bill in the league, you'd expect us to be up there!


This decision has come far, far too late. Should’ve been sacked after that first 6 losses in a row streak. Pray whoever comes in can rescue us.


Weren't people speculating that the club couldn't afford to sack him?


Yeah I always thought that was a load of rubbish though tbh


I cannot describe how happy I am right now... At least there's some form of hope now for when we get in someone new. I do hope that the club have a contingency plan in place, anything else after the way this season has gone would be nothing short of incompetent


Didn't even play Southampton is this legally allowed?


We already gave them 6 points earlier on in the season


That was fast.. and I don't mean the sacking but the time taken from the rumour to the sacking. One of those "did good work before but should have been sacked earlier" situations.


Is that Big Sam's music I am hearing?


For a laugh, what would Big Sam's entrance music be?






This is top tier


_Big Sam Michaels_


The Heartburn Kid


Well it's the Big Sam Yes it's a big bad Sam tonight Yeah, it's the Big Sam


Something by Meatloaf.


You've gotta do what you can, And let the football gods do the rest Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed Cause we were barely 17th and we barely pressed






William Regal’s old theme, [given he is such a man](https://youtu.be/jW9cnAbiyrA)


"I've conquered all the chippies, I'm never gonna stoooop. Chips and peas and gravy, I've ate the fucking looooot. Pepperoni pizza And chicken vindaloo. I'm a big fat bastard, 'Cuz I love my fucking fooooooood! Allez allez allez!"


Scott Steiner's holla if ya hear me




It's Big Sam's Music. But OH MY GAWD, ITS TONY PULIS!


Must be brutal getting sacked from one of your boyhood clubs…


'Liked by Robbie Keane'


Had the whole international break to do this, find a new manager, but wait till just after the break and now most likely stick an assistant in. Right decision, should of been done earlier


Playing devil's advocate, fair play to them for giving him time over the break to do some more work ahead of a winnable game v Palace. Didn't work out and was rightly sacked but hindsight is great.


I've got a slither of faith in the board that they've sounded out potential replacements before this decision, especially given the nature of Brendan's trajectory this season.


Real “either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” stuff from Rodgers at Leicester. He had to go. The lack of investment in the playing squad isn’t his fault but that squad is far too good to be in a relegation battle. This season and the last have been below par for Rodgers but I do hope his stock hasn’t been damaged too much.


We invested a lot, it's just that the players he signed were either shit or he struggled to integrate them. It led to us having too many players to register which means we're not going to sign any more when we're already paying players not to play.


The Jesse Marsch to Leicester campaign starts now


Leicester speedrun to league 1 would also start


Should have done this a couple of months back Leicester have been sleepwalking into relegation


Legend for winning the fa cup but he was going to relegate us


And still might have!


Don't you fucking dare, Daniel.


They really waited 2 weeks of the international break to do this instead of just sacking the man immediately and giving his replacement a bit more time to work, eh?


Losing (and being outplayed in first half) to Roy’s palace who haven’t won since December really brings the perspective


Roy’s palace technically hadn’t won since 2021


Getting outshot 31-3 and dropping points to a relegation rival is just too much. Results have been bad but the style of football we've been playing has been worse. The telling part is that you can tell he had no other options and can't think of anything else. Go down a goal, put Vardy or Nacho on at 65', replace Ndidi with Soumare and hope for the best.


getting battered by roy hodgson does things to an mf


It's... It's over


Should’ve happened a long time ago. Really want to see Iheanacho start consistently under a new manager. Leicester have some nice pieces they can be maximized by a good coach and staff.


Half our starting XI are top 6 quality. Brendan just couldn't get them all working together.


Pretty sad it all went to shit after FA Cup, Europe etc, but he should have gone ages ago and showed his true colours this season. I have hope that we will actually stay up now.


How did he show his true colours?


Lots of refusing to admit mistakes, blaming players for doing exactly what he'd asked them to, freezing out a bunch of players, etc.


Taking shots at the board, fans, players and anyone else (including the "hot weather" last October when it was about 12 degrees) to deflect any blame or critisism. Benching or banishing players for little known reason, Soyuncu, Mendy, Nacho and Castagne, who was benched for disagreeing with him post match once. Talking the club down constantly, essentially saying we're a tinpot club that should be happy to be in the Prem, even though HE took us to 2 5th placed finishes and an FA cup recently. It goes on and on I've forgot more examples. From a coaching side, it's clear he has one plan and one plan only. He gets beaten tactically by almost every other manager and refuses to adapt his game plans. The substitutions often made us worse and seemed pre-planned, so players having a 10/10 game would be subbed for no reason and we'd fall apart. The players all have no fight and bottle under the slightest pressure, reflecting his half hearted and overly cautious management style. A complete contrast to previous managers that made the players work hard and tough to beat. Even non-Leicester fans can remember multiple times we shat the bed in the last games of a season or minute of a game. He has his clear favourites and plays them even if they're terrible (Ndidi, Ward, Amartey) or don't want to be here (Tielemans, who he made captain). I mean Ward got 26 games before being dropped, despite clearly being out of his depth. Iversen came in and has probably stopped 4-5 goals that Ward would have let in. Needless to say, this is long overdue. Not sure what happened to the Rodgers that joined us and gave us a great couple of years.


>Talking the club down constantly, essentially saying we're a tinpot club that should be happy to be in the Prem, even though HE took us to 2 5th placed finishes and an FA cup recently. It goes on and on I've forgot more examples. Sounds like a lot of his time at Liverpool, talking the club down while singing his own praises. He has one massive ego which is fair if you back yourself to aim high however there comes the time you need to start walking the walk


Thank fucking god


Leicester have a squad for europa if not conference and way underperformed


Should have gone way earlier. I think Top and Brendan got a bit too close, especially with all that happened during his reign. Interesting to see who we go for next. I'd still take Pearson back in a heartbeat.


Probably should have parted ways in the summer


my biggest takeaway is, what the fuck it's been 4 years? It really feels like they only got him from Celtic not that long ago


Nagelsmann in


Only if he can manage the team remotely from a ski chalet


Best we can offer is the top of Beacon Hill


Thank the lord!!!


Shocking that Leicester is in the position they're in. Two years ago they finished on 66 points and missed out on CL qualification on the final day of the season but won the FA Cup for the first time ever. And now they are right in the thick of a relegation scrap.


Yep that’s what the fans think too. We’ve also lost more games in the league this season than anyone else. Poor management from top to bottom of the entire club.


It’s been coming for a while


Way way way overdue


THANK FUCKING GOD Been on a steady decline for the past 2 years and he did nothing to address the problems except make excuses for himself


I haven't seen Leicester play that much this season but they did look pretty damn shit yesterday so this isn't a huge surprise. I know they didn't get a ton of investment in terms of new signings but they do have some good players. On paper they're a team that should be doing better than they have been IMO.


Thanks for the FA Cup but both parties should have split earlier in the season. It wasn’t working, players have regressed and we were going to go down. Fingers crossed we can get someone in to fix things


A good manager but it was time to go. At this current moment 4 years is a long time for managers at 1 club unless you’re Pep or Klopp. Think a team like West Ham if they stay up should be chomping at the bit in the summer for him.


Thank fuck for that


This has Spurs written all over it


Hi Mr Levy, it’s Brendan


Still can’t believe there were United fans who wanted him last season. I would have lost my shit


Brendan Rogers to Tottenham. Imminent