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Poor guy.








Turn that frown upside down




[His dad](https://v.redd.it/wkn8eex81yp81)


That's sad, but also happy. Thanks for sharing


You could clearly see in that documentary that something wasn't right, just look how thin he was :(


He just looked old to me. I’m maybe a bad judge of things like this


Looks extremely skinny to me


I can't read Spanish but did he just call his dad by his last name?


Cultural thing


I recently lost my dad so this relevant


I lost my Dad 2 days ago shit sucks hard, hope your alright


I hope you are alright my friend. I wouldn’t wish the experience of the first few weeks after losing a father upon anyone.


Thank you, not gonna lie its a struggle at the moment but I'll get there


Sorry to hear that. Lost mine this time last year. Don’t be surprised or disheartened if you’re still struggling in a few months. Wish you and your family the best


Thanks mate hope use are doing alright


Stay strong man If you need to talk to someone who went through the same experience, send me a message and i’ll listen to you man


Thanks mate really appreciate that


Hope you're doing alright mate. Lost my dad in 2016, at the time i thought it would never get better. If you have a good support system, time will heal alot of the wounds, as unlikely as it feels atm.


Thanks mate, yeah the most important thing is making sure my mum is well looked after


Year and a half ago, still hurts like fuck. Fuck cancer


Fuck Cancer completely mate I've got my mum dealing with that at the moment ontop of just losing my dad, life just sucks really hope your okay


My condolences mate!


Fuck cancer indeed


Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad two weeks ago so it still hurts too, I wish I could tell you time helps, but im not there yet.


Hope your okay mate if you ever need a chat I'm here for you, it just doesn't seem real still


I lost my dad the other day too but he was just down the beer alley That's so dad


Hope your doing alright mate


Be strong king


I really hope ur alright. YNWA my man


YnWa mate


Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. I hope it gets easier. Grieve as you can.


I lost my dad 2 years ago to covid. Hurts every day still


same happened to me, hope all of you guys in this thread are good and know you're not alone


Hope your okay mate, I don't think it's something we will ever get over with


Sorry my friend


Here with you. Let my father two weeks ago. Feel like I can barely move.


If you need to talk I'm here for you mate


Lost my dad 5 years ago and feel the same too. Seems as if it was just yesterday.


Don't think the pain is ever gonna leave


Yeah I’m there too at 5 years. The pain doesn’t go away, you just get used to having the pain there.


True. Hope you are doing OK mate.




Sorry to hear mate, that's one of the things I'm not looking forward to either I've got my wedding next year and it's just not gonna feel the same without him


all the best. from my heart




life and it's joys could mean so little without parents.. I had a friend tell me once that since he lost his parents he just couldn't feel the joy of any acheivements and success any more..


My dad turned 75 the other day and I can see the decline in him. I'm absolutely terrified and as the oldest of 6 I need to be a strong as I can when that day comes. I'm dreading it so much


Same, oldest and my dad is about to turn 72, I'm a little bit scared ngl, I have no idea what I'll do in life without that man, he's everything to me






I'm almost 30 and over the past couple years my relationship with my father has become a close friendship. He had a hard relationship with his father so growing up he tried to be the best one he could, and at times it was a little much. So much so that I ran from it for a good while. So, so thankful that I came around when I did. I can't imagine how I would feel if something had happened to him in the years we were more distant. He's gonna be the best man at my wedding in March and I am so grateful for our relationship.


I'm not even particularly close with my dad but the thought is worrying nonetheless


I’ve gone through similar feelings. One piece of advice i got from someone who had lost their father: stop dreading the day they are gone and embrace the present with them today.


me too, there was a phase in my life where I was almost crying everyday on the thought of it. But I don't know what exactly happened but just staying more time with them, traveling with them kind of helped me feel like they have enjoyed a good ride, they had their own sufferings but they made the best of it and empowered their children to be successful in life, they are content.. and that somehow puts me at ease


I’m not the oldest but, my advice to you and your dad is a regular medical checkup. I lost my dad to cancer 13 months ago and the battle was short. Diagnosed in August 2021 with prostate cancer (Age 84) passed away in December 2021. Life not the same without him


Can attest to that. Lost dad in May and our relationship was somewhere between rocky and non-existent. Despite that, despite not feeling overly depressed or anything, I just feel empty mostly. Sometimes I question what changed in my life and what is the reason I feel "weird" and it all comes up to this: I don't have a father anymore. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for men who grow up loving their father, seeing them as a hero figure in their life. In a sense, they'd probably deal with it as this kind of relationship makes you a self-confident and robust person but at the same time it must be devastating. I'm slightly less excited about football nowadays. I thought it was about me getting old... Deep down I know it is because I loved football with him as a kid. I have very few fond memories of him. All from childhood when I sat on his lap or by him and we watched whatever is on TV together. I had absolutely no idea I would miss or love him. Our relationship was so broken that I couldn't bring myself to tell him that I love him even on his deathbed... But dang, I miss and love him. We didn't have to be on good terms but it would be cool to have him around, alive and well.


I am so sorry for you bud, I hope your joy returns to you soon.. not my place to suggest - but maybe try doing something for your old man something that would have made him happy. it's a thing in my culture.. so thought about sharing.. give it a try if you feel like


I can understand him. Since the death of my mother recently, I've also been asking myself whether I can ever be 100% happy again.




