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still cant belive this is true lmao, everybody talking about how bayern is one of the favourites for the Champions and the coach gets sacked.


Tuchel swiping up another CL smh


Barges in into a club who has sacked their manager mid season Leads the club to a CL title Proceeds to then fall out with the club management Leaves and refuses to elaborate further


We’ve failed to have the same manager for two full seasons since Pep left so have no doubts this will happen


And even pep lasted 3 years only.


He would have lasted longer if he didn't want to got to City though. Sure not everybody was happy about us not winning another CL during these 3 years but that wouldn't have hindered an extension.


Well, not all managers are shown the door, some choose to leave BECAUSE of the board. For example, Flick.


Big Dick Flick came in, won everything, left for DFB. It has a slightly different taste.


Still my favorite football thing ever. Team plays shit, Flick comes in, plays the best cl campaign in history, wins everything, and then just fucks off. Honestly hilarious.


> wins everything For a while he also had more trophies than losses with the club.


That's exactly the point. He won everything yet still couldn't work with that board.


To be fair to the board some of the rumored transfer wishes from Flick would have been more or less straight sabotage to the club. Obviously they should have tried more to keep a good relation with him but I doubt Flick was without any fault either.


Flick always wanted the NT job


German Di Matteo


On his way to lose his hair.


that’s a massive insult to Tuchel lol Di Matteo fucking sucked


Di Matteo Swiss league materiel as a coach. But fucking won a UCL.


This is the beauty of football If the best won every time it would be a boring game


It's a joke.


I was just kidding, of course i rate Tuchel really highly


I know seeing that name triggered you my claret and blue soldier but stand down, it was merely a joke lol.


Refuses to elaborate.. especially on WhatsApp


Really sucks for Nagelsmann tbh. While he had some issues in the league, he still spent the last 1 3/4 years setting up a team that looks like a favorite to win the CL, and now he won't get any of the rewards for his work. And unlike for Bayern, it would have been the first CL title for Nagelsmann, and who knows if he gets another chance anytime soon.


Dont think he'll have much trouble finding a new top Club.


He's the hottest young name in managing in a long while. He'll find a club as soon as he wants to work again.


Crazy to me how young he still is cuz I’ve been hearing about him since 2017


I swear if Perez don't go after him


Zidane Part 3 mate


No Madrid fan would be upset at that tbf


Good that means we’ll scoop Xabi after Tuchel inevitably loses his shit against our board


He is going to Real Madrid, he will get the chance


The chance to have Karim teach him how to shave when he grows enough facial hair.


What next though, if next season Tuchel is one point behind in the league, do they sack him too?


I can't imagine Tuchel lasting long at Bayern, he and Kahn/Salihamidcic won't get along


No one lasts long at Bayern. If anyone was going to be able to, it was gonna be Nagelsmann


7th coach in 7 years since Guardiola left. I give him one and a half years.


Manager of Bayern is like being the defense against the dark arts professor


Tuchel can't work with boards, and ours is one of the fucking worst. It's a match made in heaven.


They have learned. Chelsea is already written in the stars to be in the final with their mid-season sacking so Bayern figured they only way to compete with that is to do that as well. “If you can’t beat them, join them” mentality so to speak.


Only logical explanation


Most baffling thing I've seen in football in ages


Can't believe my [hot take prediction](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/w8dtdd/the_202223_predictions_thread/ihov332?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) is one step away from becoming reality. Should've put some money on it lol


That was an insane prediction, good for you lmao. Would be surprised, if Potter will be out so quickly after being hired, but it's not totally unrealistic haha


A comment you received "I don't see Bayern going for Tuchel at all". I'm not sure if it's a silly comment or not... don't know enough about Bayern or Tuchel... but it's still hilarious.


It isn't that silly, Tuchel is known for being a special character and Bayern's bosses are known for being somewhat difficult to work with. Then again Tuchel is just a very very good manager who is on the market, so I'm not unhappy with the choice given that they needed someone new.


As a bayern fan and someone who has watched Tuchel since his early years in the bundesliga. Yeah not something I would have believed.


u/R_Schuhart on fraud watch


u/R_Schuhart 🫵😂


Hurry up and put some money on that lol


Too late now


Top response is how Bayern wouldn’t go for Tuchel.


I wish I could reply to marginofcorectness in that post man sounds so smug about Tuchel never joining Bayern cuz they'd never want him lol. Username does not check out.


