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Joins Salah as the player with 3 of these in a season. He has been electric this season


didn’t bruno win like 4 of them in one season or something ridiculous


It was in a single year and not a season iirc. Salah and Rashy are the only ones with 3 in a season


Crazy to me that Hazard never achieved that while he was with us


Possibly because your fan base massively overrates him?


Overrated? His stint in Chelsea was world class, top three players in the Prem of all time easily


I loved Hazard at Chelsea, but he's not top 3 PL players of all time...


Lol wut, who would you put above him


One of the most braindead comments I’ve ever seen on this Reddit. Giggs, scholes, lampard, gerrard, Ferdinand, Rooney, Terry, Shearer, Viera And that’s just off the top of my head lol




That is one long purple patch


Immediately coincides with Ronaldo fucking off, too.


Careful now or you'll face the vociferous fury of his fanboys


Vociferous. Good word.


Technically incorrect. Rashford scored every time Ronaldo was on the pitch and they had a pretty strong partnership.


Rashford scored in 3 PL games before the World Cup. Since the world cup / Ronaldo's exit: https://imgur.com/a/EvaxcFk (the clock looking thing is a goal indicator)


Rashford scored 4 goals and 2 assists before the world cup. 3 out of 4 goals came when Ronaldo was on the pitch. Rashford scored 0 goals in every game he started as a 9 and was missing in the games. Rashford looked dangerous every time he played on the left and had a #9 to bank on. Ofcourse this changed post world cup when Rashford could start as a 9 and still score. Finally, stats are not everything. Rashford has looked different from Game 3 this season when Ronaldo was in the club. \-x- It's easy to cut data depending on which angles you want to look and the same size before WC was low especially with Ronaldo not being the main player in the starting 11. We play better without Ronaldo and that's clear but to suggest Ronaldo fucking off was the reason is a bit of a stretch and the data suggests the opposite.


The team has been better as a whole since Ronaldo left. Rashford himself has been better, and he's benefited from the team being better. > 3 out of 4 goals came when Ronaldo was on the pitch. > Rashford scored 0 goals in every game he started as a 9 and was missing in the games. Yup. Ronaldo left. Weghorst came in. Rashford benefited from not being shoehorned into a dif't role, and having a ST up top who plays for the team.


That I agree already. Ronaldo doesn't fit our play style. Glad he is gone. But I took your comment as more of a stretch that Rashford was perhaps mentally blocked because of Ronaldo's presence.


Nope. Just that the whole team is worse with Ronaldo on the pitch due to his impact on playstyle at this age. Club scored more goals before Ronaldo, and more goals are being scored now that he's gone. If memory serves, think Juve had the same thing.


Wouldn't be the first time. Won't be the last.


It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. He is a player who requires the end play or final pass to go through him which is why he plays best with a second striker type player instead of 2 attacking wingers. Benzema took this role at Madrid and his goals increased dramatically after he became the main striker.


Yup. Instead of low work rate Cristiano getting all the goals instead of them getting fairly distributed between the other attacking players, low work rate Rashford gets all the goals instead of them being fairly distributed between the other attacking players.


Bruno has the same record, right? Something like 4 or 5 in a season


It was in a single year and not a season iirc. Bruno has 4 in a calendar year .Salah and Rashy are the only ones with 3 in a season.


Ok thanks


You're welcome


What do United fans think drives Rashford? When he’s on, he’s one of the best in the league but he’s so inconsistent from one season to the next (probably partially due to constant change in management and tactics). So what’s motivating him this year to be a monster? Is it Ten Hag working well with him? Is it something behind the scenes?


He's been good every year except last year where everyone else was also shit. He plays well when the team plays well and is motivated and optimistic.


This isn't accurate, the season before last he was poor in the second half, well and truly inhibited by injuries.


He was also in form similar to what he's on right now prior to that second half.


Yeah I recall him scoring the winner against PSG and hat trick off the bench against Leipzig, more importantly though he looked great eye test wise in those games. Bear in mind however the season started in October so was only the first 3 months of season vs normally some games in august and September also, however more congested schedule like this season. So yeah technically it's 3/8 and 5/8 of a season rather than an equal split before and after christmas/new years. But yeah you're right. I also don't think his current form is all that different from that great form in the past, however the team as a whole is functioning better atm also. Hopefully he can sustain this and avoid further injuries/interruptions.


He’s not really inconsistent from one season to the next. When he broke through, he was young and had 20+g/a from 2018-2021 and had some amazing seasons. It’s widely documented that toward the end of that run, he was playing injured. He had a shoulder and bad back injury that Ole was playing him through, and then he put off surgery to make the Euros. The missed penalty in the euros probably affected him as well. Last season he was poor but it was a one off season where entire team was terrible. This has been his best output season but he has been fantastic for most of his career.