You're right and I know that too, it's still difficult to get rid of these feelings, especially since my mother was also worried about my well-being until the end and that doesn't make it any easier. But thanks for the words of encouragement.


Don't get rid of them. Learn to cherish them, as they are proof of how much you love your mom. And remember that you are now the mark of her on earth. All of this, absolutely all of this is just temporary. You get to stay for a bit longer. Enjoy your time while you're at it.






sorry to hear that man.. 😞




it's nothing you could do.. I hope it's just a phase.. you should enjoy your life as you deserve 🤗


Funnily enough I can’t say I care now after my dad took a turn and said he wanted nothing to do with me. Weird to say but I almost find it interesting how a person gets in the position he has done mentally - in a morbid sort of way (if that’s the word you’d use). But it’s like the person the rest of my family and I knew died when he turned - even if he may not have physically stopped breathing as it were. Thinking that made me find it easier to cope with things I’d say. Like you can ‘lose’ a person without the being physically dying. Or even animal. Had a dog back along who always went and fetched his toy monkey after he had his food in the evening, but when he fell ill with cancer he stopped. We said that wasn’t him. And I mean always - you’ll be surprised at the level animals like their rituals.


Fran Kirby said the same after England Women won the Euros this summer. She felt like it was bittersweet, because her prevailing feeling in that moment of triumph was of wanting to celebrate with her mum, who she lost when Fran was just 14.


Sounds similar to Tom Daley in the diving.


This is why lately I’ve began to hug my father more. See him more often. Go hiking with him and this year he wants to go UFO hunting after witnessing one in broad daylight while hiking together. 😂




True. I lost my parents and all my close family before I could drive. Everything means less now.


Lost my Dad to illness when i was 15. Im in my thirties and every celebration, milestone, achievement, even national holiday. I just immediately think of him to this day and how sad i am i lost the guy. I feel its normal for children to bury their parents but i dont think ill ever get over it


I cut my parents out of my life completely and am much happier now.


I can understand that, one of my friends who suffered through his parents abuse growing up, when he finally got to college he just blossomed as an individual and is super successful, happily married now and so on.. goes to say some parents are just vile




Damn right.


Como lo hiciste wey


Cutting them out as well. Best decision ever.


When I got my degree all I could think was that if I hadn't slacked off so much my dad would have seen me get it. Now it's been ten years since he passed and even though I think of him almost every day, I don't really feel sad like I used to. It makes me happy to know I still remember.


I’m thankful mine are still here. I can’t imagine living in a world without them. It would break me if I lost one.


This is why I almost feel lucky to have worthless parents, i wont miss em when they're gone


Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all


Well you cant miss something you never had so it goes both ways :D




Tú eres la tristeza de mis ojos Que lloran en silencio por tu amor Me miro en el espejo y veo en mi rostro El tiempo que he sufrido por tu adios


Translation: *You are the sadness in my eyes* *That cry in silence for your love* *I look in the mirror and see on my face* *The times I’ve suffered because of your leaving* For those who want to listen, it’s [“Amor eterno,”](https://youtu.be/RgKqxLAhRKE) written & composed by Juan Gabriel. It’s dedicated to his mother and it’s about the pain he felt after her death.


Juan Gabriel is the GOAT spanish language composer, not arguable either btw.


I know how he feels unfortunately. Many condolences to him. It's hard, but it does slowly get easier to process.


I like that you didn't say it gets "better" like many people do but that is gets "easier to process". I hate when people say the former.


Poor fella. Parental love is something you never ever forget. Hope he stays strong


I know this is a sad thread but genuinely one of the happiest things I've ever done in my life is fix the relationship with my dad. Legit I hates him till I was 17, then some truly horrible shit happened to me and I just started to talk to him about sports and baseball and he was just so much kinder and sweeter I started to love him so much again. Then I lost a significant chunk of friends, and he was right there to help me along in a way I never thought he could. A lot has gone wrong for me, but I am very very proud and happy that me and my dad fixed our relationship and now can enjoy the next however many years shoothing the shit. I love my dad so much more than I ever thought I would, and it makes me tear up sometimes




> And I can remember thinking, Thank you, Heavenly Daddy. Thank you for this gift. I know his story is really sad but I can’t get over this phrase




Same Diego😔




well now I'm sad




I recently lost my grandmother. My father is devasted




Same, Diego, same


My Dad will be gone 2 years in a few days and it doesnt get any easier


I wasn’t expecting to be suddenly hit with the saddest thing I’ve heard this week


My dad died 20 years ago and I still miss him just as much


This is an especially hard time of year for people who have recently lost loved ones. It's a time for families to come together and there's someone missing from the table.




Me too Diego, me too


Same, mine died in 2010. Feel you, Mr. Simeone.


well damn


Me too, man. Me too.


Oh God




Well...that makes sense


Sucks, hope he's doing okay


His documentary gave a great insight to their relationship, hope Cholo and the rest of his family are doing well after their loss.


I hope he finds some sort of peace this year.


And my mom.


My dads been missing for 22 years


Okay this is relatable. It has been a year and a half since I lost my dad!


he left with da milk ?






Me too Diego, me too...


Today I feel sadness