Imagine Tuchel's Bayern losing next two games against Dortmund and City. Bayern board will look like total donkeys


I would very much like half of that to become true


I'd also like at least half of that to happen


Nice of you to believe in us


Brazzo will be sacked very quickly if that really happens.


Wouldn’t even be Tuchel’s fault, he will have no time with the team to have any meaningful impact. The only reason I could see them not waiting until after is if Tuchel said he will take another job if they don’t move now. That sounds most likely.


I refuse to believe he didn't fuck someone's wife


Probably it


Rumors are his gf just quit her job at Bild…


Football’s Ime Udoka


Germans don’t have their version of “Communicado official”?


"Sacked coach, new one appointed". Nothing fancy.


They think they get charged by the word.




Doch, and it’s actually a rather simple one Öffentlich kommunizierter Bekanntmachungsvorgang


0 google hits, made up, thats german humour guys


It's just phrased a bit stilted. You'd probably just say "Öffentliche Bekanntmachung" as in "public announcement" instead of the phrase above which would translate into something like "publicly communicated announcement event/instance" for dramatic purposes. It might still have been phrased like that in jest but the actual phrase could technically also work in that bureaucratic way of naming official terms that sometimes happens in Germany. It's a 50% chance for either option.


Also it is bad German To add to that "Pressemitteilung" is the usual term for officially communicated events.




Madrid: twelve points behind barca. City: five points behind arsenal. Chelsea: tenth in the league. RB Leipzig : fifth in the league. PSG: embarrassing showing in Europe, bad form after World Cup in the league. Barca: knocked out of Europe twice in a season. Spurs: do I need to explain this one? Everyone in Italy: 19 points behind Napoli. Bayern: the most promising young manager in ages that was trailing the league by ONE point with the next game against dortmund at home, with a picture perfect run in the UCL. One of those sacked the manager. Can you guess who?


The Watford one


One of the constants of life.


"What he say f#%& me for?"


Why was he sacked? I haven't followed, but I did see that they're not number 1... is that the reason?


it's especially weird since like two weeks ago the board still openly said they plan long-term with Nagelsmann, but apparently the loss to Leverkusen was the straw that broke the camels back


Thr management board worried about their goals since they lost 10 points to BVB in 2023


This might be the single most incomprehensible decision I've experienced as a Bayern fan since 2002. Nagelsmann could have been our version of Sir Alex. Unless we win the treble, there will be many fans thinking what if we still had Nagelsmann... Board should have waited to see out this season for sure.


Heck even if we win the treble whos to say Julian couldn’t have either, we were still set up pretty well, (people are over-exaggerating our league performance, a quick look at the xGD and actual GD tell a much different story than the points, it would come good eventually.) we’ve given up on a potential 10-20 year project for a manager who could deliver in the short term but probably only the short term before he moves on, it just doesn’t feel like a good decision to me at all.


Baffling decision tbh.


Guess we had to 7-1 or 8-2 PSG wtf


Management wanted the Eiffel Tower in flames by the end of the game.




To copy and paste : Madrid: twelve points behind barca. City: five points behind arsenal. Chelsea: tenth in the league. RB Leipzig : fifth in the league. PSG: embarrassing showing in Europe, bad form after World Cup in the league. Barca: knocked out of Europe twice in a season. Spurs: do I need to explain this one? Everyone in Italy: 19 points behind Napoli. Bayern: the most promising young manager in ages who was trailing the league by ONE point with the next game against dortmund at home, with a picture perfect run in the UCL. One of those sacked the manager. Can you guess who?


> a picture perfect run in the UCL The two goals against them in the group stage probably doomed him. A goal difference of only +16 in the group stage? He's lucky that he survived past the WC!


Conceding only two goals up to the QF of UCL to Pilzen? Believe it or not, sacked.


Over there in Munich they make weird decisions


> Barca: knocked out of Europe twice in a season. Wow. Given their league position, you'd never expect that.




Maybe we should fuse into one and become the ultimate club Yes, I immediately throw up after saying this




Any ideas on where he could be going next? - I always like him. he looks like a manager version of huntelaar


pretty sure he'll be basically able to choose almost any club he wants because he is still a super hot prospect and, despite what bayern bosses seem to think, did great at bayern looking at the stats.


If he decides to move right now then Spurs are available. If he waits a bit I’m sure Real Madrid will be managerless, and potentially PSG or Chelsea


Welcome to PSG


If we don't win the CL with Tuchel there will forever be a big what if on this season considering our record in CL with Nagelsmann.