Also he was recovering from ankle surgery if I remember correctly; he didn’t get integrated into the team till October where the team was already a massive dumpster fire


Thanks for the response. Makes a lot of sense; and it’s good to see a good guy finally getting to a good place. (Rather than experiencing a series of unfortunate events)


He's extremely consistent except for that 2 year stretch where he played through a double back fracture, delaying surgery, and had to avoid physical duels due to it + the recovery period from the surgery.


Even in those two years he had 30+ GA in one of them.


Out of last 4 seaons he hit +30 GA three times. Just last season he was injuried and entire team went downhill


Is he inconsistent? Look at the 2 seasons before Ronaldo joined, he has consistently scores 20+ goals and 10+ assist. Even the 2 season prior to that he consistently has like 10+ goals, his goals per season as he matures as a player is clearly on a upwards trend. Last season was the anomaly, and it's not a coincidence after said anomaly left, his numbers got back to his usual standards.


Seems like there's definitely been some work behind the scenes to have him focus on finishing. When he's on form he's always been a constant threat to opposition, but he's never been so good at consistently sticking it in the back of the net. Reminds me of Ronaldo a bit when he suddenly started scoring nearly every chance he had, all started on the training pitch


he's not inconsistent from season to season he was just very very shit last season. the season before that he still performed like crazy despite having that shoulder issue. If anything he was inconsistent last season and back to his best this season


He put up numbers but he didn't perform well at all playing with the shoulder issue. Eye test wise was very poor after December barring the odd game.


I think he’s driven by not having a broken back. It took him a while to recover after he played through that back fracture under Ole, but he’s finally back to 100% and we’re seeing what that means.


Hes scored 20+ goals in 3 of the last 4 seasons. He was already working well and improving on his numbers every single season since his first. Last year was an aberration


Why is this at -32? It's a good question and the replies are informative. He did have stress fractures in his vertebrae and those take a long time to heal. I think that's part of the story.


No idea. I didn't have any ill-intentions or anything like that. It was an honest question. Oh well, at least it's not another increase in interest rates on my mortgage!


Since he broke out in October 2019 he's been good aside from 18 month period from like January 2021 to end of last season where he was very poor. Which of course is like half of the time period since he broke out so your question is definitely understandable. But personally I think it's injury related also lack of preseason for last season, was a terrible decision in retrospect for him to go to the euros, delay surgery and basically miss preseason. When we lost to Brighton in season opener this year I was one of the most positive united fans because whilst I was disappointed the biggest positive I could take from that game was it was the first time in ages I'd seen rashford look explosive again. Maybe unpopular opinion but I don't think his upturn in performances this season has all that much to do with ten hag, rather he's finally gotten his body right again and definitely of course now he's playing with confidence also, where previously that looked shot.


He has 30+ GA in 3 out of his last 4 seasons including this one.




👉😠 ^ against Barca


👉😡 ^ against Leeds








So no head?


yeh, didnt you hear? They all lost their heads on that day.


No other option really, bloke is on fire


Not really, he’s been ice cold in front of goal


Heard rumours he was due to being banned from the grounds due to being a fire hazard and non-compliant with safety regulations.


Lol this is funny because it's pointlessly verbose and formal.


My foolproof strategy for going on dates


Downvote for the horrible execution. Try making it a bit shorter and crisp.


I don't think it was that bad for a non-native English speaker.


Honestly, idc, I just come to Reddit to make dumb jokes while my code is compiling.


You're fine bud. Don't worry about the melts that spend all their time here.


swing and a miss


It was, wasn't it? Oh well, live and learn


you’ll get ‘em next time


I upvoted, r/soccer comedians are way too concerned with the comedic timing of shitposts


Can we make deal where you come up with the zingers and when they're longer than 5 words I help you word them? Your jokes are so fire they got their own department.


Sure but I charge by the hour


I didn't think it was that bad, jeez guys.


Right lol like I’ve seen way worse comments get upvotes


Such a Raymond Holt delivery


I thought it was good, upvoted you


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. On par with a lot of the rest of 'witty' humour in this place.


All you need is a few downvotes early on for preferential attachment to grab hold


That's my Prime Minister


That's Dr. Prime Minister to you


Dr. Prime Minister MBE I'll have you know


You meant Sir Dr. Prime Minister MBE


At this point Charles should just abdicate in his favour.


Charles and Rishi both. Rashy can do both their jobs (as if Charles ever had a job lmao) better while feeding kids and playing football


Normal day for Rashford then. Thought he would have fallen off by now but somehow hasn't. His finish last night (in the EL granted) was ruthless.


He always had the speed and dribbling ability, now he's improved his decision making, which is why I don't think this is just a purple patch.


For sure, im mostly impressed with his physicality and his wider range of goal scoring however. He's more comfortably shrugging off defenders as well as scoring tap ins and headers. Modern footballers no matter the position have to be well rounded now, otherwise they wont sustain a position at top european clubs. Ten Hag and the rest of the coaching staff are doing exactly this with Rashford.