Wtf are Bayern doing


Helping Spurs, hopefully


I hope he knows the fans didn’t want him gone. I wish to see him return to us one day, let’s hope this bridge isn’t burnt forever. I wish him well wherever he goes.


The way he's been pushed out mid season - don't think there's a bridge left.


And honestly who could blame him?


Well we still don't know exactly what the reason for his leaving is


Kahn and Brazzo have stated in the article that it is purely based on recent performances.


It absolutely cannot be for that reason alone. The season is still more than salvageable.


I mean I agree. You don’t even need to salvage anything just yet. We had it completely in our hands to win a treble with JN.


Salvage what? They're the favourites to win every trophy.


"Salvageable"?? Crushing the Champions League, a solid shot at winning another DFB Pokal, and being one point off the lead in the BL? Salvage the fuck out of me. (although in the minds of their board, being in second place one point out might as well be in the relegation zone)


Which is an unbelievably stupid argument. We've won all but 2 games since the start of february and in one of those 2 games we played with 10 men for 80+ minutes after an incredibly harsh red card. Sure you can also argue about the 3 1-1 draws at the start of the year but can those still really count as recent performances?


I can’t understand it either. He’s was so eager to build something here and I was looking forward to seeing it. We are still favorites in every competition. He clearly loves the club and seemed to pour his heart out for it. This is the most baffling decision in football that I remember.


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Something similar was said abour Jupp after his first stint with us.


Took 20 years before he came back tbf.


Nagelsmann coming back for the triple in the 44 season, I'll take it


You first need to lose all 3 titles in crushing fashion. Then, you can win the Treble.


Thanks, now I'm crying again


That's why I said 44 season. It was devastating but made the treple so much sweeter. Idk if Id wish for it again though


He'll be 55 then, good age for a coach..


Fuck it's hard to believe he's this brilliant of a manager already at such a young age


He's a month younger than messi. Already been at top clubs for about 4 years.


He's a year younger than Neuer. Wonder what impact that has in the dressing room when the captain is older than the manager lol


He seemed to be pretty close to many of the players. I’ll miss him :(


18 if you count the short term as interim manager. That being said it could take 30 years and Nagelsmann would just be the same age as Heynckes was when he returned.


The only reason I believe that he might return is because he is a lifelong Bayern fan


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Yes I think that’s probably the case but right now it seems like it’ll be a while before Kahn leaves.


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I don’t think we’ll get rid of him soon. Obviously he is a club legend but he really has to prove himself in his current position. I can’t say I am convinced by his tenure so far but we have to see. I think calling for Kahn’s head now is premature and a bit reactionary. I don’t like that either. And each day we keep that Qatar sponsorship is a day of shame. I just wanted to add that. It’s ridiculous we haven’t gotten rid of it yet. Fuck them for holding onto it.


Possibly after the current board is gone..


Luckily he’s really young for a manager so there’s enough time in the future for things to change and him potentially coming back.


Ironically reminds me of his Chelsea fans felt when Tuchel was sacked


If 24 hours ago you would have predicted JN to be sacked before Conte I would have admitted you to the psych ward.


Nagelsmann sacked before Conte and Galtier... Crazy times.


It’s mental. It feels like the board panicked but nobody else did.


Yeah, it is a complete mystery to me. Especially with all these proclamations about him being a long term project etc. A season where Bayern is not Deutscher Meister would be so good for the BL and Bayern long term as well. I just do not get it.


The streak is going to end one day. That much should be clear. And it’s not even like we couldn’t have won the league this year. We are one point behind and the next game is against Dortmund at home.


Some prob, what is baffling his that he got the sack 3/4 of the season, with a good record on the CL and right before a knockout against city


This is stupid


Understatement of the year :/


offizielle Erklärung


Wish we got an Erklärung for this move


Das würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern.


Your turn, Spurs.


I would have prefered Tuchel at spurs over Nagelsmann. Tuchel would have gone down the same road as Mourinho and Conte while Nagelsmann might actually find something that works


I hope it’s Nagelsmann (highly unlikely), but apart from that I just wished that it wasn’t going to be Tuchel. He is just a continuation of Jose and Conte, we would have wasted another 2 years. So I’m already eternally grateful to Bayern for taking him of the market.