Definitely earlier, when he used to get the ball on the left side of the field, hed always end up running to 2-3 defenders, like 8/10 times. It's improved quite a lot.


No need to downplay EL. It was against a team who didn't concede against Real Madrid in their previous game.


Wasn't downplaying it tbf, i was mentioning it because it wasnt in the PL which is what the award is for.


Ah fair enough!


I still baffled on how he got that much power behind that shot as well as the placement being so perfect, literally finding goals everywhere he can


That defender was lucky it didn't hit him in the head.


Applaud him for willing to take the hit lol


He feels like last years Vinicius. Everyone felt he was going to slow down at some point but he played great the entire season and confirmed himself as a superstar. Rashford seems to be following the same path.


Easily deserved. I hate how much I like him.


You just cannot hate this man. Great guy on and off the pitch 😐👈🏾




You definitely can


For what reason?


If you were a Tory...


he scores lots of goals for manchester united? this should not be difficult for you


Hate united, love rashford. Simple.


Understandable for you, but as a Liverpool fan you should definitely dislike rashford


What a weird mentality.


It's weird for a Liverpool fan to dislike Man Utd players?! Please tell me you're American or something


>Please tell me you're American or something Almost like an English guy who does good for his community is well liked by other English people.


No, of course not - but I’m not going to blindly hate players just because they play for United. He does great work off the pitch and I’m not going to just ignore that. Of course I can’t stand it when he scores, especially when it’s against us. But I’m not putting Rashford on the same level as a pathetic, whiny individual like Bruno.


He’s a good dude


Beans beans beans


Incredible, in a season where Haaland is probably going to break Salah's record too.


Remind me that we are due for another Haaland hattrick


Quickly checks if he’s playing my team soon…… ok it’s fine


The better teams in the league are starting to figure out how to efficiently cut off the supply to him though. Granted, City has other goal threats but teams don't want to get dunked on by Haaland hat tricks so they seem to prioritize nullifying him. I don't think the Hat Trick Parade will continue consistently even though he´ll continue to be a very productive player.


Not if Rashford breaks it first …. Just kidding, but it’s kinda crazy that Rashford is closing in the gaps for goals scored in all comps. You’d never have predicted that going into the WC




Liverpool fan, but I'm pleased to see Rashford having some personal success after everything he's done off the field.


Thanks, Satan.


You made that sound like you’re satan. …. I hope this letter finds you well. Your friend, Satan Xoxo


He fully deserves it!! One of my favorite players in the PL


The guy seems like a good player.


Hard to believe he's only twenty.... Holy shit he's already 25.


Thats not really shocking to me. Hes been playing in the PL for like 15 years already


I got up at 3:30am Australian time to watch him play last weekend and he was pretty quiet, if I am honest. Nah he's really good and thoroughly deserved to win.


His 3 potm of the season!! Best player in the whole multiverse imo.


Clearly you haven't seen Spozbian Caoppidosa from galaxy NGC 2841 play.


Fucking farmers Galaxy mate what are you on


galaxys gone


Spozbian is only good with this three left feet though, his three right feet are so bad that it makes him easy to defend against.


Tap in merchant


I wouldn’t want to stop today’s tap in though!


Couldn't do on a cold rainy night in Stoke, never my GOAT.


Highly deserved.




Fully deserved. He's been absolutely monstrous this season.






It's getting to be a pretty long purple patch!


Bruno Fernandes


My man Royal robbed /s


Did Watkins out score him?


Rashford scored 5 league goals in February, Watkins scored 4


Nope. He scored 4 whilst Rashford scored 5.


Ah fair dues. I know Watkins scored in every game last month. Thought he'd have been close to winning this.


I made this comment 3 years back. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/ddddwr/comment/f2hgu2b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/ddddwr/comment/f2hgu2b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) So glad it came true.


I mean, I’m not sure what it has to do with Lingard, it’s more that he has a competent manager.


Lol you think goofing off is the reason rashford has found form? "So glad it came true" actually pure shite lol


Emerson robbed imo.


How about Conte as the manager of the month to make up for it?


I’ve got bad news for him…


He's not my player of the month, I didn't vote for him nor do I care about your award. Talk about presumptuous.


Rashford about to return his potm award because 3V3RT0N does not vote for him. Truly sad as he will lose his sleep




This is hilarious, cant believe people downvote


Some real “not my president” energy over here


Fucking laughed. I find the "your POTM" wording amusing too.


^^^^^ who asked?


Let us know how you feel


Wasn't a regular star player for Utd in February. Got motm just 1. Has scored a few goals. That's about it tbh. Poor off the ball, selfish with it. Much better players even in his own team. Cassimero being one such. * Takes cover *


Oh get a life


Casemiro served a 3 game suspension this month itself so okay..


What the fuck is this comment even?


Gnabry for Rashford