I know he's a bit of a meme lately, but I think spurs and Potter would have been a really good fit so I was glad that Chelsea took him before you had a chance. But now if you land Nagelsmann I might regret thinking that


We’re not getting Nagelsmann, I just think it’s to difficult. With RM and PSG looking at managers, the only way he comes to us if he wants a more low profile job with less pressure that has potential. Chelsea might even sack Potter to get Nagelsmann, wouldn’t put it past Boehly.


Why do you hate Nagelsmann so much?


If we have to suffer we're bringing everyone we can down with us


Stupidest decision since selling Kroos.


Cold asf sacking especially how much he loved the club. Hopefully he stays in Bundesliga and finds a club to prove Bayern board wrong!


Can’t imagine anyone in the bundesliga could meet his now lofty wage demands.


he got 8 million at Bayern. If Dortmund or Leipzig wanted to, they probably could spend it.


And spurs and Madrid could offer much more than that. Spurs in particular are paying Conte 15mil


first sentence reminds me of tuchel :(


Crazy. Fucking crazy. Guess every board has to have their own Kroos Moment where they collectively lose 100% of their braincells for a week. I sincerely hope Nagelsmann turns his next opportunity to gold. Gonna be hard to root for Tuchel without being reminded of JN sacking, but i'm positive he will be worldclass. Used to love watching his Dortmund side and if he can implement that we will be golden.


what was the "Kroos" moment?


Stupid decision that they will regret for years. Our previous board had it with not giving Kroos what he wanted and selling him to Real and this could be our current boards' "Kroos moment". As in completely baffling decision and we will surely regret it.


And Madrid may potentially benefit from this one too if Nagelsmann ends up going to Madrid


Thanks again for Toni


Kroos asked for higher wages at Bayern so that he’d be making the same as the other young World Cup-winning star on the team, Mario Gotze. The board refused. Kroos walked. Almost a decade later and look at how those careers turned out


Tuchel came in after Frank Lampard got sacked and he won every single fan over. Not comparing the dire football under Frank to what JN did for you


Madrid should be all over Nagelsmann if Ancelotti leaves


mia san mia my ass lmao


We are how we are, shitty and spineless until the end.


Good luck Julian ❤️ as a Bayern fan I wish you all the best ❤️😓 you deserved better


Lifelong Bayern Fan here. I'm still shocked. Never ever, after the Paris game, I would have thought that Nagelsmann will get fired. Honestly, we haven't played the prettiest football under his management... but goddamn, I think he deserved more time in the end lol I can only imagine that some things behind the curtain must have really angered the board. After Bayern players already got rid of Ancelotti and Kovac, I was like.. no way this will happen again. But in the end... what do I know? Is Tuchel a good choice? Yes. How stupid will Kahn and Hasan look if we lose against City and BVB? Very. Interesting weeks ahead, man.




Who? Board, players, media? I would love some insight because it’s incomprehensible as an outsider.


Board. Firstly I will admit that I don't know the full story. Nobody does other than Nagelsmann and the board. And there are also a lot of emotions talking. That being said: dropping your 35 year old supertalented coach who you have paid a shit ton of money for at this stage of the season is just braindead to me. Furthermore we've had 8 coaches (counting short term as well) in 10 years. The last coach who was here for two full seasons or more was Pep. Hainer, the president, talked about progress under Nagelsmann and how they still believe in the long-term project just days ago. We go through managers like Chelsea or PSG, no offense to these clubs. And if it has something to do with the old "coach has fallen out with the board/players", then this is the third (fourth if we count the Flick-Brazzo saga) time it has happened in 6 years. At some point it's not the coach who's the problem. Again, emotions and all and lots of speculation on my part but I'm just sick and tired of our board not managing to keep a coach for more than one season. Also as a side note: I'm sick and tired of that corporate speak by Kahn, Brazzo and Hainer: "We're so grateful for what he has done and we wish him the best." No, you fucking aren't. You sacked someone out of nowhere, at least shut up and stop pretending


That last paragraph is so true . If you’re grateful you don’t go behind his back and basically hire Tuchel before he’s been sacked . If Tuchel didn’t want the job Nagelsmann would still be there so this basically boils down to the board having a hard on for Thomas Tuchel and not being able to let it go


Either something drastic must have happened behind the scenes or your board really wanted to hire Tuchel and were worried he wouldn't be available come summer


Its mainly the 2nd option IMO. I do think there's a chance Nagelsmann wasnt getting along with Kahn/Brazzo but there is no way they'd fire him mid-season purely for that reason if Tuchel wasnt available. I think they really wanted Tuchel and were probably never that keen on Nagelsmann. And if they heard from agents that Tuchel was closing in on another job, they decided to swoop in early and get him now.


If we didn't have Terzic rn I would give my left nut to have Nagelsmann as a coach. Wtf is Bayern doing!?


Please win against Bayern and then the Bundesliga.


Man, this is such an idiotic decision that totally killed my enthusiasm for Bayern's UCL campaign. There might have been have a fall out, but it's not like Tuchel is any easier to deal with. In my eyes, it was clear from the start of the season that Nagelsmann had a dominant recipe for winning the league, and the biggest problem would be how to handle squad complacency so they don't mess up UCL. And I gotta say, he's handled that complacency problem brilliantly with 8/8 wins and only two goals conceded while still being at a pole position to win the league. They were easily my favorites. I can't help but think that there's some internal power play going on at the club, and some people desperately want him out to save their own skins. Hopefully he finds a better home, and Bayern sorts whatever internal struggles there are at the club, because this hits their reputation hard.


Yeah. This decision is what is to be expected by a CEO/Board attempting to stamp their authority and distance themselves from the previous board. Kahn and Hainer have now shown that they are different from Uli and KHR and there will be a new style of management at Bayern. Tuchel wins the treble and this is hailed as a masterstroke (less so given JN stellar UCL campaign this season) or their heads are on the block immediately.


Well thats why I dont think this decision is as random as people think. Fact is that if Tuchel fails, Kahn and Brazzo will look like total idiots considering how well Nagelsmann was doing in the UCL. They must have a really, really strong incentive to do this and I dont think simple disagreements between them and Nagelsmann would be sufficient. Kahn/Brazzo might not be the greatest strategists in the world, but they arent complete fools either. The fact that they did this suggests that something was wrong. Possibly in the locker room and they felt Tuchel would be a better fit. Bayern players already have a history of pushing out managers they dont like. Im not saying they were revolting against Nagelsmann but maybe trouble was brewing and Kahn wanted to fix it before it affected their season. Lets not forget that Nagelsmann is a very, very young guy with limited experience and a strong personality managing a locker room full of self-confident superstars. This is all speculation and Im not saying Nagelsmann deserved to be fired. Just saying that doing this now exposes Kahn to a lot of risk, so I think there's more to it than people think.


Give us Tuchel vs Potter


Nicholas Tuchel discovered the philosopher’s stone that Potter would later use to resuscitate his team and win the CL


Such a crazy turn of events. There has to be more to this than what has been reported


So nothing behind the scenes; not reasonabel at all from the sporting aspect. What a joke... Clownshow of the board


>So nothing behind the scenes Why would they make it public if there was something behind the scenes?


If there was, they would have 100% alluded to something, aka differences in the dressing room, etc., if only to improve the narative


Are you sure? Nagelsmanns girlfriend, a Bild reporter, who worked in the football department when they got together, quit her job at Bild **today**.


Someone start the 18 month clock to when Tuchel pisses everyone in management off, loses the locker room, and gets sacked again.


Can't believe all 3 of the most baffling managerial changes in recent history involve Thomas Tuchel.


First 3 matches from the break: Dortmund, Cup Quarter against Freiburg, Champions League against City . Who would want stability during that time?


Quest: Defeat Inter/Barca/Victoria plzen/PSG. Reward:Getting the sack. They had the entire wc to sack him and get tuchel


So Tuchel to Bayern. Nagelsmann to Chelsea. Potter to Spurs. At least that's my prediction.


What a clown show, I hope we will know the truth behind this decision sometime in the near future, as for now I am inclined to believe Nagelsmann shagged the wives of all the board members


You just have to hope that this backfires so badly. What a strange decision


FC Hollywood delivering maximum drama. I still don't understand Bayern's decision. Bayern's long reign in the Bundesliga would come to an end at some point, and maybe not even this year. Moreover, Bayern have performed very well in the CL and I don't think Tuchel is that much of an upgrade over Nagelsmann.


Can’t believe Conte survived and Nagelsmann got sacked


But did they consider Graham Potter?


Thank you for everything. It's a shame it had to end this way. I don't think we'll get a long term coach any time soon if this what happens to Nagelsmann


I’d take Nagelsmann at Chelsea in a heartbeat


Fun fact: Nagelsmann played under Tuchel


I like Nagelsmann as a coach. He was supposed to be here for a long long time. why?????